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A computer is an electronic machine that can work under to solve more than one kind of problem.

Computers are extra fast, information processing machines. They take a given input, process it and deliver a

certain output. In India the impact of computer technology can be felt only in certain fields whereas in

developed countries computers have become part pf every man’s life. Computer can perform a wide range of

activities that saves time and help nurses provide quality nursing care.


Computer is an electric device which works under a set of instructions automatically accept the supplied

data, process and analyze the date and procedure the information.


ABACUS Chinese 3000BC Calculator device

Difference engine Charles Babbage 1822 First mechanical


Analytical engine Charles Babbage 1833 First general purpose


Mark-1 Howard Aitens 1944 First electronic


First generation Vacuum tube 1946-1955

Second generation Transistors 1955-1964

Third generation Integrated circuits 1964-1975

Fourth generation Large scale integration 1975-1980

Fifth generation Artificial intelligence 1980

ultra large-scale


Micro computers Edward Roberts 1975

Micro software/ window

Micro soft window is the most popular operating system for personal computers. It has been designed by

micro soft corporation. This operating system in very simple, easy but powerful interface to the user, as it is

extensively graphical.

Main features

➢ Easy to understand and use.

➢ Most of the features can be excused by just click of the mouse, so there is no need for learning a code
or language for using it.

➢ We can work on more than one application simultaneously.

➢ Very fast.

➢ It has many built-in features and also supports various software which allow us to communicate with
other computers.

Eg: Next meeting, Microsoft outlook etc.

The most important features of window are multimedia. Windows provide the best platform to

make use of multimedia tools.

various versions of MS-windows are available.

Eg: Windows/95/98/windows/XP/NT and the latest windows 7 and 8.

Starting windows
➢ Desktop

➢ Icon

➢ Taskbar

Active desktop

➢ As soon as we start windows, a screen similar to the one appears on the VDU. It is called desktop.

➢ The desktop screen can be changed by the following steps.

• Click start Control Panel Appearance and personalization

Change Desktop background.

• Choose control panel.

• Choose a screen from the list of backgrounds displayed.

• Click on saves changes.

Some important Icon

The desktop has some small pictures displayed on it. These small pictures represent various applications

and are called icons. Let us now what some of the important and most common icons represent, about our

computer system.


It basically tells you what is stored in your computer and which ae the storage areas of the computer.

Double click this icon and it will display the different drives. On a computer we have many drivers. They are

represented by n alphabet each

C: hand disk drive D: CD drive

E: and F: drives for removable device like pen drives.

Recycle bin
On the desktop there is an icon similar to a waste paper basket. This icon represents recycle bin. Any file/

folder deleted by us gets stored in recycle bin. This folder/ file can be restored to its original location on

computer’s memory again or can be permanently deleted. Emptying the recycle bin deletes all times stored in


Internet explorer or google chrome

This enables us to access WWW when we are connected to internet so that we can retrieve information on

any topic. It also allows us to send e-mail or chat with other computers on internet.

Types of windows

➢ Application window

➢ Document window

Application window

Whenever we open an application such as MS word or Paint or MA or MS Excel, we got a window related

to the application.

Title bar- This is the topmost horizontal bar which shows the icon for the application, name of the application

along with the file name of the application along with file name of the opened document on the extreme left

corner. On the right corner, there are three buttons.

I. Minimize – reduce the size of the window

II. Restore button- bring the window back to its original size.

III. Close button- used to close the window.

Menu bar – This bar shows various facilities and features of available with the application.

Scroll bar – These are two scroll bars- horizontal and vertical. These bars help is to view those areas of the

document with are not visible on the screen due to the limited size of the screen.
Status bar – It appears at the bottom of each window. It generally displays the number of objects being

displayed by window and number of bytes consumed.

Work area- The major area of the window is used as the work area where the user actually works.

Document window

When in an application we open a file, a separate window appears for it which is called the document

window. It has its own work space, title bar and scroll bar.

Files and folders – windows allow us to store our data in form of files. These files can exist independently or

can be put together in a folder. A folder can contain many other folders also.

