Botte Et Al. - 2023 - Random Field Modelling of Spatial Variability in C

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Structure and Infrastructure Engineering

Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance

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Random field modelling of spatial variability in

concrete – a review

Wouter Botte, Eline Vereecken & Robby Caspeele

To cite this article: Wouter Botte, Eline Vereecken & Robby Caspeele (21 Aug 2023): Random
field modelling of spatial variability in concrete – a review, Structure and Infrastructure
Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2023.2248102

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Random field modelling of spatial variability in concrete – a review

Wouter Botte , Eline Vereecken and Robby Caspeele
Department of Structural Engineering and Building Materials, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium


Concrete is a heterogeneous material, consisting of different constituents such as aggregates of differ- Received 2 February 2023
ent sizes and cement paste. Due to the heterogeneity of the concrete, its properties such as strength, Revised 30 March 2023
stiffness, permeability, etc. show variations in space. In scientific literature, several investigations have Accepted 5 May 2023
shown the influence of spatial variation of material properties on the reliability of reinforced concrete
structures, and it was concluded that spatial variability and spatial correlation should be accounted for Empirical formulations;
to obtain accurate estimations of, e.g. the load-bearing capacity of degrading concrete structures. For random fields; reinforced
this purpose, random fields are often applied in literature. To apply these random fields in a structural concrete; structural
reliability analysis, a correlation model and corresponding correlation length need to be defined. reliability; spatial variability;
Nevertheless, experimental results are not always available to derive the correlation model, and hence correlation model
some modelling assumptions are required. However, there is no consensus yet in literature on which
correlation model to apply for the different concrete properties. This paper provides an overview of
different correlation models applied in literature in relation to the analysis of reinforced concrete

1. Introduction handled by the consideration of different independent random

variables (Firouzi & Rahai, 2013; Li & Ye, 2018). The random
Concrete is a heterogeneous material, consisting of different
spatial variation superimposed on this systematic variation (i.e.
constituents such as aggregates of different sizes and cement
hierarchy level 4 according to (Tao & Chen, 2022)) arises from
paste. Due to the heterogeneity of the concrete, there is some
the random distribution of aggregates and pores, the presence
spatial variation of its different properties, such as its
of microcracks, etc. (Engelund & Sørensen, 1998), and can be
strength, permeability, etc. When performing calculations on
modelled by random fields. These can be one-dimensional
the resistance of reinforced concrete elements or when evalu-
ating their probability of failure, this spatial variation of the fields for beam elements (Engelund & Sørensen, 1998; Sudret,
concrete properties is often not accounted for. Nevertheless, Defaux, & Pendola, 2007) or two-dimensional fields for large
depending on the situation the consideration of spatial vari- surfaces.
ation could have a significant influence on the results, since it The current paper focusses on modelling spatial variabil-
might for example alter the location of the most critical sec- ity and correlation in concrete structures by means of these
tion. Therefore, modelling this spatial variation and spatial random fields. Research into this area has been steadily
correlation of the concrete properties when analysing a rein- increasing since the early 1990s as evidenced by a Scopus
forced concrete structure can be of significant importance. literature search with the queries ‘spatial variability’ and
Furthermore, in the assessment of existing structures, the ‘concrete’ extended to the title, abstract, and keywords bib-
consideration of spatial correlation allows to use information liographic fields (TITLE-ABS-KEY) (see Figure 1a). The
gathered at one point in the structure also for neighbouring search yielded about 263 relevant documents up to March
(spatially correlated) points of the structure. 2023. The majority of these publications relates to the appli-
In general, one can distinguish two types of spatial variation cation of spatial variability approaches, whereas significantly
of concrete properties: (1) a systematic variation, such as vari- less researchers are explicitly targeting modelling issues or
ation of mean value and standard deviation, and (2) random are focussed on deriving spatial characteristics from experi-
spatial variations superimposed on this systematic variation mental data, as indicated in Figure 1b.
(Firouzi & Rahai, 2013). (Tao & Chen, 2022) proposed a hier- A random field model is characterized by a correlation
archical model to describe (spatial) variability and correlation function describing the correlation between two different spa-
in concrete structures, where the systematic variations are tial coordinates. In general, if two points close to each other
described by three levels of hierarchy corresponding to: (1) dif- are considered, the correlation will be higher than for two
ferent structures, (2) different floors in a structure, and (3) dif- points located far from each other. Different sources can be
ferent components in a floor. These systematic variations found in literature where these random fields are applied to
originate for example from different concrete casts, and can be model concrete properties. When assigning a random field

CONTACT Wouter Botte

ß 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Figure 1. Results of a Scopus literature search: (a) number of papers as a function of the year of publication; (b) number of papers per topic.

