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‭Name: ________________________‬ ‭Block:‬‭_______‬ ‭Score: ____‬‭/20‬

‭Into the Inferno -‬‭2016 ‧ Documentary ‧ 1h 47m‬‭– TV-PG‬

‭ erner Herzog and volcanologist Clive Oppenheimer travel the globe and visit volcanoes in Indonesia, Ethiopia and‬
‭even North Korea in an attempt to understand man's relationship with one of nature's most violent wonders.‬‭You‬
‭only have to answer a total of 20 questions, 10 each day, of your choice for the next two days.‬

‭1.‬ ‭ e start at Vanuatu Archipelago on Ambrym Island about how many miles east of Northern‬
‭Australia? (2:15)‬

‭2.‬ ‭The village of Endu sits how far from the volcano crater? (3:05)‬

‭3.‬ ‭ hat is the name of the volcano in Antarctica (1 of the 3 where you can look straight into‬
‭the crater and see the magma? (10:50)‬

‭4.‬ ‭How high above sea level is the Antarctic volcano? (11:10)‬

‭5.‬ ‭La Soufriere volcano is on what Caribbean Island? (15:00)‬

‭6.‬ ‭How many people evacuated for La Soufriere? (16:00)‬

‭7.‬ ‭Katia & Maurice Krafft French Volcanologists were famous for what? (19:30)‬

‭8.‬ ‭How did they die? (21:20)‬

‭9.‬ ‭What country has the most active volcanoes? (23:00)‬

‭10.‬ ‭ ow many people died in the eruption of Mt. Sinabung only a few days after they visited it?‬

‭11.‬ ‭What volcano does the Babadan Observatory monitor? (25:30)‬

‭12.‬ ‭ he eruption of Mount Pelee in 1902 killed nearly how many people in the city of‬
‭Saint-Pierre? (27:30)‬

‭13.‬ ‭What did the only survivor end up doing? (28:00)‬

‭14.‬ ‭What does the device that was built at Cambridge University measure? (29:00)‬

‭15.‬ ‭What is the building that overlooks the volcano meant to be used as? (35:20)‬

‭16.‬ ‭What type of church is it? (36:30)‬

‭ 7.‬
1 ‭ hat is lake Toba? (38:50)‬
‭18.‬ ‭When did it erupt? (39:15)‬
‭19.‬ ‭How many times larger than Mt. St. Helens was the eruption? (40:00)‬

‭20.‬ ‭What did it create in the human population? (40:30)‬

‭21.‬ ‭In the Afar Region of Ethiopia, the Danakil Depression is how far below sea level? (41:10)‬

‭22.‬ ‭Erta Ale volcano is one of three volcanoes with what feature? (42:30)‬

‭23.‬ ‭What features does obsidian have? (43:15)‬

‭24.‬ ‭How long did it take for the volcanic rock to be turned into silt? (48:15)‬

‭25.‬ ‭When fossil hunting what is usually found (hint: It’s not the whole animal)? (50:50)‬

‭26.‬ ‭How many years’ worth of rocks are in Awash? (52:10)‬

‭27.‬ ‭What was happening in Europe while life was developing in Africa? (53:00)‬

‭28.‬ ‭How many bones are in the human skeleton? (54:45)‬

‭29.‬ ‭When was, Iceland settled by Norseman? (1:01:30)‬

‭30.‬ ‭ n January 23, 1973, a volcano erupted with no warning signs how many people died?‬

‭31.‬ ‭How many kilometers was the Laki eruption on June 8‬‭th‬‭, 1783? (1:05:20)‬

‭32.‬ ‭ t. Paektu, DPRK North Korea, on the border with China has been inactive for how long?‬

‭33.‬ ‭How long ago did the Millennium eruption take place? (1:14:50)‬

‭34.‬ ‭From the eruption how many inches of dust covered Japan? (1:15:40)‬

‭35.‬ ‭ or North Koreans, the founding father of their revolution still lives on. Kim Il-sung became‬
‭president of the nation, and then president for life. After his death he was declared president‬
‭for what? (1:21:40)‬

‭36.‬ ‭The population of North Korea has very limited contact with who? (1:24:35)‬

‭37.‬ ‭ anna Island, Mount Yasur, what is the name of the deity/god created by this volcano?‬

‭38.‬ ‭According to their culture, what will the volcano eventually do? (1:42:30)‬
‭Into the Inferno -‬‭2016 ‧ Documentary ‧ 1h 47m‬‭– TV-PG‬
‭ erner Herzog and volcanologist Clive Oppenheimer travel the globe and visit volcanoes in Indonesia, Ethiopia and‬
‭even North Korea in an attempt to understand man's relationship with one of nature's most violent wonders..‬

‭1.‬ ‭ e start at Vanuatu Archipelago on Ambrym Island about how many miles east of‬
‭Northern Australia? (2:15)‬‭1,000 miles‬

