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The Creel News

A day ago at a gas station named Astron, located just outside of the town of
Creel, a car was taken.
The victim is quoted as
saying, “I left for just a
moment. As I was
grabbing a drink, I saw
what was happening. I
obviously ran out and
started yelling, and the
cashier was telling me I
had to come back inside
to pay for my drink or
he would call the
police!” Astron has said that they are looking into the conduct of the reported
cashier that was working on that day. Multiple people witnessed this theft, but
nobody could provide a description of the people who stole it. The car was last
seen heading North. Law enforcement has not been available to make any
statement. The batista family has set up another road block. The official statement
said that the roadblock was set up to try and catch the people who stole the car, but
it was set up two days before the incident.
Tensions at the border of Mexico and the United States have increased as the
Batista family extended its border. Threats have been reported to be coming in
from the United States. This has made people scared of an invasion, but there has
been no action done yet.
Down by the border of Brazil, law enforcement has seized three tons of
drugs such as cocaine, and heroin, coming across the Mexico-Brazil border. Many
people are satisfied with the actions that the government is taking against the drug
trade. The chief of police is quoted saying this during the press conference, “ The
amount of drugs that were being trafficked before was exponential. It affected
people all across Mexico. With the help from the Batista’s and the government, we
have slowed down the drug trade. We encourage our youth to help us by enlisting
into service, and stopping the drug trade one and for all.”
These claims have come under scrutiny as the poorer parts of Mexico have
seemingly had an increase in drugs
within the neighborhood. This has
led the people to question whether or
not the police are really doing
anything to the drug trade problem
from within Mexico.
In other news, the terrorists
have bombed another government
building, this time killing forty
government employees. This has led
to heightened security in all the areas that have any evidence of terrorist activity.
The Mexican people are fearful that there will be a bombing in a civilian building
next time. The government has yet to release an official report on the bombing,
claiming that they are still collecting evidence of the bombing.
A local animal shelter has sold some of its dogs to the government, to begin
training. The government claims that they are going to be sniffing for bombs, to
make sure that another devastating bombing campaign can’t injure that many
people. These animals have been taken to a secure training camp, where the
government is using captured bombs to train them to sniff them out. They have yet
to release any information concerning the bombs, what they are made out of, or
how they are being made. The terrorists themselves have also yet to release any
reason for the bombings, or the execution style killings that were done a month
The politicians that were behind an alleged coup in the government have
been arrested, and have been found officially guilty of insurrection, and sentenced
to death. Their execution is set for May 7. The way they will be executed has been
deemed to be a firing squad. It will happen at the public safety building, and will
be public, which has not been done for one-hundred and seventy years.

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