The Latest News From Bulgarian IT Market

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October 31, 2011, The Latest News from Bulgarian ICT Market

Municipality Galabovo among the First with e-Governance through Docuware and Nemetschek
Municipal Administration in town of Galabovo has a document system under the project "Quality of administrative services and development of egovernance, financed by OPAK program.
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Software company Nemetschek has created the official website of the municipality, implemented the document system - Docuware, and integrated three sub municipalities in processes of e-governance. The company has implemented the accompanying project training of employees of the municipal administration to work with the electronic document system. This is another project implemented by Nemetschek Bulgaria in state institutions. Among other projects implemented by the company in this segment are the National Assembly, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Culture, Sofia Municipality, and the National Library.

Companies are Increasingly Interested in the Implementation of Business Management Systems

Bulgarian companies show increasing interest in introducing new business management systems, which allow them to increase the effectiveness. This is proved by the recently completed procedure under Operational Programme "Competitiveness" funding such systems, where were submitted over 1200 projects, said Minister of Economy and Energy Traycho Traykov, during a forum dedicated to the topic. So far 503 contracts are signed for nearly 400 million BGN, of which to business are paid about 100 million, and the effect is more and better solutions for implementation improvements in business, said Traycho Traykov

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He presented the report of the World Economic Forum on the global economy, according which Bulgaria has relatively good 50th place in terms of its technological readiness. The country is on 18th place in fast Internet; on 40th place in broadband Internet access, and in number of Internet users - 51st place, informs the Minister. Overall, Bulgaria has a 73rd place. However, statistics reported worrying "classification" of Bulgaria on only the 127th place in implementation of high-technologies in companies. That is why ministry is refocusing "Competitiveness" program to support with substantial resources technological upgrading of firms in priority sectors, the minister said.

Syncsort Entered Bulgaria in Partnership with Fujitsu

Fujitsu starts a partnership with software developer Syncsort. That said Viara Changarova, Senior Manager in Fujitsu Bulgaria, during a forum organized by the company, entitled "Day of dynamic infrastructures. Syncsort is a U.S. supplier of software, specializing in backup, deduplication and data protection.
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Mario Werner, Sales Manager "Data protection" in Syncsort, explained that the policy of the company is to sell products through partners who are also representatives of data storage manufacturer NetApp. Fujitsu, in turn, is a global partner of NetApp, which makes the now agreement a logical step. Partnership between Syncsort and NetApp has continued over ten years. One of the products of the joint operation of both companies is called NSB (NetApp Syncsort Integrated Backup) - solution that combines Syncsort software for management with technology (as snapshot) and disks from NetApp.

Within the forum "Day of Dynamic Infrastructure" Hans Lampreht, manager for Romania, Bulgaria and the Adriatic in NetApp, and Todor Todorov, IT solutions consultant at Fujitsu also gave presentations.

VIVACOM with over 30% Increase in Mobile Subscribers and Increase in Revenue
VIVACOM reported 1.7% growth in general revenue amounting to 231.3 million and 6% increase in revenue only from mobile services in the third quarter of 2011 over the same period of 2010. The company has more than 4 million customers using its services. In the third quarter VIVACOM marks over 30% increase in mobile customers on an annual basis. In July the company reported 100,000 numbers transferred to its mobile network and

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the only player on the market with a positive balance in number portability. Revenue from Mobile Data Services also shows double-digit rate, and their subscribers have also increased by over 180% over the same period in 2010. Profit for the first nine months of 2011 however decreased over the same period of 2010 and amounted to BGN 25 million. The difference is mainly due to a reduction of revenues from fixed services, reduced retail prices and discontinued operations. The company's financial position remains strong with cash in bank accounts and bank deposits amounted to 207.4 million in the third quarter. VIVACOM realized investment program of 600 million allocated in the next three years for development of services and expansion of telecom infrastructure. Telecom is positioned as Internet service provider with 100% coverage of the territory of Bulgaria and the ability to provide access to global network to sites without telecommunication infrastructure via announced in September launch of its new service to provide satellite Internet.

M-Tel Will Participate the Race for New Frequencies

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In tenders for new frequencies, recently announced by the Commission for Communications Regulation will participate the mobile operator M-Tel, reported telecom. It is expected that after the tenders for new frequencies telecoms will become four and even five, but if one of existing operators win they will remain three. M-Tel believes that as a leading need to seek to increase its frequency spectrum and will therefore participate in tenders announced by the CRC. So far companies who have expressed interest are 4G com", satellite operator "Bulsatcom" and provider of mobile Internet "Max Telecom." The deposit for participation is 50 million.

Connecta with the Prestigious Award of Konica Minolta Europe

Bulgarian Agency for Direct Marketing Connecta receives prestigious award from the Konica Minolta Europe for successful application of digital printing services. Print Sample Competition is internal competition evaluating the highest standards in the production of printed materials among European customers of Konica Minolta. In the race took participation offices of Konica Minolta Europe with their partners and customers which use the company's solutions. Connecta succeed to submit its latest standards for optimized print production, although its specialized center is functioning only a year. Print Sample Competition assesses the quality and creativity of production and organizational aspects of management of the production process in all countries that use black and white production systems Konica Minolta bizhub PRO 1200. Bizhub PRO 1200 is a machine with a print speed of 120 ppm A4.

