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ECE 200 : Electrical Circuits I

Dr. Azad Akm

Room : UB-1226, Extn. : 4024

© Azad Akm – BRAC University 1


• Aims of the course

• ECE200 Prerequisite
• The Lecture Program
• Timetables
• Grading
• Reading List and Resources

© Azad Akm – BRAC University 2

Aims of the course

• To understand the fundamental electrical concepts and measuring

• To learn the DC and AC circuit analysis
• To learn the basics of Magnetic circuits

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ECE200 Prerequisite

• PHY 111 : or appropriate experience in electronic circuits.

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The Lecture Program

• 2 lectures per week

• Lecture 1-3: Fundamental Electrical Concepts and Measuring Units
1. Introduction to Electrical & Electronics
2. Units of Measurement & Systems of Units
3. Basic definitions and units of electrical parameters
4. Active and passive circuit elements

© Azad Akm – BRAC University 5

The Lecture Program (cont.)

• Lecture 4-9: Basic Laws & Resistive circuits

1. Ohm’s law
2. Kirchhoff’s current law & Kirchhoff’s voltage law
3. Series circuits & Parallel circuits
4. Series-parallel circuits
5. Calculation of equivalent resistance
6. Voltage and Current division
7. Nodal analysis & Mesh analysis

 Lecture 10-19: Circuit Theorems

1. Superposition theorem
2. Source transformation theorem
3. Thevenin’s theorem
4. Norton’s theorem
5. Condition for maximum power transfer
6. Delta – Wye transformation

© Azad Akm – BRAC University 6

The Lecture Program (cont.)

• Lecture 20-23: Introduction To Magnetic Circuits

1. Introduction
2. Magnetic Fields, Flux Density, Permeability & Reluctance
3. Ohm’s Law for Magnetic Circuits
4. Magnetizing Force & Hystersis
5. Ampere’s Circuital Law & The Flux φ
6. Series Magnetic Circuits: NI & Air Gaps
7. Series-Parallel Magnetic Circuit

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• Timetables: Lecture/Laboratory/Consultation

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ECE 200 EEE 201

• Attendance 5% 5%

• Midterm Exam 20% 20%

• Final Exam 40% 50%

• Class Test / Quiz 10% 20%

• Assignment 5% 5%

• Laboratory 20%

© Azad Akm – BRAC University 9

Reading List and Resources

• Recommended Learning Material:

• Text(s):
1. W. H. Hayt, J. Kemmerly and S. M. Durbin,
“Engineering Circuit Analysis”, 6th
Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2002.

2. Robert L. Boylestad, “Introductory

Circuit Analysis”, 10th Edition,
Prentice-Hall, 20

• Reference(s):
J. W. Nilsson and S. Riedel, “Electric Circuits”, 7th ed.,
Prentice Hall, 2004.

© Azad Akm – BRAC University 10

A.1 Introduction to Electrical & Electronics

• Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in common with

other engineering disciplines, is concerned with
applying scientific principles to solve engineering
problems and advance the technological level of society

• Electrical
• Electrical Engineering, on the other hand, encompasses
‘large scale’ systems, namely the generation,
transmission, distribution, utilisation and control of
electrical power and renewable energy.

• Electronics
• Electronic Engineering is concerned with ‘small scale’
systems; microelectronics, digital communications
systems, computer and internet technologies.
• Two types of Electronics -

© Azad Akm – BRAC University 11

A.1 Introduction to Electrical & Electronics (cont.)

• Analogue Electronics
• In analog electronics, the signals to be manipulated take the form of continuous
currents or voltages.

• Digital Electronics
• Digital signals(1 or 0) are represented by a finite set of states. Because digital
signals have only a finite set of states, they are amenable to error-correction
techniques; this feature gives digital electronics its principal advantage over
analog electronics.

• Direct Current (DC) & Alternating Current (AC)

• The difference between DC and AC has to do with the direction in which the
electrons flow.
• In DC, the electrons flow steadily in a single direction, or "forward."
• In AC, electrons keep switching directions, sometimes going "forwards" and then
going "backwards." The power that comes from our wall outlets is AC, the more
common, efficient kind. 

© Azad Akm – BRAC University 12
A.2 Units of Measurement & Systems of Units

• The numerical value substituted into an equation

must have the unit of measurement specified by the

• Example:
Velocity, v = d / t mi/hr

Let’s say d = 4000 ft

t= 1 min

© Azad Akm – BRAC University 13

A.2 Units of Measurement & Systems of Units

• The numerical value substituted into an equation

must have the unit of measurement specified by the

• Example:
Velocity, v = d / t mi/hr

Let’s say d = 4000 ft = 0.7576 mi (4000/5280)

t= 1 min = 0.0167 hr (1/60)

v = 0.7576 mi / 0.0167 hr
= 45.37 mi/hr
≠ 4000 ft/min

© Azad Akm – BRAC University 14

A.2 Units of Measurement & Systems of Units

• Before substituting numerical values into an equation,

following conditions should be checked -

• Each quantity has the proper unit of measurement as

defined by the equation
• The proper magnitude of each quantity as
determined by the defining equation is substituted
• Each quantity is in the same system of units (or as
defined by the equation)
• The magnitude of the result is of a reasonable nature
when compare to the level of the substituted
• The proper unit of measurement is applied to the

© Azad Akm – BRAC University 15

A.2 Units of Measurement & Systems of Units

• Systems of Units:

• FPS or English
• SI (Systems Internationale)

• For SI systems –
• ASEE (American Society for Engineering

Table 1.1 

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A.3 Basic definitions and units of electrical parameters

• Using Ohm’s Law and SI Metric System, electrical

measuring units can be derived:

• Electrical Parameters –

 Current (I)
current, or amperage, is described as the movement of free
electrons through a conductor. In electrical formulas, current is
symbolized with a capital I, while in the laboratory or on schematic
diagrams, it is common to use a capital A to indicate amps or amperage
(amps). Basic Elect Cct

 Voltage (V)
Voltage, electromotive force (emf), or potential difference, is described as
the pressure or force that causes electrons to move in a conductor. In
electrical formulas and equations, you will see voltage symbolized with a
capital E, while on laboratory equipment or schematic diagrams, the
voltage is often represented with a capital V. voltage Definition

© Azad Akm – BRAC University 17

Basic Elect Cct

• 1 ampare is defined as
6.242x1018 electrons drift
at uniform velocity in 1
• A coulomb (C) is total
charge associated with
6.242x1018 electrons.

• Charge/electron,
Qe= 1C/6.242x1018
=1.6x10-19 C
Current, I=Q/t

↔ problems

© Azad Akm – BRAC University RETURN 18

Table 1.1


© Azad Akm – BRAC University 19

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