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‘An internship report carried out from the 29th of August to the 29th of
September at Alpha Marine Shipping Service, focus Area The Role of
Warehouse Management on Organizational Performance’.


This is to certify that this report titled ‘’ An internship report carried out from

the 29th of august to the 29th of September at Alpha Marine Shipping Service,

focus Area The Role of Warehouse Management on Organizational

Performance’’ has been carried out by Ttitakum Macbrine Tah with registration

number 3708 for the award of Higher National Diploma in Logistics and

Transport Management.

(Name of Field Supervisor)

Signature: Date:

(Name of Academic Supervisor)

Signature: Date


I, Titakum Macbrine Tah declares that I am the sole author of this report. I

understand the nature of plagiarism amd I am aware of the institutional policy

on this. I declare that this report is an original work by me and contains neither

material previously pushished by another person nor materials that has been

accepted of a certificate in any other constitution, except where due

acknowledgment have been made.

Signature: Date:


To my family.


My gratitude and praise to the Almighty God for granting me good heath
throughout this academic process.

I will also like to extend me gratitude to my academic supervisor madam

Akis Solange for all her selfless efforts in making sure I say on remain focus
and stay on track.

Also, a great deal of gratitude goes to the Higher Institute of Business

Management and Technology (HIPMAT) who made all this possible from
being able to take time to search and placing me on internship and making
available experience and competent lecturers

Not forgetting the people who where there in the very beginning, to my family
who supported me in every way they can through my academic journey. Once
more I will like to say thanks for all the moral, financial and motivation they
gave during this academic ladder. I pray may the good Lord continue to bless
them all the days of their life.


The purpose of this study was to examine the Role of Warehouse Management
on Organizational Performance at Alpha Marine Shipping Service Ltd. During
the internship, the intern was previllaged to have conducted major activities in
the Warehousing department of the company. The intern identifies some
challenges faced by the company in the area of Warehouse Management. It was
observed that the company faced challenges likes; poor layout designs,
unsatisfied order management, poor inventory control (expecting products in a
certain location but realizing they are somewhere else). Based on these
challenges the intern recommends; look for technology that can help organize
the warehouse layout, such as the warehouse management system, implement
the use of an order management system.



1.1.Definition and objective of internship
1.2.Significance of internship
1.3.1Presentation of Company

1.3.2 Brief description of the various departments and their function

1.3.3 Organizational and structure of the organization

1.4 Definition of terms





Chapter One
This chapter will provide information on introduction, background of
the study, significant of the study and definition of terms.

1.1.1 Defination of an Internship

Edgewood College Carrier Development defined internship as, a form
of experience learning that intergrades knowledge and theory learned in the
classroom with practical application and skills development in a professional or
community setting. Internship provides resources, equipments, and facilities
that enables students to gain experience in a professional work environment,
and provides students with skills or knowledge that are transferable to other
settings. Internship with define learning objectives, professional supervision,
and opportunities for reflection over valuable enriced learning .

1.1.2 Objective of the internship

- The internship provided the intern with an oppoertunity to put into

practice skills learned in school.
- The intern was opportune to witness how applicable some logistical
theories learned in school are used in solving real life problems.
- The intern learned from experience professional like the Warehouse
- The intern wants to gain academic credits for the Higher National
- The internship helped to enhance the intern’s resume.
- The internship helped the intern to develop new skills and knowledge in
the field.
- The internship help the intern to network with professionals and other
interns both in the interns field of study and out,

1.2 Significants of the Internship

The report has a great significant at two levels. To the intern and to the
Firstly, the internship has helped the intern to gain logistics work
experience since she gain more knowledge obtained in class. The
internship has exposed the intern to the challenges in the workplace and
how the challenges can be overcome. The internship has helped the intern
in making friends and connections with various people who in future may
give a helping hand in her professional life. Lastly the report can be
served as reference for other students and as a guide for the reduction of
work-related stress.

1.3.1 Presentation of Company

Ndam Alfred F.