model to a concrete component, for example a beam, the summarized in Section 2.2. Section 2.3 presents different
concrete properties within this structure will be correlated to modelling approaches for random fields, while Section 2.4
each other, where the mutual correlation between two points treats the discretisation aspects of random fields.
typically depends on their distance. Different correlation
functions can be found in literature to describe the correl-
ation structure, and, in general, these can be characterized by 2.1. Definition
the so-called scale of fluctuation. This scale of fluctuation is a A random field X ðt Þ, t 2 D is a collection of random var-
measure for the correlation and its rate of change. The iables representing uncertain values at different spatial coor-
smaller the scale of fluctuation, the shorter the length over dinates t in a physical domain D. This domain D should be
which a strong correlation exists between the considered bounded and countable in order to be able to specify the
material properties and the more variation can be expected joint distribution of all random variables defining the ran-
on the values of these material properties over the structure. dom field (Uribe, Papaioannou, Betz, & Straub, 2020). The
For a larger scale of fluctuation, the change in material prop- domain D has dimension d and hence D  Rd : The defin-
erty will be more gradual. The correlation model to be used ition of a random field generally consists of a mean m(t)
and the corresponding scale of fluctuation can be hard to and a variation described by the covariance function C(s),
quantify as a considerable amount of data is acquired. Hence, with s the distance between two points in D. For second-
when consulting literature on the random field modelling of order stationary fields, C(0) ¼ r2.
concrete properties, different correlation functions with vary- In a homogeneous field, the mean value is constant along
ing scales of fluctuation are found and there is no general the field or, in other words, the marginal probability distri-
consensus yet on the modelling of the spatial variation or bution function (PDF) is the same at all spatial coordinates.
correlation of concrete properties. This assumption is often applied in many practical cases
This paper provides an overview of the random field (Sudret et al., 2007). Nevertheless, for large structures, the
modelling approaches used in literature in relation to con- assumption of a homogeneous field is not acceptable, since
crete structures. The main parts of the paper are illustrated for example the mean of a field representing environmental
by means of Figure 2. Section 2 provides a general introduc- parameters can vary significantly for a large bridge in a
tion to modelling approaches for random field modelling, maritime environment (Sudret et al., 2007). This can be
while Section 3 summarizes the correlation models for con- solved by subdividing the structure in members that are
crete structures as found in literature based on engineering dealt with independently and to which different homoge-
judgement or data analysis. Next, Section 4 discusses the neous fields can be assigned, e.g. as indicated in (Aloisio
influence of spatial variability on structural reliability. et al., 2022). Since concrete structures are produced accord-
Section 5 provides a discussion on other aspects related to ing to quality control processes, the variation in mean value
spatial variability which are important to consider, and along (elements of) the structure can be considered small
Section 6 summarizes the main conclusions. and the use of a homogeneous field can be justified in case
of non-degrading structures (Tran et al., 2012).
Gaussian random fields are the simplest models for ran-
2. Modelling spatial variability by means of random
dom fields. Random variables have a Gaussian distribution
and the interdependency between two points is only a func-
The definition of a random field is given in Section 2.1, dif- tion of the distance. The correlation between these two
ferent types of correlation functions applied in literature are points is modelled by a correlation function, of which

Figure 2. Schematic representation of the paper outline.

different types exist (cfr. Section 2.2). A Gaussian random correlation lengths and sx and sy the separation distances in
field is hence completely defined by the mean and covari- x and y direction. This correlation function approaches 0
ance function. for large separation distances s: Alternatively, a lower bound
In case of concrete structures, however, often non- could also be imposed to this correlation function. In that
Gaussian distributions are adopted such as a lognormal (e.g. case, the correlation function is given by (JCSS, 2001):
the concrete strength (JCSS, 2001)) or a beta-distribution 0 !  2 !1
(e.g. the concrete cover or critical chloride content accord- j s j 2 sy 
qðsÞ ¼ q0 þ ð1  q0 Þexp @ A
ing (fib, 2006)). These distributions can deviate significantly dx2 dy2
from a Gaussian distribution and non-Gaussian random
fields should be employed to describe their spatial variabil- In (JCSS, 2001), q0 ¼ 0:5 is assumed for concrete result-
ity. Such non-Gaussian fields can be obtained from the non- ing from the same batch, to represent the correlation that is
linear transformation of an underlying Gaussian random at least present within the concrete batch. If parts of the
field. One class of algorithms that can be used for this trans- structure are resulting from different concrete batches, these
formation is based on the concept of translation fields could be assumed uncorrelated. Another correlation model
(Grigoriu, 1995) and involves iterative schemes to reflect is the Gauss-Markov correlation model or exponential cor-
both the non-Gaussian probability density function and the relation model, as given by:
spectral density function of the process or field (see e.g.    !!
jsx j sy 
Bocchini & Deodatis, 2008). Alternatively, Liu and Der qðsÞ ¼ exp   (3)
Kiureghian (1986) proposed a formulation for a multivariate dx dy
distribution model with some prescribed marginals and
where, dx ¼ hx =2 and dy ¼ hy =2: The simplest correlation
covariance. The latter approach allows for the transform-
model is the linear correlation model, which is given by:
ation of a discretized field from an underlying discretized 8  !
Gaussian field for a selection of non-Gaussian distributions. >
< jsx j sy 
qðsÞ ¼ 1  sx < dx and sy < dy (4)
> dx dy
2.2. Common types of correlation functions 0 otherwise

The correlation function qðsÞ of a random field describes where, dx ¼ hx and dy ¼ hy :

the correlation between two points at a distance s: The cor- The previously mentioned correlation functions (1)-(4)
relation is one if the distance between the two points is zero are only described by the scales of fluctuation of the random
and decreases to zero or some lower bound on the correl- field. A last correlation function, the Matern correlation
ation for an increasing distance s: In this section, the most function is given by Equation (5), and additionally depends
common correlation models that can be found in literature on a smoothness parameter t:
 pffiffiffi t  pffiffiffi 
are summarized. The Gaussian or squared exponential cor- 1 2 tjsj 2 tjsj
relation function in case of a two-dimensional random field qðsÞ ¼ Kt (5)
CðtÞ2t1 d d
is given by:
0 !  2 !1 pffiffi
sy  pCðtþ1Þ
jsx j 2
where, d ¼ h ptffi CðtÞ2 , C(.) is the Gamma function, and
qðsÞ ¼ exp @  A (1)
dx2 dy2 Kt(.) the Modified Bessel function of the second kind.
It should be noted that there are many other forms for a
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
where, dx ¼ hx = p and dy ¼ hy = p, with hx and hy the correlation function beyond the ones provided above. It is
scales of fluctuation in a 2D random field, dx and dy the not possible to establish the scale of fluctuation for any

