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Student-Led Day Plan

Date of Student Led Day: Monday, March 25, 2024 Shared with mentor: Monday, March 4, 2024

Time of Day The responsibilities of the ECEs in the classroom.

● My Arrival
8:45am-9:00am ● Check in with the ECEs in the classroom for any updates, goals, or responsibilities for the day.
● Prepare my needed materials for the day

● Child Arrival/Free Play.

○ Keep count of children/sign them in as they arrive.
○ Support parent in drop off (undressing, moving
● Open Classroom Climber Gym
9:00am-9:30am materials, an update on the child, goodbyes).
● Trains and tacks on the table
Child Arrival/Free Play ○ Support the child transitioning into free play.
● Foam Blocks
● Engage in play with children.
● Ensure removal of mouthed materials.
● Guide material cleanup
● Close Climber Gym
● Set up the water table
○ Sanitize
○ add materials
■ Sponges
■ Ducks
■ Boats
■ Droppers
● Prepare Organized Activity materials.
9:30am-10:15am ■ Tongs
● Engage in play with the children.
Structured Activities ■ Bottles
● Clean the area/materials used for the activity.
○ Add Soapy Water
○ Prepare smocks and cloths
● Exploring the Water Table
● Closing the Water table
○ Remove materials
○ Drain water
○ Sanitize
○ Close with lid.
10:00am-10:15am ● Count children during the transition of rooms. ● Prep changing area
Toileting ● Making sure children are lined up for washup and toileting ● Assist children in safely getting
routines. on and off the changing station
● Change Diapers. ● Sanitize the changing station and
● Ensure proper hand washing.
● Engage in play with children who have finished with routine.
properly dispose of soiled
● 5 Minute warning for gym
● Prepare transition rooms for gym.
● Count children during the transition of rooms.
● Turn on lights and open materials (if not already out). ● Support exploration
● Engage in play with children. ● Offer expansions for learning
● Ensure safe exploration is occurring. ● Take children to wash before snack.
● Clean up materials.
● Count Children
● Help children washup for morning snack
● Clean the eating area (Before and after) ● Carrots and Cucumbers
○ wipe, sweep, and bleach the eating area ● Bibs for children
● Ensure everyone is seated and has what they need ● Wipe hands
● Assist where needed (refills, more food, cleaning)
● Ensure dietary needs are being met.
● Offer shakers, bells, ribbons, school
buses, monkeys, and scarves for the
● Count children during the transition of rooms. different songs for engagement.
● Making sure children are lined up for washup and toileting
routines. ● Prep changing area
● Change Diapers. ● Assist children in safely getting on
Toileting/Group Activity and off the changing station
● Ensure proper hand washing.
● Put on music. ● Sanitize the changing station and
properly dispose of soiled
● Engage in play with children who have finished with routine.
● Open gym and wait for parent
● Communicate with parents
● Dress the Child for departure. ○ update them of any changes for
11:20am-11:25am ● Keep count of children/sign them out as they depart. the afternoon
Child Departure ● Support parent in pickup (moving materials, an update on the ○ Inform half-day parents of any
child). materials needed for the
following day
Staff Lunch
12:00pm-1:15pm ● Child Arrival ● prepare beds
Child Arrival/Rest ○ Keep count of children/sign them in as they arrive.
Period/Gym ○ Put sheet covers on bed
○ Support parent in drop off (undressing, moving
materials, an update on the child, goodbyes). ○ Get children into their bed
○ Support the child transitioning into rest time or gym
○ Blankets
● (GYM) Count children during the transition of rooms.
● Bring attendance ● Turn off lights
● Turn on lights and open materials (if not already out).
● Shut windows
● Engage in play with children.
● Ensure safe exploration is occurring.
● Clean up materials. ● Sooth children until they fall asleep
● Support exploration
● Clean up and prepare for the
● Offer expansions for learning
● Take children to wash before snack.
● Clean up beds and blankets
● Make sure children are lined up for washup and toileting
routines ● Prep changing area

● Count children during the transition of rooms. ● Assist children in safely getting
● Assist in toileting Routine on and off the changing station
● Ensure proper hand washing ● Sanitize the changing station and
properly dispose of soiled
●Engage in play with children that have finished with
● Count Children
● Help children washup for morning snack
● Clean the eating area (Before and after) ● Carrots and Cucumbers
○ wipe, sweep, and bleach the eating area ● Bibs for children
● Ensure everyone is seated and has what they need ● Wipe hands

● Assist where needed (refills, more food, cleaning)

● Ensure dietary needs are being met.

