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You get $100 million.

Every day, you must make eye contact with a random stranger and wink at them while eating a


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P77 years ago )

The "banana" part completely changes the situation

20 ! " # Reply

Dedwerg5 years ago )

I like the Percy Jackson avatar. Best books I’ve ever readed

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Brreezy3 years ago )

Y"all getting paid?

3 ! " # Reply

LOLLoopholes7 years ago )

I would do that for free!

8 ! " # Reply

endellionn2 years ago )

im allergic to bananas

1 ! " # Reply

NotTheProtagonist5 months ago )


0 ! "

Ratee3 years ago )

i hate bananas

1 ! " # Reply

StrudelCutie44273 years ago )

Kinda random downside, but OK

1 ! " # Reply

Zekecraft7 years ago )

Kill all the bananas first, so no downside

5 ! " # Reply

EternalLuiz7 years ago )

i like bananas ._.

4 ! "

Benjamin Fisher10 years ago )

... i'de do it for free.

169 ! " # Reply

Dj-dan10 months ago )

I will faking do it for free

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Jadestone7178 years ago )

If that is all I have to do I will do it. I'll make a youtube channel about
doing it called innapropriate bannana

5 ! " # Reply

AnyaSingh5 years ago )

What if i don't find someone with eating a banana

2 ! " # Reply

SolarTheWeird6 years ago )

So I can do this to someone at school? AWESOME, It"s like seducing a
bunch of people for no reason and being an embarresement so people
will leave me alone!

2 ! " # Reply

Thraxx8 years ago )

LOL that would be so funny

3 ! " # Reply

Rerun248 years ago )

That'd be very difficult to do after while because you'd have to keep on
moving to places to wink at more people.

2 ! " # Reply

ApocalypseGamer6 years ago )

That’s weird

1 ! " # Reply

purple-eyed-demon6 years ago )

I don't like banana. Can it be a pickle

1 ! " # Reply

Jackson Ward10 years ago )

Why do I still go on this website?

47 ! " # Reply

StrudelCutie44273 years ago )

You and me both, bro.

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DerpGuyBUTTON7 years ago )


1 ! " # Reply

Emma Spring10 years ago )

so I'm the 9th doctor?

34 ! " # Reply

Tired_VWORP3 years ago )

So many whovians on this site. Fantastic!

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Bradyn Rushing 8 years ago )

So my everyday life

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Skullies8 years ago )

i always do it at a hot girl! so.. win win?

1 ! " # Reply

AnyaSingh5 years ago )


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BobsMcGee8 years ago )

Yeah this banana tastes good

1 ! " # Reply

tbfh leave8 years ago )

So I just get 100 million dollars

1 ! " # Reply

REBOOTG8 years ago )

Say this: "Got a problem, BIATCH!?"

1 ! " # Reply

Daniel Verweij10 years ago )

Where is the downside?

14 ! " # Reply

TheTwisterOfQuestions3 years ago )


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Alex Rogers10 years ago )

I do this anyway

7 ! " # Reply

AnyaSingh5 years ago )

Oh my god

2 ! "

Alivia Eve Melino-Getz10 years ago )

Eww bananas.

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undertale-frisk7 years ago )


1 ! "

snooflimplast year )
and if i don't?

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idkshouldi6 years ago )

Do it in your dreams

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IDK1018 years ago )

I don't like bananas

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Codingmaster3982 years ago )

Help i think this has an error

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the-precious-cinnamon-roll7 years ago )

that"s hilarious!

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Bonnie g8 years ago )

I already to that for less money

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Tired_VWORP3 years ago )

Sounds fun!

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MakeAmericaGreatAgain7 years ago )

Who would not

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Codingmaster3982 years ago )

Help i think this has an error

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Charlie_7077 years ago )

Already done.

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obamacare779 years ago )

consequence for not winking?

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Kigjag3 years ago )

There"s alot I would do for 100 mil. Slight awkwardness is ok with me

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patrikcath8 years ago )

So, i get bunch of money and I dont have to pay for food? YAY

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Codingmaster3982 years ago )

Help i think this has an error

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Karciama6 years ago )

It"s not like they can watch me do it and it doesn't say i have to do it
several times

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poopingpete8 years ago )

where did that come from?!??

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Alex Lopez10 years ago )

Every day for one week

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Drew7145445 years ago )

I already do

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DanFoxDude8 years ago )

after just say I'm just kidding

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Codingmaster3982 years ago )

Help i think this has an error

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thealphabetaomega6 years ago )

100 dollar million isn't a lot.

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LEBRON JAM8 years ago )

so embarassing

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Codingmaster3982 years ago )

Help i think this has an error

0 ! " # Reply

Shanaynay7 years ago )

I do that anyways

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