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brick by brick= steadily in a step-by step manner,
the creation or destruction of smt. br k ba br k
fairy-tale= enchanted, magical, fabulous fe r te l
rick by brick, six-year-old Alice is building a a magical turret= a small tower on a large building, especially
a castle. t r t
kingdom. Imagining fairy-tale turrets and fire-breathing fire-breathing = able to produce a stream of fire
from the mouth faj
dragons, wicked witches and gallant heroes, she's creating an wicked= evil, unkind, sadistic, cruel, #good w k d
enchanting world. Although she isn't aware of it, this fantasy is gallant= kind, polite, respectful, gracious, #rude,
helping her take her first steps towards her capacity for
enchanting= attractive, pleasant delightful,
creativity and so it will have important repercussions in her interesting, compelling
adult life. take the first step= begin, start new things te k ð
f :st step
repercussion= consequence, effect, impact,
outcome (cuss= shake i.e discussion, concussion)
Minutes later, Alice has abandoned the kingdom in favour of k
playing schools with her younger brother. When she bosses abandon =, leave behind, give up, walk out on #stay
him around as his 'teacher', she's practising how to regulate with. bænd n
her emotions through pretence. Later on, when they tire of this in favour of= preferring to choose someone or
and settle down with a board game, she's learning about the something that you believe is better n fe v r v
need to follow rules and take turns with a partner. boss someone around= give orders, order around,
command, bully #obey b s s mw n ra nd
pretence= pretense, make-believe, imagination,
'Play in all its rich variety is one of the highest achievements of #reality pr tens
the human species,' says Dr David Whitebread from the settle down= to relax, doing a quiet activitiy set
da n
Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge, UK. 'It take turn (take it in turns) = alternate te k t :n

underpins how we develop as intellectual, problem-solving underpin= support, reinforce, strengthen, #weaken
nd pn
adults and is crucial to our success as a highly adaptable intellectual= philosopher, thinker, scholar (lect= read
species.' i.e prelect, lecture) nt lekt l
adaptable= adjustable, easygoing, flexible,
Recognising the importance of play is not new: over two #inflexible dæpt b
millennia ago, the Greek philosopher Plato extolled its millennia (plural) - millennium (singular)= 1000
virtues as a means of developing skills for adult life, and ideas years (millen= thousand each i.e millionaire, millenary)
m len - m len m
about play-based learning have been developing since the extol= praise, admire, exalt, #deprecate l
19th century. virtue= goodness, integrity, morality, #wickedness
(vir= man i.e virtual, virtuality) v
But we live in changing times, and Whitebread is mindful of a
worldwide decline in play, pointing out that over half the mindful of= aware, attentive #unaware #inattentive
ma ndf l v
people in the world now live in cities. 'The opportunities for free point out= indicate, show, reveal, #hide po t
play, which I experienced almost every day of my childhood, scarce= rare, uncommon, limited, in short supply,
are becoming increasingly scarce,' he says. Outdoor play is #plentiful, #abundant ske s
curtailed by perceptions of risk to do with traffic, as well as curtail= restrain, limit, restrict, reduce k l
parents' increased wish to protect their children from being the perception= insight, view, opinion
(per=thoroughly i.e perfection, persistence) p sep
victims of crime, and by the emphasis on 'earlier is better' emphasis= stress, importance, highlighting emf s s
which is leading to greater competition in academic learning
and schools.

