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Set A

(Second Language)
Maximum Marks : 80
Time Allowed : Three Hours
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

This paper comprises of two Sections; Section A and Section B.

Attempt all the questions from Section A.
Attempt four questions from Section B, answering at least one question
each from the two books you have studied and any two other questions from the same books
that you have compulsorily chosen.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

SECTION—A (40 Marks)

Attempt all questions from this section.
Question 1
Write a short composition in Malayalam of approximately 250 words on any one
of the following topics :— [15]
(Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ hnjb§fn GsX¦nepw H¶v XncsªSp¯v
GItZiw 250 hm¡pIfn Hcp D]\ymkw aebmf¯n FgpXpI) :—
(i) “Hcp D¯a {KÙw Hcp D¯a Kpcp\mYs\m¸tam AXn\p apIfntem
\s½ kzm[o\n¡p¶p.” Cu A`n{]mb¯nsâ ]Ým¯e¯nÂ
]pkvXI§fpsS alXzs¯¸än Hcp D]\ymkw X¿mdm¡pI.
(ii) “\½psS BtcmKyw th­hn[¯n kwc£n¨nsæn `mhnbnÂ
\mw AXn\v I\¯ hne \ÂtI­n hcpw.” NÀ¨ sN¿pI.
(iii) ]mÝmXy kwkvImc¯nsâ IS¶pIbäwaqew \½psS
kwkvImc¯n\pw aqey¯n\pw th­{X {]m[m\yw \evIm¯ Hcp
kaql¯nemWv \mw C¶p Pohn¡p¶Xv – Cu hnjbs¯
A\pIqent¨m {]XnIqent¨m \n§fpsS A`n{]mbw hniZam¡pI.

This Paper consists of 13 printed pages and 1 blank page.

T23 081 Turn over
© Copyright reserved.
(iv) ‘]mew IS¡pthmfw \mcmbW ]mew IS¶m ]ns¶ IqcmbW’ –
Cu sNmÃns\ Bkv]Zam¡n Hcp kzX{´IY FgpXpI.

(v) Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ Nn{Xs¯ Bkv]Zam¡n Hcp teJ\tam

hnhcWtam X¿mdm¡pI :þ

Question 2

Write a letter in Malayalam of approximately 120 words on any one of the

following topics given below :— [7]

(Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ hnjb§fn GsX¦nepw H¶v XncsªSp¯v

GItZiw 120 hm¡pIfn Hcp Is¯gpXpI) :—

(i) KmÔnPb´n Zn\¯n \n§fpsS kvIqfn \S¶

ipNoIcW{]hÀ¯\§Ä hnhcn¨psIm­v kplr¯ns\mcp

(ii) iIvXamb agbn s]m«ns¸mfnªpt]mb tdmUpIfpsS

timN\obmhØbv¡v ]cnlmcw A`yÀ°n¨psIm­v s]mXpacma¯v
a{´n¡v Hcp I¯v X¿mdm¡pI.

T23 081 2
Question 3

Read the passage given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that
follow, using your own words as far as possible :—

(Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ KZy`mKw hmbn¨Xn\ptijw X¶ncn¡p¶

