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(ay «sing vale edt! a : them a use & pssets tovse the’ od. cHivity as we , ls & sewiles * vel i) J dblectivas op carging tops J 10 APleck re prolas [losses of the enterprises. 2. 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(0, wot) { 00,000 » |) > cope ciatin for 2024 = 200,000 210° 5 10,000 A N La mackie Hour Rae Method : pole & purchase = |U-202q ed UCD Pralegie 2 091600 estimated usetal tn tern dns - stoco har — Satuaqe = ‘sh pies WAERS Hours (madine wneing a) 2004 [2200 Bee Is tso 2006" Boe © 9004" sil SRe ) 828 : Depeaator = cost — Salvage value x nond-eachine Carmoied use| Ho Ue gat? machine in ders d moe voduring Year Yours ssdquust aon dye 2024 «toc OH? 21° 50.000 ’ = 4p360 i Bem hoe 2025 fn X isi)( sok 5t 5% = t= eens pa 2026 6 x 1500) (2b -10E = Y sob) ' = 28,500 ' F 2 wee ec 3 = 22,800 suk : ; 2028 ~ (ih x 8300) PL-lok y aac = 3), S40 sok Mile 3 Method : ozs F 4 Ceprectation = ost - Salvage life Nore Kalaweters Estimated useful’ life tuned -log ged @ the vehicle» in berms uring the year | P kifornetens et ‘pale f parchase | 2a -202y , tab duehicl = 8,00 000 - : Genital inlems = 2,o0;onkyns”** J -rumber aii sae = 15h Novo Ems. 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For Smonth production 2sales Aatuity. 2 TD meck th Customer” Dormnds 5 3 TWtake a chaniage Ot rte changes 1 Represent s Tnventory true $ foie values inthe fron:i st Tetris | welds of Iwenbog valet, LAFF relod (Fist ty fest cue tnetfod) Ph Lire Metled Clase tm Lhe out method) 3: HIF method ( bighest Past out wwe thoct ) PC method (simple Average cost method) gue method (weighted Average Cost method ) si method (specifhe xdentstacadion Cost RcLiss)9 qe Re method CReplacement dost: ryethod) sino “Yess a tems: ‘ periodic: System a. porye Wal Se von v0 Nidevial Reyesiiion he Gey wo Conds Reon ecko foal i rf ; . oe qo ps ante: 0 ps | ast? ; a aed * purchases MeN@2 x | 28th ey Geno's 2th Apr calculate. Twentany valuatan using FIFO tmethod Undey by) Date Men {Gen wo particulars GY Ray 1p. np. 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