International bodies like the United Nations and the European implication= effect, inference, association, knock-
Union have begun to develop policies concerned with on effect (plic= fold i.e complicate, application)
mpl ke
children's right to play, and to consider implications for leisure= free time, entertainment, relaxation le
leisure facilities and educational programmes. But what they facilities= buildings, services, equipment, etc. that
often lack is the evidence to base policies on. are provided for a particular purpose (fac=do, make i.e
'The type of play we are interested in is child-initiated, factory, facilitate) f s l t z
child-initiated play= play in which children choose
spontaneous and unpredictable- but, as soon as you ask a what and how to play and who to play with a ld-
five-year-old "to play", then you as the researcher have n e t d ple
intervened,' explains Dr Sara Baker. 'And we want to know spontaneous= unplanned, natural, impulsive,
what the long-term impact of play is. It's a real challenge.' #planned sp n s
intervene=, , interrupt, get involved become involved
in a situation in order to improve or help it (ven=
Dr Jenny Gibson agrees, pointing out that although some of come i.e invent, advent) nt
the steps in the puzzle of how and why play is important have
been looked at, there is very little data on the impact it has on puzzle= mystery, enigma, riddle, #explanation p z
the child's later life.
Now, thanks to the university's new Centre for Research on
Play in Education, Development and Learning (PEDAL),
Whitebread, Baker, Gibson and a team of researchers hope to
provide evidence on the role played by play in how a child possibility= option, probability, likelihood, prospect
develops. p s b l ti
self-control= self-discipline, willpower, ability to
'A strong possibility is that play supports the early remain calm and not show your emotions even
development of children's self-control,' explains Baker. 'This is though you are feeling angry, excited, etc. self
our ability to develop awareness of our own thinking processes k l
- it influences how effectively we go about undertaking undertake= carry out, embark on, take on,
challenging activities.' #relinquish nd te k

In a study carried out by Baker with toddlers and young pre- toddler= baby, a child who has only recently learnt
to walk t dl
schoolers, she found that children with greater self-control pre-schooler= a child who does not yet go to
solved problems more quickly when exploring an unfamiliar school, or who goes to preschool

set-up requiring scientific reasoning. 'This sort of evidence set-up= arrangement, system, situation,
circumstance set p
makes us think that giving children the chance to play will problem-solver= those who are good at finding
ways of dealing with problems pr bl m s lv (r)
make them more successful problem-solvers in the long run.' (solv=loosen, set free i.e dissolve, solution)

playful= lively, frisky, full of fun, full of life, #subdued

ple f l
facilitate= enable, aid, help, assist, smooth the
If playful experiences do facilitate this aspect of development, progress of, #impede (fac=do, make i.e factory, facility)
f s l te t
say the researchers, it could be extremely significant for self-regulate= self-control, self-discipline, self-will
(regul=rule i.e regular, regulation) self re
educational practices, because the ability to self-regulate has predictor= something that can show what will
happen in the future (dic/dict= proclaim, say i.e
been shown to be a key predictor of academic performance. dictation, verdict) pr d kt
indicator= pointer, display, sign (dic/dict= proclaim,
Gibson adds: 'Playful behaviour is also an important indicator say i.e dictation, verdict) nd ke t
investigate= examine, explore, inspect, check.
of healthy social and emotional development. In my previous (vestig= track i.e vestigial) et
observe= watch, view, monitor, study, #ignore
(serv= save, protect i.e conserve, reserve)
research, I investigated how observing children at play can well-being= comfort, happiness, welfare wel
diagnosis= analysis, discover or identify the exact
give us important clues about their well-being and can even cause of an illness or a problem (gno= know i.e
telegnosis, agnosia) da n ss
neurodevelopmental disorders = a group of
be useful in the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders disorders in which the development of the central
nervous system is disturbed (neur= nerve i.e
neurologic, neural) nj r d v l nt( )l d z
like autism.' autism= a mental condition in which a person finds
it very difficult to communicate or form relationships
with others (aut=self i.e automatic, authentic) z m

Whitebread's recent research has involved developing a play- approach= method, tactic, methodology pr t
based approach to supporting children's writing. 'Many primary
school children find writing difficult, but we showed in a
previous study that a playful stimulus was far more effective stimulus= incentive, motivation, incitement,
encouragement (stimul= rouse i.e stimulate) st mj l s
than an instructional one.'

