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Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM5,832.22

xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 MBB Mastercard Classic
Amount: RM114.71
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1173050439

Transaction Date/Time: 16 Oct 2006 16:34:56

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount (RM) Status
Time Details Date To Account Referen
16 OCT 2006, BillPayment - 005073215073 114.71 Successf
MON,16:34 xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - ul
8344 MBB 1173050
Mastercard Classic 439
16 OCT 2006, BillPayment - 005073215073 600.00 Successf
MON,16:36 xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - ul
6947 MBB Visa 1173050
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Your transaction has been successfully completed. For your reference, the tracking ID for your
transaction is AAA00200C6479BC4941B4E04400E000A6E2AB.

Below are your transaction details:

Card Holder's Name : kasim bin yahya

Transaction Amount : RM 55.00
Transaction Date : 18-10-2006
Transaction Time : 09:01:30
Authorisaction Code : 211940

Please call our TM Net Customer Interaction Center at 1-300-88-9515 or 1-300-88-1515 if you
require further clarification. Please use the tracking ID for any queries regarding the transaction

Please press Continue to proceed.

Publication : Berita Harian Quarterly
Days : 90 days
Start Date : Wednesday, October 18, 2006
End Date : Monday, January 15, 2007

Total Amount : RM 55.00

Subscription Type : Quarterly

Payment Type : Credit Card
Payment Status : Successful
Transaction Message : Credit card transaction successful
Purchased Date : Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Subscription ID : nuramalena410182006849521


Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM4,882.22

xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 MBB Mastercard Classic
Amount: RM50.00
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1173351827

Transaction Date/Time: 19 Oct 2006 04:35:10


Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM18,995.83

xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Amount: RM592.89
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1175107250

Transaction Date/Time: 09 Nov 2006 10:08:53

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM18,759.83

xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 MBB Mastercard Classic
Amount: RM236.00
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1175107385

Transaction Date/Time: 09 Nov 2006 10:10:06

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account
Amount (RM) Referen
Time Details Date To Account
BillPayment 005073215073 Successf
09 NOV 2006, ul
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - 592.89
THU,10:08 - 1175107
6947 MBB Visa
BillPayment 005073215073 Successf
09 NOV 2006, xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- ul
- 236.00
THU,10:10 8344 MBB - 1175107
Mastercard Classic 385
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 005073215073 CA
Corporation Name: Great Eastern Life Assurance (M) Berhad A/C 2
Payee Code: 3042
Bill Account Holder
Bill Account No.: 85914483
Amount: RM171.00
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM18,588.83
Reference No.: 1175112540
Transaction Date/Time: 09 Nov 2006 10:55:56
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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account
Amount (RM) Referen
Time Details Date To Account
BillPayment 005073215073 Successf
09 NOV 2006, Great Eastern Life ul
- 171.00
THU,10:55 Assurance (M) - 1175112
Berhad 540
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 005073215073 CA
Corporation Name: ASTRO (Measat Broadcast Network System) A/C 1
Payee Code: 1061
Bill Account Holder
Bill Account No.: 0800469343
Amount: RM335.35
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM8,743.78
Reference No.: 1177809246
Transaction Date/Time: 07 Dec 2006 06:02:34

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account
Amount (RM) Referen
Time Details Date To Account
BillPayment 005073215073 Successf
07 DEC 2006, ASTRO (Measat ul
- 335.35
THU,06:02 Broadcast Network - 1177809
System) 246

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM6,978.52

xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Amount: RM599.26
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1178078517

Transaction Date/Time: 10 Dec 2006 07:06:00


Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM6,781.16

xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 MBB Mastercard Classic
Amount: RM197.36
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1178078533

Transaction Date/Time: 10 Dec 2006 07:07:34

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount (RM) Status
Time Details Date To Account Referen
10 DEC 2006, BillPayment - 005073215073 599.26 Successf
SUN,07:06 xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - ul
6947 MBB Visa 1178078
10 DEC 2006, BillPayment - 005073215073 197.36 Successf
SUN,07:07 xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - ul
8344 MBB 1178078
Mastercard Classic 533
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:
Funds Transfer between Own Accounts

Status : Successful
From Account: 102027243959 SA
New Balance: RM70.15
To Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM3,158.56
Amount: RM1,400.00
Effective Date: Today
Reference No: 1179193826
Transaction Date/Time: 21 Dec 2006 16:18:34

