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Bahasa Inggris

Umar b. al-Khattab was better known as “al-Faruq”. The one that can distinguish between the Truth and
What does “al-Faruq” mean? evil

Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. Mention the place Al-Jamarat

where pilgrims throw stones on pillars representing
the devil.
To whom was the Holy Taurah revealed? Prophet Musa (PBUH)

Prophet Nuh was sent to his people to call them to 950 years
the Oneness of Allah. But they refused. For how long
did he preach?
One of Allah’s prophets is nicknamed Kalimatullah. Prophet Isa (PBUH)
Who was he?

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the last messenger. Khatam al-Anbiya (al-Ahzab/40)
What is the Qur’anic term for this?

What is name of the Angel that brings revelation to Gabriel or Jibril


What is the name of the battle in which Prophet Harb al-Khandaq

Muhammad built a trench?

Allah bestowed Prophethood on the Prophet 40 years

Muhammad (SAW) at what age?

What are the names of the two Angels that record our Raqib and Atid

Which Surah of the Qur’an contains the attributes of Al-Qadr

“The Night of Power”?

What is the name of Prophet Musa’s brother, who is Prophet Harun (PBUH)
also a prophet?

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) migrated to 13th of prophethood

Madinah at what year?

What was the name of the camel on which which the Al- Qaswa
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was riding in the
migration to Medina
What is the name of Prophet Muhammad’s uncle Hamzah b. Abdul Muthallib
stabbed by Wahsyi in the battel of Uhud?

Which of Prophet Muhammad’s companion that Uthman b. Affan

married to two of his daughters?

What was the most important battle in the 2nd year Battle of Badr
after Hijrah, which the Muslims won?

Bahasa Inggris

What was the name of Madina before the prophet Yathrib

Muhammad SAW migrated from Makkah to Madina?

What is the alternative to ablution, when either water Tayammum

is not available or there is a serious danger to health?

What is the Arabic term for the collection of recorded Hadeeth

words, actions, and the approvals of the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH)?

Who was the founder of Dynasty Umayyah? Mu’awiyah b. Abi Sufyan

Who was the name of Prophet’s companion sent by

Umar b. al-Khattab to Egypt to preach Islam and ‘Amru ibn al-‘Ash
established a town called Fustath?
Listen the following verse attentively and translate it
(Q.S. Ad Dhuha:11)
into English!
But as for the favor of your Lord, report [it].
‫َو َاَّم ا ِبِنْع َم ِة َر ِّبَك َفَح ِّدث‬
Listen the following verse carefully and translate it
(Q.S. Al Fil:3)
into English!
‫َّو َاْر َسَل َع َلْيِهْم َطْيًرا َاَباِبْيَۙل‬ And He sent against them birds in flocks,

Listen the following verse and kindly translate it into

(Q.S. Al Ikhlas:4)
Nor is there to Him any equivalent."
‫َو َلْم َيُك ْن َّلٗه ُكُفًو ا َاَح ٌد‬
Please listen the following verse and translate it into
(Q.S. ‘Abasa:14)
Exalted and purified,
‫َّم ْر ُفْو َعٍة ُّم َطَّهَرٍة‬
Translate the following verse into English upon (Q.S. Al ‘Adiyat:9)
listening to it, please! But does he not know that when the contents of the
‫َاَفاَل َيْع َلُم ِاَذ ا ُبْع ِثَر َم ا ِفى اْلُقُبْو ِۙر‬ graves are scattered
Please provide the English translation for the
(Q.S. Al Qari’ah:11)
following verse!
‫َناٌر َح اِمَيٌة‬ It is a Fire, intensely hot.

Listen the following verse attentively and translate it

(Q.S. ‘Abasa:24)
into English!
Then let mankind look at his food
‫َفْلَيْنُظِر اِاْل ْنَس اُن ِاٰل ى َطَع اِمٖٓه‬
Listen carefully to the following verse, and provide its (Q.S. At Takwir:20)
English translation please! [Who is] possessed of power and with the Owner of
‫ِذ ْي ُقَّوٍة ِع ْنَد ِذ ى اْلَع ْر ِش َم ِكْيٍۙن‬ the Throne, secure [in position],
Listen the following verse attentively and translate it
(Q.S. Al Falaq:3)
into English!
And from the evil of darkness when it settles
‫َوِم ْن َش ِّر َغاِس ٍق ِاَذ ا َو َقَب‬
Please listen this verse, and come up with its English
(Q.S. Al Humazah:7)
‫اَّلِتْي َتَّطِلُع َع َلى اَاْلْفِٕـَد ِۗة‬ Which mounts directed at the hearts

