Smartgrow: A Tracking System For Auto-Hydroponic Indoor Fodder Grow Chamber

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SmartGrow: A Tracking System for Auto-Hydroponic Indoor Fodder Grow Chamber

By: Lastimosa, Aj Joeblitz G., Cahilog, JG Quennie Mae Z., Casurra, Jhylleiane Athena Angelique A.

Adviser: Carissa A. Eugenio, MAED-GenSci


The study about SmartGrow: A Tracking System for Auto-Hydroponic Indoor Fodder

Grow Chamber together with a mobile application can ensure the growth of plants and lessen

land degradation. The TTGO T-CALL ESP32 SIM800L components processed and interpreted

data flawlessly. A chamber designed with sensors and fans is part of the system. The Auto-

Hydroponic Indoor Fodder Grow Chamber is a product of extensive testing and includes

sensors for temperature. Humidity and water. It also strategically deploys mitigation system,

employs a detection algorithm, and has a mobile app with a live video stream for data

visualization and real-time monitoring. In three trials, the Auto-Hydroponic Indoor Fodder

Grow Chamber successfully decreased high temperatures, ensuring the microgreen’s ideal

growing environment. The Auto-Hydroponic Indoor Fodder Grow Chamber is a reliable and

efficient method for cultivating microgreen’s while keeping an eye on and reducing

environmental impacts. It incorporates sensors, mitigation systems, and a simple mobile app

with a live video stream to enhance result and deal with specific concerns.

Keywords: Indoor Fodder, Real-time Data Visualization, Live Video Stream, Land

Degradation, TTGO T-CALL ESP32 SIM800L

Chapter 1


The natural resources and agriculture that sustain humankind are shifting along with

global ecosystems (David, Priya, Lynn, Kelly, Alexandre, Kris, Andrew, Nikola, Natasha, &

Anna, 2022). The Philippines is at risk from climate change due to environmental degradation

and unsustainable development practices (Holden, 2018). Industrialization and urbanization

cause agricultural challenges, including soil depletion. Researchers have developed

hydroponics, a soil-less cultivation method, to meet future nutrition needs and produce various

feed items in a water-containing solution (Seerat, Zahida, Tanveer, Sadaf, Abbass, Shabina,

Tauseef, Razia, & Insha, 2020). Hydroponics is the practice of growing plants without soil

(Savvas, 2017).

In the previous studies have successfully grown various plants in hydroponic chambers

using an automated smart hydroponics system using nutrient film feed and sensors for

monitoring growth via SMS (Abdulla, 2020). However, research gap exists on the viability,

user experience, and potential improvements of mobile applications and cameras in optimizing

hydroponic cultivation because the previous research on smart automated hydroponic system

does not integrate mobile application and camera for real-time monitoring.

This study aims to develop a smart automated technology for monitoring indoor

hydroponics, ensuring plant growth and reducing soil depletion. The project includes cameras

and sensors for real-time monitoring, aiming to improve the performance of the system by

displaying plant parameters like water level, water temperature, temperature, and humidity

(DHT11). To manage temperature, the system features side fans that activate when the PC

radiator cannot sufficiently cool the environment. If the water level gets too high, the system

cycles excess water into the water tank outside the hydroponic tank.

Generally, the main purpose of conducting this research study is to promote an

automated smart technology for planting, helping farmers grow more healthy crops. By

examining the growth of the plants monitored in the smart hydroponic system, the study aims

to shed light on regarding plant development in hydroponic system. To contribute valuable

insights to the existing body of knowledge in growing plants hydroponically as well.

Review of Related Literature

According to Robbins, O (2021), hydroponics is a type of cultivation or gardening

method that does not use soil. Therefore, instead of expending energy searching for nutrients

in the soil, plant roots can focus on growing because nutrients are readily available. This allows

plants to grow faster and healthier. In traditional agriculture, plants require soil to provide water

and nutrients, but not for the photosynthetic process (Howell, 2022).

There several advantages with the use of Auto-Hydroponic Indoor Fodder Grow

Chamber over traditional technique including food production, environmental sustainability,

and the economic viability of livestock farming. Hydroponic fodder production in controlled

environments can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by limiting fossil fuel use and reducing

livestock farming's carbon footprint (Newell, Newman, Dickson, & Vanderkooi, 2021). This

method requires up to 98% less water than conventional farming methods, conserving water

resources and minimizing environmental impact (Ventiera, 2023). Additionally, hydroponic

fodder can be produced on a smaller scale, requiring less agricultural land, promoting

sustainable farming practices, and easing pressure on land resources (Ahamed, Sultan,

Shamshiri, Rahman, Aleem, & Balasundram, 2023). In using automated hydroponics system

for crops management, this may help farmers to mitigate the effect of external threats such as

extreme weather conditions (My, 2023). Smart automated hydroponics indoor farming

provides a controlled atmosphere with precise elements like light, humidity, and temperature,

ensuring consistent crop quality and year-round cultivation. This resource-efficient method

eliminates the need for pesticides, uses less water, land, and fertilizer, making it ideal for urban

and limited arable land areas (Kroptek, 2023).


