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METTĀ BHĀVANĀ 修习慈心 Cultivation of Loving-Kindness

AHAṀ AVERO HOMI 愿我没有瞋恨(没有怨敌)may I be free from enmity/danger

ABYĀPAJJO HOMI 愿我心里没有痛苦 may I be free from mental sufferings

ANĪGHO HOMI 愿我身体没有病痛 may I be free from physical sufferings

SUKHĪ ATTĀNAṀPARIHARĀMI 愿我生活安乐 may I take care of myself happily


MAMA MĀTĀPITU 愿我的父母 may my parents

ĀCARIYĀ CA 导师 teachers

ÑĀTIMITTĀ CA 亲友 relatives

SABRAHMACĀRINO CA 共修者 fellow dhammafarers (dhamma friends)

AVERĀ HONTU 愿他们没有瞋恨(没有怨敌)be free from enmity

ABYĀPAJJĀ HONTU 愿他们心里没有痛苦 be free from mental sufferings

ANĪGHĀ HONTU 愿他们身体没有病痛 be free from physical sufferings

SUKHĪ ATTĀNAṀ PARIHARANTU 愿他们生活安乐 may they take care of themselves


IMASMIṀ ĀRĀME 在这院内 in this compound

SABBE YOGINO 所有梵行者 may all yogis

AVERĀ HONTU 愿他们没有瞋恨(没有怨敌)be free from enmity

ABYĀPAJJĀ HONTU 愿他们心里没有痛苦 be free from mental sufferings

ANĪGHĀ HONTU 愿他们身体没有病痛 be free from physical sufferings

SUKHĪ ATTĀNAṀ PARIHARANTU 愿他们生活安乐 may they take care of themselves


IMASMIṀ ĀRĀME 在这院内 in this compound

SABBE BHIKKHU 所有的比丘 may all monks

SAMANERĀ CA 沙弥 noive monks

UPĀSAKĀ UPĀSIKAYO CA 优婆塞优婆夷 laymen and laywomen disciples

AVERĀ HONTU 愿他们没有瞋恨(没有怨敌)be free from enmity

ABYĀPAJJĀ HONTU 愿他们心里没有痛苦 be free from mental sufferings

ANĪGHĀ HONTU 愿他们身体没有病痛 be free from physical sufferings

SUKHĪ ATTĀNAṀ PARIHARANTU 愿他们生活安乐 may they take care of themselves


AMHĀKAṀ CATUPACCAYADĀYAKĀ 所有四资具布施者 may our four-requisite donors

(robes, food, medicine & lodging)

AVERĀ HONTU 愿他们没有瞋恨(没有怨敌)be free from enmity

ABYĀPAJJĀ HONTU 愿他们心里没有痛苦 be free from mental sufferings

ANĪGHĀ HONTU 愿他们身体没有病痛 be free from physical sufferings

SUKHĪ ATTĀNAṀ PARIHARANTU 愿他们生活安乐 may they take care of themselves


AMHĀKAṀ ĀRAKKHA DEVATĀ 所有的护法神 may our guardian deities (devas)

IMASMIṀ VIHĀRE 在这寺院 within this temple

IMASMIṀ ĀVĀSE 在这住处 within this place

IMASMIṀ ĀRĀME 在这区内 within this compound

ĀRAKKHA DEVATĀ 所有的护法神 our guardian deities (devas)