form of the correlation function. In such cases, the approach integration points of a finite element model. Assuming that
presented by Vanmarcke (1983) and Shinozuka and every integration appearing in the finite element resolution
Deodatis (1988) based on the spectral analysis can be scheme is obtained from integrand evaluation at each Gauss
adopted to derive the correlation length. Nevertheless, it point of each element, the random field is discretised by
appears that the correlation functions presented in this associating a single random variable to each of these Gauss
manuscript are the most frequently adopted in literature points. This gives accurate results for short correlation
related to spatial correlation in concrete structures (cfr. lengths. However, the total number of random variables
infra). involved increases dramatically with the size of the problem.
A fourth point discretization method is the Optimal
Linear Estimation Method (OLE) (Li & Der Kiureghian,
2.3. Modelling of random fields 1993). This method discretizes a random field by consider-
In practical applications, it is necessary to represent a ran- ing the value of the random field in a discrete set of points.
dom field by means of a finite set of random variables, The values of the random field at these points are collected
which allows for a computationally tractable approximation. in a random vector. Given the values of the random field in
By means of discretization, a continuous random field is the discretization points, the theory of linear regression pro-
discretized by a finite number of point values. As such, at vides an optimal approximation to other points, which min-
each point, a random variable is created. Various methods imizes the variance of the error.
exist to discretize a random field. However, for each of these
methods, the achieved accuracy depends on the size of the 2.3.2. Average discretization methods
finite set of random variables. The three main methods for A first average discretization method is the spatial average
discretising a random field are: 1) point discretization meth- method (Der Kiureghian & Ke, 1988), which defines the
ods, 2) average discretization methods, and 3) series expan- approximated field in each element as a constant being
sion methods. The most common discretization methods computed as the average of the original field over the elem-
are summarized in the following. ent. This method under-represents the local variance of the
random field. A second average discretisation method is the
weighted integral method (Deodatis, 1991). This method is
2.3.1. Point discretisation methods
claimed not to require any discretization of the random field
A first point discretization method is the midpoint method
and thus seems to be particularly attractive. However, this
(Der Kiureghian & Ke, 1988). In the midpoint method, the
method is mesh-dependent and its accuracy is questionable
random field is discretized in N elements of identical size
for small correlation lengths with respect to the size of the
and shape. Within each of these elements, the random field integration domain.
is then represented by a single random variable, equal to the
value of the random field at the centroid of the element.
The elements remain statistically correlated according to the 2.3.3. Series expansion methods
correlation function assigned to the random field. A first series expansion method is the Karhunen-Loeve
Advantages of the midpoint method are (Stewart & Suo, (KL) expansion, which starts from the series expansion of
2009): the covariance matrix, based on its spectral representation.
After determining the eigenvalues kj and eigenvectors /j of
 The ease of computation; the covariance matrix, the random field can be represented
 Numerically stable results; by a series expansion according to:
 Applicable to Gaussian and non-Gaussian fields. X
nd qffiffiffiffi
^ ðsÞ ¼ lX þ
H ðs Þ  H /j kj 1j (7)
However, according to (Haldar & Mahadevan, 2000; j¼1

Sudret & Der Kiureghian, 2000), the midpoint method tends where, 1j are mutually uncorrelated random variables with
to over-represent the variability of the random field within mean 0 and standard deviation 1, with a Gaussian distribu-
each element. Nevertheless, it is very frequently applied due tion if the random field is also Gaussian. Information on
to its simplicity and practical application. numerical methods for the discretization of random fields
A second point discretization method is the shape func- by means of the Karhunen-Loeve expansion can be found in
tion method (Liu, Belytschko, & Mani, 1986; Matthies, (Betz, Papaioannou, & Straub, 2014). Due to the covariance
Brenner, Bucher, & Soares, 1997), where the random field eigenfunction basis, the mean square error resulting from
in each element is approximated using nodal values and truncation is minimized with respect to a complete basis.
shape functions (referring to finite element nodes and shape The KL expansion of Gaussian fields is also almost surely
functions). Each realization of the random field is hence a convergent. The KL expansion always under-represents the
continuous function, which is an advantage over the mid- true variance of the field.
point method where realizations are piecewise constant with A second series expansion method is the orthogonal ser-
discontinuities at the element boundaries. ies expansion method, which is the same as the Karhunen-
A third point discretisation method is the integration Loeve method, but with a numerical computation of the
point method (Matthies et al., 1997), referring to the eigenfunctions. A third series expansion method is

the EOLE method. This method always under-represents 2.4. Element lengths for discretization adopted in the
the true variance of the field. The EOLE method can be literature
used to discretize the random field into a set of random var-
To properly account for the spatial variation embedded in
iables H(s) (Li & Der Kiureghian, 1993). By spectral ana-
the random field modelling, the structure under investiga-
lysis, the data is compacted and then pointwise regression tion is usually discretized in elements. Different ways of dis-
of the original random field to selected values of the field is cretising the structure have already been summarized in the
applied. The EOLE method is computationally efficient for previous section. Nevertheless, the size of the elements in
strongly correlated random fields. The random field is dis- the discretized structure will influence the results. Generally,
cretized by considering its value at a discrete set of points. convergence of the results or probabilities of failure should
As such, the random field is given by a vector of random be checked by gradually refining the element size, which
variables H(s), with s the location coordinate. When the val- was shown one of the first times in (Shinozuka & Deodatis,
ues of the random field at these points are given, the other 1988). Furthermore, also the nature of site inspections or
points can be approximated by the theory of linear regres- design specifications could be used as a basis for the deci-
sion. The optimal linear estimation (OLE) of this random sion on element lengths. In case of corrosion modelling,
variable onto the random vector X is given by: also the nature of the corrosion process should be accounted
for (Sterrit, Chryssanthopoulos, & Shetty, 2001). However,
^ ðsÞ ¼ l þ RHx T ðsÞRXX 1 ðX  lX Þ
H ðs Þ  H (8) these aspects are not a clear basis for judgement regarding
the element length. Hence, some suggestions on the
where, lX is the mean vector and RXX the covariance matrix
required element size as found in literature can serve as
of the field X. The components of the vector RHx ðsÞ are
starting points in the analysis. A summary of element sizes
given by: relative to the correlation length as found in literature is
 provided in Table 1.
RHx j ðsÞ ¼ CoV H ðsÞ, H ðsj Þ ¼ r2 qðs, sj Þ (9)
According to Der Kiureghian and Ke (1988), the size of
where, r2 is the variance of the random field and qðs, sj Þ the the elements should be one fourth to one half of the correl-
correlation function. ation length. Also (Shinozuka & Deodatis, 1988) and
In a next step, the EOLE method proceeds by decompos- (Englund, 1997) suggested element lengths smaller than half
ing the vector X: the correlation length. Therefore, in (Hajializadeh,
OBrien et al., 2016), for a correlation length of dx ¼ 3 m,
nd qffiffiffiffi an element size of 1.5 m or less is suggested for load and
X ¼ lX þ /j kj 1j (10) resistance modelled by a random field with a squared expo-
nential correlation model with a lower boundary on the cor-
where kj and /j are the j-th (of the nd) eigenvalue and relation (Equation (2)).
eigenvector of the covariance matrix RXX : Introducing this In (Stewart & Suo, 2009), element lengths are chosen to
be dependent on: (i) the ability of corroded reinforcement
in Equation (8) gives:
to redistribute stresses to adjacent reinforcement via the
nd qffiffiffiffi concrete matrix, (ii) mechanical behaviour of the reinforce-
^ ðsÞ ¼ l þ RHx T ðsÞRXX 1 ðX  lX Þ
H ðs Þ  H /j kj 1j ment, (iii) anchorage length of reinforcement, and (iv)
geometry and spacing of reinforcement, resulting in element
(11) lengths between 100 and 1000 mm. The applied discret-
ization method was the midpoint method. For a 1D beam
The uncorrelated random variables 1j are also Gaussian
with a shear failure mode influenced by pitting corrosion,
and mutually independent in the case of Gaussian random an element length equal to the effective depth of the beam
fields. is suggested. For the investigated case, this corresponded to
To determine the required number of modes in the an element length of 750 mm, for a scale of fluctuation
expansions (Equations (7) and (11)) (since an infinite sum equal to 2 m and a Gaussian correlation model.
is not practical in use), the summation is taken over the first Engelund and Sørensen (1998) used element lengths of
nd modes of the covariance matrix. The number of modes 100 mm, which are smaller than half the assumed correl-
nd can be based on the acceptable error emax and the trace ation length and using Gaussian random fields, with the
TrðRS Þ of the covariance matrix according to (Sudret & Der scale of fluctuation between 200 and 500 mm. According to
Kiureghian, 2000): modelling guidelines in the finite element software (DIANA
FEA BV, 2017), for a Gaussian correlation model, the elem-
1 X nd
ent size should be smaller than dx /2 to dx /3 and for an
eð n d Þ ¼ 1  kj  emax (12)
TrðRS Þ j¼1 exponential correlation function, element sizes of dx /5 to
dx /10 are generally considered adequate.
Hence, if the maximum acceptable error is 5%, the sum Vu and Stewart (2005) suggested to use not too large ele-
of the first nd eigenvalues kj , ranked from high to low, ments in order not to underestimate the spatial variability.
should at least be equal to 95% of the trace of the covari- On the other hand, too small elements could induce numer-
ance matrix (TrðRS Þ). ical problems (for example in the decomposition of the

