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The stagnation of water over the years has plagued the lagoon due to the insufficient river system
that the lagoon has and the Little Maintenance that is given to it, during the last years this problem
has been recorded. This is a focus of diseases. and Pests in the lagoon, the topography of the
lagoon also does not help, having a negative impact on housing structures and even businesses.
Some factors that influence this problem are the accumulation of garbage in the River Systems or
They are simply not there or are not counted with these water escape routes, which leads us to our
school since it does not have this system and if it does have it, it is not well located for correct
operation. Investigating the terrain a little we realized that the stagnation of water in times of rain It is
a big problem both inside and outside the school. Although it is true that this does not happen
frequently, but when it happens it generates problems such as not being able to enter school without
getting wet. We will also explore the causes and consequences of this stagnation, as well as possible
solutions. that could contribute to mitigating this environmental problem in the region.

The stagnant water in the Lagoon becomes contaminated quickly and can cause diseases,
When it rains or there are leaks in the street, stagnant (OR LENTIC) WATER is formed.
What are LAKES, LAGUNA, Puddles,
During the period of stagnation and due to microbiological processes, a viscous layer, called the
biological layer, forms in the conduction network, which offers ideal living conditions for bacteria and
germs in the water, such as Pseudomonas a eruginosa. and Legionella. If a water outlet is used after
a long period of stagnation, these germs can be released and pose a risk to the user's health. Flood
waters and standing water can be dangerous and make you vulnerable to infectious diseases and
The phenomenon of water stagnation in Torreón, Coahuila, could be the result of a combination of
environmental and infrastructure factors. One of the possible causes could be the lack of
maintenance in storm drainage systems, which could lead to the clogging of pipes due to the
accumulation of sediment, garbage and vegetation. This obstruction, in turn, would limit the drainage
capacity of rainwater, causing stagnation.
Additionally, the region's topography could contribute to the problem, as the city is located in an area
with low slopes. This means that rainwater has difficulty draining naturally to lower areas. If drainage
systems are not properly designed and maintained to address these conditions, water accumulation
could occur in different parts of the city.
Rapid urbanization and infrastructure expansion can also play an important role. Increasing paved
areas and reducing green space can lead to increased surface runoff, increasing the amount of water
flowing into drainage systems. If these systems are not able to efficiently handle this increase in flow,
stagnation could occur.
Another factor to consider is the intensity and frequency of rainfall, since extreme weather events can
exceed the capacity of existing drainage systems. Changes in weather patterns or unusual weather
events could contribute to episodes of water stagnation.
In summary, water stagnation in Torreón could be a consequence of the complex interaction between
the lack of maintenance in drainage systems, the topography of the region, rapid urbanization and
extreme weather events. Detailed investigations and appropriate management measures may be
necessary to address this challenge and minimize negative impacts on the community.
History of stagnant water in the lagoon
-December 15, 2021, beautiful Matamoros valley (the century of Torreón)
- December 31, 2015, San Luciano canal, Torreón (the century of Torreón)
- June 6, 2023, La Libertad Boulevard, Torreón (millennium)
- August 8, 2023, Sacramento and Santa Rosa-Tlahualilo channels (the sun of Durango)
- September 30, 2018, Monterreal de Torreón neighborhood (millennium)
-October 17, 2019, Villa California, Torreón (the sun of the lagoon)
- November 7, 2013, Urban Forest, Torreón (the century of Torreón)
-SEP 6, 2015, Latin American subdivision of Torreón (the century of Torreón
-MAY 24, 2023, Madero de Torreón neighborhood, the century of Torreón
The problem of water stagnation in Torreón may be due to several factors, such as poor drainage
infrastructure, the accumulation of garbage in sewers, lack of maintenance of drainage systems, and
weather conditions that favor the accumulation of water. This stagnation can cause flooding, increase
the proliferation of mosquitoes and other disease vectors, and affect the quality of drinking water. In
addition, water stagnation can generate public health problems and damage urban infrastructure. It is
important to address this problem through initiatives to improve infrastructure, preventive
maintenance, waste management and environmental education.
Exposure to contaminated flood water can cause: Wound infections. Rash. Gastrointestinal diseases.
Installing a good drainage system is one of the most popular options to prevent the appearance of
stagnant water. However, we must never forget that in order for it to fulfill its function correctly, it is
necessary to correct the slope of the ground so that the water reaches it. Only in this way can good
drainage be maintained, avoiding the accumulation of stagnant water.
Keep an eye on the dirt accumulated in your patio or garden. Piles of leaves, for example,
accumulate small puddles of stagnant water that you can barely see and these serve as breeding
sites for mosquitoes. Additionally, that dirt could end up clogging the drain.
Maintain continuous cleaning of the gutters. As we told you in the post about the importance of storm
gutters, gutters are a very optimal system for water evacuation. They collect all the water and divert it
to the main pipe, hence the importance of checking them regularly to prevent them from filling and
becoming clogged by accumulating stagnant water.

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