tNmZy§Ä¡v kz´w hm¡pIfn D¯csagpXpI) :—

C¶p temI¯n C{Xb[nIw IpäIrXy§Ä \S¡p¶Xv

F´psIm­msW¶v ]ecpw Nn´n¡mdp­v. a\\w sN¿m³
hntij_p²nbpÅ a\pjy³ Hcp kmlNcy¯nepw sN¿m³ ]mSnÃm¯
Imcy§fmWn¶p temI¯n \S¡p¶Xp. AXnsâ ZxJhpw ZpcnXhpw
Gähpw IpSpXÂ A\p`hn¡p¶Xv kv{XoIfpw Ip«nIfpamWv. ]et¸mgpw
\½Ä hnNmcn¡p¶Xpw Hcp hyànsb¶ \nebn F\ns¡m¶pw sN¿m³
Ignbnà F¶mWv. F¶m Cu at\m`mhw sXämWv.
temIs¯hnsSsb¦nepw a\pjy³ arKXpey\mbn {]hÀ¯n¡p¶
kw`h§sf¡pdn¨p tIÄ¡pt-¼mÄ Rms\mcn¡epw C§s\bmhnÃ,
]tcm]ImcnbmIm\pw aäpÅhsc thZ\n¸n¡mXncn¡m\pw {ian¡pw F¶
Nn´ a\Ên Ac¡n«pd¸n¡Ww. AXn\v B²ymßnIX klmbn¡pw.
B²ymßnIXsb icnbmbn DÄs¡mÅp¶XneqsS FÃmhcnepw
IpSnsImÅp¶Xv Htc iànbmWv, CuizcssNX\yamWv F¶p
ImWphm\pw _mlyamb kIe sshcp²y§sfbpw sshhn[y§sfbpw
BZcthmsS kzoIcn¨p AwKoIcn¡phm\pw \ap¡p km[n¡pw. A\yÀ
F¶ t_m[w CÃmXmbm AhnsS IcpWbpw £abpw BZchpw am{Xw.
alm`mcXbp²w Ahkm\n¨kabw Ccp]£¯papÅ
hoctbm²m¡³amcn an¡hcpw bp²¯n acWaSªp. t{ZmWmNmcyÀ
NXn{]tbmK¯neqsS h[n¡s¸«Xn\m aI\mb Aiz°mamhnsâ
a\Ên {]XnImc¯n\pÅ B{Klw iàambn. am{Xaà Xsâ
BXvaan{Xamb Zptcym[\sâ acW¯n\p ]Icw ho«mXncn¡m\pw
Aiz°mamhn\p Ignbpambncp¶nÃ. {ioIrjvW³ IqsSbpÅSt¯mfw
]mÞhsc t\cn tXmev]n¡m\mhnsöv At±l¯n\v
Adnbmambncp¶p. AXpsIm­v cm{Xnbn FÃmhcpw \n{Zbnem­ncns¡
hnizkvXcmb Nne klmbnIsfbpw Iq«n ]mÞhcpsS IqSmc¯nÂ
IS¶p. AXnsemcpapdnbn A©pt]À ]pX¨paqSn¡nS¡p¶Xp I­n«v
]mÞhcmbncn¡pw F¶p IcpXn Ahsc \njvIcpWw sIme sNbvXp. B
A©pt]cpw {Zu]ZnbpsS a¡fmbncp¶p.

T23 081 3 Turn over

a¡Ä acn¨Xdnªv {Zu]Zn¡p ZxJw kln¡m\mbnÃ. CXp I­n«v
tZjyw AS¡m³ IgnbmsX AÀÖp\\pw {ioIrjvW\pw IqSn
Aiz°mamhns\ At\zjn¨p ]pds¸«p. A[nIw sshImsX At±ls¯
Is­¯n. _\v[\Ø\m¡n sIm­ph¶p {Zu]ZnbpsS I¬ap¼nÂsh¨v
At±l¯nsâ h[in£ \S¸m¡m³ Xocpam\n¨p. {Zu]ZnbpsS ZpxJ¯n\p
Aev]w ia\ap­mIpsa¶v AhÀ hnNmcn¨p.

acWw Im¯ncn¡p¶ Aiz°mamhns\ t\m¡nbn«v {Zu]Zn ]dªp :

Ct±ls¯ h[n¡cpXv. Ct±lw \n§fpsS Kpcphmbncp¶
t{ZmWmNmcycpsS aI\mWv. am{Xaà Ct±lw sImÃs¸«m AXv Hcp
amXrlrZbs¯IqSn apdnthev]n¡pw. kz´w a¡fmWv GsXmc½bpsSbpw
GÁhpw henb kz¯v. C\nsbmcp A½bv¡pIqSn Fsâ kvYnXn
h¶pIqSm. AXpsIm­v atäsX¦nepw in£ \ÂIn hn«bbv¡pI.