Nambeke Kaiser Daime E M. ESQ

Yisi Emmanuel D

Namondo Mavis K.


Mangan M. Pierre SHIP

Q.H.S.E Dep’t Bah Kakmbar N. FIN/ACC PROC/SUPPLY Dep’t
MANAGER officer
Sepherine Kongwe M. Anna M. Chemendu SHIP SULLY

Ashu Etta E. Ayuk James

O.H.S.E SUPERVISOR Anyong Michael N.


Ashu Etta


Nkwenti N. Blaise
Fontem T. Walter ILLI Colnus N. ELECTRICAIN
Land Transport/Maintenance SPEEDBOAT

Ndangha Linda

1.3.1 Company History

Alpha Marine Shipping Service (AMSS) Ltd is a Cameroonian based

Company which was created in the 1990s in the Southwest Region of Cameroon

specifically in Limbe. Alpha Marine began with two shareholders and years

after, the demise one of the shareholders, the company is now a sole

proprietorship company. Today, the organization Alpha Marine has grown and

expanded it branches to some lucrative parts of the country. The company now

runs two branches with its main branches in Limbe and the other in Douala, the

economic capital of the country. The aim of Alpha Marine is a safety for its

employees, customers as well as the environment. Alpha Marine was registered

and recognized by the state as an organization in the year 2004. Alpha Marine

started providing ship chandelling service in the 1990s, which entails buying

foodstuffs to supply vessels on board at the seaport and those at anchorage

making use of speed boats. Alpha Marine signed a contract with Rig, a

company which deals with drilling followed by ATM, a Douala based company.

As a result of improved financial position, Alpha Marine purchased her first

vessel called Alpha Hock. Alpha Marine operates with four service vessels

namely Alpha Hock, Alpha Macaw, Alpha Merlin and Alpha Eagle, a big boat

and batch. In the year 2005, Alpha Marine signed a contract with an American

based company known as NOBLE now called PARAGOH. Today, Alpha

Marine offers a wide range from crewing, offshore maintenance, under work

repairs, industrial waste repair, ISA/FFA, bunkering, speed boat hiring ships

and port agents. Alpha Marine is also an agent to other companies.

1.3.2 Brief description of the various departments and their
Alpha Marine Shipping Services offers numerous services which may

- Bunkering: Alpha Marine buys and sells fuel to other vessel.

- Crewing: AMSS provides manning or labour supply for ships in need.
- Ship and Port Agent: AMSS is responsible for arranging berth, all
required port and husbandry services, clearing the ship with the port and
other authorities, preparation and submission of appropriate documents.
- Ship Chandelling: AMSS aids in providing food supply to vessels.
- Speed boat hiring: AMSS provide fast boats with facilitates the
transportation of goods to other vessel and goods from offshore to shore.
- Offshore Maintenance and Repair: AMSS provides maintenance and
repair services to ships in need.

1.3.3 The Organizational structure of the Organization

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

- He has the responsibility and authority to oversee the business divisions.
Various head of the company will report to the managing partner. He is
responsible for the firms overall operations and performance.
- He ensures that expenditures of the company is appropriately organised
and staff and he has the authority to hire and terminate staff.
- He assesses the principal risk of the company and ensures that these risks
are being monitored and managed.
- He also ensures effective internal control and management information
systems are in place.
Management Department
- This department is committed to establish and implement for the offers
and the vessels management system that is adequately maintained and that
continuously satisfies the requirement of IMO and ISM code as applicable and
all other statutory requirements and international legislation. It aims at:
- Meeting customer’s expectation as defined in charter parties and
management agreement.
- Investing in long term customer relations based on trust and mutual
concern over society’s welfare and development.
- Ensuring the timely and in depth process in and resolving of any
customer complaints.
- Establishment and pursuing reasonable and measurable objective and
performance targets.
Accounting Department
- This department provides accounting services and financial support to the

organization. The department records account payable and receivable,
inventory, payroll, fixed assets and all other financial departments. The
department’s accountant review the records of each department to determine the
company’s financial position and any changes required to run the organization
cost effectively.
Safety Department
- This department ensures all operations are conducted in a safe and secure
manner without any injuries, loss of life and damage to property or the
Human Resource Department
- It recruits workers; negotiate on with employees on behalf of the
Ship Chandelling Department
- It is in charge with supply of goods needed on board a vessel. We make
sure that our clients get the satisfaction they derive from our service.

