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Refraction of Light

Light can pass through transparent materials like glass, water and air. However,
when light enters or leaves such a material, the rays of light bend changing their
direction. This bending of light rays when it enters a transparent material to
another is called refraction of light.

Look at the diagram showing refraction of a ray of light when it enters a block of


Angle of incidence

Angle of refraction

Refracted ray

• The ray of light coming in is called the incident ray. It bends as it enters
the glass. This is called the refracted ray.
• The normal is an imaginary line at 900 to the glass block at a point where
the incident ray of light hits the glass block.
• Notice the two angles in the diagram. The angle that the incident ray
makes with the normal is called angle of incidence and the angle that
the refracted ray makes with the normal is called angle of refraction.

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