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KA THA RA HEALING STEP ONE: Awakening the Mentor and

the 6th and 7th Senses

Firstly we need to awaken our inner mentor; this is bridging dimensional

bands 3-4-5 therefore accessing our Astral & Archetype 4th & 5th dimensional
conscious minds. This being our Alphi Hova body consciousness bands 4 & 5 of
Harmonic Universe 2 through which we can begin to receive knowledge and
guidance from our Higher Awareness. Creating the bridge of our inner Mentor
will begin the process of activating dormant DNA, opening new nerve
networks within the Central Nervous System of the 3 dimensional body and
activating dormant APPARTHI frequency receivers within the Level 2 Crystal
Seals Kathara Grid.
Note* Apparthi (ah – par - thee): the morphogenetic energy receivers of an organism’s construction
that serve to draw certain frequency bands into the morphogenetic field for translation and to block out
other frequency bands, making them unavailable for translation.

Note* 6th and 7th Senses: 6th Audurea – Merkaba Sense – Encompasses all Hova Bodies, Primary Attribute:
Manifestation – circulation of consciousness and frequency accretion. 7th Tristet – Cellular Telepathy –
Alphi Hova Body: dimensions 4-5 & 6. Primary Attribute: Inner-Audio-Visual-Direct-Cognition reading

 Technique 1 – Awakening the Mentor and the 6th and 7th

Awakening the Mentor

1. Place Fingertips at
the navel, see a Blue
Flame in the body
behind navel while
massaging the navel
with fingertips.

2. See White Sphere

in the Blue Flame at
Navel, imagine
yourself in the White
Sphere and feel the
Sphere around your

3. Move White
Sphere up to your
Pineal Gland and see
the White Sphere
move out over your
right shoulder
creating your

4. Feel the MENTOR as a fuzzy ball of energy within your auric field over your right

5. Practice shifting the focus of your attention back and forth between your usual
focus and the MENTOR Focus.
Awakening the 6th and 7th Senses

1. Expand MENTOR over right shoulder to the size of a basketball, inhale drawing
MENTOR around your head as if your head is inside the basketball sized energy that
is the MENTOR.

2. Inhale Contracting MENTOR into the Pineal Gland as a small sphere of white
light. Exhale to push MENTOR out of the Pineal Gland through 6th Shakara into the
Blue Violet tunnel of the 6th Shakara Spiral.

3. Inhale MENTOR back from blue violet tunnel of the 6th Shakara and into the
Pineal Gland.

4. Exhale MENTOR from Pineal Gland to 5th Shakara. Exhale MENTOR out of the 5th
Shakara Blue Green tunnel. Inhale MENTOR back through blue green tunnel into 5th
Shakara at throat. Inhale MENTOR from 5th Shakara to the Pineal Gland. Exhale
MENTOR out of Pineal Gland to its home station over your right shoulder.
Here is a further detailed explanation of these techniques you may

Activating the Mentor

1. Place the fingertips of both hands and the focus of attention at the navel. Take a few slow full
breaths then visualize the image of a blue flame like that of a gas stove flame deep inside the
body behind the navel. Gently massage the navel region while envisioning the blue flame.

2. Stop the massage and visualize a sphere of White Light Within the blue flame behind the
navel. Place your attention within the white sphere and imagine that you can feel it encompassed
around you, as if you are sitting within the white light sphere.

3. Breathe gently and visualize the white light sphere moving upward through the center of your
body until it reaches the center of the brain at the pineal gland. Stop movement of the white light
sphere at the pineal gland. Then visualize the white light sphere moving to the right in a straight
horizontal line outside of the body until it is positioned in your auric field just above your right
shoulder. The white light sphere positioned over your right shoulder now represents a portion of
your awareness that was raised to the fifth dimensional frequency via its Passage through the
blue flame at the fifth Kathara Center at the naval. You will name this part of your higher
identity MENTOR.

4. Imagine that you can feel the reality of the white light sphere that holds your MENTOR
resting gently above your right shoulder as a fuzzy ball of energy. Your MENTOR serves as the
meeting point between your waking conscious mind and the fifth dimensional portion of your
Soul Matrix identity Archetype. With practice you can direct the energy of your waking
awareness from its position within your head over the right and into the mentor sphere to receive
cognition and audio and visual guidance from your fifth dimensional identity station. In healing
facilitation MENTOR will communicate with the fifth dimensional archetype aspect of your soul
Matrix. Ask how you may best serve through the highest evolution guidance. The guidance
MENTOR receives will be translated to you from MENTOR in the form of intuitive urge,
spontaneous cognition or audiovisual directions. MENTOR will also serve as a translator of
information from your higher dimensional stations of identity to your conscious mind. MENTOR
can also be taken into the dream state with you to assist in dream recall and initiating out of body

5. Practice creating and sensing the MENTOR sphere over your right shoulder. Carry it around
with you wherever you go and play with moving the focus of your Consciousness back and forth
between the inside of your head and MENTOR. Try perceiving from both focuses of attention
simultaneously. Search play will help stimulate neurological sensitivities to translating and
perceiving information from the 5th and higher dimensional stations of awareness.
Activating 6th and 7th Senses

1. Focus your attention on the mentor sphere over your right shoulder. Take a few slow deep
breaths and visualize Mentor expanding into a spear the size of a basketball. Use the next inhale
to draw the mentor towards your head, visualizing Mentor moving from over your right shoulder
to a position surrounding your entire head. Exhale, stop the movement of the mentor sphere, and
imagine that you can feel its fuzzy energy all around the outside of your head, as if your head is
now within the basketball size Mentor sphere.

2. With the next inhale contract MENTOR into a small sphere of white light positioned inside
the center of the brain at the pineal gland. Exhale and breathe slowly for a moment with the next
exhale push the small MENTOR sphere from the pineal gland straight forward and into the 6th
Shakara at the forehead. Visualize MENTOR now moving into the 6th Shakara from inside the
head then continue to move it through the 6th Shakara spiral straight outward and away from the
body. Imagine the MENTOR sphere traveling outward through the long blue violet tunnel of the
sixth spiral until you visualize and lose track of this MENTOR sphere far out from in front of

3. Now take a few slow breaths then on the next inhale visualize the MENTOR sphere
reappearing in the distance of your 6th Shakara spiral and riding in on the inhale breath back into
the pineal gland. Continue to breathe slowly.

4. With the next exhale visualize the MENTOR sphere moving down from the pineal gland at the
center of the brain stopping at the center of the 5th Shakara in the throat. Breathe slowly. On the
next exhale push the mentor Sphere straight outward imagine it moving from inside the throat,
into the blue green spiral of the 5th Shakara. Visualize MENTOR riding the current of the Exhale
breath out into the distance within the blue green tunnel of the 5th Shakara spiral until it fades
from you. Take a few slow breaths and on the next inhale imagine MENTOR returning through
the 5th Shakara blue green spiral to rest deep within the throat. Use the final inhale to move the
MENTOR back up to the pineal gland and the final exhale to push the MENTOR spear back out
to its home position in the auric field over the right shoulder.

This process opens up the first and 5th sub frequency bands within each dimensional layer of
the 6th and 5th chakras beginning the process of opening the 6th and 7th senses stimulating
inner vision and audio to hire dimensional frequency perception.

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