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sess, I 3 ing your answers, compulsorily draw diagonal cross ines onthe raining blank 2. Any revealing of identification, appeal o evaluator ad or equations writen oe, Important Note: 1. On competi 1SME73 GHGS Sensi Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2018/Jan.2019 Control Engineering usN LU ‘Time: 3 hrs. ‘Maxx; Marks: 80 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from ech module. 1 4 Define control system. Explain open and closed loop control sysiem with examples. \ (08 Marks) With block diagram, explain: i) Proportional controller ii) Integral controller 6 iii) Proportional plus differential controller. (08 Marks) oR 2° & List the advantages and disadvantages of open loop and closed loop control system, (08 Marks) b. Explain requirements of automatic control system. (08 Marks) ju 3 4 Obtain differential equation and hence get transfer function for mechanical system shown in Fig.Q.3(a). \ (08 Marks) Lose e , Qi ta; k & Mle Vee Tle q tag, FigQse@ Fig 3b) >. Obtain transfer function of liquid level control system shown in Fig.Q.3(6). (68 Marka) oR ‘44 Obtain the overall transfer function forthe block diagram shown in Fig.Q.4(a). (08 Marks 30} a oO a m0 a % Sti |S+of [s+], Se3 S- Summing Pein Fig.Q.4(a) 1of2 0 15ME73 b. Find the transfer function for the signal flow graph shown in Fig.Q.4(b) by using Mason’s ain formula. (08 Marks) a 5) = S Fig.Q4(b) Module-3 A unity feed back system has G(s)=—2%842)__ pGermine: i) Type of system . : 3G+INs+4) ee ows ji) All error coefficients iti) Error for ramp input with magnitude 4, (08 Marks) b. The time response of a second order system for unit step input is c(t) = 1 + 0.2e" — 1.26 Determine: i) Closed loop transfer function ii) Undamped natural frequency and damping ratio, (08 Marks) OR Sketch the root locus for the system with K@+4) G(s)H(s)=_KE*4) — (16 Marks (OH) = 52542) 2 ¢ : ~ > Module-4 Draw the Bode plot fora system having 100 G(s)H(s) = —100__ HO = NSD Find: i) Gain margin ~) ii) Phase margin iii) Gain crossover frequency iv) Phase cross over frequency (16 Marks) OR a. Draw the polar plot and ascertain the nature of stability for OLTF. G()HG) 12 (0 Marks) (+ IKs+2K8+3) b. Forasystem with open loop T.P. G(s)H(s) - Comment on stability of the 1 s(1+2s\(1+8) C- system by Nyquist plot. Also find gain margin in dB. (08 Marks) Modute-5 a Explain series and feed back compensation with block diagrams. (08 Marks) b. Write note on gain and phase cross over frequency gain and phase margin in polar plot. (08 Marks) oR a. Define the terms: i) State ii) State variables iii) State vector iv) State space. (08 Marks) b. Determine the state controllability and observability of the system described by 311) ol 001 ofa ee Je sf ° ee oor 21 2of2 Approve Visvesvaraya Technological University ~ : 7 iy (Ov M-AKowney i } | ee AMIN Belagavi, Karnataka - 590 018 Page| 4, lo IBME43 Scheme & Solution beeen, publectTitle: Conbro/ Engg . Subject Code: / mE }3 [Seber = slut VOD) Tn a Syetem when matput Guomtity is Contrelted by Varying input quantity . The Sytem if catled Contr Py Hem, epenloop Crutrd fy em’: System whith does rar automeahtaly Correct the vaniahon in TH owt@uk “System [—> 2/P lo *\ eteint| outtuk Cou be varied by Varying Lurut $y, Teprrotre Cobre! 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