1.4 Definition of terms



This chapter will review literature beginning with an introduction

to the chapter, the conceptual framework (defining concepts) of

Warehousing Management.


A warehouse is a commercial building or space used for the storing of goods

and materials. Warehouse layout refers to the arrangement and organization of
storage areas, equipment and other elements within the warehouse facility. It
involves determining the optimal placement of goods, picking and picking
stations, storage racks, and other sources to maximize efficiency, productivity
and space utilization. Well designed Warehouse layout can improve inventory
management, order fulfillment processes, and overall operational effectiveness.

Inventory Management: A well-designed warehouse layout can help

optimize inventory management by ensuring that items are stored in a logical
and efficient manner. This can include organizing products based on demand,
size, weight, or other relevant factors to facilitate easy access and retrieval.
Proper labeling and signage can also improve inventory visibility and accuracy,
reducing the risk of stockouts or overstock situations.

Order Fulfillment Processes: An optimized warehouse layout can

streamline order fulfillment processes by reducing travel time for pickers and
packers. Placing popular items closer to packing stations or shipping areas can
minimize the distance goods need to travel, speeding up order processing and

reducing fulfillment times. Additionally, a well-organized layout can help
prevent bottlenecks, errors, and delays in the picking, packing, and shipping

Overall Effectiveness: A well-planned warehouse layout can enhance overall

operational effectiveness by maximizing space utilization, improving workflow
efficiency, and reducing operational costs. By optimizing the placement of
storage racks, equipment, and workstations, a warehouse can accommodate
more inventory, increase productivity, and enhance safety for workers. A well-
designed layout can also support scalability and adaptability to changing
business needs, allowing the warehouse to efficiently handle fluctuations in
demand or inventory levels.


MGT2405, University of Toronto, Denny Hong-Mo Yeh

Inventory management is the branch of business management that covers the

planning and control of the inventory. Priority planning determines what
materials are needed and when they are needed in order to meet customers’
demands. Capacity planning determines the amount of capacity required in each
period to execute the priority plans. There are various ways to conduct priority
and capacity planning; a “feasible” solution that satisfies a customer’s
requirement may not be good enough. We demand a “good” plan that satisfies
customers while maintaining the lowest possible total cost.

2.1.3. Cross Docking

The activity of cross-docking is the logistics process of transhipping

inventory in a flow-centre by unloading the shipments from the inbound trucks

directly to the outbound trucks to reduce shipment time and cost by eliminating
storage and order picking activities, thus accelerating the flow of the shipping
cycle. The Material Handling Industry of America defines cross-docking as “the
process of moving merchandise from the receiving dock to shipping [dock] for
shipping without placing it first into storage locations”. Industries implement a
cross-docking strategy to improve the “just-in-time” deliveries within their
supply chain in order to minimize the number of inbound and outbound trucks
and enhance sustainability. A cross-docking station is a site where inventory is
unloaded, consolidated, and then directly reloaded onto outgoing trucks. Under
a cross-docking strategy, the inventory is stored only for a short time before
being reloaded onto outgoing trucks; the inventory does not stay beyond 24
hours within the cross-dock station. In addition to cross-docking, there are other
distribution strategies that are commonly used to distribute products from
suppliers to customers, such as direct shipment, milk-runs , and warehousing . A
direct shipment strategy is based on sending shipments directly from the source
to the destination where trucks can perform single or multiple pick-ups and
deliveries. In a milk-run strategy, shipments are distributed into routes where
trucks visit multiple origins and destinations sequentially. Both direct shipment
and milk-run strategies do not involve intermediary logistics facilities; hence,
there are lower implementation costs. However, these two strategies are not
efficient in the case of small shipment sizes and when customers are located in
remote geographic areas as these will lead to longer transportation times with
partially empty trucks. In a warehousing strategy, trucks are loaded with
products from suppliers; then, these are sent to a warehouse or distribution
centre for unloading and storing. After that, the products are retrieved,
assembled, and shipped upon customer order. However, a warehousing strategy
applies storage and material handling costs in addition to the possibility of
having partially empty trucks or the added cost of assembling loads from

