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Khp 9: 慈經 Karaniya Metta Sutta — Good Will

This is to be done by one skilled in aims 義巧之人現觀行

who wants to break through to the state of peace:彼涅槃之寂靜句
Be capable, upright, & straightforward,有能耿直且端正
easy to instruct, gentle, & not conceited,善語柔和無過慢
content & easy to support,心中知足且易養
with few duties, living lightly,生活簡素無雜行
with peaceful faculties, masterful,諸根寂靜且聰明
modest, & no greed for supporters.不諂檀越無隨貪

Do not do the slightest thing 雖受諸識者非難

that the wise would later censure.不行一切雜穢行

Think: Happy, at rest,但修慈悲安樂法

may all beings be happy at heart.與眾生幸福安穩
Whatever beings there may be,任何生物及生類
weak or strong, without exception, 怖動者與定立者
long, large, 任何長身大身者
middling, short, 中身者與短軀者
subtle, blatant, 微細者與粗大者
seen & unseen, 目見者與不見者
near & far, 住遠者與不遠者
born & seeking birth: 已生者與住胎者
May all beings be happy at heart. 利樂此等諸有情

Let no one deceive another 彼此互相勿欺瞞

or despise anyone anywhere, 任何處人勿輕賤
or through anger or resistance 勿作惱害瞋恚想
wish for another to suffer. 不欲使人受苦辛

As a mother would risk her life 恰似母有獨生子

to protect her child, her only child, 甘為守護捨身命
even so should one cultivate a limitless heart 修習無量大慈意
with regard to all beings. 一切生類如斯對
With good will for the entire cosmos, 善待世間諸眾生
cultivate a limitless heart: 無量慈意應習生
Above, below, & all around, 上下縱橫無障礙
unobstructed, without hostility or hate. 既無怨恨亦無敵
Whether standing, walking,
sitting, or lying down, 行住坐臥如實知
as long as one is alert,
one should be resolved on this mindfulness. 住立慈祥正念中
This is called a sublime abiding
here & now. 遠離睡眠獅子臥 佛教名謂慈梵住

Not taken with views,

but virtuous & consummate in vision,具足戒律成正見 不從惡見隨煩惱
having subdued desire for sensual pleasures, 調伏諸欲莫貪求
one never again will lie in the womb. 從此不再入母胎

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