#18 The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 18 For LEONARDO

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The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 18

Training 1

Session #1 Session #2
Weightlifting/Strength: Conditioning (Optional):
As mentioned in the introduction to this week, spend at least 30 minutes on this warm up focusing on Rowing:
technical proficiency. 10 minute warm-up focusing on the good technique pointers in the Video
Clean & Split Jerk Warm-Up:
2 x 5 Muscle cleans with a three second pause in the top position. Workout:
2 x 5 Power cleans with a three second pause in the catch. Race Pieces AFAP (As Fast As Possible):
2 x 5 Power cleans with a three second pause in the catch followed by a front squat (down slow, up fast, no
pause in the bottom position). 5 x 500m @ SR: 28, 30, 32, 34. For the the final 500m choose the SR that allows you to get the quickest
2 x 5 Power clean with a two second pause in the catch followed by a front squat and after the last clean time.
three split jerks with a three second pause in the catch. 3 min rest between sets.
2 x 5 Power clean with a one second pause in the catch followed by a front squat and after the last clean
three split jerks with a three second pause in the catch. This may appear as one of the easiest days however if you hit it properly there shouldn’t be room for
2 x 5 Power clean without the pause in the catch followed by a front squat and after the last clean three more. The 500m row is a notoriously hard workout.
split jerks with a three second pause in the catch.
Rx Weight 25-40kg

Squat Clean and Split Jerk

Daily Movement Drill:
Wave 1: 3 x 1 + 1 @ 40%, 3 x 1 +1 @ 50 %, 2 x 1 + 1 @ 60%, 1 x 1 + 1 @70% Use as part of your daily warm-up:
Wave 2: 2 x 1 + 1 @ 50%, 2 x 1 +1 @ 60 %, 1 x 1 + 1 @ 70%, 1 x 1 + 1 @75% Turkish Get-up + Windmill + OHS. Video
Wave 3: 2 x 1 + 1 @ 60%, 1 x 1 +1 @ 70 %, 1 x 1 + 1 @ 75%, 1 x 1 + 1 @80% Accumulate 6 reps as heavy as possible each side. You can choose the weight, you should however spend
In the first wave each split jerk has to be done with a 3 second pause in the catch. For the two other waves at least 5-10 minutes warming up to this.
you don’t have to pause but the focus should still be on receiving the bar being in balance and not rushing Here are some ideas for the warm-up: Squat Video Overhead Video

3 rounds, not for time and as heavy as form allows:
8 Glute ham raises Video
Directly into:
30-60 sec Hip extension hold on GHD (weighted if possible) Video

Directly into:
100 reps Reverse hypers on GHD Video
Choose a band tension that allows for 20-30 reps each set.

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: https://theprogrm.com Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 18

Training 2

Session #1 Session #2
Gymnastics: Odd Object (Optional):
Spend some time before the workout making sure the body is feeling loose and good. Make sure the 2 rounds:
gymnastic movements are feeling smooth before you start the session. 30 Straight leg D-Ball cleans Video
30 D-Ball Squats (at chest, fight to stay upright)
Gymnastic Skill Development: BMU 30 D-Ball front hold good mornings Video
6 min EMOM: 2 min Rest
Min 1: Glide kip practice Males Rx 30kg D-Ball / Female 20kg. If you don’t have a D-Ball you can use a plate 25/20kg.
Min 2: Hip to bar for BMU Video
Min 3: Bar kip backs Video Followed by:
2 rounds:
20 Straight leg sumo deadlifts
CrossFit: 20 Hip thrusts
2 rounds for time: 20 Straight leg romanian deadlifts
A) For time: Rx weight 60/45kg, however keep the reps quick each round/set.
20 Box jumps 24/20in
20 HSPU Daily Movement Drill:
Turkish Get-up + Windmill + OHS. Accumulate 6 reps as heavy as possible each side. Here are some ideas
1 min Rest for the warm-up: Squat Video Overhead Video

B) For time:
20 Air Squats
20 TTB

1 min Rest

C) For time:
20 alternating Pistols
10 BMU

1 min Rest
To clarify: alternate between A), B) and C) for 6 rounds total (2 of each). Goal is to push the intensity each
time. Can you go unbroken?

2 rounds: 30 sec on – 30 sec off:
1. Right Leg Toe to Bar
2. Left Leg Toe to Bar
3. V-ups
4. Hollow body hold
Rest as needed between rounds

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: https://theprogrm.com Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 18

Training 3

Session #1 Session #2
As mentioned in T1 spend at least 30 minutes on this warm up focusing on technical proficiency.
Plyometrics (Optional)
Weightlifting/Strength: Jumping Back Squats
Snatch Warm-Up: 3 x 10 at 20% of your most recent 1RM (For the sets maximum 20-30 seconds rest)
Overhead Squat (OHS)
With an empty barbell: preform 2 sets of 5 reps in the following: 3-5 min Rest
OHS Down slow, up fast.
OHS Down slow, up fast but with a three second pause in the bottom and top position. Every 90 sec x 5:
Max RPM Assault Bike (should not take more than 5-10sec, ALL OUT!)
Snatch warm-up from the ground directly into
Be sure to use large plates (25-40kg) to get the right distance from the floor. Three seconds pause in the 5 Tuck Jumps each as high as possible – if comfortable jump over a target.
starting position of all lifts and in the catch position of the Power and full Snatches.
2 x 5 Snatch pulls 3-5 min Rest
2 x 5 Muscle snatch
2 x 5 Power snatch E2MOM x 4:
2 x 5 Deep power snatch 10 D-ball jumps.
2 x 5 Snatch Choose a heavy d-ball and hold it at the chest. 10 jumps as high as possible. Video
Rx Weight 25-40kg

Power Snatch – based off your most recent 1RM.