Hydroponics is a type of soil less gardening that can be done indoors or outdoors. It's a

great way for people who don't have much or no garden space to grow herbs and vegetables

during the climate change. Hydroponics use less water than gardening in the soil, which is

space efficient. Hydroponics, the cultivation of plants in nutrient enriched water with or without

mechanical support from inert materials such as sand, gravel, and perlite (“Hydroponics |

Definition, Technology, Uses, Benefits, Disadvantages, & Facts,” 2023).

Although there are numerous farming methods in this world, hydroponic agriculture is

one of the most common and regarded as an advantageous agricultural production method.

Hydroponic systems are different because they do not use soil and are based entirely on water.

Hydroponic farming is being used by an increasing number of farmers around the world, due

to a variety of issues and concerns that are associated with conventional agricultural practices.

You will have a lot of advantages compared to traditional field farming with hydroponics.

Outbreaks of diseases from food, high water consumption and soil erosion are some of the

major concerns in today's field farming. You should be able to avoid all of these concerns when

you are using hydroponics correctly. For instance, hydroponics farming is a solution to soil

erosion because it does not use the soil at all during its cultivation process. While hydroponics

is based on water, this method of farming allows for water conservation. Saving space is one

of the more obvious advantages of using hydroponic farming as your primary growing

technique. Plants that are cultivated in soil extend their roots in search of the nutrients and

water they need to survive. In contrast, hydroponic systems require far less space since the

nutrient-rich water in which the plants are grown already provides the necessary conditions for

the roots of the plants to absorb these nutrients without having to stretch out. With a

hydroponics system, crops can be planted extremely near to one another because root growth

is constrained. If you decide to use a hydroponics system when using a hydroponic system to

cultivate plants, you'll probably find that the plants are growing quicker. Comparing

hydroponic farming to conventional farming techniques, plants grow 30–50% faster in

hydroponic systems. Crops in these systems will experience significantly less environmental

stress and the ideal amount of nutrients, which is the reason for their quicker growth. Usually,

weather-related issues and pests contribute to this stress. Plants of some species will grow more

quickly than those of other species. For example, hydroponically grown micro greens (Raphnus

Kaiware) are known to grow more quickly. High yields can be achieved by matching your

hydroponic system with the appropriate plants ought to be able to cultivate a lot more crops

than traditional farming. The fact that hydroponic farming allows farmers to use fewer

chemicals than traditional forms of agriculture is one of the main reasons why many modern

farmers have chosen to use it. Hydroponic farming cannot entirely avoid the possibility of

insect problems, but it does reduce their frequency to the point where less herbicides and

pesticides will be needed. The strict control applied to hydroponic systems means that weeds

shouldn't be an issue. Herbicide use ought to be minimized because there won't be any weeds

to get rid of (Sensorex, 2023).

Moreover, if hydroponics has advantages, of course there is also disadvantages and the

first one is it has high initial cost, building and purchasing a hydroponics system is much more

expensive than cultivating a traditional garden. The cost of a system is determined by its sort,

size, and building technique—whether it is prefabricated or put together from various elements

to produce a custom design. You will require cultivating materials, lighting, a pump, a timer,

and containers for any systems you design. After the system is installed, the only expenses are

those for the supply of nutrients and electricity which is needed to keep the water system

operating (Nejim, 2019). Since electricity is required for both passive and active hydroponics

systems in order to run the various parts, including grow lights, water pumps, fans, and so forth,

a power loss will therefore have an impact on the entire system. If a grower fails to notice a

power outage in an active system, it may be harmful to the plants. The increased risk of

waterborne infections can be also a result of hydroponically grown plants being cultivated in

water rather than soil. Since there is constant water flow throughout the system, illnesses can

spread fast and harm the entire collection of plants by damaging the growth system as a whole.

Severe instances of a waterborne illness may kill all every plant in a hydroponic system in a

matter of hours (Brahlek, n.d.).

Hydroponics has disadvantages as well, just like any other system or device. However,

most of them are conquerable with a little preparation and experience. Given its benefits,

hydroponic gardening is a worthwhile investment. Hydroponics, meanwhile, has huge

potential. In the upcoming years, it is anticipated that the hydroponics market would grow

significantly. Modern agriculture has always included hydroponics, which has the potential to

be farming in the future due to its proven advantages over soils: space savings, efficient use of

plant nutrients, water efficiency, the absence of weeds, pests, and plant diseases, stable and

higher yields, system control, reduced use of fertilizers and insecticides, ease of transplanting,

year-round crop growth, etc. (Nejim, 2019).

Smart Farming

Modern technology development affects every aspect of cultural project, including

agriculture. A relatively recent development in improved agricultural management is smart

farming. Utilizing a variety of tools and software, smart farming in agriculture aims to automate

and optimize repetitive tasks. These days, tiny private farms may access this technology just

like big businesses can thanks to the development of mobile devices and the Internet. It enables

growers to compete with bigger agricultural firms and maximize productivity. Given the clear

benefits that smart agriculture practices offer businesses over traditional approaches, it is

worthwhile exploring more into the specifics of this strategy.