Creating a document

A. Click a computer

➢ Choose the drive in which document is to be created.

➢ Choose the folder.

➢ Click file from Menu bar ir right click the mouse and choose new. Select from the types of

documents displayed.


B. Right click anywhere in an empty space on desktop.

➢ From the displayed menu select New.

➢ Another menu will be displayed. Choose the types of file you want to create.

Creating shortcuts

➢ Shortcut to a file or folder is an icon for it in the desktop by which we can directly open the file.

Clicking on this icon will display the menu. Double click will open the file directly from the desktop.

➢ Select the file or folder.

➢ Right click.
➢ From pop-up menu select create shortcut.

➢ An icon will appear on the desktop.

➢ Top open this file just double click the icon.

Copy folders/ files

Method or copy and paste

➢ Select the folders/ files you want to copy.

➢ Right click and selected copy.

➢ Right on drive or folder you want to copy to

➢ Select paste

Method(b) drag and drop

➢ Select the folders/ files to be copied.

➢ Use computer to choose the file/folder on which to copy.

➢ Keeping the control key pressed drag the selected folder to it destination folders and drop.

Move folders

Method or cut and paste

➢ Select folder to be moved

➢ Right click and select cut.

➢ Right click on folder where you want to move and select paste.

Method or drag and drop

➢ Repeat the same steps as in case of copying the folder but instead of control key press shift key.

Rename a file

➢ Double click on computer icon.

➢ Select a folder/file.

➢ Right click and from shortcut menu choose rename.

➢ Enter the new name.

Deleting a file

Method (a) – Use computer to select the file to be deleted.

Right click and choose delete.

Method(B) – When on the desktop, drag the selected file/folder to recycle bin and drop it.


Windows offers some built-in programs and applications which come with the windows operating system

package. Some of them are calculator, paint, notepad, word pad.


When you need to create any kind of text-based documents such as memos, newsletters, or multipage report,

word is the program to use.

The Title Bar

Title bar is located at the very top of the screen. On the title bar, Microsoft word displays the name of the

document on which you are currently working.

The Menu Bar

The Menu Bar is generally found directly title bar. The Menu bar displays the menu bar begin with the

word file and continue view, insert, format, tool, table, window.

Standard Tool Bar

Tool Bar provides shortcuts to menu commands. Toolbars are generally located just below the menu-bar.

Before proceeding with this lesson, make sure the toolbars you will use standard and formatting are available.

The Ruler

The ruler is generally found below the main toolbars. The ruler is used to change the format of your document


Document view

In word, you can display your document in one of five views: Normal, web, layout, print, print layout,

reading layout, online layout

Normal view

Normal view is the most often used and shows formatting such as line spacing, font, point size, and italics.

Word displays multiple-column text in one continuous column.

Web layout

Web layout view enables you to view your document as it would appears in a browser suchas internet


Print layout

The print layout view shows the document as it will look when is printed.

Reading layout

Reading layout view formats your screen to make reading your document more comfortable

Outline view

Outline view displays the document in outline form.

Headings can be displayed without the text. If you move a heading, the accompanying text moves with it.
Text area

Just below the ruler is a large area called the ‘text area’. You type your document in the text area.

Exiting word

After completing lesson typically, you save your work before exiting

Microsoft excel (MS Excel)

Microsoft Excel is an electronic spread sheet designed by Microsoft corporation.

Spreadsheet or worksheet is a combination of rows and columns like a table in Microsoft word with

enormous features to analyze and summarize mathematical, statistical and financial data.

Excel application windows

The word book is multiple-sheet excel document. Each sheet called as worksheet or spreadsheet and the

current worksheet will display in excel application window.

➢ Title bar

➢ Menu bar

➢ Tool bar

Features of Excel

➢ Easy to data analyzing

➢ Auto calculation

➢ Subtotaling

➢ Predefined functions
➢ Charts (graphs)

Basic of a spreadsheet

Worksheet – Worksheet refers to the row and column matrix sheet. They are used to list organize and calculate


Workbook – Excel files are known as workbooks. These are the files in which we work and store your data.