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount Status
Time Details Date To Account (RM) Reference
21 DEC 2006, FundsTransfer 102027243959 Successful
- 1,400.00
THU,16:18 Own account 005073215073 1179193826
ayment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 MBB Mastercard Classic
Corporation Name: TM Net Sdn Bhd A/C 1
Payee Code: 4531
Bill Account Holder
Bill Account No.: 20060229101901
Amount: RM132.00
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM132.00
Reference No.: 1179521535
Transaction Date/Time: 25 Dec 2006 16:28:15

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 005073215073 CA
Corporation Name: Tenaga Nasional Berhad A/C 1
Payee Code: 1111
Bill Account Holder
Bill Account No.: 02440016334503
Amount: RM96.49
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM3,062.07
Reference No.: 1179521650
Transaction Date/Time: 25 Dec 2006 16:30:06

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 005073215073 CA
Corporation Name: Celcom A/C 1
Payee Code: 1021
Bill Account Holder
Bill Account No.: 81888463
Mobile No.: 260573882
Amount: RM56.94
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM3,005.13
Reference No.: 1179521774
Transaction Date/Time: 25 Dec 2006 16:31:55

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account
Amount (RM) Referen
Time Details Date To Account
BillPayment xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- Successf
25 DEC 2006, 8344 ul
- 132.00
MON,16:28 TM Net Sdn Bhd 1179521
BillPayment 005073215073 Successf
25 DEC 2006, ul
Tenaga Nasional - 96.49
MON,16:30 - 1179521
BillPayment 005073215073 Successf
25 DEC 2006, ul
- 56.94
MON,16:31 Celcom - 1179521
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment to Registered Corporation
Payment Status: Successful
From Account: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 MBB Mastercard Classic
Corporation Name: Telekom Malaysia Berhad A/C 1
Payee Code: 1011
Bill Account Holder
Bill Account No.: L932083110104
Amount: RM34.32
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM221.32
Reference No.: 1180929892
Transaction Date/Time: 07 Jan 2007 09:50:45

Approval Code: R84868

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account
Amount (RM) Referen
Time Details Date To Account
BillPayment xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- Successf
07 JAN 2007, 8344 ul
Telekom Malaysia - 34.32
SUN,09:50 1180929
Berhad -
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account
Amount (RM) Referen
Time Details Date To Account
BillPayment 005073215073 Unsucces
17 JAN 2007, xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- sful
- 100.00
WED,20:41 8344 MBB - 1181968
Mastercard Classic 447
BillPayment 005073215073 Unsucces
17 JAN 2007, xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- sful
- 390.86
WED,20:42 8344 MBB - 1181968
Mastercard Classic 559
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM12,169.72

xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Amount: RM5,918.86
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1182076140

Transaction Date/Time: 18 Jan 2007 22:37:08


Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM12,159.86

xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 MBB Mastercard Classic
Amount: RM9.86
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1182076305

Transaction Date/Time: 18 Jan 2007 22:38:57

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account
Amount (RM) Referen
Time Details Date To Account
BillPayment 005073215073 Successf
18 JAN 2007, ul
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - 5,918.86
THU,22:37 - 1182076
6947 MBB Visa
BillPayment 005073215073 Successf
18 JAN 2007, xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- ul
- 9.86
THU,22:38 8344 MBB - 1182076
Mastercard Classic 305
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM10,508.08

Card/Account xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa

Amount: RM650.78
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1182408204

Transaction Date/Time: 23 Jan 2007 08:11:41

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account
Amount (RM) Referen
Time Details Date To Account
BillPayment 005073215073 Successfu
23 JAN 2007, l
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - 650.78
TUE,08:11 - 1182408
6947 MBB Visa
TAC Request - Unsucces
23 JAN 2007, sful
- -
TUE,08:14 - - 1182408
TAC Request - Unsucces
23 JAN 2007, sful
- -
TUE,08:14 - - 1182408
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 005073215073 CA
Corporation Name: Celcom A/C 1
Payee Code: 1021
Bill Account Holder
Bill Account No.: 81888463
Mobile No.: 262299765
Amount: RM59.74
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM8,600.59
Reference No.: 1183163150
Transaction Date/Time: 28 Jan 2007 20:11:25