1. 5 min EMOM: 3 Snatches @ 60-70% of your 1RM
2. 5 min EMOM: 2 Snatches @70-80% of your 1RM
Daily Movement Drill:
3. 5 min EMOM: 1 Snatch @80-90% of your 1RM Turkish Get-up + Windmill + OHS. Accumulate 6 reps as heavy as possible each side. Here are some ideas
Move directly from one EMOM to the next, if needed you can increase the weight during the EMOM as well. for the warm-up: Squat Video Overhead Video

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: https://theprogrm.com Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 18

Training 4

“Rest Day” The Progrm Recovery

Did you get 8-10 hours sleep last night? If not, take a nap. The focus of this session is an “easy recovery” to not only improve your movement but to get your body
feeling fresh before your next training session begins.

18 min EMOM:
Min 1: Wrist flow Video
Min 2: Close grip hang from bar
Min 3: Wall facing HSH
Min 4: Active hip extension Video
Min 5: Hip flow Video
Min 6: Straddle stretch hold Video
The goal of these sets is to be moving for 40-50 seconds of the minute.

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: https://theprogrm.com Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 18

Training 5

Conditioning: 3. Swim 4. Run

Warm Up:
You only have this focus today and we know that often athletes don’t find the longer duration mono
structural work as enjoyable, however this type of training is crucially important for your performance. We Warm Up:
Spend at least 10 minutes making sure the calves are feeling
have given you guys 4 choices – obviously only choose 1. Each session is roughly 60 minutes in duration, loose and the running stride is optimal.
100 – 200m Swim of choice
depending on ability. 100 – 200m Streamline kick (Video)
100 – 200m Just arms
Pose Method Pull (leaning on a partner or wall) 50 x each leg
1. Bike Erg 2. Row 4 × 50m Drill of choice
2 x 400m increasing pace every 100m.
Warm Up: Warm Up:
4-6-8-10-8-6-4 min pyramid / 2 min easy
5 min Warm-up. Work between 100 – 200 5 min working between the various 3 Rounds:
Watts and adjust the damper to find the Stroke Rates (20-28+) identify a 25m / 50m / 75m / 100m / 100m / 75m / 50m / 25m / 100m Just kick
Pre-set your watch to count up for 60 Min.
RPM’s: 60/70/80/90/100 comfortable pace. 30 secs rest between each interval, 60 secs between each round.
Run seven intervals in a pyramid of 4-6-8-10-8-6-4 (Min), with 2
Min light jog/walk after each interval.
Workout: All freestyle (minus the noted 100 kick at the end of each round)
A four minute piece, then two light, a six minute piece, two light
with a hard but clean effort.
Workout: and so on.
2 x 16,000m with cadence change / 5 Cool Down:
Cool Down:
min easy 6 x 2000m rate increase 22-28 / 2 5 minutes walking bear foot if possible.
100m easy, any stroke.
min easy
Ride two 16,000 meter pieces.
In each piece change the cadence every Row six 2000 meter pieces.
4000m. In each piece the first 1000m @ 22 spm.
The first 4000m @ 75 rpm. Then 4000m @ Then 500m @ 24 spm, 250m @ 26 and
80 rpm. 4000m @ 75 and 4000m @ 80. 250m @ 28. Row for two minutes at light
Ride for five minutes easily during the rest pressure during the rest period.
Cool Down:
Cool Down:
Finish with 5 minutes @ roughly 150
3 – 5 minutes low damper setting.

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: https://theprogrm.com Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 18

Training 6

Session #1 Session #2
Weightlifting/Strength: CrossFit (Optional)
Back Squat For time:
3 @ 60%, 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 2 @ 9o% (Figures based off most recent 1RM, such as last weeks quick 10 Devils presses 2 x 22.5/15kg Video
single) 30 Box jumps 30/24in
10 Hang DB power clusters 2 x 22.5/15kg Video
Make sure the squat is feeling good before building up. Recommended warm-up: Video 20 Box jumps 30/24in
If you have any troubles deciding the starting weight for your squat, please just ask us a question in the FB 10 Double DB snatches 2 x 22.5/15kg Video
group. 10 Box jumps 30/24in

Good Morning Video 4 min Rest

Build to an 8RM – The low back must not round. Try to increase on the weight from last week.
For time:
30 Pull-ups
6 x 1 minute on – 2 minutes off: 30 Burpee box jump overs 24/20in
6 BS from rack @60% of your most recent 1RM 20 C2B
Max 10m shuttle runs remaining time 20 Burpee box jump overs 24/20in
The weight should be challenging for the 6 back squats, however you will be able to complete them 10 RMU
quickly. Then all out on the sprints. This is not a workout for pacing. 10 Burpee box jump overs 24/20in

3 rounds, not for time and as heavy as form allows:
15 reps Glute bridge Video
Accessory (optional)
4–8 Glute ham raises Video 3 rounds for quality:
1-3 Skin the cat Video / From kneeling Video
Finisher: 2 – 5 Ice cream makers / Tucked
3 x 20m Max weight prowler push (This doesn’t have to be fast, just heavy) 20 V-ups

Daily Movement Drill:

Turkish Get-up + Windmill + OHS. Accumulate 6 reps as heavy as possible each side. Here are some ideas
for the warm-up: Squat Video Overhead Video

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: https://theprogrm.com Copyright © The Progrm 2019

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