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Calling.... calling....Hao joined the video call.

You: Oh god! You're not ưearing a suit.

Hao: Hahahaha, nope.I would feel very uncomfortable wearing a suit for a long.

You: I wanted to ask you for a while now. What kind of an actor are you? I mean, the first time I
saw you, it was just a photoshoot, but I noticed how the audience was screaming your name.
You're extremely famous, aren't you?

Hao: Well, yeah....Most of the time, I act in Chinese fantasy dramas in the Xianxia genre. Are
you familiar with it?

You: No, not really. Is there any specific reason why you chose that?

Hao: Actually, yes. But it involves talking about the past. Sure you want to go there?

You: Nope. Let's stick to present!

Hao: Well, anyway I play emperors. I'm really good at it.

You: Oh, is that why you love yelling at people so much?

Hao: Oh, come on....It happened twice. .

You: With me.

Hao: I'm trying to do better!

You: I know. I really admire you for trying!

Hao: It's thanks to you.

You:What do you mean?

Hao: You make me want to be better. When I'm around you, you seem to wake up my soft side. I
like who I am with you. It reminds me of who I used to be. Before I became a ruthless monster.

You: You know, you can still be kind if you want to. Don't let your past scars dictate who you
are now.

Hao: See. That's why I love having you around.You are so smart.

You: I guess you should keep me close, then.

Hao: Why don't you tell me something about yourself? I didn't get to know you at all on our last

You: Well....One thing you have to know in order to date me is.... I absolutely hate lies!

Hao: Lucky for you, I don't lie.

You: Aren't you an emperor or smth? Don't they all lie?

Hao: Hey, that's cruel! But also kinda true. Ok ok, I'll never lie TO YOU! I know you don't
remember this. But you are exactly who you were before.

You: And I know I said no talk about the past, but....I would love to hear more about me. How
was I?
Hao: I perfer to tell you these things in person. Besides, this video chat officially sucks.

You: Uhm, THANKS????

Hao: No, no....Not you. I would just much rather have you in front of me. Why don't you come
here?We can hang out on the set.

You: Uhmmm. Am I allowed to access the set?

Hao: You are when you know me, besides. Everyone cleared out for lunch. It would be just you
and me.....

You: Hmmm, I wonder what we are going to do alone.....

Hao: Hahahaha, dress up and role play.

You: Lol, what are we 12?

Hao: Just get over here, and I'll show you what we can do.

You: I'm heading there now.

Hao: Just hurry. I want to have as much time as possible alone.

You: Yes, Sir!

Hao left the video call. Video call ended.

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