Table 1. Ratios of element lengths to correlation lengths found in literature.

References Correlation model Element length D dx hx D/dx
(Der Kiureghian & Ke, 1988) 0.25-0.50
(Englund, 1997) 0.5
(Stewart & Suo, 2009) Gaussian 750 mm 3545 mm 2000 mm 0.21
(Engelund & Sørensen, 1998) Gaussian 100 mm 354 mm  886 mm 200 - 500 mm 0.28-0.11
(Engelund & Sørensen, 1998) Gaussian 350 mm 350 mm 1
(DIANA FEA BV, 2017) Gaussian 0.5-0.33
(Vu & Stewart, 2005) Gaussian 0.5 m 0.5 m  2 m 1-0.25
(Li, 2004) Gaussian with lower bound 2m 2m 1
(Hajializadeh, OBrien et al., 2016) Gaussian with lower bound 1.5 m 3m 0.50
(Straub & Faber, 2007) Exponential 800 mm 566 mm 1.4
(DIANA FEA BV, 2017) Exponential 0.1-0.2

covariance matrix). They found that the proportion of that were actually observed. The likelihood is then defined
cracking increased as the size of the elements decreased as the likelihood of the analytical correlation model given
because of the higher correlations between these smaller ele- the experimental data, i.e., it represents a measure of how
ments. On the other hand, for too large elements the spatial good the analytical model successes in explaining the obser-
variability was largely underestimated. They finally suggested vations. However, in (O’Connor & Kenshel, 2013) the MLM
an element size of 0.5 m for their specific application (con- was found to be inconsistent and did not yield a unique
sidering a correlation length between 0.5 m and 2 m). value for the investigated scenarios.
In general, the smallest elements suggested in literature A third and more complex method is to determine the
are equal to 10% of the correlation lengths and the largest correlation length based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo
elements are equal to 140% of the correlation length. (MCMC) sampling, as applied in (Criel, Caspeele, &
Nevertheless, the largest share of investigations suggest to Taerwe, 2014). A prior distribution f’ for the parameters in
take an element length with a maximum size of half the cor- the analytical correlation function is updated to a posterior
relation length. Hence, the authors suggest not to exceed distribution f”, by application of:
this upper boundary. On average the values provided in
f 00 ðr, hÞ ¼ cf 0 ðhÞL qexp ðsÞjh (6)
Table 1 indeed corresponds to an element length of half the
correlation length. where, c is a constant to normalize the distribution, h the
scale of fluctuation, qexp ðsÞ the experimental correlation
function, and L qexp ðsÞjh the likelihood function.
3. Empirical formulations for spatial variability in
It should be pointed out that generally, the mean and
concrete structures
variance should be known in order to estimate the correl-
In current literature, correlation models to describe spatial ation length that should be used for further discretization
variability in concrete structures are either based on engin- (Malioka, 2009). Based on measurements, first the mean
eering judgement or derived from experimental data. and variance can be estimated by the sample mean and
Section 3.1 provides an overview of the techniques which sample variance. Practical applications through the use of
can be used for the latter. Subsequently, Section 3.2 provides actual data can be found in (Fenton, 1994, 1999) and
a summary of the correlation models adopted in literature (Malioka, Faber, Leemann, & Hoffmann, 2007). The number
to describe spatial variability in concrete structures. and locations of measurements used for the estimation of
the correlation length influence the latter value.
Measurement locations should be chosen as such that they
3.1. Techniques for the determination of the correlation enable to include both small scale and large scale variability
model based on experimental data (Malioka, 2009).
Different methods exist to determine the correlation model
and correlation length based on an experimental dataset.
3.2. Correlation models used in literature
Most methods fit an analytical correlation function to the
experimental one. A first method to determine the correl- In literature, a wide variety of models and corresponding
ation model is the curve-fitting method (Vanmarcke, 1983), parameters are found for modelling spatial variability in
also known as the least squares method (LSM). In this concrete structures with random fields. The Probabilistic
method, the parameters of the analytical correlation func- Model Code of the Joint Committee on Structural Safety
tion are adjusted as such that the best fit to the experimen- (JCSS, 2001) provides a probabilistic model for concrete
tal one is obtained. The correlation length and scale of properties taking into account spatial correlation. Different
fluctuation are adjusted to find the best fit between the ana- concrete properties are defined as a function of the concrete
lytical function and the data. compressive strength, where the latter is modelled by a ran-
A second method is the maximum likelihood method dom field with a marginal lognormal distribution. The sug-
(MLM) (Li, 2004). MLM is a method that determines values gested correlation length is 5 m (with a residual correlation
for the parameters of a model by maximising the likelihood q0 ¼ 0:5Þ, and is only valid for structural elements. This
that the process described by the model produced the data correlation length seems rather large compared to other