Children wrote longer and better-structured stories when they

first played with dolls representing
characters in the story. In the latest study, children first created
their story with Lego*, with similar results. 'Many teachers
commented that they had always previously had children
saying they didn't know what to write about. With the Lego
building, however, not a single child said this through the whole
year of the project.'
Whitebread, who directs PEDAL, trained as a primary school backwater= remote place, the middle of nowhere,
backwoods, sticks
teacher in the early 1970s, when, as he describes, 'the
untroubled= peaceful, calm, tranquil, undisturbed #
teaching of young children was largely a quiet backwater, bothered #troubled bd

untroubled by any serious intellectual debate or debate= argument, discuss, dispute d be t

controversy.' Now, the landscape is very different, with hotly controversy= disagreement, discussion, debate,
#agreement (vers=turn i.e convert, adverse) k ntr v
debated topics such as school starting age. landscape= environment, situation, background
lændske p
hotly= fiercely, angrily, strongly, passionately,
#dispassionately h tli
'Somehow the importance of play has been lost in recent
decades. It's regarded as something trivial, or even as trivial=minor, unimportant, insignificant, #crucial
tr v l
something negative that contrasts with "work". Let's not lose
contrast= differ, conflict, be different from
sight of its benefits, and the fundamental contributions it something (contra= against i.e contraception,
makes to human achievements in the arts, sciences and contradict) k
technology. Let's make sure children have a rich diet of play fundamental= basic, essential, central, important
experiences.' (fund = bottom i.e foundation, profound) f nd ment

*Lego: coloured plastic building blocks and other pieces that

can be joined together


H ow Dutch engineer Luud Schimmelpennink helped to

devise urban bike-sharing schemes
devise= invent, create, plan, conceive d va z
scheme= program, plan, system, strategy
(schem = plan i.e schema, schematic)
The original idea for an urban bike-sharing scheme dates back come up with= think of, create, produce k m
to a summer's day in Amsterdam in 1965. Provo, the pwð

organisation that came up with the idea, was a group of Dutch activist= protester, advocate, campaigner
(act= do i.e action, actor, agent) ækt v st
activists who wanted to change society. They believed the perceive= understand, notice, recognize,
scheme, which was known as the Witte Fietsenplan, was an distinguish, become aware of, #ignore
answer to the perceived threats of air pollution and (per=thoroughly i.e perfection, persistence) p
consumerism. In the centre of Amsterdam, they painted a threat = risk, danger, trouble
small number of used bikes white. They also distributed consumerism = the belief that it is good to
leaflets describing the dangers of cars and inviting people to buy and use a lot of goods and services
often used to show disapproval (sum=take i.e
use the white bikes. The bikes were then left unlocked at assume, subsume) k rz m
various locations around the city, to be used by anyone in leaflet = flyer, pamphlet, brochure, booklet,
need of transport. handout (piece of paper advertising) t

Luud Schimmelpennink, a Dutch industrial engineer who still
recall= remember, remind, elicit, bring to
lives and cycles in Amsterdam, was heavily involved in the mind, #forget r k
original scheme. He recalls how the scheme succeeded in

attracting a great deal of attention - particularly when it came a great deal= enormous, a large amount,
to publicising Provo's aims - but struggled to get off the significant, #a little, #a few gre t
struggle= to try very hard to do something
ground. The police were opposed to Provo's initiatives and when it is difficult str
almost as soon as the white bikes were distributed around get off the ground (phrase)= start to be
the city, they removed them. However, for Schimmelpennink successful get f ð gra nd
and for bike-sharing schemes in general, this was just the be opposed to= disagree with, against,
object to (op/ob=against i.e offend, oblique) bi
beginning. 'The first Witte Fietsenplan was just a symbolic p zd
thing,' he says. 'We painted a few bikes white, that was all. initiative= proposal, scheme, idea, project
n tv
Things got more serious when I became a member of the distribute= give out, allocate, spread
Amsterdam city council two years later.' d str
symbolic= figurative, representative,
C. emblematic s lk

Schimmelpennink seized this opportunity to present a more

seize= grab, get hold of, capture, take, #lose
elaborate Witte Fietsen plan to the city council. 'My idea was
that the municipality of Amsterdam would distribute 10,000 elaborate= complicated, complex, detailed,
white bikes over the city, for everyone to use,' he explains. 'I carefully prepared and organized læb re t
municipality= city, borough, town, metropolis
made serious calculations. It turned out that a white bicycle - mju: n s pæl ti
per person, per kilometre - would cost the municipality only turn out= come out, result, become, end up
t :n a t
10% of what it contributed to public transport per person per
unanimously= all together, consistently,
kilometre.' Nevertheless, the council unanimously rejected totally, #partly m sli
the plan. 'They said that the bicycle belongs to the past. They glorious= magnificent, wonderful, superb,
saw a glorious future for the car,' says Schimmelpennink. But #inglorious (glori=glory i.e glorify, vainglory)
he was not in the least discouraged. discourage= demoralized, deter, less
confident #encourage d rd

