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1) Bob thinks students need to _____ .

a) have more fun

b) get better grades
c) party less

2) MJ thinks the university needs ________ vacations.

a) shorter
b) fewer
c) longer

3) Ben does not talk about _____.

a) safety
b) cost
c) quality

4) Susan is worried about the _____ of the faculty and staff.

a) shortage
b) quality
c) pay

5) Julio thinks the cafeteria needs ________ .

a) more staff
b) healthier food
c) longer hours

6) Mary says the library is a great place to _______ .

a) find rare books

b) get some sleep
c) check out books
If you elect me student body president, I will provide you with the best parties you have ever
seen. The school has already focused on education. We've already been focused on sports,
but I will provide with parties that no one has seen before. Parties in important for student life
because if we don't have good parties, how can we enjoy our education and our studies.
Elect me student president, and I promise to fulfill your needs students.
Dear fellow students, this is MJ. If you guys vote me as the respresentative of this university,
I will definitely promise you more vacation. We have too much classes on one week, and we
have a shorter vacation during the summer. For example, right now we have sixty days of
vacation in the summer, but I will promise you to increase to eighty. Please vote me for the
representative of this school. Thank you.
Dear students, if you elect me as student body president, I will make sure that we have a
cheaper way to come to school, because right now, coming to school, transportation by bus
is way to expensive and dealing with the economic problem's right now, I think we can
definitetly do with a cheaper mode of transportation, so ... and also for services, it's not good
at all, and I think that we should push for better services and a cheaper deal.
Well, I hear from a lot of people that there are not enough good teachers at this school, and
workers at the office are not helpful at all, so if you choose me for student body president, I
will meet with the president to relay the problems so that you can start to hire better staff,
because I think education is the most important thing in this world. That's why you guys are
at school, right? So vote me now?
Hello, ladies and gentlement, today I wanted to talk to you about the condidtions in your
cafeteria. It is outrageous, that we have to pay twice as much for a place to salad, than for a
place of fried chicken. Universities should promote health, and our university is not doing so.
There is a lot of people who are visiting our campus and in the world today more people die
of obesity than from cigarette or alcohol related diseases. If I get elected into president, I
would vow to change the conditions in our cafeteria and make health food available for
everyone at reasonable prices.
My fellow students, we have a problem. There are no books in our library. The library is a
very interesting place, which I'm sure you'll all use very regularly when you want to go to
sleep, when it's very cold and and you wanted a heated place, but this university is an
academic institution, and every now and again, I like to be able find a book in there. I walk
into the library, and I look left and there are empty shelves. I walk into the library and I look
right and there are more empty shelves. I'd like to be president of this campus next year, and
I will get some books

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