inbound and outbound truck sequencing to minimize the total turnaround time .
More studies have emerged in the field of cross-docking.


2.2.1 Just In Time Theory

The Just-in-time (JIT) came into wide use in the Japanese shipbuilding
and automotive industries. One simple definition was given by Vrat
(2014). According to his study “JIT or zero-inventory system is an idealized
concept of inventory management wherein we are able to supply whatever
material is required, wherever required, and whenever required JIT with
100% supply assurances without keeping any inventory on hand”. In JIT
waste and unnecessary costs must be minimised. Griinwald and Zortuin (1992)
pointed out that “in order to achieve this production as far as possible
need to strive toward: zero stock, rejection rate, set-up time, machine
breakdown, transport and waiting time”. The implementation of JIT can
provide many advantages to a company by improving profits, and return
on investment through cost reductions, inventory reductions, and quality
improvements. These benefits proved by many case studies explain the wide
acceptance of JIT in industry.ory.

The JIT philosophy always achieves a reduction in the inventory. In many

companies today, inventory accounts for 40 to 60% of their assets, which is
usually the largest asset on the balance sheet. In supply chain management,
inventory levels not only affect the overall cost of a single enterprise but also
restrict the performance of the entire supply chain. Hence, by reducing the
inventory levels to their lowest, the company can save more assets and
gain more liquidity to expand its business. It is concluded that companies

that adopted supply chain processes and especially standard inventory
control methods were more profitable that those that did not. Currently,
keeping inventories at a low level is a common practice among companies in
both the manufacturing and the retail sector. This practice has positive and
negative impacts on costs and profitability. On the one hand, it can reduce
storage and operational costs, ensuring more available cash flow and, at the
same time, minimises the depreciation of inventory. On the other hand, it can
be costly due to the increase in shipping costs, as well as, other logistical and
organisational costs.
Demand Forecasting

Zero-level Inventory Continuous Improvement

Total Quality control Pull / kamban

JIT Key Elements

Use of ICT Applications

Relationship with Suppliers

Computer-integrated Use of ID
Manufacturing Technologies
Vendor Management Reliable delivery time
Use of Enterprise Use of Business
Information System Data Exchange
Continuous Development of new products

Small Supply base

Information Sharing

Long-term Agreement

2.2.2 The Theory of Constraints (TOC)

The Warehouse Theory of Constraints was developed in the mid-1990s by

Eliyahu M. Goldratt, who is also known for his work on the Theory of
Constraints (TOC) in general. The Warehouse Theory of Constraints applies the
principles of TOC specifically to warehouse and distribution center operations.

The main idea behind the Warehouse Theory of Constraints is to identify and
eliminate bottlenecks or constraints in the warehouse that limit its overall
performance. By focusing on improving the flow of materials through the
warehouse, reducing inventory levels, and optimizing resource utilization,
organizations can increase efficiency, reduce lead times, and enhance customer

Key concepts of the Warehouse Theory of Constraints include identifying the

most critical constraints in the warehouse, exploiting those constraints to
maximize throughput, subordinating other activities to the constraints, and
elevating the performance of the constraints over time. By applying these
principles, organizations can achieve significant improvements in warehouse
operations and overall supply chain performance.