0 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1
references, which reported values between 1 m and 3.5 m
ðui  uj Þ2 þ ðvi  vj Þ2 A
(Hajializadeh, OBrien et al., 2016; Stewart & Mullard, 2007; qXX ðxi , xj Þ ¼ exp @ (14)
Stewart & Suo, 2009). 2
Large correlation lengths are deemed not appropriate for
Engelund and Sørensen (1998) state that also the thresh-
smaller elements and for studying local failure. (Xu & Li,
old chloride concentration (at which corrosion initiates)
2018) found significantly lower values for the scale of fluctu-
may be modelled by a random field since it depends on the
ation of the concrete compressive strength. Moreover, they
humidity of the concrete which in its turn is related to the
found different values depending on whether the spatial
diffusion coefficient. Hence, similar correlation lengths
variability was estimated using non-destructive testing by
could be assumed.
means of the rebound hammer test and destructive testing
Variations in the chloride surface concentration could
on drilled cores from beams with a length of 2 m. It should
arise from a varying amount of spray of salt-containing
be noted that the limited length of the latter specimens does
water (Engelund & Sørensen, 1998). Engelund and Sørensen
not allow estimating a scale of fluctuation that could be of
(1998) assumed the scale of fluctuation for the surface con-
similar (or larger) magnitude.
centration to be of the same order of magnitude as the scale
Vu and Stewart (2005) justify the use of a Gaussian cor-
fluctuation for the diffusion coefficient. Nevertheless, meas-
relation model by the statement that in other fields of
engineering this correlation function has been widely used urements of chloride profiles are often made at distances
to represent the spatial variability of material properties and much larger than 500 mm, and can hence not support this
loadings. As spatial variability plays a crucial role in the statement. In (Karimi, 2001) a correlation length of 1.96 m
assessment of existing structures, a large share of investiga- has been measured on site. These measurements are then
tions focuses on the assessment of the correlation structure used as a basis for the models assumed by (Vu & Stewart,
of parameters associated to deterioration, such as the diffu- 2005). (Tran et al., 2012) calculated correlation lengths dx
sion coefficient, concrete cover and chloride surface concen- for an exponential correlation model based on available
tration in a structure exposed to chlorides. measurement data and maximum likelihood estimates. As
Li and Ye (2018) found that a Gaussian correlation such, for the surface chloride concentration a correlation
model with a correlation length of 0.13 m fitted best to the length of 0.7 m and one of 1.9 m was found, each for a dif-
experimental data for the concrete cover measured in the ferent exposure condition.
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau sea-link project. The authors (Straub, 2011) applies a Gaussian random field with an
attributed this significantly smaller value of the correlation exponential correlation model for the surface chloride con-
length (compared to other existing literature) to the fact centration and the critical chloride concentration, and a log-
that the value was obtained from in-situ measurements, normal random field for the concrete cover. However, the
while values in existing literature are often based on engin- basis for the assumptions regarding the correlation models
eering judgement. is not indicated. The models assumed by (Stewart & Suo,
Fluctuations of properties due to random variations at 2009) are based on the findings of (Stewart & Mullard,
micro level of the concrete matrix should be described by 2007), who found that corrosion damage probabilities are
a field with a small correlation length. Consequently, not very sensitive if the scale of fluctuation varies from 1.0
(Engelund & Sørensen, 1998) suggest a random variation m to 3.0 m. (Hajializadeh, OBrien et al., 2016) use engineer-
with correlation lengths corresponding to scales of fluctu- ing judgement to make choices on the correlation function
ation of 200-500 mm because of differences in compaction and its variables because of the lack of large amounts of
of the concrete. They state that this difference in compac- spatial data. However, they indicate that the value of the
tion influences the diffusion coefficient of the concrete and correlation length should be chosen in accordance with the
hence this property should be modelled by random fields. A length of the elements in which the random field will be
similar order of magnitude for the correlation length of the discretized in order to avoid computational difficulties.
diffusion coefficient (250 mm) was found by (Li & Ye, 2018) Although not explicitly reporting a correlation model and
based on the experimental analysis of chloride profiles associated correlation length, (Pedrosa & Andrade, 2021)
determined on cores drilled from an existing girder in the reported a strong correlation between concrete resistivity
splashing zone. (Tran et al., 2012) found significantly larger values measured in 50  40 x 10 cm reinforced concrete
correlation lengths of 0.8 m and 1.4 m for different expos- slabs, while measured corrosion rates did not show any cor-
ure conditions by means of maximum likelihood estimates relation. Also considering the corrosion process, (Zhou, Li,
on available measurement data. A similar value was found Wen, & Deodatis, 2023) did not found any correlation
based on measurements of chloride conductivity by (Straub, between measurements of the remaining steel section.
Malioka, & Faber, 2009) who derived a correlation radius r Nevertheless, these measurements were performed on pieces
of 80 cm for the diffusion coefficient based on Equations of 20 mm from reinforcement bars with a total length of
(13) and (14): only 500 mm.
  A summary of the adopted models and parameters for
n=2 1=2 1 T 1 these properties is provided in Table 2. In general, the cor-
fX ðxÞ ¼ ð2pÞ jCXX j exp  ðx  lX Þ CXX ðx  lX Þ
2 relation lengths vary from 0.1 m to 5 m. It should be
(13) pointed out that it only makes sense to apply these

Table 2. Correlation models assumed in literature for different concrete properties.

