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Vast expanse above,

A canvas of clouds so white,

Peace fills the empty heart.

Bare branches reach high,

Once adorned with leafy green,

Silence now fills air.

Rain's scent fills the air,

Earthy perfume, soft and sweet,

Nature's gentle kiss.

Pages turn, worlds unfold.

Escape into realms of tales.

Reality fades away.

Glimmering stars above,

Vast emptiness fills my heart,

Whispers lost in night.

Delicate fragrance,

Mom's garden blooms in my mind,

Warmth fills my empty soul.

Deep windows to the soul,

Eyes that speak the unspoken,

Truths silently told.

Ocean's salty kiss,

Whispering tunes of the deep,

Soul finds solace true.

Warmth like sun's embrace,

Bonds that never fade or break,

Family, our true home.

A pawn in their game,

I help them heal but I bleed,

My heart left in shreds.


Delicate wings flutter,

Dancing in the sun's warm glow,

A fleeting, bright joy.


Flowing water's song,

Carving paths through mountains' heart,

Life's relentless dance.

A golden sun slope,

Painting skies with hues of fire,

Night's embrace approach.


Vast expanse of blue,

Waves crashing on sandy shores,

Ocean's endless call.

Sweet Mango

Sweet fruits hang in green,

Mango branches sway in breeze,

Summer's taste so sweet.

Water Falls

Plunging water sings,

Echoing through forest's heart,

Cool mist fills the air.

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