Smart farming methods like hydroponics can help satisfy the world's food production

needs while addressing issues with resource preservation and environmental protection. Using

automated hydroponic systems can assist in overcoming the challenges associated with

traditional farming, including lack of workers, degraded soil, and limited water resources.

Additionally, early disease and pest detection and better decision-making through data analysis

are two benefits of smart hydroponics. Smart hydroponic systems can also be used to control

the conductivity, and dosage of nutrients as well as monitor and control environmental elements

like temperature, humidity, light, CO2, and EC. (“Smart Hydroponics - Intelligent Hydroponic

System,” n.d.). In order to assure sustainability, smart farming aims to optimize human labour

while producing more and better agricultural goods (“What Is Smart Farming? |

SafetyCulture,” 2023).

Camera-based Monitoring

It is possible to monitor hydroponics via video by utilizing camera-based systems that

are connected with Internet of Things technology. Studies on the creation of multi-camera

image processing-based plant growth monitoring systems in hydroponic systems have been

carried out (Tatas, Al-Zoubi, Christofides, Zannettis, Chrysostomou, Panteli, & Antoniou,

2022). With the use of these tools, growers can ensure ideal plant development by monitoring

and modifying the growing environment in real time. Growers can maximize plant growth and

development by gaining real-time insights into their hydroponic systems and making data-

driven decisions by combining camera-based monitoring systems with IoT technology and

other smart greenhouse sensor (Tatas, Al-Zoubi, Christofides, Zannettis, Chrysostomou,

Panteli, & Antoniou, 2022b). Studies on the development of multi-camera image processing

techniques-based plant monitoring systems for hydroponic systems, including red spinach

plant growth, have been carried out (Wijaya, Hariono, Saputra, & Rukmi, 2020).

Automated Mitigation

The automation system enables precise control of variables, e.g. soil moisture and

temperature, to ensure optimum fodder growth conditions. This results in increased efficiency

and higher quality of fodder production (Luna-Maldonado, Reyes, Breceda, Fuentes, Fuentes,

& Maldonado, 2020). Automated systems for the conservation of resources, such as water and

electricity, can be helpful. In order to make the production process of fodder more sustainable,

they can optimize their use of resources, reduce waste and minimize environmental impact

(Michael, Tay, & Then, 2021). Automated mitigation can save labor, optimize resources, and

improve the efficiency and quality of this process by reducing costs for Hydroponic. In the long

run, automated systems can optimize resource use, reduce waste, and minimize environmental

impact, leading to cost savings (Ahamed, Sultan, Shamshiri, Rahman, Aleem, & Balasundram,


Automated Monitoring

In order to maintain optimum growth conditions, automatic monitoring systems can

monitor variables such as water level, temperature, humidity and water temperature so that they

may be adjusted in due course (Jayanthi, Dhivya, & Priyanka, 2023). Automated systems can

help to prevent overexploitation or underutilization of resources, saving costs and reducing the

environmental impact by monitoring water and nutrients levels (Michael, Tay, & Then, 2021).

This can also help identify problems, such as pest infestation, disease or nutrient deficiencies

that allow timely action to reduce losses and maintain the health of crops. Automated systems

can help to ensure that the fodder meets high quality standards by continuously monitoring and

adjusting the growing environment (Velazquez-Gonzalez, García-García, Ventura-Zapata,

Barceinas-Sánchez, & Sosa, 2022).

Mobile-based Application

Mobile applications simplify the management process of hydroponic systems, making

it easy for farmers to monitor plant health and sensor readings (Rakshitha, Roopa, Shwetha, &

Tejashwini, 2018). Automated hydroponics systems have been designed to facilitate

cultivation, and a system capable of adapting and controlling important environment factors

affecting plant growth such as temperature, humidity or water are also developed on the basis

of Mobile Applications and IOT (Kularbphettong, Ampant, & Kongrodj, 2019).

Raphanus Sativus

 Environmental Conditions Tolerance – The temperature that’s best for growing

radish kaiware is between 65-85°F ( Hoffman, E, 2023).

 Location - In spite of where you plant micro greens (Radish), they will grow with the

same appearance, yields, taste, and nutritional value. You can grow micro greens in soil

or hydroponics; it depends on your needs and limitations (Jamie, 2024).

 Physical description - Micro greens are young vegetable greens that are approximately

1–3 inches (2.5–7.5 cm) tall. They are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients,

making them a perfect addition to salads, sandwiches, and smoothies (Petre, A. 2023).

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to enhance the efficiency of smart-controlled auto-hydroponic indoor

fodder grow chamber for fodder production.

The researchers seek to answer the following questions:

1. What are the components used in a smart-automated indoor hydroponic?

2. How efficient is the smart-controlled auto-hydroponic?

3. Is there a significant difference between the plants growth before and after the

optimization of the smart hydroponic system?


The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Growing plants in the

hydroponic chamber.

H0: There is no significant difference between the plants growth before and after the

optimization of the smart hydroponic system.