2.2.3 Lean Warehouse Theory

The theory of lean warehousing represents a strategic approach to warehouse

management that emphasizes efficiency, waste reduction, and continuous
improvement. Developed in the 1990s by pioneers in lean manufacturing such
as Shigeo Shingo and Taiichi Ohno, this methodology draws upon principles
like just-in-time inventory management, value stream mapping, and 5S
methodology to streamline operations and enhance overall performance. By

adopting a lean approach, organizations can optimize their warehouse
processes, minimize excess inventory, and create a more responsive and
customer-centric supply chain. This introduction will delve deeper into the key
concepts and benefits of lean warehousing theory, shedding light on its
relevance in today's dynamic business environment.

Key Concepts of Lean Warehousing Theory:

1. Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory Management: JIT involves receiving and

storing inventory only when it is needed, minimizing excess inventory and
reducing storage costs.

2. Value Stream Mapping: This technique helps identify and eliminate waste
in the warehouse by visualizing the flow of materials and information from
suppliers to customers.

3. 5 S Methodology: The 5S methodology (Sort, Set in order, Shine,

Standardize, Sustain) focuses on organizing the workspace for efficiency,
cleanliness, and safety.

4. Continuous Improvement: Lean warehousing promotes a culture of

continuous improvement through Kaizen activities, encouraging employees to
identify and implement process enhancements.

Benefits of Lean Warehousing Theory

1. Improved Efficiency: By eliminating waste and optimizing processes, lean
warehousing helps increase productivity and reduce lead times.

2. Cost Savings: Reduced inventory levels, improved space utilization, and

streamlined operations lead to cost savings in areas such as storage, labor, and

3. Enhanced Quality: Lean principles emphasize quality control and error

prevention, resulting in fewer defects and higher customer satisfaction.

4. Increased Flexibility: Lean warehousing enables organizations to respond

quickly to changing customer demands and market conditions, improving
overall agility and competitiveness.

5. Employee Engagement: Engaging employees in continuous improvement

initiatives fosters a culture of teamwork, empowerment, and accountability,
leading to higher morale and job satisfaction.

6. Customer Satisfaction: By delivering products faster, more accurately, and

with higher quality, lean warehousing helps enhance customer satisfaction and

In summary, adopting lean warehousing theory can drive significant

improvements in warehousing performance by optimizing processes, reducing
waste, lowering costs, enhancing quality, and increasing customer satisfaction.
Organizations that embrace these principles stand to gain a competitive edge in
today's fast-paced business environment.



3.0 Introduction

This chapter will provide information on introduction, background of the study

(Internship activities that is week one activities, week two activities, week three

activities, week four activities. Each discussed below;

3.1 Week One: Safety Department

On the 29th August 2023, when the intern came to the office of Alpha

Marine Shipping Service Ltd we where oriented at the safety meeting by the

Safetey Office. The safety meetings holds every Tuesdays, where the interns
and employees of the company share ideas on the safety precautions and how to
better implement ensuring the safety of all members of the company. In the
safety department the intern was thought the do and don’ts of the company. The
intern was informed of some basic regulations of the

company such as working hours which began from 8am to 4pm daily and a

break period of one hour beginning from 12pm to 1pm.

3.2 Week Two: Ship Chandelling Department

During the second week, the intern was placed in the ship chandelling
department where the intern gained kmowledge and experience in
ship Chandelling services. Ship chandelling refers to the provision
of food items and spare parts to ships at the port.

3.3 Week Three: The Warehousing Department

During the third week, the intern was placed in the Warehousing
department where the intern got to know the type goods in each warehouse and
how goods where to leave the warehouse. There is a warehouse for refrigerated
goods, another for some basic supplies like food stuffs, spare parts amongst
others and one for dangerous goods such as fuel, engine oil amongst others.

3.4 Week Four: The Finance Department

During the forth week of the training, the intern was placed in the
financial/accounting department. This department is in charge of recording of
recording all financial transactions of the company and makes use of document
like invoices, delivery notes, purchase orders and quotations.
- Purchase orders: It is a commercial document issued by a buyer to a
seller indicating types, quantities and agrees prices for products.
- Delivery Notes: A document accompanying a shipment of goods that list
the description and quality of goods delivered.
- Quotation: a document that suppliers submit to potential client with a
proposed price for the suppliers good.