IpÁhmfnIsf in£n¡cpsX¶Ã ]dbp¶Xv. \nbaw AXnsâ

amÀ¤¯neqsS inIvj \S¸m¡s« AXnep]cn {]]©iàn GsXmcp
IÀa¯nsâbpw ^ew ]eniklnXw aS¡ns¡mSp¯ncn¡pw. BÀ¡pw
XSp¡m\mIm¯ IÀa\nbaamWXv. F¶m IpähmfnIsf shdp¡p¶Xp
\½psS a\Êns\bpw hyànXzs¯bpw IÀacwKs¯bpw {]XnIqeambn
_m[n¡pw. ]Ibpw hntZzjhpw \ndª Hcp a\Ên\v F§s\ im´nbpw
kam[m\hpw e`n¡pw ? amäw kw`hnt¡­Xp hyIvXnbnemWv. BZyw
]cnhÀ¯\ap­mtI­Xp kz´w at\m`mh¯n\mWv. AXn\v
BßmÀYambn {ian¡pI.

tNmZy§Ä :

(i) {IqcIrXy§Ä Gähpw IqSpX -_m[n¡p¶Xmsc ? a\ÊnÂ

Ac¡n«pd¸nt¡­ Nn´ GXv ? [2]

(ii) B²ymßnIX icnbmbn DÄs¡mÅp¶XneqsSbpÅ t\«sa´v ? [2]

(iii) Aiz°mamhv ]Icwho«ms\mcp§nbXnsâ ImcWsa´v ? [2]

(iv) Aiz°mamhns\ h[n¡cpsX¶v {Zu]Zn ]dªsX´psIm­v ? [2]

(v) Cu KZy¯n\v DNnXamb ioÀjIw (Title) \ÂIn ImcWw

hyàam¡pI. [2]

T23 081 4
Question 4

Answer the following according to the instructions given :— [8]

(Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ tNmZy§Ä¡v \nÀt±i§Ä A\pkcn¨v

D¯cw sXcsªSps¯gpXpI) :—

(i) Give one word for the following choosing the options given :—

(icnbmb Hä¸Zw sXcsªSps¯gpXpI)

P\anÃm¯ CSw

(a) P\lo\X

(b) hnP\w

(c) kP\w

(d) P\bpKw

(ii) Select the correct word from the options given :–

(icnbmb hm¡v sXcsªSp¡pI)

1. (a) \nL­p

(b) \nJ­p

(c) \nK­p

(d) \nI­p

2. Select the correct meaning of the word from the options given :–

(icnbmb hn{Kl AÀYw sXcsªSp¡pI)

kÀÆw kl

(a) kÀÆhpw kln¡p¶h³

(b) kÀÆhpw kln¡p¶hÄ

(c) kÀÆcpw klnt¡­Xv

(d) kÀÆkl\obw

T23 081 5 Turn over

(iii) Select the correct meaning of the proverb from the options given :–
(]gs©mÃnsâ Bibambn hcp¶ ]Zw sXcsªSp¡pI)

“Ccp¶nt« Imep \o«mhq” Cu ]gs©mÃnsâ Bibambn hcp¶Xv


(a) IãImew
(b) kulrZw
(c) ITn\m²zm\w
(d) £abnÃmbva
(iv) Select the correct Synonyms from the options given :–
(icnbmb hm¡v sXcsªSps¯gpXpI)

1. "]qhv' F¶ hm¡n\v ]cymbambnhcp¶ ]Z§Ä :

(a) chw, H¨
(b) Xcp, hnS]n
(c) ]{Xw, ]ÀWw
(d) aeÀ, kpaw
2. "iÐw' F¶ hm¡n\v ]cymbw AÃm¯ ]Z§Ä :

(a) chw, Bchw

(b) Hen, H¨
(c) a\pP³, aÀ¯y³
(d) kz\w, \mZw
(v) Fill in the blanks with correct phrase from the options given :–
(DNnXamb ssien tNÀ¯v hmIyw ]qcn¸n¡pI)

1. a\pjyPohnXw ]eXc¯nepÅ ______ \ndªXmWv.

