Essay English

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My name is Ananda Syafira, people usually call me Nanda.

In my opinion, there are many words to

describe my personality. I range from being the nicest kid in the world to be the biggest child in the
world. The word I would describe myself is cowardly but responsible. You will soon see why I think I am
cowardly but responsible.

I was so scared at that time, but it all became a very valuable experience. At that time I was still in high
school. Joining an organizationis not an easy matter. Since my first year in high school, I joined an
organization commonly called “OSIS”. In my second year, I became the chairman candidate for the
independence ceremony and got elected. My feelings at that time were joy, surprise, and fear. Afraid of
the responsibility that will be carried.

I am very happy because friends and upperclassmen entrusted this responsibility to me. But, can I lead ?
this is not my first time being the leader, but it is my first time being the leader of a big event at school.
To be honest, when I came home I cried. Just to vent all my emotions at that time. After I calmed down
and made sure I was okay, I started to devise a plan.

The first step I did was find a deputy chairman. After that, discuss together about the arrangement of
plans for the future. During my time as chairman, many mistakes occurred because of my carelessness.
Like giving direct information without processing the words, easy to panic, so it makes other members
panic too. I also like to take other members jobdesc to finish quickly.

Apart from internal obstacles, there were also many external obstacles that I experienced. In terms of
funds, pernits, even participants. Lots of bickering there. Especially the final level seniors who don’t like
things that are troublesome. There is one problem where they do not want to participate in the race.
That is the most difficult problem because the final class race is hereditary and only one race. The
committee racked our brains to persuade the seniors.

Finally we asked for help from the homeroom teachers to persuade their students. The sdeniors also
agreed to take part in the competition because the prizes were very attractive. One more problem arose
when distributing prizes to the wnners homes, we did not think to inform them before arriving at the
deastination address.

From all that I know where my weakness are and I can learn a lot about myself. When I was in my third
year and became a senior, I was entrusted by the student council president to be the deputy chairman
of the independence ceremony to mentors underclassmen, and the event ran smoothly. The end, I still
carry out my responsibility even thought I’m afraid that I make a mistake. And when I make a mistake, I
will be responsible for my mistakes and will always be a better person every day

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