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(Adapted from Johnson, 2008)

TOPIC: Things I learned about Physical and health disabilities and self-esteem

This week’s reading assignment: ONE thing Searching the internet: One website
that impacted my learning/understanding
One characteristic of students with physical It is important to note that although many
and health disabilities is poor self-esteem people with disabilities experience
(e.g., Cheong, Lang, Hemphill, & Johnston, discrimination or have a negative self-image,
2016; Schinkel, 2010) they are not just victims. They actively work
to dispel common misconceptions and
The impact of this week's reading on my negative stereotypes about people with
disabilities. Like all of us, they struggle every
thoughts has been significant. It has shed
day to earn and maintain the respect and
light on the negative effects that physical and
acceptance of those around them. By
health disabilities can have on the challenging popular ideals of beauty and
development of adolescents. During the narrow ideas of masculinity and femininity,
crucial period of growth spurts and puberty, people with disabilities can accept their
teenagers with physical disabilities may face bodies and gain higher self-esteem(Bradley
concerns regarding their functional University: Disability & Body Image, n.d.)
limitations, body structure, and appearance,
which may not align with societal norms. As a
result, they may feel alienated and choose to
conceal their disabilities, or they may
encounter isolation and hostility due to
societal misconceptions. In terms of self-
esteem, individuals with disabilities often
grapple with self-esteem issues, which can
potentially lead to depression and even
thoughts of suicide. Additionally, there is a
risk of engaging in selfish behaviors and
aggression as a means of coping with these
challenges. Therefore, it is imperative to
provide support and care for individuals with
disabilities, ensuring that they develop a
healthy acceptance of their disabilities. This
responsibility extends not only to the
individual level but also to society as a whole.
My own experience, observation, or idea Ideas or knowledge of another person

In my classroom, my constant goal is to assist

my students in directing their attention I spoke with some teachers in my special
towards their areas of expertise and education department about their thoughts
encouraging them to utilize those skills to the on students with disabilities and how this
fullest extent possible. Every individual affects their self-esteem. They argue that
possesses both strengths and weaknesses. strong self-advocacy skills can lead to greater
Not all students will excel in academic self-confidence, but many students with
subjects, and this reality may lead to feelings learning or behavioral problems may struggle
of discouragement. However, by to develop these skills. Additionally, social
acknowledging and celebrating their positive support from peers and siblings strongly
attributes, teachers can remind students that influences self-esteem. Peers, social
they have numerous reasons to feel situations, teachers, academic content,
confident, even if reading or math is not their parents, and home life all significantly impact
strongest suit. Nurturing the discovery and a student's self-esteem. It is important to
celebration of each student's unique understand the impact of self-esteem and
strengths will establish a foundation of how different factors and people in a
confidence and achievement. Often, the student's life can influence how a student
students I work with are unaware that they feels about themselves. This knowledge can
are perceived as "special or different." Their help educators prepare interventions and
focus is typically on matters such as crushes curricula specifically aimed at improving
or best friends. It is my ongoing effort to student self-esteem.
ensure that they feel fully integrated into the
student body. Our aim is to emphasize the
positives rather than dwell on the negatives.
Through the collective efforts of the student
body, my students are able to experience a
sense of belonging and inclusion within the
larger context.

Bradley University: Disability & Body Image. (n.d.).

Cheong, S. K., Lang, C. P., Hemphill, S. A., & Johnston, L. M. (2016). What constitutes self-
concept for children with CP? A Delphi consensus survey. Journal of Developmental and
Physical Disabilities, 28, 333–346

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