Workbooks are made up of worksheets or spreadsheets. By default all new workbooks contain 3 worksheets.

Column – a spreadsheet column is designed as the vertical space that is going up and down the window.

Row – In a spreadsheet the row is designed as the horizontal space that is going across the window.

Cell – cell is the basic unit of spreadsheet. There is a cell at intersection of each row and column. To refer a

cell enters the column letter followed by the number.


C6 refers to the cell at the intersection of column C and row 6.

Microsoft Power point (MS Power point)

In teaching, Audio visual aids plays a vital role. Early educators uses black board as Av aids- slowly slide

projectors and over Head projectors come into pictures. This presentation can be designed using the

multimedia packages like power point.

Power point is a multimedia package using this we can create presentation very effectively.

The presentation can be

➢ On screen presentation

➢ Web presentation

➢ Black and white overheads.

➢ 35mm slides.

➢ Color overheads.

Animation Ribbon:

Advanced animation group

➢ Click on this option.

➢ Animation pane will appear on the right corner. It shows the objects and the animation applied to them

in an order.

➢ Click on the arrow of any objects in the pane and an additional menu with appear.

➢ Click on the required option.


It sets a special start condition for an animation which can be either click on a shape or end media player


Timing group

Start- To start an animation choose from

I. On click

II. With previous animation

III. After previous animation

Duration- Specifies the length of an animation.

Delay – plays the animation after a certain number of seconds.

Hints for good presentation

➢ Researching the audience.

➢ Choosing the title

➢ Writing the talk

➢ Preparing the slides

➢ Finding suitable images

➢ Writing prompt notes/cards

➢ Researching the venue

➢ Practicing

➢ Setting up the room where presentation conducted

Preparing the material

➢ Use design templates

➢ Standardized position, colors and styles.

➢ Include only necessary information

➢ Limit the information to essentials.

➢ Content should be self-evident

➢ Use colors that contrast and compliment.

➢ Too many slides can lose your audience.


A computer is used in all works of human life. The uses are as follows.

1) Routine job handling

2) Traffic control: controlling traffic, traffic lights etc.

3) Electronic money: Automatic tells machine (ATM) is based on computer.

4) Industrial application

5) Trade

6) Scientific research: A large data is analyzed very quickly and successfully.

7) Medicine: There is wide use in medical sciences. ECG, CT scan, Ultrasound. The medical apparatuses

are logically computerized.

8) Space science: The satelites are controlling the space with the help of computer.

9) Publication: The composing work is speedily and economically done with computer.

10) Communication: Computer is used for ending messages Eg: Tele printer, fax, email, interest etc.

11) Education: Computer is widely used in the field of education. At every stage computer education is


Computer in education

The distance education system being an innovation of itself, is continuously influenced by these

technological reforms. The media has become almost an indispensable part of the co-hole education systems.

The following are the non-print media of education.

1. Computer as non-print and print media

2. Tele conferencing

3. Video disk.

4. Video text

Computer as non-print and print media

Computer is an important technology used in distance education. It can be record, analyzes and react to

student’s responses. It can store and manipulate information. It can control and manage a variety of learning


Types of application of computer

1. Administrative applications of computer

❖ Budgeting and monitoring finances.

❖ Keeping student’s records

❖ Maintaining statistics

❖ Student billing

❖ Preparation of payroll, bill, ledger

❖ Maintaining of score

❖ Monitoring material production register and so on.

2. Instructional situation of computer application

❖ Pretesting of student’s knowledge on enrolment

❖ Planning and printing individualized programs

❖ Monitoring student progress

❖ Compiling test and scores e…..A No of such data files can be stored in the computer.

Tele conferencing

Educational Tele conferencing can be a valuable medium for interacting group communication by means of

two-way broad cast. Three main types of Tele conferencing.

a) Audio Tele conferencing

b) Video Tele conferencing

c) Computer Tele conferencing.

Video disc as non-print media

Video disc is comparatively a newer medium that has widened the scope of use of the television set, video

disc players are available in two models.