Variable hx [m] dx [m] Correlation model q0 [-] Basis References
Concrete compressive strength fc 3.5 2 Gaussian E (Stewart & Mullard, 2007; Stewart & Suo, 2009; Vu
& Stewart, 2005)
1.8 1 Gaussian 0-0.5 E (Hajializadeh, OBrien et al., 2016)
0.45-0.74 0.25-0.42 Gaussian Dlab (Xu & Li, 2018)
8.9 5 Gaussian 0.5 U (JCSS, 2001)
Concrete cover c 3.5 2 Gaussian E (Li, 2004; Sterrit et al., 2001; Stewart & Mullard,
2007; Stewart & Suo, 2009; Vu & Stewart, 2005)
2 1 Exponential E (Straub, 2011)
1.8 1 Gaussian 0-0.5 E (Hajializadeh, Stewart et al., 2016)
3.5 2 Gaussian 0 or 0.5 E (Ying, Vrouwenvelder, & Wijnants, 2003)
0.23 0.13 Gaussian Dis (Li & Ye, 2018)
Surface chloride concentration Cs 3.5 2 Gaussian E (Li, 2004; Stewart & Mullard, 2007; Stewart & Suo,
2009; Vu & Stewart, 2005)
/ 1.96 Gaussian Dis (Karimi, 2001)
/ 1 / E (Englund, 1997)
4 2 Exponential E (Straub, 2011)
3.5 2 Gaussian 0 or 0.5 E (Ying et al., 2003)
1.4-3.8 0.7-1.9 Exponential Dis (Tran et al., 2012)
0.2– .5 / Gaussian E (Engelund & Sørensen, 1998)
1.8-3.7 1.0-2.1 Gaussian Dis (O’Connor & Kenshel, 2013)
Water-to-cement ratio w/c / 0.5 Gaussian E (Kersner, Novak, Teply, & Rusina, 1998)
Young’s modulus Ec / 2 Gaussian E (Kersner et al., 1998)
Poisson’s coefficient  / 2 Gaussian E (Kersner et al., 1998)
Critical chloride concentration Ccr 4 2 Exponential E (Straub, 2011)
0.2  0.5 / Gaussian E (Engelund & Sørensen, 1998)
Diffusion coefficient D 4 2 Exponential E (Straub, 2011)
1.6-2.8 0.8-1.4
pffiffiffi Exponential Dis (Tran et al., 2012)
1.1 0:8= 2 Exponential Dis (Straub et al., 2009)
0.2  0.5 / Gaussian E (Engelund & Sørensen, 1998)
0.44 0.25 Gaussian Dis (Li & Ye, 2018)
1.6-4.8 0.8-2.7 Gaussian Dis (O’Connor & Kenshel, 2013)
Model and values based on assumptions/expert judgement (E), derived from data in laboratory (Dlab) or in situ (Dis), unknown (U)

correlation lengths for the assessment of larger structural and/or the correlation length. Furthermore, the considerable
elements. If the dimensions of the investigated structure are scatter of the reported values in literature proves the pos-
smaller than the correlation length, spatial correlation sible benefit of the application of Bayesian updating techni-
should not be considered. ques, where prior information regarding the scale of
The different correlation models from Table 2 are also fluctuation is updated by means of in situ measurements
visualized in Figure 3. Here it can be seen that there is a (Criel et al., 2014).
clear difference in the behaviour of the exponential and
Gaussian correlation models. In addition, the effect of the
4. Application of modelling spatial variability in
lower bound on the correlation is clearly illustrated.
structural reliability analysis
Moreover, when considering all the correlation lengths sug-
gested in literature, a large scatter of the correlation at a Spatial variability might influence the results from a struc-
specific coordinate can be found. This scatter can be attrib- tural reliability analysis. By accounting for spatial variation
uted to a number of reasons: of the material properties, the heaviest loaded section might
not necessarily be the most critical. The critical section can
 The reported values are often based on ‘engineering shift towards a less loaded one, due to its reduced resistance.
judgement’, due to a lack of sufficient data. Hence, neglecting possible spatial variation can lead to an
 Different mix proportions and curing actions influence over- or underestimation of the structural resistance and
the microstructure (pore structure, air void content, corresponding reliability. Furthermore, the consideration of
chloride binding capacity) of concrete and therefore the spatial variability seems to be inevitable in case of degrading
spatial characteristic of parameters influenced by this. concrete structures due to the possible differences in expos-
 Different exposure conditions for degrading concrete ure conditions and because spatial correlation allows provid-
specimens. ing information regarding uninspected areas of the
 Inconsistencies in whether the scale of fluctuation or the structure. This section provides some application examples
correlation length is reported. from literature that illustrate how accounting for spatial
 The method that is used to fit an analytical correlation variability influences the results of a structural reliability
function to experimental data. analysis.
In (Stewart & Suo, 2009), a 1D beam is considered as a
It seems therefore of crucial importance to provide all series system consisting of different elements, where the
these details when reporting on the scale of fluctuation resistance and load effect are calculated at midpoint of each

Figure 3. Correlation models from Table 2.