Theoretical Framework

The hydroponic system is utilized as an innovative way of planting various kinds of

crops, including micro-greens. Hydroponic system is commonly used in farms, even in limited

spaces, indoor and rural places, and still achieves high yields. A study about automated

hydroponic fodder grow chamber found that Hydroponics is the fastest expanding agricultural

sector and can be a better alternative to traditional farming, including possibilities like

automation, monitoring and adjusting the atmosphere with grow lights and heaters required by

plants (Jayanthi, Dhivya, Priyanka, 2023). Hydroponic system is an innovative method of

planting that consumes less resources like water and soil than the traditional planting method,

has the potential to revolutionize agriculture, especially in the Philippines (Jagdish, 2023). But

not only hydroponic system utilizes nutrient-rich water to grow plants. There are also other

systems that even uses living organisms in water such as fish to provide nutrients to the plants,

one of these is the aquaponic system. Aquaponics is a closed-loop farming system that

combines aquaculture and hydroponics, providing nutrients through broken down excretions

from animals, like fishes. It is more economical, resource-efficient, and saves water, as 70% of

freshwater goes into agriculture, addressing a water crisis (Leung & Mulbern, 2023). Both

techniques involve growing plants without the use of soil. Water is essential for both

hydroponic and aquaponic plant nutrition delivery systems. Both growth techniques can offer

larger yields than the conventional soil growing technique and are stable (“Aquaponics Vs.

Hydroponics: What’s the difference?”, 2023).

In figure 1, the first box are the materials required for construction, including sensors,

a tank and a PC radiator which served as the input of the study. Following the arrow was the

process, this outlines the steps involve in building the chamber, like preparing the materials,

assembling the system, coding the software, and testing the device. The first step focused on

gathering the required materials which was in the input. Second is assembling the system.

Building the chamber and wiring by soldering the micro-controller and wiring's of sensors to

the PCB. Next is coding using an Arduino IDE and last will be testing the system by planting

and observing the plants inside the chamber.

Conceptual Framework


1. DHT11 Sensor A. Preparation of the

2. Water Level Sensor

B. Building the system.

3. Water Temperature

Sensor C. Coding SmartGrow: A

D. Creating the mobile Tracking System for

4. Fan

app. Auto-Hydroponic
5. Tank and Reservoir
Indoor Fodder Grow
E. Testing the device.
6. PC Radiator
F. Collecting data
7. ESP 32 Camera

G. Evaluating data

9. Radish Kaiware ( H. Growing micro greens

Raphnus Sativus )

Fig. 1. Research Paradigm

Significance of the Study

This study helps in improving an innovative way of planting hydroponically. This study

could benefit the following:

Farming. This study is beneficial to farmers because it helps maximize planting in

limited space while achieving high yields without needing outdoor access.

Plant Enthusiasts. The system helps plants enthusiasts to grow exotic or hard-to-find

plants year-round, regardless of climate or season.

Consumer. This helps consumer growing vegetables, fruits, and herbs for personal

consumption, even in urban environments.

Restaurants and Chefs. Cultivate fresh, high-quality herbs and radish kaiware on-site

for enhanced dishes.

Researchers and Educators. This research will help future researchers in conducting

controlled experiments and education in a contained environment.

Scope and Limitation

In order to help farmers monitor their plants, assess the environmental status of micro

green radish kaiware, and grow better plants, this study focused on designing and implementing

an auto-hydroponic indoor fodder grow for radish

The following are the scope of the presented system:

1. System real-time monitoring.

2. Detection of too much heat temperature.

3. Provide automated mitigation through the fan based on the dedicated detection


4. Visualize data using the mobile app.

The following are limitations of the system:

1. When there is a power outage or low to no internet connection, the system’s

performance will be affected.

2. Only Android cellphones can use the mobile application.

3. The plant size varies on the size of the tank which is 41 centimeters long and 69

centimeters wide.

Definition of Terms

In this section the researchers conducted a definition of terms to easily define the words

that unfamiliar, also crucial information about the subject.

Chamber – An enclosed space where the plant is monitored while growing.

Components – The parts or operating system in the hydroponic system.

Hydroponic – This is the process of growing plants without the use of soil.

Micro green – This is the seedling version of a plant.

Raphanus Sativus – The scientific name of the micro green seedling version of a plant.

Radish Kaiware - An organism needed in this study as a testing object.

Micro-controller – Control the activities of the embedded system, control and process

the reading of the sensors.

Smart-controlled – This term defines the system of the study.

Video Stream – Viewing of videos consistent online streaming from the camera

installed in the device to the app without necessitating downloading them.

Water – A liquid used in hydroponics for the plants to grow.

Chapter 2


This chapter reflects the overall program flow of the system. The research design,

research materials, data gathering procedure, and data analysis tools.

Research Design

The system design process is reflected in this chapter. It is composed of an efficient

hardware system development structure that integrates software developments approaches,

particularly the water-scrum-fall technique. Product concepts are the first step in the process,

which is then followed by embedded software development, hardware and software integration

testing, hardware requirements and functional specifications, and product acceptance. Every

procedure is designed in a sprint to ensure that it functions as intended (Buniel & Dela Cerna


Research Instruments

The system architecture is divided into:

(1) Micro-controller

(2) Sensors

(3) Relay Drivers

(4) Actuator/Motors

(5) Mobile App

(6) Report

(7) Power Supply.