Payment to Registered Corporation
Payment Status: Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
Corporation Name: Tenaga Nasional Berhad A/C 1
Payee Code: 1111
Bill Account Holder
Bill Account No.: 02440016334503
Amount: RM99.93
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM8,500.66
Reference No.: 1183163325
Transaction Date/Time: 28 Jan 2007 20:12:56

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Corporation Name: Telekom Malaysia Berhad A/C 1
Payee Code: 1011
Bill Account Holder
Bill Account No.: L932083110104
Amount: RM34.07
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM34.07
Reference No.: 1183163412
Transaction Date/Time: 28 Jan 2007 20:14:01

Approval Code: 004141

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account
Amount (RM) Referen
Time Details Date To Account
BillRegister - Unsucces
28 JAN 2007, sful
- -
SUN,20:09 Celcom - 1183163
BillPayment 005073215073 Successfu
28 JAN 2007, l
- 59.74
SUN,20:11 Celcom - 1183163
BillPayment 005073215073 Successfu
28 JAN 2007, l
Tenaga Nasional - 99.93
SUN,20:12 - 1183163
BillPayment xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- Successfu
28 JAN 2007, 6947 l
Telekom Malaysia - 34.07
SUN,20:14 1183163
Berhad -
BillRegister - Unsucces
28 JAN 2007, sful
- -
SUN,20:16 Celcom - 1183163
BillRegister - Unsucces
28 JAN 2007, sful
- -
SUN,20:17 Celcom - 1183163
BillRegister - Unsucces
28 JAN 2007, sful
- -
SUN,20:21 Celcom - 1183163

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM6,974.72

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa

Amount: RM34.07
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1183570486

Transaction Date/Time: 31 Jan 2007 06:18:30

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM6,944.72

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 MBB Mastercard Classic

Amount: RM30.00
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1183570491

Transaction Date/Time: 31 Jan 2007 06:19:04

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Corporation Name: TM Net Sdn Bhd A/C 1
Payee Code: 4531
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 20060229101901
Amount: RM66.00
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM66.00
Reference No.: 1183570504
Transaction Date/Time: 31 Jan 2007 06:20:24

Approval Code: 007824

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Status
Amount (RM)
Time Details Date To Account Reference
BillPayment 005073215073 Successful
31 JAN 2007,
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - 34.07
WED,06:18 - 1183570486
6947 MBB Visa
BillPayment 005073215073 Successful
31 JAN 2007, xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-
- 30.00
WED,06:19 8344 MBB - 1183570491
Mastercard Classic
BillPayment xxxx-xxxx- Successful
31 JAN 2007,
- xxxx-6947 66.00
WED,06:20 TM Net Sdn Bhd 1183570504
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 102027243959 SA
New Balance: RM989.56

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa

Amount: RM66.00
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1184107833

Transaction Date/Time: 04 Feb 2007 08:52:08

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Status
Amount (RM)
Time Details Date To Account Reference
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
04 FEB 2007,
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - 66.00
SUN,08:52 - 1184107833
6947 MBB Visa
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 102027243959 SA
New Balance: RM959.56

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 MBB Mastercard Classic

Amount: RM30.00
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1184368686

Transaction Date/Time: 06 Feb 2007 08:15:37

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Status
Amount (RM)
Time Details Date To Account Reference
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
06 FEB 2007, xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-
- 30.00
TUE,08:15 8344 MBB - 1184368686
Mastercard Classic
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 102027243959 SA
New Balance: RM927.96

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 MBB Mastercard Classic

Amount: RM31.60
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1184651030

Transaction Date/Time: 07 Feb 2007 21:33:44

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Status
Amount (RM)
Time Details Date To Account Reference
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
07 FEB 2007, xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-
- 31.60
WED,21:33 8344 MBB - 1184651030
Mastercard Classic
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 102027243959 SA
New Balance: RM2,428.44

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa

Amount: RM30.00
Effective Date: Today
Reference No: 1184787774

Transaction Date/Time: 08 Feb 2007 22:08:49

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Status
Amount (RM)
Time Details Date To Account Reference
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
08 FEB 2007,
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - 30.00
THU,22:08 - 1184787774
6947 MBB Visa
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 102027243959 SA
New Balance: RM2,095.11