● Set up the water table

○ Sanitize
○ add materials
■ Sponges
■ Ducks
■ Boats
■ Droppers
● Prepare Organized Activity materials.
1:45pm-2:00pm ■ Tongs
● Engage in play with the children.
Structured Activities ■ Bottles
● Clean the area/materials used for the activity.
○ Add Soapy Water
○ Prepare smocks and cloths
● Exploring the Water Table
● Closing the Water table
○ Remove materials
○ Drain water
○ Sanitize
○ Close with lid.
2:00pm-2:25pm ● Put on music. ● Offer shakers, bells, ribbons, school
buses, monkeys, and scarves for the
different songs for engagement.

Group Activity ● Open gym and wait for parent

● Engage in play with children who have finished with routine. arrival
● set up beanbag toss activity on the
other carpet
● Communicate with parents
● Dress the Child for departure. ○ update them of any changes for
2:25pm-2:30pm ● Keep count of children/sign them out as they depart. the afternoon
Child Departure ● Support parent in pickup (moving materials, an update on the ○ Inform half-day parents of any
child). materials needed for the
following day
Reflection Questions

1. Which part(s) of your student-led day would you consider to be the most successful? Why?

My student-led went very well. The only task I was unable to perform independently was attendance (due to insurance and
safety policies). I arrived early and asked other staff if there was anything for the day that I should be aware of, once the
briefing was done I began setting up for my day.

I set up materials: Trains and tacks on the table, Foam Blocks and opened the climber. I welcomed parents and children as
they arrived. Throughout my shift, the tasks I was performing as the lead were very similar to how I perform day to day. All
the children had a great day and I didn’t require any support directing, initiating activities, or making changes to the
schedule as per the needs of the classroom. I was responsible for all of the diaper changes throughout the day. During the
debrief, staff praised my performance throughout the day, I went with the flow of children and ensured that everyone had
what they needed in order to make their play meaningful and fitting to their interests.

2. Which part(s) of your student-led day would you consider to the most challenging? How did you manage these

For my half-day student-led, I found the parent interactions to be the hardest part of my day. This time around, I didn’t have
the same challenges. The parent interactions went smoothly and I was able to communicate clearly and effectively during
them. The only challenge for this student was the water table. I was under the impression that the tap was closed but when I
dumped the bucket of coloured water into it, it all started pouring out the spout. The clip was very hard to close. Water was
all over the floor and this was a slip hazard. I called for Beata (RECE) to grab me towels so we could quickly just wipe
everything up. The children were splashing in it. The day was perfect besides this situation, it did overwhelm me a bit as it
was the start of the day but I pushed through and still feel confident in my performance.

3. How did you incorporate each of the foundations of How Does Learning Happen into your care routines?

My efforts to support this foundation did not change between the led days. I incorporate the foundations of how does
learning happens into my everyday routine. Children are competent, capable of complex thinking, curious, and rich in
potential. They grow up in families with diverse social, cultural, and linguistic perspectives. Every child should feel that he
or she belongs, is a valuable contributor to his or her surroundings, and deserves the opportunity to succeed. (H.D.L.H.
2010). My placement works with a vulnerable sector, each child and family are newcomer to Canada. It is essential that the
child feels like they belong in our program. All cultures and religions are praised and expressed in our room. The children
can find themselves around the classroom through their artwork, photos, and cultural showcases of work. Ensure that all
interactions I have with the child and their families are respectful and allow them to be heard and supported throughout their
learning journey and as well as they adjust to their new life here in Canada. Parents are one of the biggest influences in early
childhood. It is important that parents also have the resources and support available to them for the best interest of the child's
development. As an educator, I strive to provide children with an environment rich with opportunities to further their
exploration. The environment is open and manipulative. Following the O.W.L Model (Observe, Watch, and Listen) to allow
children the freedom to learn and go at their own pace, while offering any kind of support.

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