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History | Graded Assignment | Analyzing Political Cartoons

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Graded Assignment
Analyzing Political Cartoons
Analyze both of the political cartoons in Learn: Analyzing Political Cartoons
(25 points)


“This is a White Man’s Government”

1. When was this cartoon drawn?

This cartoon was drawn in 1868

2. What is the subject of the cartoon?

The subject of this cartoon is that the USA was a government of white people and the black people needed to be

3. What did the cartoonist include in the cartoon?

People Objects Events/Actions Symbolism

Three white people and knife, sticky, Wallet and Three white people The symbolism is that
a black man a hat stepping in a black man black man were treated
that was being lynched like trash
and got robed

4. What do you think was the cartoonist’s purpose in creating this work?

The purpose of the cartoonist was of dununciate the racism in that epoque.

5. Who do you think the intended audience was? Why do you think this?

The audience was to the white people. I think this because they were the most racists of them.

6. What is the tone of this cartoon?

The tone is to show how injustice they were.

7. Based on your observations of this cartoon, what three things can you infer from it?
The USA was a racist country, the black people were treated like trash and the USA was a dominative to the
black people.

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History | Graded Assignment | Analyzing Political Cartoons

(25 points)


“Andrew Johnson Kicking Freedmen’s Bureau”

1. What was your initial reaction to the cartoon?

I got a little confused.

2. When was this cartoon drawn?

This cartoon was drawn in 1866
3. What is the subject of the cartoon?
The subject is about to help formerly enslaved people make the transition to freedom, but was

4. What did the cartoonist include in the cartoon?

People Objects Events/Actions Symbolism

A house One person kicking a show how the country
President house didn't give a damn to the
black people situation

5. What do you think was the cartoonist’s purpose in creating this work?

To show how the country didn't give a damn to the black people situation.

6. Who do you think the intended audience was? Why do you think this?

7. What is the tone of this cartoon?

8. Based on your observations of this cartoon, what three things can you infer from it?

(25 points)


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History | Graded Assignment | Analyzing Political Cartoons

Choose one of the political cartoons you have just analyzed. Based on your analysis of this cartoon, write a
paragraph on its effectiveness. Describe the message of the cartoon, and explain why the cartoon is or is not
effective in conveying its message.


Your Score ___ of 75

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