element. Two bounds are assumed on structural reliability: 50% higher than the probabilities of failure without taking
(1) all reinforcement in a RC structural component exhibits into account spatial variability.
ductile behaviour, or (2) all reinforcement in a RC structural Ying et al. (2003) modelled the surface chloride concen-
component exhibits brittle behaviour. Random fields are tration and the concrete cover with random fields in the
assigned to concrete properties, concrete cover and surface assessment of the structural reliability of a part of a rein-
chloride concentration. After defining the stochastic random forced concrete bridge subjected to degradation. They found
fields, random variables are generated using Monte Carlo that the degree of spatial variability has a large influence on
simulation methods for each element, and, using the correl- the structural reliability analysis. The probability of failure
ation function, the spatially variable parameters of each becomes larger for a decrease in correlation length. There is
element are then defined. The purpose of the paper was to also a significant difference in damage situation over time,
investigate the effect of the spatial and time-dependent vari- dependent on the degree of correlation. They state the lack
ability of pitting corrosion on cover cracking, shear failure of practical measurements and tests as an important aspect
and flexural failure. They concluded, among others, that the for future research.
location of observed cover cracking is an important indica- Hajializadeh, Stewart et al. (2016) model concrete proper-
tor of structural reliability, with an increase in failure prob- ties and concrete cover as spatial variables. As such, a 2D
field of the resistance of an RC slab bridge is found. Time-
ability with a factor of 44 to 130 compared to the uncracked
dependent resistance and load effects are estimated for each
case. Nevertheless, this spatial variation of cover cracking
element in the discretized random field. The probability of
could not have been accounted for without the spatial vari-
failure is found to depend both on load and resistance cor-
ability modelling. They also observed that the structural
relation, and this effect is a function of time and failure cri-
reliabilites are not significantly affected by the element
terion. The effect reduces as the number of required failed
lengths, but that there was a great effect of the assumed cor-
elements increases and the time increases. As stated above,
relation. Hence, to arrive at more accurate predictions of the influence of this correlation model on failure has also
the probability of failure, an improved accuracy of spatially been observed by (Stewart & Suo, 2009) and (Ying et al.,
varying probability models (such as random fields) is 2003).
required. In (Li & Ye, 2018), a random field modelling method
Furthermore, in (Tran et al., 2012), a beam and RC was used to simulate the surface deterioration of reinforced
bridge girder subjected to corrosion are considered, with concrete structures in aggressive chloride environment,
random fields assigned to the surface chloride concentration which considered the spatial variability of concrete cover,
and diffusion coefficient. The beam and girder are consid- chloride diffusion coefficient and other deterioration param-
ered as series systems to calculate the reliability index under eters. The authors found that this method provides add-
bending, where the series system consists of the different itional and useful information for the probabilistic
elements of the discretized random field. Each of these ele- durability design and possible maintenance strategies at
ments is modelled as a parallel system of the different member level.
reinforcement bars in the element. The results of Tran et al. (Peng, Tang, Xiao, Cheng, & Zhang, 2021) found that
(2012) showed that taking into account the spatial variability the probability of corrosion initiation considering spatial
influences the reliability calculations of the structure: con- variability is 13–18% greater than that without consideration
sidering spatial variability led to failure probabilities of 10 to of spatial variability. This indicates that neglecting spatial

variations in evaluating probability of corrosion initiation whereas the most influence is found from spatial variation
overestimates the structural reliability. In (Lee & Mosalam, in yield strength of the steel. If crushing of the concrete is
2004), it is illustrated how for a RC column subjected to an the most important failure mechanism, the variability in
axial and lateral load, accounting for the spatial variability concrete properties does have an impact on the reliability.
of concrete and steel properties (compressive strength, In both cases, the influence of spatial variation in geomet-
Young’s modulus and yield strength) and cover thickness rical properties is found to be small.
influences the results of the probabilistic strength analysis. If Finally, for serviceability limit states (where deflections
the spatial variability of concrete strength is neglected, the are governing) an impact was found of the variation in con-
strength variation of the RC member can be overestimated. crete properties on the reliability analysis. Nevertheless, this
Finally, also (Geyer, Papaioannou, Kunz, & Straub, 2020) research concerns a concrete structure which is not sub-
illustrate how the use of random fields enables a more jected to degradation. If the RC member would be subjected
detailed assessment of the condition of a structure. This is to corrosion, the spatial variation of concrete properties
enabled by not only using measurements of the material such as the diffusion coefficient might also influence failure
properties, but combining these with information on their mechanisms governed by yielding of the steel, since these
spatial locations. Neglecting the spatial variation of these influence the corosion process and hence the remaining
properties could result in non-conservative estimates on the steel section. In such analyses, also the influence of geomet-
condition of the structure. rical properties such as the concrete cover can become more
Not only for ultimate limit state verifications, but also for pronounced due to the influence on the initiation period of
predictions of the damage extent it is beneficial or even corrosion. Hence, which variables should be modelled as
necessary to account for spatial variability of concrete prop- spatially variable and to what extent they will influece the
erties. For example, when investigating a reinforced concrete reliability analysis depends on the investigated situation.
structure subjected to corrosion, observations will indicate a Therefore, it is suggested to perform a sensitivity analysis
spatial variability of corrosion cracks on the concrete sur- (for example based on the sensitivity factors resulting from
face. Hence, in (Vu & Stewart, 2005), random fields are a FORM analysis) to detect which variables influence the
assigned to concrete cover, concrete compressive strength reliability the most and should hence be modelled as spa-
and surface choloride concentration, and applied in a spatial tially variable.
time-dependent reliability analysis for severe cracking of The assumed correlation model itself might also influence
reinforced concrete structures. This enables the prediction the results of the reliability analysis. This has been investi-
of the probability of the first incidence of cracking. For this gated in (Vereecken, Botte, Lombaert, & Caspeele, 2021b).
purpose, the structure is divided in different independent Here, random fields were assigned to corrosion variables,
areas, where their mutual correlation is accounted for by the and these random fields were inferred based on measure-
use of random fields. Also the proportion of concrete sur- ment information. The resulting random fields were then
face subject to cracking and the probability that at least a inserted in a reliability analysis. The influence of the choice
certain fraction of the concrete surface has cracked are pre- of the prior correlation model has been investigated. It was
dicted as such. concluded that changing the correlation model influenced
When modelling cracking, in (Van der Have, 2015) it the resulting reliability, but that some correlation models
was also found that cracking starts at the weakest point of were a more robust prior choice than others. An example of
the structure if spatially varying material properties are a robust prior correlation model for corrosion variables (i.e.
assumed. When including this in a finite element analysis of initiation time and corrosion rate) resulting from the inves-
a symmetric slab structure, this results in non-symmetric tigations in this work is the squared exponential correlation
crack patterns. Hence, the crack pattern is influenced by the model with a correlation length of 2 m.
simulation of the random field. In (Sudret et al., 2007) spa- The application examples indicated above clearly show that
tial variability is implemented to calculate a damage length the consideration of spatial correlation has mainly been consid-
as an indicator of the state of deterioration of a structure, ered in probabilistic analyses, and much less in deterministic or
representing the part of the structure where the failure cri- semi-probabilistic approaches. Furthermore, the major applica-
terion is reached. The application of random fields and spa- tions of random fields applied to the reliability assessment of
tial variability modelling is required to be able to derive this concrete structures relate to the assessment of deteriorating
damage length. The latter metric can subsequently be used structures and the analysis of large-scale structures, in which sig-
as a global indicator of the state of deterioration of beam nificant spatial differences can be expected.
When considering reliability analysis, some important
5. Discussion
notes should also be considered. (De Vasconcellos Real,
Campos Filho, & Maestrini, 2003) concludes that the impact This section discusses topics which were not treated in the
on the reliability due to spatial variation of concrete proper- previous sections of this contribution, but which could be of
ties depends on the failure mechanism of concrete struc- particular importance when dealing with spatial variability:
tures. In case of failure resulting from ductile rupture of the
reinforcement steel, accounting for spatial variation of the 1. It is obvious that apart from spatial correlation of one
concrete properties has limited influence on the reliability, parameter, there can be correlation between different