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa

Amount: RM333.33
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1184924653

Transaction Date/Time: 10 Feb 2007 07:53:10

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Status
Amount (RM)
Time Details Date To Account Reference
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
10 FEB 2007,
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - 333.33
SAT,07:53 - 1184924653
6947 MBB Visa
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment to Registered Corporation
Payment Status: Successful
From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Tenaga Nasional Berhad A/C 2
Payee Code: 1112
Bill Account Holder Name: HAJI YAHAYA HAJI MAN
Bill Account No.: 02440016593810
Amount: RM50.00
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM2,045.11
Reference No.: 1185031548
Transaction Date/Time: 11 Feb 2007 20:26:22

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Status
Amount (RM)
Time Details Date To Account Reference
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
11 FEB 2007,
Tenaga Nasional - 50.00
SUN,20:26 - 1185031548
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 102027243959 SA
New Balance: RM1,475.11

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa

Amount: RM70.00
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1185823399

Transaction Date/Time: 17 Feb 2007 13:50:17

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount (RM) Status
Time Details Date To Account Reference
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
17 FEB 2007,
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - 70.00
SAT,13:50 - 1185823399
6947 MBB Visa
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 102027243959 SA
New Balance: RM1,412.31

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 MBB Mastercard Classic

Amount: RM62.80
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1186440384

Transaction Date/Time: 24 Feb 2007 13:41:01

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Status
Amount (RM)
Time Details Date To Account Reference
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
24 FEB 2007, xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-
- 62.80
SAT,13:41 8344 MBB - 1186440384
Mastercard Classic
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Celcom A/C 1
Payee Code: 1021
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 81888463
Mobile No.: 263873523
Amount: RM58.80
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM1,353.51
Reference No.: 1186482029
Transaction Date/Time: 24 Feb 2007 23:00:54

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount Status
Time Details Date To Account (RM) Reference
24 FEB 2007, BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
- 58.80
SAT,23:00 Celcom - 1186482029
24 FEB 2007, TAC Request - Unsuccessful
- -
SAT,23:03 - - 1186482239
24 FEB 2007, TAC Request - Unsuccessful
- -
SAT,23:07 - - 1186482491
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Celcom A/C 2
Payee Code: 1022
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM BIN YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 90306299
Mobile No.: 263524438
Amount: RM47.31
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM806.20
Reference No.: 1186543728
Transaction Date/Time: 25 Feb 2007 20:06:27

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount (RM) Status
Time Details Date To Account Reference
25 FEB 2007, BillRegister - Successful
- -
SUN,20:05 Celcom - 1186543668
25 FEB 2007, BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
- 47.31
SUN,20:06 Celcom - 1186543728
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Tenaga Nasional Berhad A/C 1
Payee Code: 1111
Bill Account Holder Name: YAHYA HAJI OTHMAN
Bill Account No.: 02440016334503
Amount: RM80.30
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM725.90
Reference No.: 1186767800
Transaction Date/Time: 27 Feb 2007 08:42:21

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Status
Amount (RM)
Time Details Date To Account Reference
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
27 FEB 2007,
Tenaga Nasional - 80.30
TUE,08:42 - 1186767800
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Corporation Name: TM Net Sdn Bhd A/C 1
Payee Code: 4531
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 20060229101901
Amount: RM66.00
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM66.00
Reference No.: 1186907075
Transaction Date/Time: 27 Feb 2007 19:41:47

Approval Code: 002358

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Corporation Name: Telekom Malaysia Berhad A/C 1
Payee Code: 1011
Bill Account Holder Name: MUNAH BINTI MAT JAYA
Bill Account No.: L932083110104
Amount: RM40.68
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM106.68
Reference No.: 1186907203
Transaction Date/Time: 27 Feb 2007 19:42:46

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Status
Amount (RM)
Time Details Date To Account Reference
BillPayment xxxx-xxxx- Successful
27 FEB 2007,
- xxxx-6947 66.00
TUE,19:41 TM Net Sdn Bhd 1186907075
BillPayment xxxx-xxxx- Successful
27 FEB 2007,
Telekom Malaysia - xxxx-6947 40.68
TUE,19:42 1186907203
Berhad -
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment To Credit Card
Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM3,395.04

