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Islamic Brotherhood


 During the Battle of Rome between the Romans and the Muslims, three Swahabas lay
terribly wounded on the battlefield. They were Haris (RA), Ayyash (RA) and Ikrima (RA).

 In these battles there were specially appointed people who would take care of the
injured, these people carried the three Swahabas and took them to tents to help them

 Haris (RA) was close to death and desperately wanted a sip of water, he could not speak
so he signaled for some water. A person rushed with water to Haris (RA) and was about
to pour water into his mouth when they heard a voice. Ayyash (RA) had called for water,
Haris (RA) said- “I don’t need water, give it to him”.

 The person rushed to Ayyash (RA) and just when he was about to pour water into him
mouth, they heard another sound. Ikrima (RA) had called for water. Ayyash (RA) said- “I
don’t need water, give it to him”. The same person rushed to Ikrima (RA) and was about
to pour water into his mouth when he passed away. The man ran back to Ayyash (RA)
but he as well passed away by then. Finally, the man ran to Haris (RA) but he also passed
away before receiving water.

 Never in Islam was such a display of Brotherhood shown. Even when he needed it the
most and was lying in his deathbed, Haris (RA) sacrificed what he needed to live for his
fellow brother.

Ikrima ibn Abi Jahl (RA)


 Ikrima (RA) was the son of Abu Jahl and was a disbeliever at first. During the time of
Makkan Fatah (The conquering of Makkah), many people converted to Islam but Ikrima
(RA) refused to do so.

 Ikrima ibn Abi Jahl left Makkah and got onto a ship to leave the place. On the way the
ship was met with a horrible storm, huge waves and tides appeared and the sky turned
black with storm clouds. The captain of the ship along with the crew said that their fate
lay in God’s hands alone and that they should pray. Ikrima (RA) was touched by those
words and thought to himself- “Was this not what the Prophet Muhammed (SAW) told
us, that we should worship one God. That one god was enough to save us all, why do we
need multiple Gods? Like this Ikrima (RA) embraced Islam. He went back to Makkah and
passed away in the Roman war.

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