(material) parameters. For example, when considering 5. This work focussed on correlation models for concrete
(CEN, 2005; JCSS, 2001), there is a relationship between parameters and corrosion variables, i.e., the resistance
the concrete tensile strength, concrete compressive of the structure. Nevertheless, correlation in loads
strength, Young’s modulus, fracture energy, etc. Hence, and/or load effects could also be accounted for, as for
the random fields to model these variables cannot be example applied in (Hajializadeh, Stewart et al., 2016).
chosen independently, and the depence between the The latter found strong correlation of load effects, even
variables should be explicitly accounted for, e.g. by for weak correlation of traffic loads on a bridge.
assigning a random field to the concrete compressive However, they also found that the combined influence
strength and evaluating the other parameters as a func- of correlation in load and resistance on the probability
tion of this compressive strength. In (Tao & Chen, of failure is small.
2022) a copula-based approach is used to derive the 6. When accounting for spatial variability, most research
joint probability distribution function of the constitutive focusses on assessment of (existing) structures and
parameters of concrete, where spatially correlated sam- finite element analyses. Nevertheless, the spatial vari-
ples of the compressive strength subsequently are used ability could also be accounted for in the design of
to derive samples of the other constitutive parameters. structures. Research efforts on this subject are limited.
Alternatively, (Vorechovsky, 2008) provides a frame- A first proposal on how to account for spatial variabil-
work for generating cross-correlated random fields by ity in partial factor based design verifications can for
means of series expansion methods. example be found in (Botte & Caspeele, 2021).
2. Sometimes, spatial variability is not treated explicitly 7. Based on the information provided before, the general
(see e.g. Gardoni, Der Kiureghian, & Mosalam, 2002 procedure to account for spatial variability in the
and Aloisio, Rosso, Fragiacomo, & Alaggio, 2023) or is assessment of the response of concrete structures is as
treated in a simplified way (see e.g. Huang, Gardoni, & follows:
Hurlebaus, 2009) by adopting global capacity models.  Subdivide the structure in different zones with simi-
In such cases, the effects of spatial variability are partly lar exposure conditions and material characteristics
incorporated in the model uncertainty corresponding to considering e.g. element types (wall, slabs, columns,
the adopted models. Future research should provide a etc.) and construction phases. For example, when
quantitative comparison between such approaches and considering a box girder bridge (conceptually illus-
the more detailed analysis adopting random fields. trated in Figure 4), the bridge deck might be more
3. When discussing the influence on the reliability analysis susceptible to chloride corrosion due to de-icing
in Section 4, only the difference in whether or not salts than the bottom flange. Hence, the bridge deck
accounting for spatial variation is considered. However, is considered as one zone, whereas the elements of
it should be pointed out that there will also be an influ- the webs and bottom flange are grouped in another
ence of the assumed distribution types, the mean values zone. Spatial variability within the same zone can be
and the coefficients of variation, which also influence modelled by means of random fields.
the obtained results and might even have a larger  For each zone, detect which parameters (related to
impact on the structural response than the correlation material properties and exposure conditions) con-
structure of the stochastic field. This aspect has yet tribute most to the response of interest and deter-
obtained little attention in existing literature. mine whether any significant spatial variability can
4. Often uncertainties on the random variables are reduced be expected considering the dimensions of the struc-
based on measurement information, for example by the ture compared to correlation lengths presented in
application of Bayesian inference. As such, more accurate Section 3.2.
estimates of the reliability can be obtained. Research  Adopt a correlation model based on Table 2, divide
interests are hence also devoted to incorporating random the zones in elements considering the suggestions
fields in these inference procedures, as for example provided in Section 2.4 and adopt a modelling strat-
applied in (Srivaranun, Akiyama, Masuda, Frangopol, & egy for the random field under consideration from
Maruyama, 2022; Vereecken, Botte, Lombaert, & Section 2.3. Furthermore, determine appropriate
Caspeele, 2021a). When performing inspections or meas-
urements full inspection/measurement coverage over the
whole structure is hardly possible and mostly only a lim-
ited area is inspected (Straub & Faber, 2004). By consid-
ering spatial correlation, this effect can be accounted for
and inspection/measurement information at one location
also provides information about a non-inspected location
due to the assumed correlation (Schneider et al., 2015).
Also in (Kessler, Strauss, & Caspeele, 2017) it is pointed
out that the question ‘where to measure’ should be
answered based on the spatial correlation within the Figure 4. Conceptual illustration of subdividing a structure to account for spa-
structure. tial variability.

distributions for the stochastic variables, considering of failure. Which variables should be modelled with random
e.g. the suggestions in (JCSS, 2001). fields depends on the structure under investigation, its
 Perform a probabilistic analysis to assess the uncer- exposure and its failure mechanism. One suggestion is to
tainties of the response and/or reliability of the define those variables that are expected to have a significant
structure under consideration. Often, a sampling- spatial variation and that have large sensitivity factors in the
based approach is adopted for this purpose (cfr. reliability analysis with random fields.
Section 4).
Disclosure statement
6. Conclusions
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
In this work, an overview is given on the application of ran-
dom fields in the analysis of reinforced concrete structures.
Due to the heterogeneity of concrete, spatial variation and
correlation of the material properties can be expected. In lit- This research has been made possible through funding from the
erature, spatial variation is often accounted for by the appli- Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) under grant numbers G013317N
(Eline Vereecken), 12X1719N and S001021N (Wouter Botte), for which
cation of random fields. Nevertheless, there is no general FWO is gratefully acknowledged.
consensus on when and how these should be applied, and
which correlation models should be assumed. Hence, this
work gives a comprehensive overview of the correlation ORCID
models assumed in literature, the corresponding element Wouter Botte
lengths applied in the analysis, and the influence on struc- Eline Vereecken
tural reliability.
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