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa

Amount: RM106.68
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1188090461

Transaction Date/Time: 07 Mar 2007 15:33:07

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM3,210.73

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 MBB Mastercard Classic

Amount: RM184.31
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1188090668

Transaction Date/Time: 07 Mar 2007 15:34:23

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount Status
Time Details Date To Account (RM) Reference
BillPayment 005073215073 Successful
07 MAR 2007,
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - 106.68
WED,15:33 - 1188090461
6947 MBB Visa
BillPayment 102027243959 Unsuccessful
07 MAR 2007,
8344 MBB - 184.31
WED,15:33 - 1188090567
BillPayment 005073215073 Successful
07 MAR 2007,
8344 MBB - 184.31
WED,15:34 - 1188090668
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM3,947.40

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa

Amount: RM363.33
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1188425717

Transaction Date/Time: 09 Mar 2007 22:58:51

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Status
Amount (RM)
Time Details Date To Account Reference
BillPayment 005073215073 Successful
09 MAR 2007,
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - 363.33
FRI,22:58 - 1188425717
6947 MBB Visa
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM1,373.15

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa

Amount: RM74.25
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1192576340

Transaction Date/Time: 12 Apr 2007 09:51:32

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM1,290.46

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 MBB Mastercard Classic

Amount: RM82.69
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1192576488

Transaction Date/Time: 12 Apr 2007 09:52:21

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount (RM) Status
Time Details Date To Account Reference
12 APR 2007, BillPayment - 005073215073 74.25 Successful
THU,09:51 xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 - 1192576340
MBB Visa
12 APR 2007, BillPayment - 005073215073 82.69 Successful
THU,09:52 xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 - 1192576488
MBB Mastercard
12 APR 2007, TAC Request - - - Unsuccessful
THU,09:55 - - 1192576882
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Celcom A/C 2
Payee Code: 1022
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM BIN YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 90306299
Mobile No.: 266596859
Amount: RM8.06
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM1,589.61
Reference No.: 1195746523
Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Celcom A/C 1
Payee Code: 1021
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 81888463
Mobile No.: 266889901
Amount: RM58.96
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM1,530.65
Reference No.: 1195746559
Transaction Date/Time: 09 May 2007 06:55:01

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Corporation Name: Telekom Malaysia Berhad A/C 1
Payee Code: 1011
Bill Account Holder Name: MUNAH BINTI MAT JAYA
Bill Account No.: L932083110104
Amount: RM133.68
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM2,957.03
Reference No.: 1195746591
Transaction Date/Time: 09 May 2007 06:56:31

Approval Code: 003450

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Corporation Name: TM Net Sdn Bhd A/C 1
Payee Code: 4531
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 20060229101901
Amount: RM132.00
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM3,089.03
Reference No.: 1195746611
Transaction Date/Time: 09 May 2007 06:57:43

Approval Code: 003469

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Status
Amount (RM)
Time Details Date To Account Reference
09 MAY 2007, BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
- 8.06
WED,06:52 Celcom - 1195746523
09 MAY 2007, BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
- 58.96
WED,06:55 Celcom - 1195746559
BillPayment xxxx-xxxx- Successful
09 MAY 2007,
Telekom Malaysia - xxxx-6947 133.68
WED,06:56 1195746591
Berhad -
BillPayment xxxx-xxxx- Successful
09 MAY 2007,
- xxxx-6947 132.00
WED,06:57 TM Net Sdn Bhd 1195746611
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Tenaga Nasional Berhad A/C 1
Payee Code: 1111
Bill Account Holder Name: YAHYA HAJI OTHMAN
Bill Account No.: 02440016334503
Amount: RM109.78
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM1,420.87
Reference No.: 1195965736
Transaction Date/Time: 10 May 2007 17:39:23

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 102027243959 SA
New Balance: RM1,279.70
Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Amount: RM141.17
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1195965885

Transaction Date/Time: 10 May 2007 17:40:48

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 102027243959 SA
New Balance: RM1,160.43

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 MBB Mastercard Classic

Amount: RM119.27
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1195965987

Transaction Date/Time: 10 May 2007 17:41:44

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Status
Amount (RM)
Time Details Date To Account Reference
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
10 MAY 2007,
Tenaga Nasional - 109.78
THU,17:39 - 1195965736
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
10 MAY 2007,
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - 141.17
THU,17:40 - 1195965885
6947 MBB Visa
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
10 MAY 2007, xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-
- 119.27
THU,17:41 8344 MBB - 1195965987
Mastercard Classic
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: ASTRO (Measat Broadcast Network System) A/C 1
Payee Code: 1061
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM BIN YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 0800469343
Amount: RM479.70
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM1,433.55
Reference No.: 1198350354
Transaction Date/Time: 30 May 2007 22:41:23