Bahasa Inggris

Provide the English translation for the following verse

(Q.S. Al ‘Ala:11)
But the wretched one will avoid it -
‫َو َيَتَج َّنُبَها اَاْلْش َقۙى‬
Please be kind to provide the English translation for
(Q.S. Al Lail:2)
the following verse!
And [by] the day when it appears
‫َو الَّنَهاِر ِاَذ ا َتَج ّٰل ۙى‬
Kindly listen the following verse and translate it into
(Q.S. At Thariq:3)
‫الَّنْج ُم الَّثاِقُۙب‬ It is the piercing star -

Listen the following verse attentively and translate it

(Q.S. At Thariq:9)
into English!
‫َيْو ُتْبَلى الَّس َر ۤا ُۙر‬ The Day when secrets will be put on trial,
‫ِٕى‬ ‫َم‬

Translate the following verse into English, please! (Q.S. Al Insyiqaq:18)

‫َو اْلَقَم ِر ِاَذ ا اَّتَس َۙق‬ And [by] the moon when it becomes full

Carefully listen the following verse and translate it (Q.S. An Nasr:1)

into English! When the victory of Allah has come and the
‫ِاَذ ا َج ۤا َء َنْص ُر ِهّٰللا َو اْلَفْتُۙح‬ conquest,
What would the English translation of the following
(Q.S. Al Fajr:12)
verse be?
‫َفَاْكَثُرْو ا ِفْيَها اْلَفَس اَۖد‬ And increased therein the corruption.

Please come up with the English translation for the

(Q.S. Al Buruj:2)
following verse!
‫َو اْلَيْو ِم اْلَم ْو ُع ْو ِۙد‬ And [by] the promised Day

You are required to translate the following verse into

(Q.S. Al Muthaffifin:22)
English please!
Indeed, the righteous will be in pleasure
‫ِاَّن اَاْلْبَر اَر َلِفْي َنِع ْيٍۙم‬
Listen the following verse attentively and translate it
(Q.S. Al Lail:21)
into English!
And he is going to be satisfied.
‫َو َلَسْو َف َيْر ٰض ى‬
What would the English translation of the following
(Q.S. An Naba’:39)
verse be!
‫ٰذ َك اْلَيْو اْل ُّۚق‬ That is the True Day;
‫ُم َح‬ ‫ِل‬
Listen to the following Ayat attentively:
‫َيْو َم َيُقْو ُم الُّر ْو ُح َو اْلَم ِٕىَك ُة َص ًّفۙا اَّل َيَتَك َّلُم ْو َن ِااَّل َم ْن َاِذ َن َلُه الَّرْح ٰم ُن َو َقاَل‬
‫َص َو اًبا‬
Translation: On the Day of the Holy Spirit and Angels
will stand in ranks. None will talk except those granted Yes, I agree. The word “ruh” refers to him because of
permission by the Most Compassionate and whose his high rank and position before Allah.
words are true.
Question: in may tafsir, the word “ruh” is said to refer
to Archangel Gabriel. Do you agree with that and why
this special reference?
Listen to the following Ayat attentively: They are a group of disbelievers of Mecca. The
‫َيْس َٔـُلْو َنَك َع ِن الَّساَع ِة َاَّياَن ُم ْر ٰس ىَهۗا‬ purpose of asking it is not to learn about it, so much
Translation: They ask you O Prophet, regarding the as to mock the Prophet and to express their disbelief

Bahasa Inggris

Hour, when will it be?