(a) BWn¡Ãv
(b) s\Ãn¸eI
(c) Du¶phSn
(d) \qemameIÄ

T23 081 6
2. Xmsg sImSp¯ncn¡p¶hbn "X¿msdSp¡pI' F¶ Bibs¯
kqNn¸n¡p¶ ssien GXv ?
(a) bpànbpàw
(b) AässI
(c) `KocY{]bXv\w
(d) h«wIq«pI

SECTION—B (40 Marks)

Questions from only two of the following textbooks are to be answered.
Attempt four questions from this section.
You must answer at least one question from each of the two books
you have studied and any two other questions from the same books that you have chosen.
kmlnXykpc`n þ IYIÄ
Question 5
Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that
follow :—
(Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ ]mTy`mKw hmbn¨Xn\ptijw HSphnÂ
tNÀ¯ncn¡p¶ tNmZy§Ä¡v D¯csagpXpI) :—
“B hmÕe]nXmhnsâ lrZbw B\µwsIm­v XpÅn C¶h\pw Hcp
]nXmhmWv. ]p{Xm`nemj§Ä \ndthänb ]nXmhv.”
amWn¡³ (efnXmw_nI A´ÀP\w)
Manikkan (Lalithambika Antherjanam)

. tNmZy§Ä :
(i) Idp¼\pw a¡fpw Imf¡p«n¡pth­n D­m¡nb ]pcsb¡pdn¨v
hÀ®n¡pI. [3]
(ii) Zbmephmb bPam\³ Idp¼sâ At]£sb¸än HmÀ¯sXt¸mÄ ?
kµÀ`w FgpXpI. [3]
(iii) “Cu kwtbmKw £WnIamsW¶h\dnbmambncp¶p.” BÀ¡v ?
F´psIm­v ? [2]
(iv) AgI\pw \oenbpw Imf¡p«nsb ]cnNcn¨sX§s\ ? [2]

T23 081 7 Turn over

Question 6
Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that
follow :—
(Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ ]mTy`mKw hmbn¨Xn\ptijw HSphnÂ
tNÀ¯ncn¡p¶ tNmZy§Ä¡v D¯csagpXpI) :—
“AhcpsS temI¯n Xamibv¡p am{Xta Øm\apÅq.”
{]Imiw ]c¯p¶ s]¬Ip«n (Sn. ]ß\m`³)
Prakasham Parathunna Penkutty (T. Padmanabhan)
. tNmZy§Ä :
(i) BcpsS temI¯nemWv Xamibv¡pam{Xw Øm\apÅXv ? hnhcn¡pI. [3]
(ii) AbmÄ Hcp ]pXnb a\pjy\mbn amdnb kw`hw eLphmbn
hnhcn¡pI ? [3]
(iii) ]gb \Kc¯nte¡p Xncn¨phcpt¼mgpÅ AbmfpsS A\p`hsa´v ? [2]
(iv) Xntbädn B s]¬Ip«nbpsS s]cpamäw F{]Imcambncp¶p ? [2]
Question 7
Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that
follow :—
(Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ ]mTy`mKw hmbn¨Xn\ptijw HSphnÂ
tNÀ¯ncn¡p¶ tNmZy§Ä¡v D¯csagpXpI) :—
“Fsâ tamt\ ! ANvO³ Hcp¯\pw Iogvhg§nbh\Ã.”.
XlkoÂZmcpsS ANvO³ (XIgn inhi¦c¸nÅ)
Thahasildarude Achan (Takazhi Sivasankara Pillai)
. tNmZy§Ä :
(i) aI\v am\t¡Sv D­mIpwhn[¯n tIihÈmÀ sNbvXXv F´mWv ?
A¡mcys¯¡pdn¨v ]dªt¸mÄ hr²sâ {]XnIcWw
F´mbncp¶p ? [3]
(ii) tIihÈmcpsS PohnX¯nse Gähpw henb B{Klsa´mbncp¶p ?
AXv \S¡mXncn¡m³ ImcWsa´v ? [3]
(iii) amdn¯makn¡m³ ]dªt¸mÄ tIihÈmÀ adp]Sn ]dªsX´v ? [2]