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Status
Amount (RM)
Time Details Date To Account Reference
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
30 MAY 2007, ASTRO (Measat
- 479.70
WED,22:41 Broadcast - 1198350354
Network System)
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Corporation Name: TM Net Sdn Bhd A/C 1
Payee Code: 4531
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 20060229101901
Amount: RM67.27
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM3,075.13
Reference No.: 1198667374
Transaction Date/Time: 01 Jun 2007 22:27:43

Approval Code: 008209

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Status
Amount (RM)
Time Details Date To Account Reference
BillPayment xxxx-xxxx- Successful
01 JUN 2007,
- xxxx-6947 67.27
FRI,22:27 TM Net Sdn Bhd 1198667374
As an added privacy measure, you are advised to perform the following steps:

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Corporation Name: Telekom Malaysia Berhad A/C 2
Payee Code: 1012
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM BIN YAHYA
Bill Account No.: D935618740102
Amount: RM111.44
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM5,276.47
Reference No.: 1201970676
Transaction Date/Time: 29 Jun 2007 21:59:21

Approval Code: 004271

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount Status
Time Details Date To Account (RM) Reference
BillRegister - Successful
29 JUN 2007,
Telekom Malaysia - -
FRI,21:56 - 1201970330
AddPaymentLimit - Successful
29 JUN 2007,
Telekom Malaysia - 150.00
FRI,21:56 - 1201970393
BillPayment xxxx-xxxx- Successful
29 JUN 2007,
Telekom Malaysia - xxxx-6947 111.44
FRI,21:59 1201970676
Berhad -
Update Contact - Successful
29 JUN 2007,
Numbers - -
FRI,22:07 - 1201971712
Update Contact - Successful
29 JUN 2007,
Numbers - -
FRI,22:08 - 1201971803
Update Contact - Successful
29 JUN 2007,
Numbers - -
FRI,22:08 - 1201971884
Update Contact - Successful
29 JUN 2007,
Numbers - -
FRI,22:09 - 1201971994
Update Contact - Successful
29 JUN 2007,
Numbers - -
FRI,22:10 - 1201972106
Update Contact - Successful
29 JUN 2007,
Numbers - -
FRI,22:11 - 1201972271
Update Contact - Successful
29 JUN 2007,
Numbers - -
FRI,22:11 - 1201972366

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Corporation Name: Telekom Malaysia Berhad A/C 1
Payee Code: 1011
Bill Account Holder Name: MUNAH BINTI MAT JAYA
Bill Account No.: L932083110104
Amount: RM83.29
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM5,359.76
Reference No.: 1201973915
Transaction Date/Time: 29 Jun 2007 22:24:29

Approval Code: 005194

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Corporation Name: TM Net Sdn Bhd A/C 1
Payee Code: 4531
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 20060229101901
Amount: RM67.00
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM5,426.76
Reference No.: 1201974064
Transaction Date/Time: 29 Jun 2007 22:25:57

Approval Code: 005252

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount Status
Time Details Date To Account (RM) Reference
BillPayment xxxx-xxxx- Successful
29 JUN 2007,
Telekom - xxxx-6947 83.29
FRI,22:24 1201973915
Malaysia Berhad -
BillPayment xxxx-xxxx- Successful
29 JUN 2007,
- xxxx-6947 67.00
FRI,22:25 TM Net Sdn Bhd 1201974064

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Tenaga Nasional Berhad A/C 1
Payee Code: 1111
Bill Account Holder Name: YAHYA HAJI OTHMAN
Bill Account No.: 02440016334503
Amount: RM114.69
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM30.10
Reference No.: 1201974950
Transaction Date/Time: 29 Jun 2007 22:33:28

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount Status
Time Details Date To Account (RM) Reference
BillPayment 005073215073 Unsuccessful
29 JUN 2007,
Tenaga Nasional - 114.69
FRI,22:32 - 1201974850
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
29 JUN 2007,
Tenaga Nasional - 114.69
FRI,22:33 - 1201974950

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM4,552.50

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa

Amount: RM274.35
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1203325777

Transaction Date/Time: 10 Jul 2007 11:47:54

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM4,289.62

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 MBB Mastercard Classic

Amount: RM262.88
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1203327353

Transaction Date/Time: 10 Jul 2007 11:57:00

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 005073215073 CA
Corporation Name: Celcom A/C 2
Payee Code: 1022
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM BIN YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 90306299
Mobile No.: 269985264
Amount: RM4.74
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM4,284.88
Reference No.: 1203327639
Transaction Date/Time: 10 Jul 2007 11:58:43

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 005073215073 CA
Corporation Name: Celcom A/C 1
Payee Code: 1021
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 81888463
Mobile No.: 270274872
Amount: RM56.46
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM4,228.42
Reference No.: 1203327902
Transaction Date/Time: 10 Jul 2007 12:00:11

You Have Logged Out!