Question: This verse speaks of a group of people
asking the Prophet concerning the coming of the in the Hour.
Hour. Who these people are, and what is the purpose
of asking the question?
Listen to the following Ayat attentively:
‫ِاْن ُهَو ِااَّل ِذ ْك ٌر ِّلْلٰع َلِم ْيَۙن ِلَم ْن َش ۤا َء ِم ْنُك ْم َاْن َّيْسَتِقْيَۗم‬
Translation: Surely this Quran is only a reminder to
Those that can benefit are people that follow the
the whole world. To whoever of you that wills to take
straight path, because they are desirous of adopting
the straight way.
piety and righteousness.
Question: while the Qur’an is a reminder to all human
being, it is only certain people that can benefit from it.
Who these people that can benefit? And why?
Listen to the following Ayat attentively:
‫َقْد َاْفَلَح َم ْن َتَز ّٰك ۙى َو َذ َك َر اْس َم َر ِّبٖه َفَص ّٰل ۗى‬
Translation: Successful indeed are those who purify Those who purify themselves are people that
themselves. And remember the Name of their Lord, accepted the faith of Islam and gave up polytheism.
and pray. Remembering Allah means to stay conscious of His
Question: Who do you think those that purify presence at all time.
themselves? And what does remembering Allah
Listen to the following Ayat attentively:
‫َفَاْنَذ ْر ُتُك ْم َناًرا َتَلّٰظ ۚى اَل َيْص ٰل ىَهٓا ِااَّل اَاْلْش َقۙى‬
Translation: And so I have warned you of the raging
The most wretched ones are those “who rejected
fire. In which none will burn except the most
the Truth, calling it falsehood and turned his back on
Question: Please relate the last ayah with the
forthcoming one, and answer who are actually the
most wretched ones?
Listen to the following Ayat attentively:
‫َفْلَيْنُظِر اِاْل ْنَس اُن ِمَّم ُخ ِلَق ُخ ِلَق ِم ْن َّم ۤا ٍء َداِفٍۙق‬
Translation: Let people them consider what they were It is important so that man can realise God’s
created from. They were created from a spurting fluid. greatness, and that all creations come into being
Question: Why do you think it is important to ponder because of His planning and supervision.
upon God’s great signs in the creation of human
Listen to the following Ayat attentively:
‫َوَم ا ُيَك ِّذ ُب ِبٖٓه ِااَّل ُك ُّل ُم ْعَتٍد َاِثْيٍۙم ِاَذ ا ُتْتٰل ى َع َلْيِه ٰا ٰي ُتَنا َقاَل َاَس اِط ْيُر اَاْلَّوِلْيَۗن‬
Translation: Yet none gives lie to it except the The signs include, that they transgress the law of
transgressor immersed in sin. Who, when Our verses Allah, commiting sins, and rejected the religion of
are recited to him, says “mere tales of olden times”. Allah as mere tales of the olden times.
Question: According to these two verses, what are the
signs of the liars who rejected the Truth?
Listen to the following Ayat attentively:
‫َوَم ٓا َاْدٰر ىَك َم ا اْلَقا َع ُة َيْو َم َيُك ْو ُن الَّناُس َكاْلَفَر اِش اْلَم ْبُثْو ِۙث‬
Translation: and what do you know what the Calamity To the Day of Resurrection. It is the Day where
is? On that Day human beings shall be like scattered human beings will be like scattered moths around a
moths. light. They will be running about in confusion and
Question: To what Day, do these two verses refer to? bewilderment
Can you explain the condition of this Day based on
these two verses