Schimmelpennink never stopped believing in bike-sharing, and deposit= a sum of money that is paid by
somebody when they rent something and that
in the mid-90s, two Danes asked for his help to set up a
is returned to them if they do not lose or
system in Copenhagen. The result was the world's first large- damage the thing they are renting. (posit= put
scale bike-share programme. It worked on a deposit: 'You i.e position, apposite) d p z t
arouse= stimulate, provoke, awaken, stir up,
dropped a coin in the bike and when you returned it, you got
encourage, inspire ra z
your money back.' After setting up the Danish system, conscious= aware, mindful, deliberate,
Schimmelpennink decided to try his luck again in the #unaware, #unconscious k n s
Netherlands - and this time he succeeded in arousing the prove= show, demonstrate, verify #disprove
interest of the Dutch Ministry of Transport. 'Times had guilder= the standard unit of money used in
changed,' he recalls. 'People had become more the Netherlands before the Euro
environmentally conscious, and the Danish experiment had chip = microchip = a very small piece
of silicon containing a set of electronic parts,
proved that bike-sharing was a real possibility.' A new Witte which is used in computers and
Fietsenplan was launched in 1999 in Amsterdam. However, other machines t p
riding a white bike was no longer free; it cost one guilder per conspicuous = visible, clear, noticeable,
trip and payment was made with a chip card developed by the obvious, #inconspicuous (spic= look i.e aspect,
prospect, respect) k kj s
Dutch bank Postbank. Schimmelpennink designed sturdy= robust, durable, strong, well-made,
conspicuous, sturdy white bikes locked in special racks heavy-duty #weak st
which could be opened with the chip card - the plan started rack= frame, framework, holder ræk
distribute= deliver, spread, spread out.
with 250 bikes, distributed over five stations. d str

Theo Molenaar, who was a system designer for the project, announce= publicize, inform, tell, publish,
#keep secret na ns
worked alongside Schimmelpennink. 'I remember when we
prone to= suffer from, vulnerable to,
were testing the bike racks, he announced that he had
susceptible, liable to, at risk pr n
already designed better ones. But of course, we had to go vandalism=the crime of destroying or
through with the ones we had.' The system, however, was damaging something, especially public
prone to vandalism and theft. 'After every weekend there property (van= empty i.e vain, vanish) vænd l z m
would always be a couple of bikes missing,' Molenaar says. 'I theft= robbery, stealing
really have no idea what people did with them, because they blow= negative impact, set-back, shock,
could instantly be recognised as white bikes.' But the biggest misfortune bl
blow came when Postbank decided to abolish the chip card, abolish= eliminate, stop, end, put an end to,
because it wasn't profitable. 'That chip card was pivotal to #establish b l
the system,' Molenaar says. 'To continue the project we would profitable= money-making, lucrative,
have needed to set up another system, but the business commercial #unprofitable pr f t b
pivotal= key, paramount, crucial, extremely
partner had lost interest.' important, #unimportant, #irrelevant p v t l
Schimmelpennink was disappointed, but- characteristically- characteristically= typically, usually,
not for long. In 2002 he got a call from the French advertising normally #unusually. kær kt r st k i
corporation JC Decaux, who wanted to set up his bike- corporation= firm, business, company,
sharing scheme in Vienna. 'That went really well. After Vienna,
enterprise (corpor= body i.e corpus, corporative)
they set up a system in Lyon. Then in 2007, Paris followed.
k re
That was a decisive moment in the history of bike-sharing.'
decisive= strong-minded, determined,
The huge and unexpected success of the Parisian bike-
resolute, #uncertain d sa s v
sharing programme, which now boasts more than 20,000
bicycles, inspired cities all over the world to set up their own boast= possess, have, pride yourself on, lay
schemes, all modelled on Schimmelpennink's. 'It's wonderful claim to b st
that this happened,' he says. 'But financially I didn't really file for= put in place, put in order, to make an
benefit from it, because I never filed for a patent.' official request for something fa l f
patent= copyright, right, official document
G. pe tnt