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount Status
Time Details Date To Account (RM) Reference
BillPayment 005073215073 Successful
10 JUL 2007,
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - 274.35
TUE,11:47 - 1203325777
6947 MBB Visa
BillPayment 005073215073 Successful
10 JUL 2007,
8344 MBB - 262.88
TUE,11:57 - 1203327353
10 JUL 2007, BillPayment 005073215073 Successful
- 4.74
TUE,11:58 Celcom - 1203327639
10 JUL 2007, BillPayment 005073215073 Successful
- 56.46
TUE,12:00 Celcom - 1203327902
Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Telekom Malaysia Berhad A/C 2
Payee Code: 1012
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM BIN YAHYA
Bill Account No.: D935618740102
Amount: RM1.47
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM1,789.92
Reference No.: 1204749280
Transaction Date/Time: 24 Jul 2007 08:14:10

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Celcom A/C 1
Payee Code: 1021
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 81888463
Mobile No.: 271889484
Amount: RM79.51
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM1,658.67
Reference No.: 1204749611
Transaction Date/Time: 24 Jul 2007 08:17:08
Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Celcom A/C 2
Payee Code: 1022
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM BIN YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 90306299
Mobile No.: 271551002
Amount: RM51.74
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM1,738.18
Reference No.: 1204749446
Transaction Date/Time: 24 Jul 2007 08:15:45

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Celcom A/C 1
Payee Code: 1021
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 81888463
Mobile No.: 271889484
Amount: RM79.51
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM1,658.67
Reference No.: 1204749611
Transaction Date/Time: 24 Jul 2007 08:17:08

You Have Logged Out!

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount Status
Time Details Date To Account (RM) Reference
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
24 JUL 2007,
Telekom - 1.47
TUE,08:14 - 1204749280
Malaysia Berhad
24 JUL 2007, BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
- 51.74
TUE,08:15 Celcom - 1204749446
24 JUL 2007, BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
- 79.51
TUE,08:17 Celcom - 1204749611

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Tenaga Nasional Berhad A/C 1
Payee Code: 1111
Bill Account Holder Name: YAHYA HAJI OTHMAN
Bill Account No.: 02440016334503
Amount: RM100.24
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM558.43
Reference No.: 1205625020
Transaction Date/Time: 28 Jul 2007 22:18:51

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount Status
Time Details Date To Account (RM) Reference
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
28 JUL 2007,
Tenaga Nasional - 100.24
SAT,22:18 - 1205625020

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: TM Net Sdn Bhd A/C 1
Payee Code: 4531
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 20060229101901
Amount: RM67.00
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM491.43
Reference No.: 1206321094
Transaction Date/Time: 01 Aug 2007 22:44:15

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Telekom Malaysia Berhad A/C 1
Payee Code: 1011
Bill Account Holder Name: MUNAH BINTI MAT JAYA
Bill Account No.: L932083110104
Amount: RM36.49
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM454.94
Reference No.: 1206321250
Transaction Date/Time: 01 Aug 2007 22:45:13
Funds Transfer between Own Accounts

Status : Successful
From Account: 102027243959 SA
New Balance: RM54.94
To Account: 005073215073 CA
New Balance: RM1,721.42
Amount: RM400.00
Effective Date: Today
Reference No: 1206321483
Transaction Date/Time: 01 Aug 2007 22:46:59

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount Status
Time Details Date To Account (RM) Reference
01 AUG BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
2007, - 67.00
TM Net Sdn Bhd - 1206321094
01 AUG BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
2007, Telekom - 36.49
- 1206321250
WED,22:45 Malaysia Berhad
01 AUG FundsTransfer 102027243959 Successful
2007, - 400.00
Own account 005073215073 1206321483