Bahasa Inggris

Please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose

meaning is as follows: (Q.S. Al Muthaffifin:2)
“Those who take full measure when they buy from ‫اَّلِذ ْيَن ِاَذ ا اْك َتاُلْو ا َع َلى الَّناِس َيْسَتْو ُفْو َۖن‬
The following is the English translation of an ayah in
(Q.S. Al Qari’ah:9)
the Holy Qur’an. Please read the ayah: ‫َفُاُّم ُه َهاِوَيٌة‬
“His home will be the hell of Hawiyah”.
Please mention the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which
(Q.S. Quraisy:3)
bears the following English translation: ‫َفْلَيْعُبُد ْو ا َر َّب ٰهَذ ا اْلَبْيِۙت‬
“Let them worship the Lord of this sacred House”
Read a portion of the Holy Qur’an whose English
(Q.S. Al A’la:1)
translation reads as follows:
‫َس ِّبِح اْس َم َر ِّبَك اَاْلْعَلۙى‬
“Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High”.
What is the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose English
(Q.S. An Naba:8)
translation is as follows: ‫َّو َخ َلْقٰن ُك ْم َاْز َو اًج ۙا‬
“And We created you in pairs”.
Please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which has the
(Q.S. Al Alaq:4)
following English translation:
‫اَّلِذ ْي َع َّلَم ِباْلَقَلِۙم‬
“Who taught by the pen”.
Please read properly the ayah of the Holy Qur’an with
(Q.S. Al Ghasyiyah:12)
the following English translation: ‫ۘ ِفْيَها َع ْيٌن َج اِرَيٌة‬
“In it will be a running spring”
Mention correctly the ayah of the Holy Qur’an with
(Q.S. Al Qadr:3)
the following translation:
‫َلْيَلُة اْلَقْد ِر ۙە َخ ْيٌر ِّم ْن َاْلِف َشْهٍۗر‬
“The night of Glory is better than a thousand months”
The following is the translation of an ayah of the Holy
(Q.S. Al Ma’un:5)
Qur’an. Please read the ayah: ‫اَّلِذ ْيَن ُهْم َع ْن َص اَل ِتِهْم َس اُهْو َۙن‬
“Those who ara unmindful of the prayers”
What is the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which has the
(Q.S. Asy Syams:9)
following translation: ‫َقْد َاْفَلَح َم ْن َز ّٰك ىَهۖا‬
“Successful indeed is the one who purifies their soul”
Read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose translation is
as follows: (Q.S. Ad Dhuha:4)
“And the next life is certainly much better than this ‫َو َلٰاْل ِخ َر ُة َخ ْيٌر َّلَك ِم َن اُاْلْو ٰل ۗى‬
The following is the translation of what an ayah in the
(Q.S. An Nas:4)
Holy Qur’an:
‫ِم ْن َش ِّر اْلَو ْس َو اِس ۙە اْلَخ َّناِۖس‬
“From the evil of the lurking whisperer”
Please read a portion of the ayat of the Holy Qur’an
(Q.S. Al Buruj:4)
whose translation is as follows: ‫ُقِتَل َاْص ٰح ُب اُاْلْخ ُد ْو ِۙد‬
“Condemned are the makers of the ditch”
Please mention the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which
(Q.S. Al Zalzalah:7)
bears the following translation: ‫َفَم ْن َّيْع َم ْل ِم ْثَقاَل َذ َّر ٍة َخ ْيًرا َّيَر ۚٗه‬
“So whoever does an atom’s weight will see it”

Bahasa Inggris

Read correctly the ayah of the Holy Qur’an that has

(Q.S. Al Lahab:5)
the following translation:
‫ِفْي ِج ْيِد َها َح ْبٌل ِّم ْن َّمَسٍد‬
“Around her neck will be a rope of palm-fibre”
What is the ayah of the Holy Qur’an with the following
(Q.S. At Tin:4)
‫َلَقْد َخ َلْقَنا اِاْل ْنَساَن ِفْٓي َاْح َس ِن َتْقِوْيٍۖم‬
“Indeed We have created humans in the best form”
The following is the translation of what ayah in the
Holy Qur’an: (Q.S. Al-Fajr:28)
“Return to your Lord, well pleased with Him, and well ‫اْر ِج ِع ْٓي ِاٰل ى َر ِّبِك َر اِض َيًة َّم ْر ِض َّية‬
pleasing to Him”
Read properly the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which
(Q.S. Al Insyirah:6)
bears the following translation: ‫ِاَّن َم َع اْلُعْس ُيْسًر ۗا‬
“Surely with that hardship comes an ease” ‫ِر‬

Properly read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which has

(Q.S. Al Qadr:5)
the following translation: ‫ّٰت‬ ‫ٰل‬
“It is all peace until the break of the dawn” ‫َس ٌم ۛ ِهَي َح ى َم ْطَلِع اْلَفْج ِر‬