(iv) _meyImekvacWIÄ ]ß\m`]nÅsb \ncp²IWvT\m¡n--

¯oÀ¯sXt¸mÄ ? [2]

T23 081 8
kmlnXykpc`n þ IhnXIÄ
Question 8
Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that
follow :—
(Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ ]mTy`mKw hmbn¨Xn\ptijw HSphnÂ
tNÀ¯ncn¡p¶ tNmZy§Ä¡v D¯csagpXpI)

“ImWp¶p IeymW \nt£]sa¶t]mÂ

Ima kpc`nt]m \ns¶ R§Ä.”

amWnIyhoW (sh®n¡pfw tKm]me¡pdp¸v)
Manikya Veena (Vennikulam Gopala Kurup)
. tNmZy§Ä :
(i) aebmf`mjbmIp¶ amWnIyhoWbpsS Xmfw, Xm\w, cmKw Ch
Fs´ÃmamsW¶mWv Ihn ]dbp¶Xv ? [3]

(ii) “\ns¶tbmÀ¡pt¼mtg-

t¡mtcm lrZbhptamSntbmSw…..” kµÀ`hpw Bibhpw hniZam¡pI. [3]

(iii) P·P·m´c ]pWyambn Ihn IcpXp¶sX´v ? [2]

(iv) aebmf`mjbpsS ]cnanXnsb´v ? B ]cnanXnbv¡pÅnepw Ihn ImWp¶

ta·sb´v ? [2]

Question 9

Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that
follow :—
(Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ ]mTy`mKw hmbn¨Xn\ptijw HSphnÂ
tNÀ¯ncn¡p¶ tNmZy§Ä¡v D¯csagpXpI) :—

“BcnsXdnªpsImSp¯p, btimZX³

amdnse¯qaWn ameyaXm”
IÀ½`qanbpsS ]n©pIm (hÅt¯mÄ \mcmbWtat\m³)

Karmabhoomiyude Pinchukaal (Vallathol Narayana Menon)

T23 081 9 Turn over

. tNmZy§Ä :

(i) IrjvW\pw Imfnb\pambpÅ t]mcm«w F§s\bmbncp¶p ?

hniZam¡pI. [3]

(ii) \Znbn \o´n¡fn¡p¶ IrjvWs\ Ihn F´nt\mSv kmZriys¸Sp¯p¶p ? [3]

(iii) Imfnµn\Zn¡v s\©n BÀ{ZXbp­mbsXt¸mÄ ? [2]

(iv) Imfnµnbnte¡v NmSnb IrjvWs\ Ihn F§s\ AhXcn¸n¡p¶p ? [2]

Question 10

Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that
follow :—

(Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ ]mTy`mKw hmbn¨Xn\ptijw HSphnÂ

tNÀ¯ncn¡p¶ tNmZy§Ä¡v D¯csagpXpI)

“cm{XntXmdptamÀt¯³ Rm\[ocbmbv

BÀ¯n]qs­mfnt¨mSpI Zpjv¡cw

PohnX¯nsâ t\À¡pbÀ¯pw apJw

`oXnamsImem, bm{X tNmZn¡Ww.”