4.1 Comparism between Theory and Practice
This chapter compares between theoretical and practical aspect (that is
the differences and similarities) of what the intern learned during the internship.
This chapter will also include challenges faced by the intern and challenges
faced by the organization.
The intern was not tough theoretically how to prepare some documents
like invoices but it was tough practically

4.2 Similarities

Both Just in Time (JIT) theory and practicals involve the concept of
efficiency and effectiveness. JIT theory emphasizes the importance of
minimizing waste, reducing inventory levels, and streamlining production
processes to deliver products or services to customers exactly when they are
needed. Similarly, practicals in educational settings aim to provide hands-on
learning experiences that helped the intern develop practical skills and apply
theoretical knowledge in real-world situations. Both JIT theory and practicals
focus on improving processes, optimizing resources, and achieving desired
outcomes in a timely manner.

4.3 Intern challenges.

- Communication: Some members of Alpha Marine Shipping Service Ltd
were not so open to the intern.
- Season: The internship was done in August and this happends to be the
peak of the raining season. This was a problem to the intern because, it
was difficult to go to work while it was raining and the intern was
restricted from going onboard the vessel when rail was falling.
Time: The duration for the internship was only a month. One month was
too little for the intern to visit all the various departments of the company.

4.4 Company Challenges

Competition: Alpha Marine Shipping Services faces stiff competition in
the market environment. This is because there are many companies
getting into the market offering the same services. Due to the level of
competition, the organization is constantly under pressure to meet
customer demands and outsmart competitors.
4.4.1 Cause of Company’s challenges and resulting consequences

Inadequate advertisement ( marketing). The locals of Limbe have very
little or no knowledge about Alpha Marine Shipping Service Ltd. They don’t
even know if such a company exist in Limbe. Cause of this most locals turn to
go to Douala to procure the same service that Alpha Marine Shipping Service
Ltd offers.

This chapter gives a detail summary of activities, conclusion and

recommendation of the entire work been examined above summary of activities.

The research was structured into 5 chapters. The first chapter being the

introduction contains the presentation of the company and its main activities,

aims/objectives of the study which is both general and specific department of

focus, significance of the study, definition of terms and synopsis.

The second chapter contains literature review which gives details about

what authors have written on supply chain management, importance of supply

chain management, stages/ processes in supply chain.

The third chapter talks about the background of the study, sources of
data collection, methods of data collection and activities carried out.

Chapter four deals with the comparism between theory and practice,

challenges faced during internship which is viewed in two domains that is

company and interns challenges.

Chapter five deals with the summary of activities, conclusion and

recommendations that help the institution to improve.

5.1 Conclusion

The study was based on the role of Supply Chain Management in Alpha
Marine Shipping Services Ltd. Based on the conceptual and theoretical
framework, the intern conclude that managing a warehouse includes activities
such as receiving and inspection of incoming shipment, maintaining accurate
inventory records, picking and packing orders for shipment, maintaining stocks
level and replenishing inventory. Moreover, Warehouse Management involves
challenges such as having accurate inventory, supply chain disruption, cost

5.2 Recommendation

5.2.1 Recommendation in line with the focus Area

- In order for the company to maintain a good reputation, there should be
effective optimization of inventory. This will help ensure the right amount of
stocks is available at the right time.
-Improve on order fulfillment. Proper warehousing management can streamline
order fulfillment processes, leading to faster and more accurate order
processing. This results to improved customers satisfaction and retention.
- Proper warehousing Management will help to reduce operating cost by
efficiently minimizing storage space requirements and lowering labour cost.

5.2.2 General Recommendation for the Company

- The company and its marketing department should allocate more resources in
advertisement. This will help create awareness to the locals of limbe about the
company and the services the offer.



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