They are,

1) Consumer model: used at homes. It is basically play back medium.

2) Educational industrial model: It is more versatile. It can provide interaction- individualized instruction.
Video disc can record material from a variety of media including film slides, audio and printed text. This

makes rich the opportunities for individualized instruction for students learning at a distance.

Video text as Non-print media

Video is a system for providing a technological development is one step further of the ‘information

revolution’ which many industrialized countries are now experiencing. Video text allows the have television to

functions like a computer terminal that retrieves text information and graphics from a remote data. These

technologies bring in the power into home at a reasonable cost.

Video text has been used in the work game teaching a second language, instruction to deaf etc. in distance

education video text can be used for transmission and two-way interaction on general or specific information


It helps the raise of the levels of awareness of potential learners about education opportunities available.

The system with a substantial database can be very useful to learners in remote areas as they could have

access to the kind and the volume of information currently available to learners in areas with large libraries.

Real life uses of computers in Education

1) Teaching learning process instruction

2) Testing and evaluation process

3) Guidance purposes

4) Library

5) School administration

Teaching learning process information

Computers enhance academic performance for both students and faculty through facility

a) Access the literature

b) Computer-assisted instruction

c) Classroom technologies

d) Distance learning

It includes CAI (computer aided instruction) or CMI (Computer managed instruction).

CAI (Computer aided instruction)

❖ It consists of text material, test questions requiring student’s responses additional backup.

❖ The advantages of CAI terminals can proceed through lessons at their own rate. Each terminal can

evaluate specific lessons, independently of the others.

❖ In CAI if student cannot understand the main text, they are given access to alternative explanations.

❖ CAI lessons require less student time as compared to traditional lesson.

❖ The computer can employ various teaching techniques which may be otherwise difficult to use in


CMI (computer managed instruction)

❖ CMI is used to enhance learning by providing automated management of elements of the student’s

learning environment.

❖ It can provide three major sets of functions

1. The computer can gather data about student and it generate and marks objective tests and to

analyze the performance of these tests.

2. Computer provides feedback to individual student on that performance and act on discision rules

by course developer to route the student through an individualized curriculum.

3. The computer stores and updates record of each student’s performance on the course and report in

summary form on the general progress of students to teacher or trainers.

Testing and evaluation process

Computers used in the preparation, administration and scoring of tests. Various test items are collected and

pooled. The computer is used to progress test data. Numerous scores can be computed. Teachers can also get

individual results detailing. Eg: which students have mastered which objective.

Guidance purpose

Computers can aid human counsellors to some extent in the number of ways, which are discussed below

a) Computer can perform clerical functions related to counselling such as keeping track of client’s

appointments, calculating cots for services, maintaining accounts and inventories of psychological

tests, storing records of client’s backgrounds and counselling sessions.

b) Computer can help in collecting information about a client either through direct interview by the

counsellor or computer can conduct the interview by the counsellor or computer can conduct the

interview through types questionnaire on the screen. Computers can also help in test administration if

the test is fed in the computer.

c) Computer can help in giving information to the students eg: The results of intelligence, aptitude,

interest test etc.

d) The decision-making process involves two steps-generating alternative solutions to a problem, then

determining which of the alternative will be best.


In the library computers are used for retrieval of bibliographic information, cataloging, circulation,

purchasing of books, journals etc, searching books and charging fines from students and also database can be

prepared of the different users of library.

School administration

1. Office use- for filling, typing word processing, preparing mailing lists for dispatch ad making labels of

2. Financial use- used for making budgets, auditing, accounts receive/payable, general ledger, purchase

order generation, salary schedule analysis and maintenance of student’s fees records etc.

3. Student use- used to make time-table for students, reports cards, grade records, result processing, fees

statements, biodata of students.

Roles of computer in education

❖ Computer or a brilliant aid in teaching

❖ Computer software given impetus to distance education.

❖ Computer software help better presentation of information

❖ Computers enable access to the internet which has information on literally everything

❖ Computer hard drives and strange devices are an excellent way to store data.