In Amsterdam today, 38% of all trips are made by bike and,

along with= together with, accompanied by,
along with Copenhagen, it is regarded as one of the two
in company with, as well as l w ð
most cycle-friendly capitals in the world - but the city never got
regarded as=thought of, view as, seen as,
another Witte Fietsenplan. Molenaar believes this may be
considered as r d d æz
because everybody in Amsterdam already has a bike.
optimistic= hopeful, positive, bright, cheerful,
Schimmelpennink, however, cannot see that this changes
#pessimistic (optim= best i.e optimal, optimum)
Amsterdam's need for a bike-sharing scheme. 'People who
pt m st k
travel on the underground don't carry their bikes around. But stand a chance (idiom)= have a chance of
often they need additional transport to reach their final success stænd t ns
destination.' Although he thinks it is strange that a city like mentality= attitude, approach, outlook,
Amsterdam does not have a successful bike-sharing scheme, mindset (ment= mind i.e reminisce, mental,
he is optimistic about the future. 'In the '60s we didn't stand a memento) ti
chance because people were prepared to give their lives to long for= desire, wish, crave, yearn, want,
keep cars in the city. But that mentality has totally changed. wish for l f
Today everybody longs for outlook = viewpoint, point of view, attitude,
we changed our outlook. position a tl k


A critical ingredient in the success of hotels is developing

hospitality= welcome, friendly, kindness, warmth,
#unfriendliness. (hospit= host i.e hospice, hospital)
h sp tæl ti
critical= crucial, significant, vital, important (crit= judge
i.e criterion, apocrine) kr t k
and maintaining superior performance from their employees. superior= excellent, high-class, top-quality, first-class
(super= above i.e superb, supernova) r
How is that accomplished? What Human Resource
performance= presentation, show, enactment
Management (HRM) practices should organizations invest in p f ns
accomplish= achieve, done, finish. k mpl
to acquire and retain judicious great employees? acquire= obtain, gain, attain, achieve, get hold of
(quir= seek i.e conquer, inquiry) kwa
retain= keep, hold, maintain r te n
Some hotels aim to provide superior working conditions for judicious= wise, sensible #stupid #foolish d s
their employees. The idea originated from workplaces - usually
aim= goal, purpose, target, intention e m
in the non-service sector - that emphasized fun and sector= segment, part, area, zone, field sekt
emphasize= highlight, underline, stress, #understate
enjoyment as part of work-life balance. By contrast, the emf sa z
service sector, and more specifically hotels, has traditionally work-life balance = the ability to give a sensible
amount of time and effort to your work and to your life
not extended these practices to address basic employee outside work w f bæl. ns
needs, such as good working conditions. address= solve, tackle, deal with, handle, cope with

Pfeffer (1994) emphasizes that in order to succeed in a global

business environment, organizations must make investment in
Human Resource Management (HRM) to allow them to possess= own, have, retain, #lack (sess=sit i.e
obsession, reside) p zes
acquire employees who possess better skills and capabilities capability= ability, competence, potential, #inability
than their competitors. This investment will be to their (cap= hold i.e caption, capacious) ke p b l ti