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 005073215073 CA
Corporation Name: Great Eastern Life Assurance (M) Berhad A/C 1
Payee Code: 3041
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM BIN YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 85019184
Amount: RM351.45
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM167.97
Reference No.: 1206758117
Transaction Date/Time: 05 Aug 2007 15:39:50
You Have Logged Out!
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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount Status
Time Details Date To Account (RM) Reference
BillPayment 005073215073 Successful
05 AUG
Great Eastern
2007, - 351.45
Life Assurance - 1206758117
(M) Berhad

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Corporation Name: Telekom Malaysia Berhad A/C 2
Payee Code: 1012
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM BIN YAHYA
Bill Account No.: D935618740102
Amount: RM34.65
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM6,454.84
Reference No.: 1208657133
Transaction Date/Time: 22 Aug 2007 20:46:52

Approval Code: 003701

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Celcom A/C 1
Payee Code: 1021
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 81888463
Mobile No.: 273597770
Amount: RM59.28
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM1,755.70
Reference No.: 1209385806
Transaction Date/Time: 27 Aug 2007 20:22:23
Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Celcom A/C 2
Payee Code: 1022
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM BIN YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 90306299
Mobile No.: 273261368
Amount: RM70.55
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM1,685.15
Reference No.: 1209386379
Transaction Date/Time: 27 Aug 2007 20:24:28

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Tenaga Nasional Berhad A/C 1
Payee Code: 1111
Bill Account Holder Name: YAHYA HAJI OTHMAN
Bill Account No.: 02440016334503
Amount: RM91.57
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM1,593.58
Reference No.: 1209386760
Transaction Date/Time: 27 Aug 2007 20:26:12

You Have Logged Out!

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount Status
Time Details Date To Account (RM) Reference
27 AUG BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
2007, - 59.28
Celcom - 1209385806
27 AUG BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
2007, - 70.55
Celcom - 1209386379
27 AUG BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
2007, Tenaga Nasional - 91.57
- 1209386760
MON,20:26 Berhad

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: 102027243959 SA
Corporation Name: Celcom A/C 2
Payee Code: 1022
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM BIN YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 90306299
Mobile No.: 275032342
Amount: RM34.35
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM2,319.27
Reference No.: 1213261641
Transaction Date/Time: 26 Sep 2007 09:11:48

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Corporation Name: Telekom Malaysia Berhad A/C 1
Payee Code: 1011
Bill Account Holder Name: MUNAH BINTI MAT JAYA
Bill Account No.: L932083110104
Amount: RM27.69
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM651.35
Reference No.: 1213262008
Transaction Date/Time: 26 Sep 2007 09:13:08

Approval Code: 004635

Payment to Registered Corporation

Payment Status: Successful

From Account: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa
Corporation Name: TM Net Sdn Bhd A/C 1
Payee Code: 4531
Bill Account Holder Name: KASIM YAHYA
Bill Account No.: 20060229101901
Amount: RM77.00
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM728.35
Reference No.: 1213262571
Transaction Date/Time: 26 Sep 2007 09:14:37

Approval Code: 004725

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 102027243959 SA
New Balance: RM1,773.21

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6947 MBB Visa

Amount: RM546.06
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1213263416

Transaction Date/Time: 26 Sep 2007 09:16:55

Payment To Credit Card

Status : Successful
From Account: 102027243959 SA
New Balance: RM1,273.21

Card/Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8344 MBB Mastercard Classic

Amount: RM500.00
Effective Date: Today

Reference No: 1213264196

Transaction Date/Time: 26 Sep 2007 09:19:08

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Logout Summary
Date Transaction Effective From Account Amount Status
Time Details Date To Account (RM) Reference
26 SEP 2007, BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
- 34.35
WED,09:11 Celcom - 1213261641
BillPayment xxxx-xxxx- Successful
26 SEP 2007,
Telekom - xxxx-6947 27.69
WED,09:13 1213262008
Malaysia Berhad -
BillPayment xxxx-xxxx- Successful
26 SEP 2007,
- xxxx-6947 77.00
WED,09:14 TM Net Sdn Bhd 1213262571
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
26 SEP 2007,
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- - 546.06
WED,09:16 - 1213263416
6947 MBB Visa
BillPayment 102027243959 Successful
26 SEP 2007,
8344 MBB - 500.00
WED,09:19 - 1213264196

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