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1. a. The theme of the story is that some roles, which appear playful or trivial, involve significant risk
and responsibility.

b. This is evident in the story when it describes the dangerous work of rodeo clowns, who protect
riders by distracting bulls, demonstrating that their role is not just about entertaining but involves
serious and risky efforts to ensure safety.

c. The main idea can be summarized in one word: "Sacrifice."

2. a. The theme of the story is the uniqueness and adaptability of the hummingbird, highlighting the
marvels of nature.

b. This is supported by the detailed explanation of the hummingbird's distinct flying capabilities,
such as hovering, flying backward, and achieving high speeds instantly, which distinguish them from
other birds.

d. The main idea can be summarized in one word: "Uniqueness."

3. a. The theme of the story is that survival strategies in the animal kingdom can lead to conflict and
require boldness and aggression, especially in the case of the wolverine.

b. The theme is reflected in the wolverine's aggressive hunting style, where it steals from other
predators, leading to frequent conflicts with larger animals.

e. The main idea can be summarized in one word: "Aggression."


1. The paper was clear, pertinent, and well-written. = 5

2. Harry and Donna's honeymoon was just as frantic as their wedding. = 4

3. She won the race easily; in fact, she set a state record. – 4

4. I am recalling his story, I believe, as accurately as I can. -

5. The last year of the twentieth century is 2000, not '99.

6. I expected a package this morning; however, I waited all day for it to arrive.

7. Rainy days aren't all that bad; they provide the water crucial for all life.

8. She witnessed a crime on her street; she promptly locked her doors.

9. We traveled to Rome, Italy; Athens, Greece; and Paris, France.

10. Shakespeare said it best: "All's well that ends well."

11. He is not well-liked, although he says he is everyone's friend.

12. Sarah, she had always loved animals, took in the stray kitten.

13. Certainly, you may borrow my book, Gary.

14. The 1950s singer Patti Page sang the novelty song "How Much is That Doggie in the Window?"

15. Nearly all Americans own a Bible, but few, including scholars of literature, have read it.

16. Hmmm, it's a tough decision, but I'll take the red one.

17. Tuesday, July 25, 1967, is my birthday.

18. I do the laundry, make dinner, and pick up the kids; I should receive a medal for all of these

19. Is that book yours?

20. How can a noble prince, Dastan, treat a princess like Tamina, an illiterate?

1. *Simile* - Figurative language that uses the words "like" or "as" to compare two things.

2. *Figurative Language* - Speech or writing that departs from literal meaning to achieve a special

3. *Literal Language* - Language that is plain and direct.

4. *Idiom* - Figurative language that just means what it means, even though it doesn't make sense.

5. *Hyperbole* - Figurative language that exaggerates.

6. *Personification* - Figurative language that gives human traits to a nonhuman thing.

7. *Metaphor* - Figurative language implies that two things being compared are the same thing,
even though they are not.

8. *Alliteration* - It is when words in a phrase start with the same letter or sound.

9. *Assonance* - The repetition of vowel sounds in neighboring words.

10. *Onomatopoeia* - The word that sounds like the noise or action it is describing.

11. *Symbolism* - "Peace" is represented by a white dove.

12. *Euphemism* - Substituting a mild or indirect expression for one that might be considered

13. *Puns* - Let's "TACO" 'bout it is an example of this figurative language.

14. *Understatement* - This is the opposite of hyperbole, where something is expressed less
strongly than it would be expected.

15. *Idiom* - The English midterm exam is just a piece of cake for me. This is an example of this
figurative language.

### Test 5. Enumeration

1-3. The importance of proper punctuation:

1. Clarifies meaning by separating elements and indicating pauses.

2. Enhances readability and comprehension.

3. Avoids ambiguity and misinterpretation.

4-5. Two classifications of context:

4. Production Context

5. Reception Context

6-10. Type of context:

6. Historical Context

7. Social Context

8. Psychological Context

9. Physical Context

10. Political Context

11-15. Punctuations and their functions:

11. Period (.) - Indicates the end of a sentence.

12. Comma (,) - Separates items in a list or clauses in a sentence.

13. Question Mark (?) - Indicates a question.

14. Exclamation Mark (!) - Expresses strong emotion or emphasis.

15. Apostrophe (') - Shows possession or forms contractions.

16-18. Three kinds of poetry:

16. Lyric Poetry

17. Narrative Poetry

18. Dramatic Poetry

19-20. Two figurative languages:

19. Metaphor
20. Simile

### Test 6. Evaluate the poem

1. *Personification* - The sun is described as "shining with all his might" and trying to make "The
billows smooth and bright," attributing human qualities to the sun.

2. The overall effect is to create a whimsical and surreal atmosphere, highlighting the unusual nature
of the scene, especially as it is set "in the middle of the night."

3. The author likely chose personification to imbue the natural elements with character and emotion,
enhancing the fantastical, dream-like quality of the poem.

4. While other types of figurative language could also be effective, personification uniquely animates
the natural setting, making the scene more vivid and engaging. Other forms might not capture the
same lively and vivid imagery.

5. The main theme of the poem might be the contrast between reality and the surreal or the
unexpected nature of the world, as suggested by the oddity of the sun shining at midnight, hinting at
a deeper layer of meaning or reality beyond the ordinary.

1. Space invaders

2. Life begins at 40

3. forgive and forget

4. Red in the face

5. on cloud nine

6. Growing Economy

7. missing you

8. Falling in love

9. Win the ease

10. Split Level

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