competitive advantage. Despite this recognition of the competitive advantage = an advantage that makes a
company more able to succeed in competing with
others (pet= strive toward i.e appetite, petition) k tv
importance of employee development, the hospitality
recognition= identification, know, awareness (gnit=
know i.e cognition, ignorant) rek n
industry has historically been dominated by hospitality industry= businesses such as hotels,
bars, and restaurants that offer people food, drink, or
a place to sleep h sp tæl ti nd stri
underdeveloped HR practices (Lucas, 2002). dominated by = the most prevalent, the most
common (domin= master i.e domain, predominate)
d m ne t d ba
underdeveloped= immature, weak, infantile
nd d vel pt
practices= does, performs, exercises prækt s z
Lucas also points out that 'the substance of HRM practices
substance= core, essence, central part s bst ns
foster= nurture, raise f st
does not appear to be designed to foster constructive constructive= beneficial, positive, fruitful,
#destructive (struct= build i.e structure, instruct)
k kt v
relations with employees or to represent a managerial represent= stand for, speak for, symbolize,
#misrepresent zent
approach that enables developing and drawing out the full managerial= decision-making, administrative,
organizational mæn d r l
enable= allow, permit, aid, assist. make possible,
potential of people, even though employees may be broadly #prevent ne b
draw out= to mention, explain, elaborate dr a t
potential= capacity, ability, aptitude (pot= power i.e
satisfied with many aspects of their work' (Lucas, 2002). In despot, potentate) p ten
broadly = largely, roughly, mostly br
aspect= feature, trait, quality (spect= look i.e prospect,
addition, or maybe as a result, high employee turnover has speculate) æspekt
employee turnover= the rate at which employees
leave a company and are replaced by new employees
been a recurring problem throughout the hospitality industry. emplo t v
recurring= regular, frequent, repeated r k
cite = mentioned, refer to, quoted (cit= call i.e solicit,
excite) sa t
Among the many cited reasons are low compensation,
compensation= reward, benefit, payment
inadequate= deficient, unsatisfactory, too little, not
inadequate benefits, poor working conditions and
enough, #sufficient (equ= equal i.e equity, equivalence)
kw t
compromised= worsen, make worse, poor, low
compromised employee morale and attitudes (Maroudas et k mpr ma zd
morale= spirit, enthusiasm m r
al., 2008).

Ng and Sorensen (2008) demonstrated that when managers demonstrate= show, exhibit, reveal, explain
dem nstre t
provide recognition to employees, motivate employees to recognition= gratitude, appreciation,
acknowledgement, respect, #blame (gnit= know i.e
work together, and remove obstacles preventing effective cognition, ignorant) rek n
performance, employees feel more obligated to stay with the motivate= inspire, provoke, encourage (mot= move i.e
mobile, promote) m t ve t
company. This was succinctly summarized by Michel et al. obstacle= difficulty, problem, barrier bst k
obligated= grateful, appreciative, thankful bl e t d
(2013): '[P]roviding support to employees gives them the succinctly= briefly, in short, concisely s
summarize= review, sum up, recap (sum= sum i.e
confidence to perform their jobs better and the motivation to
consummate, summation) s m ra z

stay with the organization.' Hospitality organizations can enhance= improve, increase, develop
retention= keeping, holding, retaining, preservation
therefore enhance employee motivation and retention (tent= hold i.e content, abstain, contain) r ten
inherently= integrally, fundamentally, essentially,
through the development and improvement of their working naturally, intrinsically, #superficially (here= stick i.e
inhere, adhesive) r ntli
conditions. These conditions are inherently linked to the
working environment.

While it seems likely that employees' reactions to their job reaction= response, reply, feedback (act= do i.e action,
characteristics could be affected by a predisposition to view actor, agent) r æk
characteristic= trait, quality, personality kær kt r st k
their work environment negatively, no evidence exists to
predisposition= tendency, predilection, disposition,
support this hypothesis (Spector et al., 2000). However, given bias (posit= put i.e position, apposite) sp z
hypothesis= theory, suggestion, assumption
the opportunity, many people will find something to complain
(the= put i.e synthesis, anathematic) ha p ss
about in relation to their workplace (Poulston, 2009). There is opportunity= chance, prospect, occasion p ti
in relation to = related to, concerning, with regard to
a strong link between the perceptions of employees and n r le
particular factors of their work environment that are separate perception= insight, awareness, view, opinion,
recognition (per=thoroughly i.e perfection, persistence)
from the work itself, including company policies, salary and p sep
vacations. separate= split, divide, disconnect sepr t