Micro-controllers are used to control the activities of embedded systems in devices. The

TTGO T-CALL ESP32 SIM800L is a module that combines an ESP32 development board with

a SIM800L GSM/GPRS module. It allows any micro-controller to connect to a Wi-Fi network

using the ESP32's wireless capabilities. The module has GPIOs that can be used to connect

sensors and other devices, making it easy to develop applications. It also has a USB-C port for

power and programming.

Thus, this micro-controller needed inputs from the sensors namely, Temperature and

Humidity, Water Temperature, and Water Level Sensor. The temperature and humidity sensor

measures the temperature of its surroundings and converts the input data into electronic data,

which is then sent to a micro-controller for processing before being sent via WIFI for real-time

monitoring via a mobile app and the dedicated detection condition for mitigation if the

temperature value reaches the condition value. Water temperature sensors allow you to

accurately measure temperatures in wet environments, which are then sent to a micro-controller

for processing before being sent via WIFI for real-time monitoring via a mobile app. Water

level sensor is used to detect water levels, which is then transferred to a micro-controller for

processing before being sent over WIFI for real-time monitoring via a mobile app.

When this micro-controller receives data from any of the mentioned sensors this will

be processed and triggers the relay or drivers and therefore produces mitigation from the

actuator or motor.

The communication interface, or Wi-Fi, is another essential component of the project.

It connects the micro-controller to a central hub and, eventually, the Internet. These also

communicate to the mobile app, allows mobile application to quickly find and interact with

nearby devices, at a range beyond the capabilities of Bluetooth. Further, the project can produce

Comma-Separated Values (CSV) reports, such as raw data for the last 24 hours, week, and

month is reported; data is reported by minute, month, and three months. A mobile application

is available online 24/7 with pages to track particular sensors and the devices.

Figure 1. System Architecture

The sensors will send data to the microcontroller, TTGO T-CALL ESP32 SIM800L, for

it to process. The relay or driver is directly connected to the microcontroller, and the actuator

or motor is directly connected to the relay. The communication interface, which is the Wi-Fi,

is connected to the video monitoring, which is the ESP32 camera, and both of them are

connected to the mobile application. The gathered data from the mobile application is then

stored in the reports, or CSV (Comma-Separated Values). The overall architecture is powered

by electricity.

SENSORS Temperature and Serial communication Serial
Humidity sensor, communication
Water temperature
sensor, and Water
level sensor
MICROCONTROLLER TTGO T-CALL Serial communication Serial
ESP32 SIM800L communication
COMMUNICATION PLDT Home Serial communication Serial
INTERFACE prepaid WIFI WIFI communication
Dashboard, Chart,
Live Video
REPORT CSV/Configure N/A N/A
RELAY/DRIVER Relay Serial communication N/A
ACTUATOR/MOTOR Exhaust Fan Wired connection N/A
VIDEO STREAM ESP32 Camera Serial communication Serial
WIFI communication
POWER SUPPLY (Electricity) Wired connection N/A
Outlet and Solar

Table 1. Shows the implementation model overview of the project

As seen from the table, there are four rows: the first is parts of the system; the second

is the greenhouse zone; the third is communication; and the fourth is data acquisition.

Shown in the table is the sensors DHT11, DS18B20, and WATER LEVEL, micro

controller TTGO T-CALL ESP32 SIM800L communication interface, mobile app, and ESP32-

CAM video stream, which is the ESP32 camera, are applicable to all greenhouse zones,

communication, and data acquisition. While reporting CSV (comma-separated values),

actuators or motors, and power supplies are not applicable to all and only to some.

Figure 2. The water-scrum-fall hardware product development

Here we are using the water scrum fall model as it fits our study, and we will break it

down on why. The "scrum," or first box, contains the coding that we have; the "water," or the

red box on the left, contains the requirements and specifications of the hardware; and the "fall,"

which is the red box on the right, contains the integration testing of the hardware and software.

The two blue boxes on top are product ideas and acceptance, which is the hydroponic chamber.

Product idea

Researchers considered a product that might optimize the performance of the TTGO T-

CALL ESP32 SIM800L which is a standard feature of all micro-controllers globally, in the first

step of the product idea process. When it comes to field and mitigation systems, data

visualization, and real-time monitoring and assessment of the plant's environmental status,

researchers might use the benefit of all digital and analogue pins.

Hardware Development, Requirements and Functional specifications

For this project, we used the TTGO TCALL ESP32 SIM800L, which acts as the main

controller for this project. Integrated with DHT11, DS18B20 waterproof temperature sensor

module, water level sensor module, 8 channel relay module, LCD display module, 2 Exhaust

Fan, PC Radiator, Pump and Reservoir, PLDT Home Prepaid WIFI.

Figure 3. Schematic Diagram

Figure 3 displays a schematic diagram of this project Here, the TTGO T- CALL

ESP32 SIM800L micro-controller's performance is maximized by already integrating device

sensors, motors, and mitigation system. In the case of an interruption in power, the DC system

is kept powered by intelligent charge control, as previously mentioned.

Embedded Software Development

The development of embedded software is the third stage. In this stage, hardware

components are programmed on the TTGO T-CALL ESP32 SIM800L main board to

communicate effectively and efficiently with other devices. Hardware programming is carried

out using the Arduino Integrated Development Board (IDE).

