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Day Hybrid Strength Hybrid Metcon Notes

4 RFT:
Monday Front Squat: 12 Alt DB Snatch DB Snatch: (50/35)
HYROX COMPLETE 4 x 8 Building 15/12 Cal Row/Bike DB Thrusters: (50/35 x 2)
12 DB Thrusters
400m Run
Every 4:00 x 5
Tuesday Strict Press: 200m Run Sled Push As Heavy As Possible (AHAP)
HYROX INTERVAL 5x5 50ft Sled Push Each interval should be 80-90% effort, goal is consistency
15 Wall Balls and pacing
Rest in time remaining
Pull Up Strength: For Time:
3 x 5 Strict Weighted Pull Ups 30-25-20-15-10
Wednesday Cal Bike KB Deadlift/Farmer Carry (70/53 x 2)
Or 6 x 50ft Sled Pull- Build to heavy weight, arms only DB Push Press
KB Deadlift
*100m Farmer Carry after each round
Bench Press
Cal Row

Thursday Barbell Row Build weight each round on each strength movement
HYROX STRONG Accessory Work Cal Ski For Quality, not for time

Back Squat
Cal Bike

Build weight each round. Superset but not “For Time”

For Time:
800m Run
50 Wall Balls
Friday 800m Run Add weight to lunges any way (KB/DB/Sandbag/etc)
HYROX ENGINE Movement Review 200ft Burpee Broad Jump (4 lengths)
800m Run
200ft Weighted Lunge (4 lengths)
800m Run
Day Hybrid Strength

Monday Back Squat:

HYROX COMPLETE 5-5-4-4-3-3

Tuesday Sled Push:

HYROX INTERVAL Build to a 1RM Sled Push (50ft)

Wednesday Split Squat:


Friday Movement Review

Hybrid Metcon
For Time: (50/35 x 2)
Front Rack DB Lunge
DB Thruster
*10 Cal Ski after each
Every 5:00 x 5
400m Run
20 Wall Balls
Rest in time remaining
For Time: (50/35)
800-400-200m Run
Alt DB Snatch
Goblet Squat
Goblet Lunge
*50ft Sled Push after each round
10-8-6-4 Building
*10 Cal Bike Sprint after each
Bench Press
10-8-6-4 Building
*10 Cal Row Sprint after each
5 x 15 GHD Sit Up or Med Ball Sit Up
*10 Cal Ski Sprint after each set
For Time:
100 Wall Balls
Every Break 8 Devils Press (50/35)

400m Farmer Carry (70/53 x 2)

Every Break 20 Goblet Squats (1 KB)

1 Mile Run

Modify Lunges as needed

Same weight should be used for Thrusters & Lunges

Focus on the run effort MORE than the Wall balls. Hard, consistent effort.

Should be done with 1 DB, aim for unbroken

Sled Push AHAP
For Quality, not for time

*A break consists of every time the movement stops (cannot

hold wall ball)
Day Hybrid Strength Hybrid Metcon
For Time: (50/35)
1000m Run
Monday 50 Alt DB Snatch
HYROX COMPLETE Split Squat: 1000m Run
4 x 12 Building 50 S/A Devils Press
1000m Run
50 S/A OH Walking lunges
Every 5 Mins x 4
Tuesday Back Squat: 50ft Sled Push
HYROX INTERVAL 3 x 10 Building 200m Sprint
50ft Burpee Broad Jump
Rest in time remaining
4 RFT: (50/35 DBs)
Wednesday Front Squat: 800m Run
HYROX COMPLETE 4 x 6 Building 15 DB Hang Clean & Jerk
200m Farmer Carry
15 DB Front Squat
Accessory Work:
Bench Press (Building)
Push Ups
HYROX STRONG Accessory Work 20-15-10-5
Strict Press (Building)
Strict Pull Up or Barbell Row or Ring Row

Wall Ball
Goblet Squat (53/35)
(Workout of the Week)
100m Farmer Carry
400m Run
Friday 3x
HYROX ENGINE Movement Review 100ft Front Rack KB Lunge
100ft Burpee Broad Jump
100ft Sled Push
100ft Sled Pull
1000m Ski or Row

1 DB to be used throughout
Aim for consistent pacing on runs

Each interval should be a 90% effort

or whatever pace you need to maintain consistency

Use the same DBs for the Farmer Carry that you
use for the C & J and Front Squat
For Quality, not for time

Goal is consistent pacing

Day Hybrid Strength Hybrid Metcon
For Time:
Monday Push Press: Cal Bike
HYROX COMPLETE Build to a heavy set of 5 DB Thruster (50/35 x 2)
Burpee Broad Jump
*100ft Sled Push after each round

For Time:
Tuesday Deadlift: 20-18-16-14-12-10
HYROX COMPLETE 3-4-5-4-3 Building DB Lunge (50/35 x 2)
Push Ups

Every 5:00 x 4
Wednesday Front Squat: 10 Headcutters (70/53)
HYROX INTERVAL Build to a heavy set of 5 10 KBS
400m Run
Rest in time remaining
4 Rounds
500m row
10 Bench Press Building
Thursday 8 Strict Pull ups
HYROX STRONG Accessory Work 2 min rest between rounds

3 Rounds
8/8 BB Reverse lunges
12/12 DB Rows

In Teams of 2:
100 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Friday Movement Review 100 Wall Balls
HYROX ENGINE 800m Farmer Carry
100 Deadlift (185/135)
*Partition any way

Sled Push AHAP

(As Heavy As Possible)

Full ROM on push ups, chest must touch the ground

Push Ups as strict as possible

Focus on consistent intensity

For Quality not for time

Sub Ring Rows for Strict Pull ups- Double Reps
Increase weight on Bench Press each round

Partition any way, you go I go

Day Hybrid Strength Hybrid Metcon
4 RFT:
Monday 3 x 8 Pause Front Squats- Light Weight 400m Run

HYROX COMPLETE *Pause at the bottom of each squat for 3 seconds 10 Burpee Broad Jumps
50ft Sled Push
400m Run
20 DB Push Press (50/35 x 2)
Every 4:00 x 5
Tuesday Strict Press: 400m Run
HYROX INTERVAL Build to a heavy 5 15 Wall Balls
10 Cal Bike
Rest in time remaining

3 RFT:
Wednesday Back Squat: 1000m Run
HYROX COMPLETE 9-6-3 Building 10 Devils Press
20 DB Thruster
30 Wall Balls

Accessory Work:
DB Bench Press
Thursday DB Row (each)
HYROX STRONG Accessory Work Push Up
DB Shoulder Press
DB Curl
*10 Strict Pull Ups after each round
Sub Ring Rows or Inverted Bar Row

For Time:
Partition any way
80 Goblet Lunge
70 Burpees
Friday Movement Review 60 KB SDLHP
40 Goblet Squats
30 DB Clean & Jerk
20 Headcutters
10 Devils Press
E4MOM 15/10 Cals

Sled Push AHAP

90% effort each round, goal is consistency

Devils Press (50/35 x 2)

DB Thruster (50/35 x 2)
Wall Balls (20/14)
For Quality not for time

Partition any way, starting at 0:00, E4MOM stop

where you are and do 15/10 cals.
Pick up where you left off.

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