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Name:Marion Mamua Gobina

Course:Quantitative Techniques

Data Analysis Techniques

Here are 10 data analysis techniques:

1. Regression analysis: This technique is used to analyze the relationship

between variables and predict outcomes based on those relationships.

2. Clustering: Clustering involves grouping data points together based on

similarities in order to identify patterns or trends within the data.

3. Hypothesis testing: This technique is used to test the significance of

relationships or differences between variables in a dataset.

4. Factor analysis: Factor analysis is used to identify underlying factors or latent

variables within a dataset that explain the patterns in the data.

5. Time series analysis: This technique is used to analyze data collected over
time to identify trends, seasonality, and other patterns.

6. Text analysis: Text analysis involves analyzing unstructured text data to

extract insights and patterns using techniques such as sentiment analysis and
topic modeling.

7. Network analysis: Network analysis is used to analyze relationships between

data points in a network or graph structure, such as social networks or
transportation networks.

8. Spatial analysis: Spatial analysis involves analyzing data based on their

geographical location to identify spatial patterns or trends.

9. Machine learning algorithms: Machine learning algorithms, such as decision

trees, random forests, and neural networks, are used to build predictive models
based on patterns in the data.

10. Data visualization: Data visualization techniques, such as charts, graphs, and
dashboards, are used to visually represent data to help users understand and
interpret the information more easily.
Pre-estimation techniques associated with the 10 data analysis techniques
1. For data cleaning, common pre-estimation techniques include identifying and
handling missing values, removing duplicates, and outlier detection.

2. For data transformation, pre-estimation techniques may include normalizing

or standardizing the data, feature scaling, and encoding categorical variables.

3. For statistical analysis, pre-estimation techniques could involve checking for

assumptions such as normality, independence, and homoscedasticity before
applying statistical tests.

4. For machine learning algorithms, pre-estimation techniques may include

feature selection, hyperparameter tuning, and cross-validation to optimize
model performance.

5. For data visualization, pre-estimation techniques could involve choosing the

appropriate visualization type, labeling axes correctly, and ensuring the visual is
clear and easy to interpret.

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