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Ma'am Jerelyn and Sir Noel's love story unfolded when they were just 20 and 27 years old,

respectively. Despite living in different towns, fate brought them together in the quaint village of
Buswang ,Bio-os, Amlan. Initially, their interactions were casual as neighbors, but destiny had
bigger plans.
Separated by distance when Sir Noel ventured to Manila for work, their connection endured. It
wasn't until December 10, 2003, that their relationship took a significant turn. A simple greeting
marked the beginning of a deeper bond, with Sir Noel affectionately addressing Ma'am Jerelyn
as "Hi! dalaga," and she responding in kind with "Hello, Mr. N.”
Their courtship was unconventional, characterized by subtle gestures and heartfelt exchanges
known as 'pasumbingay.' Without explicitly defining their relationship, they embraced the roles
of boyfriend and girlfriend, guided by their growing affection and mutual understanding. It was a
journey marked by trust, understanding, and the sweet simplicity of love's unfolding.

After a month of being together, Ma'am Jerelyn brought Sir Noel to her hometown in Tanjay to
introduce him to her family. Despite the absence of her father, her mother and siblings welcomed
Sir Noel with open arms, giving their blessing and support to their relationship.
On Valentine's Day, Ma'am Jerelyn was swept off her feet by Sir Noel's thoughtful gesture of
giving her flowers, a gesture that filled her with 'kilig' and set him apart from her past suitors.
She knew in her heart that Sir Noel was the one she would marry, feeling a connection unlike
any she had experienced before.
After just two months of being together, Sir Noel bravely asked Ma'am Jerelyn for her hand in
marriage, to which she joyfully responded with a resounding 'Yes'. As April rolled around,
marking Ma'am Jerelyn's high school graduation, Sir Noel wasted no time in taking the next step.
The very next day, he visited Ma'am Jerelyn's family in Tanjay for 'pamamanhikan', a traditional
Filipino custom of formally asking for the hand of the woman he loves in marriage.

When asked about what she admired about Sir Noel both before and after their marriage, she
remarked that his traits and demeanor have remained unchanged. She described him as
consistently romantic, recalling how, in the early days of their relationship, he would always
place a rose or flower by her bedside after a minor disagreement. Even on Valentine's Day, he
never failed to express his affection. This year, he went the extra mile, taking a day off work just
to be with her on Valentine's Day. His pursuit of her remains as fervent as ever, reminiscent of
their courtship days.
When discussing how they handle disagreements in their marriage, she explained that they have
a balanced approach. If the fault lies with her, she listens to her husband's perspective attentively,
whereas if it's his fault, she voices her feelings and frustrations, and her husband listens in return.
They maintain a harmony akin to fire and water. Her husband has a knack for lightening the
mood with humor when making amends after a disagreement. Reflecting on their marriage, they
prioritize communication and trust, resulting in fewer conflicts. She emphasized that her
husband's qualities have only improved since becoming a husband. He expresses love through
acts of service, while she expresses it through physical touch as she likes to be close to her
When discussing the significant challenges they faced in their marriage, Ma’am. Jerelyn shared a
profound revelation. Months after their wedding, she discovered that Sir Noel had a child from a
previous relationship, which she learned from her mother-in-law, who had only recently become
aware of the child's existence. At the time of discovery, the child was nearly one year old. She
expressed that Sir Noel himself was unaware of the child until then, as he hadn't known about the
child with his ex-girlfriend.
Despite this revelation, Ma’am Jerelyn affirmed that her trust and love for her husband remained
unchanged because this was a matter of his past, predating their marriage. She described how
their communication played a vital role in their relationship, especially since Sir Noel would
only return home on weekends due to his work commitments, which often took him to places
like Davao for construction projects. To bridge the physical distance during the weekdays, they
made a point to talk every night, ensuring they stayed connected and updated on each other's
lives. Though initially challenging, she adapted to their long-distance relationship, knowing that
their bond and commitment transcended physical proximity.

When discussing her husband's parenting style, Mrs. Jerelyn highlighted that he balances being
strict when necessary with attending to their children's needs. She admired his approach, noting
that he never resorts to physical punishment. As a mother, she shared her daily routine, waking
up at 5:30 am to prepare food for her children and ensure they get ready for school
independently, including bathing and dressing themselves.

When discussing the secret to their 20-year marriage, Mrs. Jerelyn emphasized the importance of
mutual understanding between husband and wife. She highlighted the significance of setting
aside pride and exercising patience, especially during times of disagreement or distress.
Regarding their finances, she mentioned that they maintain a proactive approach by promptly
paying bills to prevent them from accumulating. This helps keep their expenses manageable, as
they prioritize staying on top of their financial responsibilities.

When offering advice to young couples considering marriage, Ma’am Jerelyn emphasized the
importance of deeply understanding each other's character during the boyfriend-girlfriend stage.
She underscored that marriage is a sacred commitment, both to each other and to a higher power,
and thus requires a thorough understanding of each other's personalities, including their
differences. She encouraged couples to invest time in getting to know one another and to work
together to navigate and resolve any challenges that may arise.

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