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Value Implications

CHRISTIANITY Protestantism:
- Hard work and wealthy - People work hard and
creation. systematically cumulate wealth.

- Frugality (abstinence from - Prevent using money, asset

worldly pleasure). extravagantly.

-Calvinlism, according to Weber, - Motivate investing wealth in

Capital was seen as something the expansion of capitalist
to be increased, not something enterprises.
to be consumed.

- By the middle of the - The emergence of banking

seventeenth century, usury was system which help enterprise
finally accepted. facing difficulties by loans.

- Individual religious freedom - Pave way for individual

 Individualism economic and political freedom.
 entrepreneurial free market
ISLAM - Forbids the consumption of - Exporter or intend to export to
pork and alcohol,…Halal countries with a majority of
certification is a process Muslims need Halal
through which food products certification.
and meat are verified to comply
with Islamic dietary laws.

- Worldly gain and temporal - All entrepreneurs are willing to

power are an illusion delay work for praying 5 times a

- Religion is paramount in all - International business are

areas of life. Life is shaped by accepted and welcomed as long
Islamic values and norms of as those businesses behave in
moral conduct. Islamic law as manner that is consistent
(Koran) is source of state’s law. with Islam ethics
But market-based systems

Islamic Fundamentalism: - Anti Western governments,

- Against globalization and cultural symbols, business, and
prevalence of Western. even individuals.

- Islamic fundamentalists is on - Hostility toward Western-

the rise. owned business is likely to

-Prohibits the payment or

receipt of interest. (because the Banking methods:
Koran clearly condemns -Mudarabah: Dispositors send
interest) money to bank in a saving
account. Then bank lends
money to a business and then
takes a share in the profits that
are derived from the
-Murabaha (the most widely
used among the world’s Islamic
banks): is a sort of credit
transaction in which the buyer
and seller agree on the pricing
and markup of an asset. The
bank buys the asset on behalf of
the client and then resells it to
the client for a profit.
- Social pressures created in
traditional Islamic societies by
the modernization and the
influences of Western ideas
(liberal democracy, materialism,
equal rights for women,
attitudes toward sex, marriage
and alcohol,..)

- Iran, Afghanistan.

- Approve free-enterprise and

earning legitimate profit (not
based in exploitation of others)

- Legitimate profit is used in a

righteous, social beneficial, help
the disadvantaged.
HINDUISM - Ascetic principles in Hinduism - Hold back the development of
do not encourage to pursuit economic. However. Business
wealth creation. activity is still really dynamic
due to specialization in

- Women’s power are limited. - The workforce of women are

decline with less productivity
requirement and pay less.

- Support India’s caste’s system, - Limit individual’s opportunities

so it’s difficult for individual to to be promoted or find their
be in a higher caste. route to the higher levels of the
BUDDHISM Does not support the caste A more fertile ground for
system, the extreme ascetic entrepreneurial activity.

CONFUCIANISM - Loyalty - binds employees to the heads

of organization can reduce the
conflict between management
and labor

- Reciprocal obligation - Guanxi Wang (relationship

network) which helps building
long term business
- Close ties between suppliers
and companies are facilitated
for work on a range of issues:
inventory reduction. Quality
control, design,…
- Enforce agreements between
business more than Chinese
legal system

- Honesty to dealing with other - The cost of doing business is

lower (cut cost of resolving
contract disputes).

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