Figure 4. Arduino IDE Interface

It's easy to write code and send it to the board with the open-source Arduino IDE

software. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

In order to make it easy for the owner or user to see, data visualization is provided in

combination with a built-in mobile app. You must pay for an easy plan on before you

can do that.

Integration Testing (Hardware and Software)

The fourth phase is integration testing (hardware and software). At this stage, a live

mobile app for data visualization is loaded with the programmed embedded devices. The

natural language processing of the various devices used in the system, as well as behavior of

embedded systems are also linked to integration.

High Temperature Detection and Mitigation Flowchart

In the case of high temperature detection and mitigation, the temperature sensor detects

digital value is >= 28°C if true the 1 attached exhaust fan will turn-on. This will help cool the

environment temperature. This precision sensor from Bosch can measure temperature with

±1.0°C accuracy.

Temperature Sensor

Let it be
e Value >=

Display in Mobile App



Is exhaust On exhaust fan

fan on?

Figure 5. High Temperature Detection and Mitigation

This figure shows how mitigation functions. On the first diamond that is followed by

the temperature sensor the temperature value is ≥ 28 meaning the temperature is not in ideal

condition that's why let it be and display on the mobile app the temperature status and the

mitigated exhaust fans will be turned on to go back to its ideal temperature.

Water Level Sensor

Let it be
Water Level
Value >= 32

Display in Mobile App


Is DC Pump water inside the tank
pump on?

Figure 6. Detection of Water Levels

This figure shows how the water level functions. On the first diamond that is followed

by the water level sensor the water level value is ≥ 32 meaning the water level is not the ideal

level that's why let it be and display on the mobile app the water level status and the automated

DC motor fans will be turned on to go back to its ideal water level.

Water Temperature Sensor

Let it be
e Value >=

Display in Mobile App


Is exhaust On exhaust fan, water pump 1
fan, water and 2
pump 1 and
2 on?

Figure 7. Detection of Water Temperature

This figure shows how mitigation functions. On the first diamond that is followed by

the water temperature sensor the temperature value is ≥ 15 meaning the water temperature is

not in ideal condition that's why let it be and display on the mobile app the water temperature

status and the mitigated exhaust fans and water pump 1 and 2 will be turned on to go back to

its ideal temperature.

Chapter 3


Prior to installation, the sensors and other components of this project have been

subjected to testing. Researchers programmed the project modular, quality-controlled the

results they could provide, and analyzed whether they were already compatible with the system.

Luckily, all of the components have been functioning properly and the data presented is in line

with their functional and technical characteristics.

In addition, after integrating everything, we are more confident that we can help farmers

grow more healthy crops despite the climate change, after the results of this study came in as

expected. The components connected to the TTGO T-CALL ESP32 SIM800L for data

processing and interpretation worked in harmony.

The result of the trials of high temperature and mitigation system is shown below that

is triggered based on the dedicated detection algorithm and the values gathered.

If temperature reaches, the exhaust fan will automatically turn on.

Sensors Trial Number Reading Exhaust Fan

Temperature 1 30°C ON

28°C ON

Temperature 2 25°C OFF

27°C ON

Temperature 3 29°C ON

25°C OFF

Water Level

If water level reaches, water pumps 1 and 2 will cycle water to the tray and the tank.

Sensors Trial Number Reading Water Pump 1 and 2

Water Level 1 32 ON

32 ON

Water Level 2 28 OFF

32 ON

Water Level 3 32 ON

27 OFF

Water Temperature

If water temperature reaches, exhaust fan, water pumps 1 and 2 will cycle water to the

tray and the tank.

Sensors Trail Number Reading Exhaust Fan, Water

Pump 1 and pump 2

Water Temperature 1 26.87°C ON

26.87°C ON

Water Temperature 2 30°C OFF

26.87°C ON

Water Temperature 3 26.87°C ON

30°C OFF

Chapter 4


This chapter deals with the discussion on and related to outcomes.

A. Specifications requirement and characteristics of micro greens

Radish Kaiware (Raphnus Sativus) micro greens, typically reaches a length of 5-7

centimeters. Radish micro greens are the offspring of full-grown radish bulbs. The micro greens

taste more like radish bulbs than the leaves of a full-grown bulb. Radish micro greens have a

high vitamin and mineral content. Radish micro greens provide 40 times more nutrients than

fully developed radish. Radish micro greens, rich in folate, vitamin B6, glucosinolate, and

antioxidants, are beneficial for cardiovascular health, cancer prevention, weight loss, and skin

damage, while also aiding in diabetes and Alzheimer's disease management. Radish Kaiware

micro greens prefer temperatures between 65°F and 85°F and can tolerate a few days of

temperatures outside this range if the evenings are cold. They can be grown using a soil less

medium, such as hydroponics,

B. Design and development, written code, module integration in micro-controllers, live,

real-time monitoring, mobile app for the mitigation system, and data visualization