In nursing

The main areas for the application of computers in nursing as follows,

❖ Education

❖ Nursing administration

❖ Hospital (nursing practice)

❖ Research work

❖ Software application

Nursing education

Computers are used extensively in nursing education, libraries are computerized, nursing educationalists

have computers in classroom teaching and for academic record keeping

In nursing education, computers are used in

➢ Teaching and learning

➢ Testing
➢ Student and course record management

Nursing practice

Use information and communication technology to document and evaluate patient care, advance patent

education, and enhance the accessibility of care.

Use appropriate technology to assess and monitor patients.

Works on interdisciplinary team to make ethical decision regarding the application of technologies and the

acquisition of data.

Nursing skills

Informatics and technology in client care.

Advance use of informatics in health care practice

➢ Admission, discharge and transfer.

➢ Patient access record.

➢ Financial parameters

➢ Documentation

➢ Scheduling

➢ pharmacy preparation

➢ communication

➢ real time locating system

➢ better diagnostic tools

➢ nursing software

Nursing administration

➢ Human resources
➢ Medical records

➢ Nursing station system

➢ Personnel management

➢ Facilities management

➢ Budget and finance

➢ Accreditation

Nursing research

➢ Problem identification

➢ Literature search

➢ Research design

➢ Data collection

➢ Data analysis

➢ Research dissemination

Nursing software application

Probably the most overlooked and underappreciated resource in the operating room which nursing

professionals require I nursing that performance multiple services. It minimizes non-clinical time, improves

the management and facilitates access to information allowing them to do the job they were trained to do that

delivers patient care.

Nursing software include a series of modules that address each nursing phase of surgery case and more. It


➢ Pre-admission testing

➢ Preoperative

➢ Intra operative

➢ Post operative
In research

It helps in collect and analyze data, prepare research reports and disseminate research findings.

Best uses of computers technologies

Information literacy is the ability to use information purposefully and effectively. It involves the process of

defining the tasks for which information is needed, locating appropriate sources of information from sources,

understanding and appreciating information from several sources.

Computers in research tools

Computers are generally more engaged and interesting to use than textbooks as information is presented in

a variety of forms such as graphs, pictures, text and through a variety of modality such as auditory, visual or

audio visual.

As well, the use of computers can enhance what students are able to produce.

They are now able to access through tools such as the internet because of the variables, quality and

reliability of information.

Students need to be encouraged to we critical thinking skills to make both appropriate and ethical choices

when using computers.

Computer technologies also need to be viewed as both content and tool.



When two or more autonomous computers are linked with each other. So that they are able to communicate

with each other. They are said to be in a network.

Types of network
❖ Local area network (LAN)

❖ Metropolitian area network (MAN)

❖ Wide area network (WAN)

Local area network (LAN)

When the computer connected within a span of 1 km, they are said to be in LAN. A LAN may exist within

a building or across some buildings but within a short span. It stores all the software that controls the network,

as well as the software that can be shared by the computers attached to the network.

Internal LAN connectors

A LAN device can send and receive signals from all other devices in the network.

External LAN connectors

Connections that link LANs to external resources, such as other LANs or remote data bases, are called

bridges, routers and gateways.


New LAN technologies will be faster and support multimedia applications. Asynchronous Transfer Mode

(ATM) and ethernet LANs that are 10 to 15 times faster than LANs are now available.

Metropolitian area network (MAN)

This network spans in locality or even a city. The most common example of MAN is the cable network

which most of us have at our home.

Wide area network

The range of this network spans over countries. It is done through satellite transmission.
Services available on internet

Communication services

Email (Electronic Mail)

Email, is a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients. Modern email

operates across the internet or other computer networks.

Email servers accept, forward, deliver and store messages.

An email message consists of 3 components, the message envelop, the message header, and the message

body. The message header, contains control information, including attachment option, reason box, email

address ad one or more recipient addresses. Message can consist of attachments, graphic or video/ audio clips.

Eg: email address



some popular Email services provides are

1. Gmail

2. Hotmail

3. Outlook

4. Yahoo

5. MSN


Terminal Network (TELNET) is a general-purpose client/ server application program.

