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✓ "Hi, thank you for calling Instacart Care. My name is _______. To verify your
account, may I please have your full name and phone number?"

✓ "Nice to meet you (Customer's name). Thank you for that information. Tell me, how
can I help you?"



✓ "I am sorry to hear that you had an issue with (mention customer's issue), Let me
help you with that."

✓ "That's not how it should work. I am sorry to hear that you had an issue with
(mention customer's issue). Let me help you out."

✓ "You’re totally right and I do apologize. Rest assured that I'm here to take care of
this for you.


✓ "I understand how disappointing this (mention customer’s issue) must be. I’m going
to do my best to make it right."

✓ "I realize how difficult that (mention customer’s issue) must have been for you."

✓ "I understand that's (mention customer’s issue) really frustrating, I’m a customer too
and I would feel the same. Let me see what I can do to help."


✓ "Is there anything else I can help with?"

✓ "Great! Thank you for calling Instacart Care. You spoke with (your name) and have a
great day (customer's name). Be safe!


Ask for more information:

✓ "Alright, I want to make sure we are on the same page so let me ask you something
(ask as many questions as needed to understand the issue. 2 or 3 should be enough)”.

✓ “I need to ask you one or two things to give you the correct answer, okay?" (ask as
many questions as needed to understand the issue. 2 or 3 should be enough).”

Confirm the request:

✓ "Okay, just to confirm, what you need me to do is (paraphrase customer's request).”

✓ "Alright, I understand but just to confirm, you would like me to (paraphrase

customer’s request). Is that correct?”.


Asking for hold (hold duration must not exceed 2’30’’):

✓ Would you mind if I place you on hold for 2 minutes while I work in your request?"

✓ "Thank you, I will be right back."

Refreshing hold time (2’30’’)

✓ "I'm still working in your request. Would you mind waiting on the line for another 2
minutes, please?

Coming back from hold:

✓ "Alright (customer's name). Thank you for waiting. I have great news for you, I was
able to (paraphrase resolution)."

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