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Name: …………………………………… Grade: ……….

Subject: ……………………………. Topic: …………….

There are certain terms that you need to know before you read the document :
United Nations: The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization aiming to maintain
international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve
international cooperation, and be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations
International Peace Keeping Organization ( United Nations peacekeeping): Peacekeeping by
the United Nations is a role held by the Department of Peace Operations as "a unique and
dynamic instrument developed by the organization as a way to help countries torn by
conflict to create the conditions for lasting peace".
A young activist Malala Yousafzai at the age of 16 took the United Nation by storm when she
challenged the world leaders to amass their attention towards Education for girls ! She had
already started her fight at the age of 11 by addressing girls education through a local
media. As a young leader, she could keep leaders on their toes and work towards Women
So as an 11-year-old what is your contribution at the Global level? Think!
The below homework activity will give you an idea of how you could change the world with
the knowledge you received from your school. Who knows the future? Probably, it could be
you who may stand up against the world leaders to shake them and give them a wake-up
call on real-world issues. Hence Read the following very carefully!
Imagine yourself to be a member of the International Peacekeeping Organization. Prepare a
speech to be delivered at the UN based on two Buddhist principles that you would adopt to
promote peace and harmony in today's world.
Your speech should contain the following content
1. Introduce yourself
2. Which two Buddhist principles you are inspired by and Why?
3. Make the world leaders understand the importance to maintain peace and harmony
(show your Convincing power)
4. Modus Operandi – Plans you will implement to promote peace and Harmony.
5. Conclusion
NOTE: You will record your speech and upload it on Manage bac. Your speech should be
of 2 to 3 minutes duration .

Category Marks
Introduction and conclusion (Your 2
introduction and conclusion should be
motivating )
Delivery (Your voice modulation and 2
clarity of the speech)
Content ( Include the points given in the 4
instructions- Your content should show
your convincing power )
Dress code and video clarity ( You should 2
be dressed formally and you could add
virtual background of United Nations )

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