TELNET is the standard TCP/IP protocol for virtual terminal.

TELMET was designed during days of time-sharing environment in which a large computer supports

multiple users.

The interaction between a user and the computer occurs through a terminal which is a combination of

keyboard, monitor and mouse.

News group

A news group is an online discussion group that allows people to interest on a particular topic.

Unlike an email message, a news group message can be posted by anyone.

For example- if a news group provides the services to exchange information about current affairs, it will

have all the postings related to it.

Information retrieval services

There exist several information retrieval services offering easy access to information present on the

internet. The following gives a brief introduction to these services.

File transfer protocol (FTP)

FTP is the simplest and most secure way to exchange files over the internet.

Transferring files from a client computer to a server computer is called ‘Uploading’ and transferring from a

server to client is ‘downloading’.

To assess FTP server, users must be able to connect to the internet with an FTP client program.

Web services

Web services allow exchange of information between applications on the wen. Using web services,

applications can easily interact with each other.

Web service is any piece of s0ftware that marks itself available over the internet and uses a standardized

XML messaging system. XML is used to encode all communications to web services. A web service is a

collection of open protocols and standards used for exchange data between applications or systems.

Eg: Publish images on flicker

Order a book at Amazon

Post message on your friend’s face-book

World wide web (WWW)

It offers a way to assess documents spread over the several servers over the internet. These documents may

consist texts, graphics, audio, video, hyperlinks.


Video conferencing

It is a method of communicating by two-way video and audio transmission with help of telecommunication


Modes of video conferencing

Point-to-point- This mode of conferencing connect two locations only.

Multi-point- This mode of conferencing connects more than two locations through multi point control unit


Online shopping

Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers of directly buy goods or

services from a seller over the internet using a web browser or mobile app.

Top online retailers

• Amazon

• Aliexpress

• Boohoo

In India

• Meesho

• Flipkart

• Goboard

Net banking

Banking online means assessing your bank account and carrying out financial transactions through the

internet on smartphone, tablet or computer.

• Paytm

• Net banking

• G-pay

• Paypal

• Phone pay


It can improve quality of education in many ways. Teachers use online materials to prepare lessons and

students to extend their range of learning.

Some popular app for education purpose


• ADDA 247

Enhance storage capacity

❖ Cloud computing- It has different services like data storage, server’s data base, networking,


❖ Google drive


Statistical package is the installation or application of software tools or package in computer to enter,

organize, analysis and present the data.

For example, most can transform data, create and merge data files, construct new variables and perform

various statistical computations such means, correlations, t-tests and so on.

There are probably hundreds of software package that can be used for statistics.

Types of statistics software

We can classify them according to many criteria

1. Scope: What they do/ eg: general vs specialized

2. Ease of use

3. Extensibility

4. Price: free, cheap, expensive, also whether annual license required.

5. Popularity (could divide up by sector)

Eg: Pharmaceutical, financial, academic etc.

Statistical package example

• SPSS (Statistical package for social science)

• STATAT- Psychology
• MiniTab- Statistical teaching

• Genstat- Agricultural sciences

• BMDP- Biomedical sciences.


❖ To analyze the scientific research data.

❖ Have an impact on scientific research in general and sample surveys etc.

❖ It increases student’s participation in their own learning.

❖ Have been effected the learning style and also changed the role of a teacher from information given to
a mentor.

❖ It enables students to make connections to a wide range of applications.


An extensive search of the information available on a topic which results in a list of references to

books, periodicals, and other materials on the topic.

Searching for medical information

Use search engines

These are websites that allow you to search internet, or specific parts if it by typing in a topic.

Medical search engines

MD Choice- A good search engine for looking for medical topic on the internet. (search- acute otitis)

Med hunt- Health on the net foundation’s medical web search engine (will indicate number of sites with

HON code certification)

Medical world search- another search engine for looking for medical topics on the internet. This requiring

subscription. Others are health on the Net, Medical Matrix, Med Web Plus, Vivisimo, Biomed and Yahoo-


Meta search engines

They will often find more sites than a general search engine can. ‘What you need, when you need it’ is the site’s logo.

