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Date: March 5, 2024 Subject: Social Studies - Ukraine

Objectives (skills/attitudes/understandings):
3.1 Communities in the World General Outcome Students will demonstrate an
understanding and appreciation of how geographic, social, cultural and linguistic factors
affect quality of life in communities in India, Tunisia, Ukraine and Peru.

Learning outcomes:
3.1.3 examine the geographic characteristics that shape communities in other parts of the
world by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry:
• Where, on a globe and/or map, are the communities in relation to Canada? (LPP)
• In what ways do the people in the communities depend on, adapt to and change the
environment in which they live and work? (ER, LPP)
• In what ways do the communities show concern for their natural environment? (GC, LPP)
• How does the physical geography influence the human activities in the communities (e.g.,
availability of water, climate)? (CC, LPP)

Essential questions:
How does geography influence human activities in the communities in ukraine?
How is the Ukraine different from our community in Canada?

Intro Entrance Slip:

5 minutes - Students will color and label Ukraine on a map of Europe, Asia,
and Africa

Hook Videos:
6 minutes - Crimean Mountain
- Carpathian Mountain
- Pause to pose questions and remind students to pay attention
- Keep students on track

Body Landscapes of Ukraine

15 minutes - Kyiv
- Mount Hoverla
- Sunflower field near Odessa
- Ukraine Wheat field
- Discuss how wheat is a major export for Ukraine
Think Pair Share:
- Students compare an image of a wheatfield and blue skies to the
ukrainian flag and discuss what they notice
- Have students share their observations and write down correct
answers on the board
- Create a chart that resembles the ukrainian flag to write
down answers
- Once students have compiled a list as a group hand out the Flag
Facts worksheet
Date: March 5, 2024 Subject: Social Studies - Ukraine

- Students will copy down the information we brainstormed as

a group and then copy this information onto the flag facts
- When students are done they will color in the flag
- When finished have students hand in the worksheet at the

Conclusion Discussion:
5 minutes - Ask students to share what their favorite landscape was from the

Cross-curricular connections:


- Ukraine - Cassels
- Ukraine Entrance slip.pdf Class set (2 per page)
- Flag Facts.pdf Class set
- Pencils
- Pencil crayons or markers

- Entrance Slip: Can Students identify Ukraine on a map
- Flag Facts: Do students know what the colors of the Ukrainian flag represent?



Date: March 5, 2024 Subject: Social Studies - Ukraine

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