The temperature and humidity, water temperature, water level, gas, and mitigation

system modules were integrated by the researcher. One (1) DHT11, which was connected to

the TTGO T-CALL ESP32 SIM800L digital pins to read operation range values of Temperature

from -40 to 100 ºC and Humidity from 0 to 100%, was employed for high temperature and low

humidity detection and mitigation. As a way to avoid in the scenario that a high temperature is

detected, one (1) exhaust fan was then connected to the system. One (1) DS18B20 waterproof

temperature sensor, which could read temperatures between -55°C and 125°C, was used to

detect and mitigate excessive water temperatures. It was connected to the Arduino UNO Digital

pins. One (1) water level sensor, connected to the Arduino UNO digital pins, had been used for

low water level detection. The sensor's accuracy at 75 inches of reading was ±0.075 inches. In

the case that a low water level is detected. The Arduino UNO module then collects the

corresponding values that have been observed and sends the data to

for storage. In addition, the researcher created and constructed a live mobile app interface for

data visualization, including one (1) ESP32 camera for live video streaming.

C. The system’s testing and implementation outcome.

Researchers have evaluated the temperature integration module described above to

observe what happens after three trials. When the system's dedicated value is filled, the trial's

outcomes and the accompanying data are visualized, as Table 2 illustrates. These are the

discussions about the previously mentioned result.

Table 2 illustrates the project's temperature and mitigation, as well as information on

the sensors, trial number reading.

The researcher created, developed, and wrote code that matched with Raphnus Sativus

requirements. Additionally, the code has a data method for collecting data as well as

communication code for transmitting data for real-time data visualization.

Figure 8. Normal Temperature Detection no Mitigation

Figure 9. High Temperature Detection, Turn on Mitigation

Researchers have created and developed mobile applications for mitigation system,

real-time monitoring, and data visualization, as was previously discussed. The Blynk IoT app

provides access to the gathered data. The mobile device's app showed the live video stream.

Figure 7 shows that when there is Normal Temperature Detection, no mitigation

happened, this is simply because the dedicated detection condition for mitigation didn’t reach

the trigger value.

Figure 8 shows that mitigation is activated when the dedicated detection condition for

mitigation value meets the condition value.

Chapter 5


The conclusion and recommendation are presented in this chapter. It also provides the

end consumer with the solutions to the gaps that they have encountered.


The following conclusions were made on the basis of the findings:

1. The requirements and characteristics of a Radish kaiware (Raphnus Sativus) plant that

have been gathered.

2. The researcher successfully worked with the TTGO T-CALL ESP32 SIM800L

analogue and digital ports, and the successful integration of the temperature, humidity,

water temperature, and water level sensors are only a few of the modules that have

made this project possible. Based on the plant’s specifications, the researchers can

design and develop a code as well as a mobile app for live, real-time monitoring.

3. Via a wireless network, the sensor measurements are sent to a mobile app. The farmer

uses a real-time display platform to analyze the data from the mobile app and displays

the findings.

4. As a result, the monitoring system successfully detected agroclimatic variables in real

time, giving important insights into the factors affecting the growth of radish.

Researchers can use the data to create warning signs that may lessen the effects of

climate change on the agriculture industry, in addition to helping farmers understand

the agroclimatic factors inside chamber structures to increase radish productivity and


5. The components included in the product idea were employed in the project testing to

ensure the planned and expected performance of different sensors, as well as to

determine which components are necessary for the system to function as expected.

The researchers are recommending that readers or future researchers who are considering

an innovation in this project should be more creative and resourceful with the components that

will be used just like using PC Radiator for cooling the environment and integrate the different

sensors in the app.

Researchers suggest using better industrial sensors and micro controllers with greater

quality. Future researchers can add additional variables as an innovation to this project.

The researchers will be particularly interested in using this method for farmers who

doesn’t have enough space for a garden, those farmers who wants to plant and grow crops

despite climate change, and those who monitors the growth of their crops in real time in order

to grow healthy crops and produce more crops with reduced stress.

Chapter 6


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The code


#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial


#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME "SmartGrow"

#define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "Ja6aS4g2ZI72r3spXG2Wh9vZi0LiNWjF"

#include <BlynkSimpleEsp32.h>

#include <OneWire.h>

#include <DallasTemperature.h>

#include <Wire.h>

#include <SPI.h>

#include <SimpleDHT.h>

#include "DHT.h"

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2); // set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line


BlynkTimer timer;


// Data wire is plugged into digital pin 2 on the Arduino

const int SENSOR_PIN = 15;

// Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire device

OneWire oneWire(SENSOR_PIN);

// Pass oneWire reference to DallasTemperature library

DallasTemperature tempSensor(&oneWire);


#define DHT11PIN 2

DHT dht(DHT11PIN, DHT11);

//Water Level

//int adc_id = 32;

int HistoryValue = 0;

char printBuffer[128];

// define the GPIO connected with Relays

int RelayPin1 = 13; //D8 Water pump in

int RelayPin2 = 12; //D9 Fan

int RelayPin3 = 14; //D10 Water pump Out

int RelayPin4 = 25; //D11

int relayState1 = 1; // RELAY OFF

int relayState2 = 1; // RELAY OFF

int relayState3 = 1; // RELAY OFF


const int buz = 35; //Buzzer to PIN 4

//water temperature

int wtemp;

// In the app, Widget's reading frequency should be set to PUSH. This means

// that you define how often to send data to Blynk App.

