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Ken:Success is a combination of hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all,
love of what you are doing or learning to do. In order to succeed, one must have the skills, one of which
is reading. As the quote of Harry Truman says, "Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers."

Good morning future successful leaders of the nation!

Good morning OIS! (Repeat if hinay response sa audience)

Ken and xian:Welcome to the Culminating Day of Reading Month 2023 with the theme, Read, Lead,

Xian: I am Xian Emanuel Giducos

Ken:And I am Ken Aleja E. Abreo

Us:And we will be your host for today's Culminating Activity

Xian:Today, is another momentous day to celebrate the power of reading. For this month-long activity,
the Reading Month 2023, we had various activities that made us appreciate more the importance of
reading not only within the boundaries of the classroom but also beyond where reading is essential. For
today, we will be highlighting the annually conducted activity every November which is the Araw ng

To start this day's roller coaster events, we would like to request everyone to stand for an Opening
Prayer to be led by the Eng-Fil member Ms. Jonalyn D. Galapate, and please remain standing for the
singing of our Philippine National Anthem.

Ken:To further put emphasis today's event, Let's give a hand to Our esteemed school principal, Mrs.
Roseville A. Alon, who will give her welcome remarks for this event.

Thank you so much for your message Mrs. Roseville A. Alon.

Xian:It seems that everyone's excited. What might be the reason?

Ken: Well, there's nothing more exciting than to walk wearing your fave book Character Costume. How
about you xian, aren't you excited?

Xian: I am! because today we will be seeing a parade of the different book Characters. You know what's
more exciting?

Ken: What is it?

Xian: For every class in the elementary level, there will be chosen Best Male and Best Female Book
Character. After the parade, they will be awarded individually.

Ken: Wow! that's great! well then, without any delay, lets all set our eyes as we witness and be amazed
with the Book Character Parade of Oboob Integrated School.

Leading off the parade is our colors, followed by the OIS band. We have in line Grade 7-Knowledge,
(tawagon hantud grade 12, sunod Grade 6 hangtud Kinder)

Ken and Xian:Oboob Integrated School became enchanted with the different book characters portrayed
by our learners.

Ken and Xian:As we have pre-announced, there will be Best Male and Female Book Character for every
class. And now is the time to announce who will be the Bests for every class. We would like to request
the presence of our Elementary English Coordinator Mrs. Dogie S. Jagdon, to do the honor of
announcing the names of the winners.

Xian:Thank you so much Mrs. Jagdon, and congratulations to all our Best Male and Best Female Book
Character for each class.

Me:The day is not yet over everyone because at exactly 9:00 later, we will have our Simultaneous
Reading Activity. We will be going back to our classrooms and once we hear the ringing of the bell, that's
the time that we will have to Drop everything and engage in Reading. Each class will have mystery
readers to be featured.

Xian:Aside from this, starting by 10:00, secondary learners will have the conduct of the different

For Deklamasyon, the venue will be at Grade 11 Prudence classroom.

For Spelling Bee, we have Grade 12 Integrity classroom

Spoken Poetry will have Grade 10 Perseverance classroom.

Me:In the afternoon, we'll have Choral Reading contest here on stage at exactly 1:30 PM. By 3:00 PM,
everyone's requested to be at the school ground for the awarding Ceremony.

(Ask anay sakon or kay maam roseville wana ba syay i announce)

Me and Xian:With that, see you this afternoon everyone. You may now go back to your classrooms.

Awarding Ceremony

Xian and Ken: Good afternoon Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, esteemed guests, and fellow book
enthusiasts, welcome to the grand finale of our exciting reading month! Today, we celebrate the joy of
reading and the power of books to inspire and educate us.

We are truly thrilled to stand before you as your host for this incredible event, where we celebrate the
power and joy of reading. Today, we come together to recognize the efforts and achievements of our
young readers who have delved into captivating narratives, unlocked new knowledge, and let their
imagination soar through the pages of books.

Xian:We want to take this moment to acknowledge and express our deep gratitude to the teachers,
parents, and our wonderful community for their invaluable support and encouragement. Your
commitment to fostering a love for reading has played a crucial role in shaping the literary journeys of
our young readers.

Ken:As we celebrate the culmination of this reading month, let us not forget that the power of reading
extends beyond this event. Let us continue to nurture the reading culture in our homes, schools, and
communities. Encourage children to explore new books, have meaningful conversations about what
they read, and inspire them to share their favorite stories with others.
Ken: Still, I am Ken Aleja E. Abreo

Xian:and I am Xian Emanuel Giducos

Us:And we will be your host for today's Awarding Ceremony.

Xian:To start our program, lets all stand up for a prayer followed by the national philippine song via

You may now take the comfort of your seat.


Xian:To ignite the fire of showcasing skills, let us be entertained with the presentations of our primary
learners where we will witness the poetic talents of our young student!

Ken:Get ready to be amazed by the poetic skills of our young poets! We have three young poets who
will be presenting their poem recitations here on stage. Let's welcome,Natasha Francisca G. Pacio from
Kinder-Silver. Let's give her a warm round of applause.

Xian:Wow,that was an excellent poem Natasha it was so touching..


Now lets welcome Our second talented presentor Monica Rhyze T. Abello from Grade 2-Pink. Let's give
her a big round of applause as well.

Ken:Wow that is amazing poem,monica.

A confident one...


Ken and Xian:And last but not the least, let's welcome a group presentation from all the Grade 3-white
pupils as they present the poem entitled The Little Plant.

Let's give them a thunderous round of applause for their collective effort and creativity!

Me:I'm excited to see what they have in store for us today!"

Xian:Me too!Surprise us grade 3 pupils!


Me and Xian:Thank you for that wonderful poem grade 3 pupils.

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