Google: Ranks the results of your search by popularity.

Yahoo: Excellent results and images.

Profusion: Uses ‘intelligent’ software to sort your results by relevancy.


Through internet

1. Internet orientation

2. Online literature search

3. Fact finding on internet

4. Electronic books

5. Health news

6. Teaching materials

Internet orientation

The internet offers wealth of resources for nurses, midwives and health visitors.

1. NMAP- Nursing midwifery and allied professions

This is UK based subject gateway to quality nursing, midwifery and allied health information on the

2. NELH- National Electronic Library for Health

It includes branch libraries for various conditions and professional portals for different professional

groups including nursing, midwifery, and community practitioners.

Online literature search

Search a bibliographic database for details of relevant articles before tracking down the journals the articles

are in. The internet has the capabilities to be used for both these tasks.

Bibliographic database

The internet can provide quick access to the number of bibliographic databases. An important free source



The most important bibliographic database for health and medicine. This is published by the national

library of medline in the US and provides free assessment to a searchable bibliographic database of over 12

million records dating back to the mid-1960’s.


Fact finding on the internet

Medline plus: Drug information- This site free and contain information on generic drugs, products, side

effects, dosage and treatment possibilities. It is also fully searchable.

eBNF- This is a freely searchable online version of the widely used book published jointly by the British

Medical Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical society of great Britain.

IAP Drug formulation 2004- This is ‘Indian academy of pediatrics’ recommendations for pediatric illnesses

and monographs of drugs used in pediatrics is available as book and searchable CD ROM.
Electronic books

Some examples of medical textbooks available on the web are:

➢ The merck manual of Diagnosis and therapy

➢ Electronic Textbook of Dermatology.

➢ Medical

Health news

The internet is a great place to find to up-to-date health news which updated daily or weekly.

Online news services

➢ Centers for disease control and prevention.

➢ BBC News Health

➢ Nursing standard



Mailing lists/Discussion lists

They keeping up-to-date with news topics, health events.

Four correct order steps of literature search

➢ Using the library

➢ Identifying relevant sources.

➢ Locating research sources.

➢ Summarizing the research literature.

Searching tips
Tip 1: Quotation mark

When the words to be searched are not specific, have different meanings in various subject areas or when

it is important that the same word is repeated.

Eg: ‘Global Warming’

‘Head and neck Cancer’

Tip 2: Limit by Site

When you want to control the quality of the search results. When you know a site that is likely to have

what you need, but also when you want to find again a known document.

Eg: Site: edu ‘global warming’

Tip 3: Limit by file type

Especially useful when you have reason to suspect that the answer you need will be in a certain format.

Eg: file type: ppt site: edu ‘global warming’.


So for we discussed about computer, history, micro-software /windows, Microsoft word, Microsoft power

point, Microsoft Excel, uses of computer in nursing, education, Administration, research, internet and uses,

statistical package, literature review.

Through this seminar we have discussed about computer application in nursing and gain knowledge about

use of computer in nursing and apply this knowledge in future clinical practice.


Ranju sood (2017), “Computer for nurses”, 2nd edition, New Delhi; Avichal Publishing Company, Page

No: 29-40,121-123

Suresh K Sharma (2018), “Communication and education technology”, 2nd edition, New Delhi; Elsevier

publications, Page No: 257-258

Tryphena K, Lakshmi M (2011), “Communication and educational technology”, 2nd edition, Hydrabad;

Frontline publications, Page No: 244-245.

Jeeson C Unni, Sachidanand Kamath (2010), “Computers for Nurses”, 2nd edition, New Delhi; Jaypee

publications, Page No:86-92.


Vadivukkarasi Ramanadin (2013), “Attitude towards computer application in Nursing practice by PATCH

Scale”, International journal of nursing care, Volume1, Page No:97-100.

Shradha Ashwan (2020), “Uses of computer applications for patient care delivery and nursing practice”,

International Journal of Nursing Education and Research, Volume-8, Page No: 223-225.





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