//Motor Controller

BLYNK_WRITE(V5) //Water Pump


if (param.asInt() >= 1) // assigning incoming value from pin V1 to a variable

relayState1 = 0;

//Blynk.notify("SGP-BOT: Message ==>> WATER PUMP ON");

Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, 1); // select your virtual pins accordingly

digitalWrite(RelayPin1, relayState1);


lcd.println("WATER PUMP: ");





else if (param.asInt() <= 0)

relayState1 = 1;

digitalWrite(RelayPin1, relayState1);

Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, 0); // select your virtual pins accordingly



if (param.asInt() >= 1) // assigning incoming value from pin V1 to a variable

relayState2 = 0;

//Blynk.notify("SGP-BOT: Message ==>> COOLER FAN ON");

Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, 1); // select your virtual pins accordingly

digitalWrite(RelayPin2, relayState2);


lcd.println("COOLER FAN: ");




else if (param.asInt() <= 0)

relayState2 = 1;

digitalWrite(RelayPin2, relayState2);

Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, 0); // select your virtual pins accordingly


//Request the latest state from the Mobile



void setup () {




Blynk.begin(BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN, "SNNHS-STE1", "SNNHs-ste@1900123791");

lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd


lcd.backlight(); // Print a message to the LCD.


lcd.print("Hello, world!");


lcd.print("MG-PONICS BOT");

pinMode(RelayPin1, OUTPUT);

pinMode(RelayPin2, OUTPUT);

pinMode(RelayPin3, OUTPUT);

pinMode(RelayPin4, OUTPUT);

pinMode(buz, OUTPUT);

//During Starting all Relays should TURN OFF

digitalWrite(RelayPin1, LOW);

digitalWrite(RelayPin2, LOW);

digitalWrite(RelayPin3, LOW);

digitalWrite(RelayPin4, LOW);


void farmbot() {

//Temp & Humidity

//int chk = dht.read11(pinDHT11);

float humi = dht.readHumidity();

float temp = dht.readTemperature();

Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, temp);

Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, humi);

Serial.print("Temperature = ");


Serial.print("Humidity = ");











lcd.print(" %");

// DHT11 sampling rate is 1HZ.



if(temp >= 30) //15.55556







lcd.print("Temp. High");

Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, temp);

Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, 1);

digitalWrite(RelayPin2, HIGH);

tone(buz, 1000);


Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, 0);

digitalWrite(RelayPin2, LOW);



//Water Level

int wvalue = analogRead(32); // get adc value

Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, wvalue);

if(((HistoryValue>=wvalue) && ((HistoryValue - wvalue) > 10)) ||

((HistoryValue<wvalue) && ((wvalue - HistoryValue) > 10)))

sprintf(printBuffer,"ADC%d level is %d\n",32, wvalue);


HistoryValue = wvalue;

if (wvalue == 0) {

Serial.println("Water Level: Empty");


lcd.print("Water Level: Empty");


Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, wvalue);

Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, 1);

digitalWrite(RelayPin1, HIGH);

tone(buz, 1000);


Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, 0);

digitalWrite(RelayPin1, LOW);



else if (wvalue > 0 && wvalue <= 250) {

Serial.println("Water Level: Low");


lcd.print("Water Level: Low");



Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, wvalue);

Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, 1);

digitalWrite(RelayPin1, HIGH);

tone(buz, 1000);


Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, 0);

digitalWrite(RelayPin1, LOW);



else if (wvalue > 250 && wvalue <= 520) {

Serial.println("Water Level: Normal");


lcd.print("Water Level: Normal");



Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, wvalue);



else if (wvalue > 520) {

Serial.println("Water Level: High");


lcd.print("Water Level: High");



Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, wvalue);



//Water temperatures


wtemp = tempSensor.getTempCByIndex(0);

//print the temperature in Celsius

Serial.print("Temperature: ");


Serial.print((char)176);//shows degrees character

Serial.print("C | ");









lcd.print((wtemp * 9.0) / 5.0 + 32.0);



Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, wtemp);



if (wtemp >= 29) {







lcd.print("W-Temp. High");

Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, wtemp);

Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, 1);

Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, 1);

digitalWrite(RelayPin1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(RelayPin2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(RelayPin3, HIGH);

tone(buz, 1000);


Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, 0);

Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, 0);

digitalWrite(RelayPin1, LOW);

digitalWrite(RelayPin2, LOW);

digitalWrite(RelayPin3, LOW);



void loop() {

farmbot();;//Run the Blynk library

The Code


#include "WifiCam.hpp"

#include <WiFi.h>

static const char* WIFI_SSID = "SNNHS-STE1";

static const char* WIFI_PASS = "SNNHs-ste@190012379";

esp32cam::Resolution initialResolution;

WebServer server(80);









if (WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED) {

Serial.println("WiFi failure");



Serial.println("WiFi connected");

using namespace esp32cam;

initialResolution = Resolution::find(1024, 768);

Config cfg;




bool ok = Camera.begin(cfg);

if (!ok) {

Serial.println("camera initialize failure");



Serial.println("camera initialize success");

Serial.println("camera starting");










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