Such conditions are particularly troubling for the luxury hotel

market, where high-quality service, requiring a sophisticated troubling = worrying, concerning, disturbing,
approach to HRM, is recognized as a critical source of #soothing tr b
competitive advantage (Maroudas et al., 2008). In a real sophisticated= complex, complicated, advanced
(soph= wise i.e philosophy, sophism) s f st ke t d
sense, the services of hotel employees represent their in a real sense = sth is partly true, or true in one way,
industry (Schneider and Bowen, 1993). This representation in one aspect (sens= feel i.e sensory, consent) n r l
has commonly been limited to guest experiences. This sens
suggests that there has been a dichotomy between the guest dichotomy= contrast, opposition, contradiction (tom=
environment provided in luxury hotels and the wsorking cut i.e anatomy, polytomy) da k t mi
conditions of their employees.

It is therefore essential for hotel management to develop HRM enable= allow, make possible, permit ne b
practices that enable them to inspire and retain competent retain = keep, hold, maintain r te n
employees. This requires an understanding of what motivates competent= experienced, knowledgeable, skilled
employees at different levels of management and different k mp t nt
stages of their careers (Enz and Siguaw, 2000). This implies imply= indicate, mean, suggest
that it is beneficial for hotel managers to understand what employee retention= the ability of a company to keep
practices are most favorable to increase employee its employees and stop them from going to work
satisfaction and retention. somewhere else emplo ten

Herzberg (1966) proposes that people have two major types of

needs, the first being extrinsic motivation factors relating to extrinsic= external, outside, outer ns k
context = situation, environment, circumstance (text=
the context in which work is performed, rather than the work
weave i.e textile, pretext) k ntekst
itself. These include working conditions and job security.
job security = a job with a high level of security is
When these factors are unfavorable, job dissatisfaction may
such that a person with the job would have a small
result. Significantly, though, just fulfilling these needs does not
chance of losing it. d b s kj r ti
result in satisfaction, but only in the reduction of dissatisfaction
(Maroudas et al., 2008).

Employees also have intrinsic motivation needs or intrinsic= inside, inherent, innate, inner, #extrinsic
motivators, which include such factors as achievement and ns k

recognition. Unlike extrinsic factors, motivator factors may
ideally result in job satisfaction (Maroudas et al., 2008).
Herzberg's (1966) theory discusses the need for a 'balance' of
these two types of needs.

The impact of fun as a motivating factor at work has also been

explored. For example, Tews, Michel and Stafford (2013) conduct= do, perform, accomplish, carry out k kt
conducted a study focusing on staff from a chain of themed a chain of = a set of connected or related things
ten v
restaurants in the United States. It was found that fun themed restaurant = A themed restaurant is a type of
activities had a favorable impact on performance and manager restaurant that uses theming to attract diners by
creating a memorable experience. ð nt
support for fun had a favorable impact in reducing turnover. turnover= the rate at which people leave
Their findings support the view that fun may indeed have a an organization and are replaced by others t v
framing = bordering, enclosing, surrounding, set up, #
beneficial effect, but the framing of that fun must be carefully insetting fre m
aligned with both organizational goals and employee aligned = associated, support, side with, line up with
la nd
characteristics. 'Managers must learn how to achieve the delicate= fragile, weak, slight, elegant del k t
delicate balance of allowing employees the freedom to enjoy simultaneously= at the same time, concurrently,
instantaneously, at once (simul= imitating i.e similar,
themselves at work while simultaneously maintaining high assimilate) s n sli
adopt= accept, implement, embrace (opt=choose i.e
levels of performance' (Tews et al., 2013). option, optative) d pt
Deery (2008) has recommended several actions that can be assist= support, help, aid (sist= cause to stand i.e
consist, exist, insist) s st
adopted at the organizational level to retain good staff as well
appropriate= suitable, fitting, apt, proper (propri=
as assist in balancing work and family life. Those particularly property i.e proper, propriety) pr pri t
appropriate to the hospitality industry include allowing adequate = enough, sufficient, #inadequate,
#insufficient (equ= equal i.e equity, equivalence) æd kw t
adequate breaks during the working day, staff functions that
well-being = happiness, comfort, welfare, safety wel
involve families, and providing health and well-being


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