X¨sâ aIÄ (hnPbe£an)

Thachante Makal (Vijayalakshmi)

. tNmZy§Ä :

(i) aIÄ AÑt\mSv bm{X tNmZn¨sXt¸mÄ ? X¨³ A\p{Kln¨Xv F§s\ ? [3]

(ii) i¦bnÃm¯ injy³ BWv ktlmZc³ F¶v AhÄ Nn´n¡m³

ImcWsa´v ? [3]

(iii) AÑt\mSv bm{XtNmZn¡Wsa¶v AhÄ Xocpam\n¨Xv F´psIm­v ? [2]

(iv) “GhtamXpw Nnet¸mÄ almib³” – HmXp¶sX´v ? [2]

T23 081 10
a¿gn¸pgbpsS Xoc§fn þ t\mhÂ
(Fw. apIpµ³)
Question 11
Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that
follow :—
(Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ ]mTy`mKw hmbn¨Xn\ptijw HSphnÂ
tNÀ¯ncn¡p¶ tNmZy§Ä¡v D¯csagpXpI) :—
Imew a¿gnbpsS Xoc§fn AhXcn¸n¨ alm\mSIw
Ahkm\n¡bmbn … B alm\mSI¯nsâ ZrIvkm£nbmb Ipdp¼nb½
Pcm\c _m[n¨v Xsâ A´y\mfpIÄ Im¯pInS¶p.
tNmZy§Ä :
(i) tbip{InkvXphnsâ Xncn¨phchn\mbn Im¯ncn¡p¶Xpt]mse
a¿gnbn Im¯ncp¶hÀ BscÃmw ? kqNnXkw`hw F´v ? [3]
(ii) a¿gnbn aZy¯n\p­mbncp¶ Ncn{X]camb {]m[m\yw,
aZy\ntcm[\w, a¿gnbnse P\§fnep­mb {]XnIcWw F¶nh
hniZam¡pI ? [3]
(iii) kzmX{´ym\´c a¿gnbnep­mb ]ptcmKXnIÄ Fs´Ãmw ? [2]
(iv) a¿gnbpsS a¡Ä s]m«ns¨dnª `qXIme¯nsâ
N§eIsfs´Ãmambncp¶p ? [2]
Question 12
Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that
follow :—
(Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ ]mTy`mKw hmbn¨Xn\ptijw HSphnÂ
tNÀ¯ncn¡p¶ tNmZy§Ä¡v D¯csagpXpI) :—
IWmtc«\pw aäpw ]n¶oSv H¶pw ]dbphm\p­mbncp¶nÃ. AhÀ
\nÈÐcmbn. ssd«À Ahsc AXnibn¸n¡p¶p. ]nSnIn«m¯ Hcp

T23 081 11 Turn over

tNmZy§Ä :
(i) ssd«À BtcmSmWv Bt{Imin¨Xv ? AXn\pÅ ImcWsa´v ? [3]
(ii) Zmk³ ssIs¡m­ Xocpam\sa´mbncp¶p ? [3]
(iii) Zmk³ Xsâ AÑ\p sImSp¯b¨ Ipdp¸n F´mbncp¶p ?
\mWq«nbpsS \nÊlmbXbv¡v ImcWsa´mbncp¶p ? [2]
(iv) I®³ t]meokv AXnÀ¯nbnep­mbncp¶Xv IWmtc«s\
Bizkn¸n¨Xv F´psIm­v ? [2]
Question 13
Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that
follow :—
(Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ ]mTy`mKw hmbn¨Xn\ptijw HSphnÂ
tNÀ¯ncn¡p¶ tNmZy§Ä¡v D¯csagpXpI) :—
A§s\ AbmÄ IWmtc«sâ I¯pIÄ¡v BZyambn Hcp adp]Sn
FgpXn. IWmtc«s\ AXv BËmZn¸n¨p.
tNmZy§Ä :
(i) IWmc³ I¯pIfneqsS IcpWt\mSv Bhiys¸«ncp¶sX´v ? [3]
(ii) I¯pItfmSpÅ AbmfpsS kao]\w F§s\bmbncp¶p ? [3]
(iii) BZyambn Hcp adp]SnsbgpXm³ AbmÄ Xocpam\n¨sX´psIm­v ? [2]
(iv) sk{It¯cnbmbnse AbmfpsS Ahkm\Zn\w F{]Imcambncp¶p ? [2]

