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1. Table 5.1 contains a list of statements about DNA replication. Some of these statements are incorrect.

Put a cross (X) in the box next to each incorrect statement.

DNA replication
The DNA molecule unwinds
Hydrogen bonds between the base pairs break
Free RNA nucleotides join to bases on the exposed DNA strands
Both polypeptide strands act as a template
Hydrogen bonds form between complementary bases
Three hydrogen bonds form between bases A and T
DNA polymerase links the new nucleotides
Covalent bonds form between the phosphate of one nucleotide and the
pentose sugar of the next nucleotide

Table 5. 1


i. Outline how the process of DNA replication is completed, following the pairing of nitrogenous bases.


ii. Why is DNA replication described as semi-conservative?


3(a). Semi-conservative replication describes the process by which DNA is replicated in all living organisms.

i. Explain the meaning of the phrase semi-conservative replication.


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ii. DNA ligase is one enzyme involved in the replication of DNA.
State two other enzymes involved and describe their functions.


(b). In 1958, Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl carried out an experiment that provided evidence to
support the hypothesis of semi-conservative replication of DNA.

Meselson and Stahl grew E. coli bacteria in a growth medium that contained only the heavy isotope of nitrogen
N. They transferred the bacteria to a growth medium that had the light 14N isotope and allowed the bacteria to
undergo cell division.

After each division, the DNA from some of the bacteria was extracted from the culture and centrifuged to
separate it. Fig. 25 shows the bands of DNA in the centrifuge tubes after a specific number of divisions.

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Fig. 25

The tube labelled Generation 0 in Fig. 25 shows a single band of DNA containing bases that contain only the
heavy isotope of nitrogen 15N.

Explain how the results from the other generations provide evidence to support the hypothesis that DNA
replication is semi-conservative.



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Mark scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

Four ‘X’s − max 2

Five ‘X’s − max 1
Six or more ‘X’s − DO NOT CREDIT
any marks
If candidate does not use ‘X’,
ACCEPT unambiguous statements
system of indicating correct

Examiner's Comments
1 3
Most candidates scored 2 marks on
this question. The most commonly
awarded mark was for there not
being 3 hydrogen bonds between A
and T. Candidates usually scored
one other mark for noticing either
that RNA nucleotides are not
involved in DNA replication or that
DNA is not a polypeptide. Crosses
were seen in every box.

Total 3

(involves) DNA polymerase (1)

sugar-phosphate backbone (re)forms /
2 i condensation reaction between 3
phosphate and sugar (1)

ALLOW higher level answers

e.g. role of DNA ligase in joining
i DNA winds into double helix (1) sugar-phosphate backbone lagging
strand filled in with Okazaki

(new molecule consists of) one old strand

ii 1
and one new strand (1)

Total 4

3 a i (new DNA molecule comprises) 1 max DO NOT ACCEPT ‘DNA strand’

one, original / old / parent, strand instead of ‘DNA molecule’
and one new strand ✔

each strand (of DNA molecule) acts as a

template strand
(for a new double helix) ✔ Examiner’s Comments

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Most candidates gave a perfect
answer referring to the DNA
molecule comprising one original or
parental strand and one new strand.
The most common mistake was
referring to just having an old
strand. As in previous years, many
candidates found it difficult to
express their answer in a
creditworthy manner e.g. 'each
strand contains one old strand and
one new', 'half of the DNA is
replaced with new DNA', 'half of the
original strand is used to make the
new one'. Most of these answers
show a lack of understanding of the
difference between a DNA strand
and a DNA molecule.

Some candidates used logic with the

term ‘semi-conservative’ and wrote
about ‘half the DNA staying the
same’, without appreciating this
process compared with dispersive

ii 4 max Mark the first 2 enzymes mentioned

NOTE only award the function mark

when linked to the correct enzyme

IGNORE ligase
E1 (DNA) helicase ✔

F1 unzips the DNA molecule / breaks F1 IGNORE unwinds the DNA

hydrogen bonds (between complementary molecule
bases) / separates the (2) strands ✔

E2 DNA polymerase ✔
F2 forms phosphodiester bonds / joins polymerase
(adjacent) nucleotides / forms sugar-
phosphate backbone ✔ F2 DO NOT ACCEPT forms H bonds
ACCEPT checks for errors (in
Also creditworthy nucleotide sequence)
E3 gyrase ✔
Examiner’s Comments
F3 unwinds / uncoils, the DNA ✔
Most candidates named two
enzymes, commonly helicase and
DNA polymerase. A few candidates
described helicase as unzipping one
strand, rather than separating the
strands, but most correctly
described its action.

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The most common misconception
was describing DNA polymerase as
pairing up free nucleotides with the
template strand, and joining or
reforming hydrogen bonds.
Candidates should appreciate that
hydrogen bonds occur due to
complementary bases pairing and
then DNA polymerase joins the
‘vertically’, forming the sugar-
phosphate backbone with
phosphodiester bonds between the
adjacent nucleotides. A few
candidates did not specify ‘DNA’
polymerase or stated RNA

Some candidates attempted to write

about DNA ligase and this illustrates
the importance of reading the
question properly. A very few
candidates suggested random
enzymes such as protease.

Marks can be awarded from suitably

labelled / annotated diagrams

ACCEPT shows that (new) DNA is a

tube with generation 1 hybrid

shows (new) DNA / band, contains, light

nitrogen / N14 , and, heavy nitrogen / N15 ✔

tube with generation 2

(new) DNA / band, made from only, light

b 2 max
nitrogen / N14 ✔

so a, light / N14 , strand of DNA must be Could be credited in context of

a, template / parent strand, for the new generation 10 instead (but only
molecule ✔ award once)

Examiner’s Comments

This question was answered poorly.

tube with generation 10 Only a few candidates could apply
the information given in the stem, or
(highest band gets thicker because) were already familiar with the
more of the DNA is made from only, light experiment, to correctly describe
nitrogen / N14 ✔ the banding pattern.

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Total 7

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