‭2.‬ ‭The village of Endu sits how far from the volcano crater? (3:05)‬‭a few kilometers‬

‭3.‬ ‭ hat is the name of the volcano in Antarctica (1 of the 3 where you can look straight into‬
‭the crater and see the magma? (10:50)‬‭Mount Erebus‬

‭4.‬ ‭How high above sea level is the Antarctic volcano? (11:10)‬‭12,500‬

‭5.‬ ‭La Soufriere volcano is on what Caribbean Island? (15:00)‬‭Guadeloupe‬

‭6.‬ ‭How many people evacuated for La Soufriere? (16:00)‬‭75,000‬

‭7.‬ ‭ atia & Maurice Krafft French Volcanologists were famous for what? (19:30)‬‭capturing‬
‭incredible images of volcanoes.‬

‭8.‬ ‭How did they die? (21:20)‬‭instantly from a pyroclastic‬‭flow in Japan with 41 other people‬

‭9.‬ ‭What country has the most active volcanoes? (23:00)‬‭Indonesia‬

‭10.‬ ‭ ow many people died in the eruption of Mt. Sinabung only a few days after they visited‬
‭it? (24:45)‬‭7‬

‭11.‬ ‭ hat volcano does the Babadan Observatory monitor? (25:30)‬‭Mount Merapi – one of‬
‭the most dangerous volcanoes in the world‬

‭12.‬ ‭ he eruption of Mount Pelee in 1902 killed nearly how many people in the city of‬
‭Saint-Pierre? (27:30)‬‭30,000‬

‭13.‬ ‭What did the only survivor end up doing? (28:00)‬‭joined the Barnum & Bailey Circus‬

‭14.‬ ‭ hat does the device that was built at Cambridge University measure? (29:00)‬‭Sulfur‬
‭dioxide from the volcano‬

‭15.‬ ‭ hat is the building that overlooks the volcano meant to be used as? (35:20)‬‭a place of‬

‭16.‬ ‭What type of church is it? (36:30)‬‭Roman Catholic‬

‭17.‬ ‭What is lake Toba? (38:50)‬‭the largest volcanic‬‭crater on Earth‬

‭18.‬ ‭When did it erupt? (39:15)‬‭74,000 years ago‬

‭19.‬ ‭How many times larger than Mt. St. Helens was the eruption? (40:00)‬‭10,000 times‬

‭20.‬ ‭What did it create in the human population? (40:30)‬‭a bottleneck‬

‭21.‬ I‭ n the Afar Region of Ethiopia, the Danakil Depression is how far below sea level?‬
‭(41:10)‬‭300 feet‬

‭22.‬ ‭ rta Ale volcano is one of three volcanoes with what feature? (42:30)‬‭magma is directly‬

‭23.‬ ‭What features does obsidian have? (43:15)‬‭hard‬‭and brittle – sharp edges‬

‭24.‬ ‭How long did it take for the volcanic rock to be turned into silt? (48:15)‬‭millions of years‬

‭25.‬ ‭ hen fossil hunting what is usually found (hint: It’s not the whole animal)? (50:50)‬
‭pieces of animals, pieces of the bones of animals‬

‭26.‬ ‭How many years’ worth of rocks are in Awash? (52:10)‬‭6 million‬

‭27.‬ ‭ hat was happening in Europe while life was developing in Africa? (53:00)‬‭under ice/‬

‭28.‬ ‭How many bones are in the human skeleton? (54:45)‬‭206‬

‭29.‬ ‭When was, Iceland settled by Norseman? (1:01:30)‬‭Less than 1,200 years ago‬

‭30.‬ ‭ n January 23, 1973, a volcano erupted with no warning signs how many people died?‬
‭(1:02:50)‬‭no one‬

‭31.‬ ‭How many kilometers was the Laki eruption on June 8‬‭th‬‭, 1783? (1:05:20)‬‭27 kilometers‬

‭32.‬ ‭ t. Paektu, DPRK North Korea, on the border with China has been inactive for how‬
‭long? (1:10:10)‬‭1,000 years‬

‭33.‬ ‭How long ago did the Millennium eruption take place? (1:14:50)‬‭1,100 years‬

‭34.‬ ‭From the eruption how many inches of dust covered Japan? (1:15:40)‬‭3 inches‬
‭35.‬ ‭ or North Koreans, the founding father of their revolution still lives on. Kim Il-sung‬
‭became president of the nation, and then president for life. After his death he was‬
‭declared president for what? (1:21:40)‬‭eternity‬

‭36.‬ ‭ he population of North Korea has very limited contact with who? (1:24:35)‬‭the outside‬

‭37.‬ ‭ anna Island, Mount Yasur, what is the name of the deity/god created by this volcano?‬
‭(1:33:15)‬‭John Frum‬

‭38.‬ ‭ ccording to their culture what will the volcano eventually do? (1:42:30)‬‭destroy‬

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