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Dispute Resolution and Crisis Management

Module 3

The word CRISIS came from the Greek word ‘Krisis’ which means to separate.

It is a turning point in the progress of an affair or a series of events, is any event that
is, or expected to lead to an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual,
group, community or whole society.

Three elements are common to most definitions of crisis:

A. a threat to the organization/ Society.
B. The element of surprise.
C. A short decision time.

Crisis is a single event or a continued occurrence which threats the core of an

organization and cannot be addressed with the existing organizational capacities.

Characteristics: Uncertainty, Time pressure and potential for substantial damage.

EMERGENCY came from the Latin word ‘Emergentia’ meaning a Dipping/Plunging. It

is a sudden condition or state of affairs calling for immediate action. It is usually
small in scale, a personal injury or a few people becoming suddenly ill.

Emergency It is also defined as a serious situation or occurrence that happens

unexpectedly and demands immediate action and which can be dealt with existing
organizational capacities.

Types of Crisis

A. Disaster/ Natural Crisis - Ex. Typhoon, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruption, and
conflagration brought by El Nino.
B. Induced Catastrope/ Man-made Crisis - Ex. Arson, Bombing, Hostage taking.

What is individual personal crisis?

It refers to individuals who experience an event that produces emotional, mental,

physical, and behavioral distress or problems. A crisis can refer to any situaton in
which the individual perceives a suden loss of his or her ability to use effective
problem-solving and coping skills.

Kinds of Individual Crisis

Physical Crisis - those that are related to health problems or bodily sickness/
Economic Crisis - the deprivation of the basic necessities of life like food and
material things can lead to economic crisis.
Emotional Crisis - When an individual is affected by negative feelings like emotional
disturbances such as fear, frustrations and conflicts.
Social crisis - when the person is experiencing lack of interest, confidence and social
skills to relate meaningful, harmonious relationship with others. Being an anti social
can lead to social crisis.
Moral crisis - when the integrity of a person is lost, it is very difficult to bring it back
which causes moral crisis. People will look at you as someone who has a distorted or
irrational concept of what is right or wrong.
Psychological crisis - When the person is not able to identify himself as a man or
woman or he/she has a wrong sexual perspectives being attracted to the same sex.

Crisis Management
Is the act or manner of running or handling decisive matters, which is crucial. It
involves considerably the prevention of loss of life and injury, loss or damage to
property from hazards which cannot be normally foreseen or prevented.

Is the overall coordination of an organization’s response to a crisis, in an effective,

timely manner, with the goal of avoiding or minimizing damage to the organization’s
profitability, reputation, or ability to operate.

Question: What is the assessment of our own vulnerabilities, the evaluation of the
threat, threat groups and probable targets?
A. Crisis management
B. Threat analysis
C. S.W.O.T.
D. Surveillance operation

Question: What is the difference between the Risk Management and Crisis

Different organization to response in Crisis:

POC - Peace and order Council

Organizational body that shall primarily act on crises that arise out of man-made

NCASS - National Commission on Civil Aviation Security

Acts om crises resulting from aircraft hijacking. Disturbances in the civil aviation, or
terrorism that has national significance.

CMC - Crisis Management Council

Concerned with the formulation of crisis management procedures, integration and
orchestration or government, military/police and public efforts towards the
prevention and control of crisis incidents

NDRRMC - National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council () Formerly

known as National Disaster Coordinating Council)
Acts on crises that occur as a result of natural disasters or calamities.

Establish by RA 10121 of 2009 administered by the Office of Civil Defense under the
Department of National Defense (DND).

CMTG - Crisis Management Task Group

Tasked to handle hostage Crisis situation.

The Conceptual Framework of the AFP/PNP Crisis Management Doctrine

Crisis Manaegement is continuing activity that has two distinct phases:

1. Pro-active Phase
2. Re-active Phase

1. Pro-active phase - this phase is designed to predict or prevent the probability of

occurrence or crisis at the same time, prepare to handle them when they occur. It
includes the first 3 p’s of the 4P’S CRISIS MANAGEMENT MODEL: Prediction,
prevention and preparation.

A. Prediction - this stage involves foretelling of the likelihood of crisis occurring

either natural or man-made through the continuous assessment of all possible
 Update - Intelligence
 Threat Analysis of Threat Groups
- Political terrorist
- Criminals
- Mentally deranged individuals
B. Prevention - this proactive phase considers counter measures as part of the total
system of operation. Such counter measures involve the following:
 Operation Security
 Personnel Security

C. Preparation - this proactive phase involves organizing, training, and equipping

personnel of the organization.

2. Reactive Phase - when the crisis occurs despite the proactive efforts, the
organization concerned must prepare to perform the crisis management in
accordance with their plan.

D. Performance - it is the action stage, the implementation of the crisis management

contingency plans. It compromises of three stages:

The Initial Action - the initial action stage is taken by the initial action unit,
which s composed of police or military personnel immediately organized into team
to initially respond to take incident and begin the containment effort. The following
should be accomplished:
- Maintain control of the situation
- Report the matter to the appropriate authorities through channels
-Secure the scene by establishing perimeter security
-Evacuate by standers if possible
- Prevent escape or perpetrator(s)
Take maximum control

The action stage - it starts as soon as the tactical support unit and the
negotiation unit arrived and are deployed. The OSC discusses the incidents with his
commanders and staff decides on the plans and actions to be taken. The action stage
has two different activities: Negotiation and Tactical action/ Intervention.

 Negotiation - Chief negotiator undertakes negotiation as soon as he has been

properly briefed and received appropriate instruction of the OSC.
 Tactical Action - The tactical commanders makes a complete estimate of the
crisis situation and plans his courses of action upon arrival while negotiations in

The post action stage - this stage begins as soon as the perpetrator
surrendered, capture or neutralized.

The OSC shall ensure that the following are accomplished:

-Protection of the incident scene
-investigation of the incident/ preservation of evidence
-Keep the Witness, Hostage, perpetrators and other key participants of the incident.
-recovered, documented, preserve evidences
-Written reports
-Filing and prosecution of cases
-Damage compensation and rehabilitation

Major Concerns of Crisis Management

A. Terrorism
B. Bombing
C. Rallies and Demonstration
D. Hostage Taking

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