AVERĀ HONTU 愿他们没有瞋恨(没有怨敌)be free from enmity

ABYĀPAJJĀ HONTU 愿他们心里没有痛苦 be free from mental sufferings

ANĪGHĀ HONTU 愿他们身体没有病痛 be free from physical sufferings

SUKHĪ ATTĀNAṀ PARIHARANTU 愿他们生活安乐 may they take care of themselves

SABBE SATTĀ SABBE PĀṆĀ 一切有情众生 一切息生 all beings, all beings that can breathe

SABBE BHŪTA SABBE PUGGALĀ 一切业生 一切别生 all beings that are visible, all

SABBE ATTABHĀVA PARIYĀPANNĀ 一切自生 all included in personality

SABBĀ ITTHIYO SABBE PURISĀ 一切女众 一切男众 all females, all males

SABBE ARIYĀ SABBE ANARIYĀ 一切圣者 一切凡夫 all noble ones, all wordlings

SABBE DEVĀ SABBE MANUSSĀ 一切天人 一切人类 all deities, all humans

SABBE VINIPĀTIKĀ 一切苦界众生 all beings from the planes of sufferings

AVERĀ HONTU 愿他们没有瞋恨(没有怨敌)be free from enmity

ABYĀPAJJĀ HONTU 愿他们心里没有痛苦 be free from mental sufferings

ANĪGHĀ HONTU 愿他们身体没有病痛 be free from physical sufferings

SUKHĪ ATTĀNAṀ PARIHARANTU 愿他们生活安乐 may they take care of themselves


DUKKHĀ MUCCANTU 愿他们解脱一切身心的痛苦 be free from present sufferings

YATHĀ LADDHA SAṀPATTITO 所得不失(不失去所获得的利益)may the properties

already acquired by rightful means not be lost or diminish

MĀVIGACCHANTU KAMMASSAKĀ 与业共生(他们是自己业的所有者)all beings are

owners of their kamma

PURATTHIMĀYA DISĀYA 东方 in the eastern direction

PACCHIMĀYA DISĀYA 西方 in the western direction

UTTARĀYA DISĀYA 北方 in the northern direction

DAKKHIṆĀYA DISĀYA 南方 in the southern direction

PURATTHIMĀYA ANUDISĀYA 东南方 in the south-east direction

PACCHIMĀYA ANUDISĀYA 西北方 in the north-west direction

UTTARĀYA ANUDISĀYA 东北方 in the north-east direction

DAKKHIṆĀYA ANUDISĀYA 西南方 in the south-west direction

HEṬṬHIMĀYA DISĀYA 下方 in the direction below

UPARIMĀYA DISĀYA 上方 in the direction above

SABBE SATTĀ SABBE PĀṆĀ 一切有情众生 一切息生 all beings, all beings that can breathe

SABBE BHŪTA SABBE PUGGALĀ 一切业生 一切别生 all beings that are visible, all

SABBE ATTABHĀVA PARIYĀPANNĀ 一切自生 all included in personality

SABBĀ ITTHIYO SABBE PURISĀ 一切女众 一切男众 all females, all males

SABBE ARIYĀ SABBE ANARIYĀ 一切圣者 一切凡夫 all noble ones, all wordlings

SABBE DEVĀ SABBE MANUSSĀ 一切天人 一切人类 all deities, all humans

SABBE VINIPĀTIKĀ 一切苦界众生 all beings from the planes of sufferings

AVERĀ HONTU 愿他们没有瞋恨(没有怨敌)be free from enmity

ABYĀPAJJĀ HONTU 愿他们心里没有痛苦 be free from mental sufferings

ANĪGHĀ HONTU 愿他们身体没有病痛 be free from physical sufferings

SUKHĪ ATTĀNAṀ PARIHARANTU 愿他们生活安乐 may they take care of themselves


DUKKHĀ MUCCANTU 愿他们解脱一切身心的痛苦 be free from present sufferings

YATHĀ LADDHA SAṀPATTITO 所得不失(不失去所获得的利益)may the properties

already acquired by rightful means not be lost or diminish

MĀVIGACCHANTU KAMMASSAKĀ 与业共生(他们是自己业的所有者)all beings are

owners of their kamma

UDDHAṀ YĀVA BHAVAGGĀ CA 由最高的圣者 as far as the highest plane of existence

ADHO YĀVA AVĪCITTO 到最底的苦界 as far down as the lowest plane (Avici hell)

SAMANTĀ CAKKAVĀḶESU 遍宇宙 from every side in the universes

YE SATTĀ PATHAVĪCARĀ 所有陆地的众生 whatsoever beings that move on earth

ABYĀPPAJJĀ NIVERĀ CA 愿他们没有瞋恨、痛苦 be free from mental suffering and enmity

NIDDUKKHĀ CA NUPPADDAVĀ 愿他们没有身体的病痛及危险 be free from physical

suffering and danger

UDDHAṀ YĀVA BHAVAGGĀ CA 由最高的圣者 as far as the highest plane of existence

ADHO YĀVA AVĪCITTO 到最底的苦界 as far down as the lowest plane (Avici hell)

SAMANTĀ CAKKAVĀḶESU 遍宇宙 from every side in the universes

YE SATTĀ UDAKECARĀ 所有水中的众生 whatsoever beings that move in the water

ABYĀPPAJJĀ NIVERĀ CA 愿他们没有瞋恨、痛苦 be free from mental suffering and enmity

NIDDUKKHĀ CA NUPPADDAVĀ 愿他们没有身体的病痛及危险 be free from physical

suffering and danger

UDDHAṀ YĀVA BHAVAGGĀ CA 由最高的圣者 as far as the highest plane of existence

ADHO YĀVA AVĪCITTO 到最底的苦界 as far down as the lowest plane (Avici hell)

SAMANTĀ CAKKAVĀḶESU 遍宇宙 from every side in the universes

YE SATTĀ ĀKĀSECARĀ 所有空中的众生 whatsoever beings that move in the air

ABYĀPPAJJĀ NIVERĀ CA 愿他们没有瞋恨、痛苦 be free from mental suffering and enmity

NIDDUKKHĀ CA NUPPADDAVĀ 愿他们没有身体的病痛及危险 be free from physical

suffering and danger


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