kmtIXw þ \mSIw
(kn.F³. {ioIWvT³ \mbÀ)
Question 14

Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that
follow :—
(Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ ]mTy`mKw hmbn¨Xn\ptijw HSphnÂ
tNÀ¯ncn¡p¶ tNmZy§Ä¡v D¯csagpXpI) :—
C¶pw C¶sebpaà Cu KqVhr¯n Bcw`n¨Xv. bmKw c£n¡m³
alÀjn hnizman{X³ AÀYn¨t¸mÄ B IoÀ¯n cma\ncn¡s« F¶p
]nXmhp IcpXn.

T23 081 12
Set A

tNmZy§Ä :
(i) aÙcbpsS im]hm¡pIÄ hnhcn¡pI. [3]
(ii) cmPmhv ipevI hyhØ ewLn¨Xns\¸än aÙc ]dªsXs´Ãmw ? [3]
(iii) A`ntjI¯n\v hnfn¨htcbpw hnfn¡m¯htcbpw ]änbpÅ
aÙcbpsS hnaÀi\sa´v ? [2]
(iv) Iukeysb¡pdn¨v aÙc ]dªsX´v ? [2]

Question 15
Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that
follow :—
(Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ ]mTy`mKw hmbn¨Xn\ptijw HSphnÂ
tNÀ¯ncn¡p¶ tNmZy§Ä¡v D¯csagpXpI) :—
“IpeKpcp hknjvTalÀjnbpsS imk\w tI«n«p s]mbvs¡mÅq.”
tNmZy§Ä :
(i) cmam`ntjIs¯¡pdn¨v `cX e£vaW·msc Adnbn¡m¯--
Xns\¡pdn¨pÅ IukeybpsS tNmZy¯n\v hknjvTsâ adp]Sn
F´mbncp¶p ? [3]
(ii) cmam`ntjI¯ns\mcp§pt¼mÄ \nan¯§Ä H¶pw ip`aà F¶v
ZicY\p tXm¶m³ ImcWsa´v ? ZicY³ ssZht¯mSp
{]mÀYn¨sX´v ? [3]
(iii)“ipev¡hpw i]Yhpw ewLn¨pIqSm¯ kXyatà F¶
IukeybpsS tNmZy¯n\v hknjvT³ ]dª adp]Snsb´v ? [2]
(iv) buhcmPyw ssIs¡mÅp¶ Ahkc¯n cma³ ]ment¡­
Imcy§sf¡pdn¨v ZicY³ ]dbp¶sXs´Ãmw ? [2]

Question 16
Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that
follow :—
(Xmsgs¡mSp¯ncn¡p¶ ]mTy`mKw hmbn¨Xn\ptijw HSphnÂ
tNÀ¯ncn¡p¶ tNmZy§Ä¡v D¯csagpXpI) :—
“]mchiyw ad¨ps]cpamdm³ ]ÀÆX§Ä ]Tn¡p¶nà ]«W¯nÂ
h¶p ]Tn¡Ww ]cnjv¡mcw sImÅWw.”
tNmZy§Ä :
(i) ZicYsâ AhØ a\Ênem¡nb Kpl³ ]chi\pw
ZpxJnX\pambn¯oÀ¶p. kµÀ`w FgpXpI. [3]
(ii) KwKmXocw Ipamc·msc bm{Xbm¡nbXns\¡pdn¨v kpa{´À
]dªsX´v ? hniZam¡pI. [3]
(iii)Fsâ ImgvN \ãs¸«pIgnªp …. hr²Z¼XnIsft¸msebmbn ….
ZicY³ C§s\ hne]n¡p¶sXt¸mÄ ? [2]
(iv) kÀÆmwKw XfÀ¶ ZicYs\¡pdn¨v FgpXpI. [2]

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