Expression of Interest - PEPFAR COP Road Map - Children's Group

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Expression of interest – PEPFAR COP Road Map – Children’s Group

Organisation Name Chipinge Vulnerable Children Intervention Program (CVCIP).

Registration Details PVO42/21
Districts of implementation Chipinge District, Zimbabwe
Address 733 Medium Density, Chipinge, Zimbabwe
E-mail address info@ chipingevulnerablecip

Name of Representative Mr Luke Mugobo

Position Director

Telephone +263 785 632 642, +263 779 132 227

Areas of interest Community leadership which includes meaningful
engagement in planning, community led implementation and
community-led monitoring
Abridged profile (i) The CVCIP is a non-governmental organisation,
which aspires to be the leading humanitarian
organisation in assisting and working with
Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC), widows,
widowers and out of school youths to fulfil their
fully potential in the Chipinge District, Zimbabwe.
(ii) The organisation aims to work with affected and
infected OVC in mitigating the effects of HIV/AIDS
pandemic by offering Psycho social support
(iii) Supporting community based sustainable
economic strengthening projects and livelihoods
for HIV/AIDS affected and infected OVCs and
their caregivers.
(iv) Provision of educational assistance to OVCs

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