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Innovative Practices for Software Development Presented at the Technical University

Practices Build Automation and Continuous Integration in software development were presented on October 27 at the Technical University - Sofia Hall 1152. They aim to improve and optimize the process of integrating the many components that make up a software product. These practices are based on automated process to build and test. Application of Continuous Integration practice helps to significantly reduce integration issues and to create faster better software. The presentation has shown some of these practices and how to apply them. Practices were presented by Peter Raikov, a software developer at software company Telerik. He deals with the development of applications with .NET Framework platform.

Two New Switches under ZyXEL BESTSELLER Program in Bulgaria

ZyXEL presents BESTSELLER Program in Bulgaria too, by including in its successful portfolio one powerful new router and two 5 and 8 port switches at very reasonable prices. "We are confident in the success of the program as these products are completely localized for the markets of Central and Eastern Europe and the client will undoubtedly receive a great price for a good brand with a 3 year extended warranty," said Milan Baran, vice president for ISIEmergingMarketsPDF bg-aubg from on 2011-11-09 06:33:17Czech DownloadPDF. Central and Eastern Europe and general manager for ZyXEL EST. Republic, Slovakia and Poland. "ZyXEL launched 4 years ago a very successful portfolio of new products called BESTSELLER, having the best prices, best quality and best warranty. As a result of this program we attracted resellers and end users throughout Europe and significantly increased our market share," Baran added.

Bulgaria Wants to Attract Korean Investments in IT and Hi-tech Parks

Bulgarian Minister of Economy, Energy, and Tourism Traicho Traikov stated at a seminar in Sofia dedicated to the Free Trade Agreement between South Korea and the EU that Korea is a priority economic partner for Bulgaria. "The efforts of the Bulgarian government are directed at attracting Korean investments in sectors with great potential such as electronics and engineering, car parts manufacture, machine-building, electric cars, IT, agriculture, energy, transport and logistics, hi-tech parks and industrial zones," declared Traikov during the event organized by the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Sofia. "Bulgaria has the potential to be the entry point of Korean goods for the European market," the Economy Minister added during a panel in which he took part together with South Korean Ambassador to Bulgaria Chun Bi-ho and Atlantic Club President Solomon Passy.

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HP Introduced Its New Networking Solutions and Services

New HP networking solutions were presented on a specialized conference, organized by HP Bulgaria for its clients and partners. The company demonstrated FlexNetwork. Three new services were presented. They will be offered jointly with partners in the country. The first service is clients network analysis and how they are ready to transition to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). Step by step approach of HP offers IPv4 clients first to go to environment that supports both protocols simultaneously and as a next step - the transition to IPv6, providing seamless connectivity and business continuity with minimal risk levels. The second service, Video readiness, is related to the assessment of readiness to take traffic from video communications. "Until recently it was common practice in corporate environments video to be forbidden, said Alexander Alexandrov, manager Business Development in HP Networking. In recent years, however, it becomes more pervasive in daily business activities as a very convenient channel for disseminating information to both employees and customers. ISIEmergingMarketsPDF bg-aubg from on 2011-11-09 06:33:17 EST. DownloadPDF. The third service, according to Alexandrov, is related to the demand of customers for the presence of multiple suppliers of active network equipment. This implies the use of open standards. Here HP and partners again assess how networks are willing to adopt new standards and products from other suppliers.

Blizoo Sanctioned by the CPC for Misleading Advertising

Pecuniary penalty amounting on BGN 30,379 imposed the Commission on Protection of Competition to internet and TV provider "Blizoo and Media Broadband" EAD for violation of Art. 33 para. 2, item 1, in conjunction with Art. 32 of the Law for Protection of Competition. Penalty was imposed under a signal applied by a user for the company's misleading advertising in connection with the proposed "complete package", including digital TV with over 150 programs, internet and fixed telephony services. It was found that at Blizoo has indeed misled consumers by actually offers quite a few television programs. Good trade practice requires the broadcaster to ensure the quality and number of programs offered by provider as base features of provided services, considered by the CPC. In determining the penalty the Commission took into account the extent and duration of the infringement and the limited scale of the advertising campaign.

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Vice President of IBM with a Lecture in the Aula of Sofia University

On November 1st from 16 pm in the Aula of Sofia University will be held a public lecture by David McMillan, Vice President, Client Services Procurement, IBM. The lecture is part of the global lecture sessions as part of the company's 100th anniversary. McMillan is vice president at IBM with over 27 years experience in the corporation. During those years he held various management positions. He is in Bulgaria now for a special meeting and lecture with Bulgarian students, teachers, media and industry.

M-Tel Launches Platform for Application Developers

Platform for application developers launches Bulgarian mobile operator M-Tel. For the first time Bulgarian service provider offers a platform aimed at developers of mobile applications by providing them with its infrastructure.

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