G8 Ohs Eng M1 4TH

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Worksheet No 1 Quarter 4

Learner’s Name:
Grade level/Section:

A. MELC: Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to Each pattern of idea

• General to particular
• Claim and counterclaim
• Problem-solution
• Cause-effect

B. Objective:
1. Use appropriate grammatical expressions to show similarities and differences.


Compare and contrast improves comprehension by highlighting important details, making

abstract ideas more concrete and reducing the confusion between related concepts. Comparison in
writing discusses elements that are similar, while contrast in writing discusses elements that are different.
The purpose of conducting the comparison or contrast is not to state the obvious but rather to illuminate
subtle differences or unexpected similarities.

To show similarities and differences clearly, we need to use grammatical signals or expressions.

To compare ideas, you can use the following structures:

• adverbs- similarly, likewise, in the same way, also

• Phrases – like, alike, similar, equal, comparable
• Verbs- compare to, resemble, fit, match, resemble, reflect, reinforce, etc.

To express contrast, you can use the following:

• adverbs and transitional verbs – in contrast, on the other hand, however

• conjunctions – though, although, but
Study the given sample paragraphs below that contain expressions of similarity and dissimilarity

Lisa and Janet have many things in common. They are very similar. They are both good
athletes. Lisa likes to play basketball. Janet also likes to play basketball. Lisa has a dog, and
Janet has a dog too. Janet enjoys playing piano. Similarly, Lisa also studies piano. Lisa has three
brothers. Janet has three brothers as well.

Note: the underlined words show similarities between Lisa and Janet.

Mrs. Smith has three children. They are each different. Tommy and John are boys.
Tommy likes to be outside and play baseball or football. John is different from Tommy
because he enjoys staying inside playing video games. On the other hand, Mary does not like
baseball, football or video games. Mary enjoys studying and reading. The two boys have
birthdays in December, while Mary’s birthday is in July. Mary loves chocolate ice cream, but
Tommy loves vanilla ice cream. John is unlike the two others because he doesn’t even like ice

Note: The underlined words show dissimilarities among the children of Mrs. Smith.


Task 1 Directions: Read the paragraph. Then, work on the exercises that follow.

Venus, the earth’s “sister” is the planet that is most similar to earth. However, they differ
in some aspects. In the planet Venus, the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. ON the other
hand, on earth the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Both planets have atmosphere. The
earth’s atmosphere has a proper mixture of gases, moisture, and heat. In contrast, Venus
atmosphere consists of thick clouds of carbon dioxide making it the hottest among the planets.
Whereas earth’s temperature can get as high as 40oC, Venus’ temperature can rise to about 4800C.

1. What two planets are contrasted?
2. On what points are they contrasted?
3. What expressions signal dissimilarity?

Planets Points of dissimilarity

a. Rising and setting of the sun ?
b. ? ? thick clouds of carbon dioxide
c. temperature ? 4800C

Task 2

Directions: Complete the following sentences by using the appropriate expressions of


1. Vietnam, North Korea, is not a member of the United Nations.

2. The problems of a developing nation are the problem of a wealthy and fully developed
3. The feelings of a mother in Asia are basically the feelings of a mother in Europe or
4. Japan, the Philippines, is highly industrialized.
5. Gold is a very expensive metal, copper.
6. the fable and anecdote, a legend tells a story.

Task 3 (A) Directions: Compare and contrast the items in the sketches below using expressions
to show similarity or differences.

Example: Chinese Opera – combines singing, recitation, acting, dancing

Western Opera – combines singing, recitation, acting, dancing

Answer: Chinese opera, just like Western opera, combines singing, recitation, acting and dancing.

Laotian Folk Dances Laotian classical dances

1. Simple, can be danced to any music Complex, choreographed steps, each with a
different meaning.

Malaysia’s wayang kulit Malaysia’s mayong

2. A dance drama a shadow play of also a dance drama; live performance who
puppets cut out from leather sing, dance and speak

Vietnamese art Chinese art

3. Reflects philosophies of Reflects philosophies of Buddhism, Taoism,
Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism.

A. Assessment:

Write a composition of two to three paragraphs where you show similarities and
differences between rural and city people. Be sure to include the following points:
a. Connectors to link contrasting ideas in similarities
b. Group together similar and contrasting ideas
c. Use the necessary modification to show comparison of two items clearly, one by one.

Here is a table showing differences of rural and urban settlements. Using the given data,
write two paragraphs of contrast between the two settlements. Use connectors to link
contrasting ideas.

Basis for comparison Urban Rural

life Fast and complicated Simple and relaxed
environment Greater isolation from nature Direct contact with nature
population size Densely populated Sparsely populated
associated with Non-agricultural work, i.e. trade and Agriculture and livestock
commerce or provision of services

IV. Rubric for Scoring

Be guided by the given rubric.

CATEGORY 10 8 6 4
Purpose & The paper compares The paper The paper The paper compares
Supporting and contrasts items compares and compares and or contrasts, but
Details clearly. The paper contrasts items contrasts items does not include
points to specific clearly, but the clearly, but the both. There is no
examples to supporting supporting supporting
illustrate the information is information is information or
comparison. The general. The paper incomplete. The support is
paper includes only includes only the paper may include incomplete.
the information information information that is
relevant to the relevant to the not relevant to the
comparison. comparison. comparison.
Organization & The paper breaks The paper breaks The paper breaks Many details are
Structure the information into the information into the information into not in a logical or
whole- to-whole, whole- to-whole, whole- to-whole, expected order.
similarities - to- similarities - to- similarities - to- There is little sense
differences, or differences, or differences, or that the writing is
point- by-point point- by-point point- by-point organized.
structure. It follows structure but does structure, but some
a consistent order not follow a information is in the
when discussing the consistent order wrong section.
comparison. when discussing the Some details are not
comparison. in a logical or
expected order, and
this distracts the
Transitions The paper moves The paper moves Some transitions The transitions
smoothly from one from one idea to work well; but between ideas are
idea to the next. the next, but there connections unclear or
The paper uses is little variety. The between other nonexistent.
comparison and paper uses ideas are fuzzy.
contrast transition comparison and
words to show contrast transition
relationships words to show
between ideas. The relationships
paper uses a variety between ideas.
of sentence
structures and
Grammar & Writer makes no Writer makes 1-2 Writer makes 3-4 Writer makes more
Spelling errors in grammar errors in grammar errors in grammar than 4 errors in
(Conventions) or spelling that or spelling that or spelling that grammar or spelling
distract the reader distract the distract the that distract the
from the content. reader from the reader from the reader from the
content. content. content.

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