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Jenny Mcadams


Rio de Moinhos is a freguesia ( `` civil parish '' ) in the Lusitanian municipality of Abrantes ,
in the district of Santarém .The universe in 2011 was 1,202 , in an area of 20.03 square
kilometres ( 7.73 sq mi ) .== chronicle == Once called Ribeira dos Moinhos , it got its name
from the number of watermills and windmills that line the stream , along an 8 kilometer
( 5.0 international mile ) fertile river valley that flows to the Tagus River .It is
undecipherable when the parish was established , although it is generally assumed that the
first inhabitant were fisherman .== saving == The region is supported by bodily function
that include Agriculture Department , mercantilism ( charcutaria , foodstuff fund , carpentry
shop , civil construction firms , and automobile franchise ) , serving , and industry
( woodmilling and automobile ) .A factory in Tramagal employs many of the people of Rio
de Janeiro de Moinhos .== polish == There are various affiliation that are tied to social ,
cultural , or economic bodily process in the parish : the Associaçã o de Moradores de
Amoreira , the Associaçã o de Caçadores , the junta de Agricultores , the Centro de Apoio a
Idosos da freguesia de Rio de Moinhos , the Centro Cultural e Desportivo de Amoreira , the
Conferência de Sã o Vicente de Paulo , the Sociedade Filarmó nica de Educaçã o e Beneficência
Riomoinhense ( with a account of two hundred days of Service ) , the Casa do Povo de Rio de
Janeiro de Moinhos , the folk-singing group `` O Moleiros '' ( from the Saame Casa do Povo ) ,
the Comissã o de melhoramentos DA Pucariça and the Associaçã o Juvenil Remoinhos d´Á gua
.The parish is known for Tigeladas , the Broas de mel , the Ferradura cakes , and many of the
case of charcutaria ( such as Chouriço , Morcela , Farinheira , and Moura ) that are typical of
the dinner services .== Education == In full , approximately 85 students haunt the two grade
of public education ( pre-school and staple primary school ) .Pre-school bodily function are
available in Amoreira , Rio de Janeiro de Moinhos , and Pucariça ( receiving approximately
46 children ) ; the remaining are distributed to the principal school .There are four children
's parking area in the community .== Sport == Two organizations are responsible for
organizing athletics in the parish : the Centro de Cultura e Desporto de Amoreira and Casa
do Povo de Rio de Janeiro de Moinhos .The population is supported by two football fields :
the Ringue de Futebol de Salã o and the covered Polidesportivo .== References ==

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