Please read for us the ayah of the Holy Qur’an that

(Q.S. Al Insyiqaq:13)
carries the following translation: ‫ِاَّنٗه َك اَن ِفْٓي َاْهِلٖه َم ْس ُرْو ًر ۗا‬
“They used to be prideful among the people”
Listen to the following translation, and be pleased to
(Q.S. ‘Abasa:36)
read its ayah:
‫َو َص اِح َبِتٖه َوَبِنْيِۗه‬
“And even their spouse and children”
Listen carefully to this translation, and please read its
(Q.S. An Naba:28)
ayah: ‫َّو َك َّذ ُبْو ا ِبٰا ٰي ِتَنا ِكَّذ اًبۗا‬
“And totally rejected Our signs”
This translation comes from an ayah in the Holy
(Q.S. Al Insyirah:4)
Qur’an. Please read it correctly: ‫َو َر َفْعَنا َلَك ِذ ْك َر َۗك‬
“And elevated your renown for you”
Please be kind to read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an
(Q.S. An Naba’:31)
which has the following translation: ‫ِاَّن ِلْلُم َّتِقْيَن َم َفاًز ۙا‬
“Indeed the righteous will have salvation”
Kindly read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an that bears the
following translation: (Q.S. An Nazi’at:6)
‫َتْر ُجُف الَّرا َفُۙة‬
“Consider the day when the quaking blast will come to ‫ِج‬ ‫َيْو َم‬
What ayah of the Holy Qur’an that carries the
(Q.S. Al Ikhlas:3)
following translation: ‫َلْم َيِلْد َو َلْم ُيْو َلْۙد‬
“He does not beget nor is He begotten”.
What ayah of the Holy Qur’an that has the following
translation: (Q.S. Al Kautsar:3)
“Only the one who hates you is trully cut off from any ‫ِاَّن َشاِنَئَك ُهَو اَاْلْبَتُر‬
Carefully read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which
(Q.S. Al Zalzalah:1)
bears the following translation: ‫ِاَذ ا ُز ْل َلِت اَاْلْر ُض ْلَزاَلَهۙا‬
“When the earth is shaken in its ultimate quaking” ‫ِز‬ ‫ِز‬

Bahasa Inggris

Listen carefully to this translation, and kindly read its

(Q.S. Al Buruj:21)
ayah: ‫َبْل ُهَو ُقْر ٰا ٌن َّم ِج ْيٌۙد‬
“In fact, this is the glorious Qur’an”.
The following is the translation of what ayah in the
(Q.S. Al-Qari’ah:4)
Holy Qur’an: ‫َيْو َم َيُك ْو ُن الَّناُس َكاْلَفَر اِش اْلَم ْبُثْو ِۙث‬
“It is the Day people will be like the scattered moths”
Please be kind to read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an
whose translation is as follows: (Q.S. At Takasur:8)
“Then (on that Day) you will certainly be asked about ‫ُثَّم َلُتْس َٔـُلَّن َيْو َم ِٕىٍذ َع ِن الَّنِع ْيِم‬
your worldly pleasures”
Simply read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which has the
(Q.S. An Nas:6)
following translation:
“From among the jinn and humankind” ‫ِم َن اْلِج َّنِة َو الَّناِس‬

What ayah of the Holy Qur’an that carries the

(Q.S. At Takwir:10)
following translation: ‫َذ ا الُّص ُحُف ُن ْۖت‬
‫ِش َر‬ ‫َوِا‬
“And when the records (of deeds) are laid open”
Kindly recite the ayah of the Holy Qur’an with the
(Q.S. Al Lail:3)
following translation:
“And by the One who created male and female” ‫َوَم ا َخ َلَق الَّذ َك َر َو اُاْلْنٰث ٓى‬

Read correctly the ayah of the Holy Qur’an that has

(Q.S. Al Infitar:9)
the following translation: ‫َك اَّل َبْل ُتَك ِّذ ُبْو َن ِبالِّدْيِۙن‬
“But no! In fact you deny the final judgment”
The following translation belongs to what ayah in the
(Q.S. Al ‘Adiyat:6)
Holy Qur’an:
‫ِاَّن اِاْل ْنَساَن ِلَر ِّبٖه َلَك ُنْو ٌد‬
“Surely humankind are not grateful to their Lord”
The following translation stems from what ayah in the
(Q.S. Al Alaq:14)
Holy Qur’an:
‫َاَلْم َيْع َلْم ِبَاَّن َهّٰللا َيٰر ۗى‬
“Does he not know that Allah sees all”
The following translation is originated from what ayah
(Q.S. Al Ghasyiyah:6)
in the Holy Qur’an:
‫َلْيَس َلُهْم َطَع اٌم ِااَّل ِم ْن َض ِرْيٍۙع‬
“They will have no food except a foul, thorny shrub”
The following is translation of an ayah in the Holy
(Q.S. Al Infitar:17)
Qur’an. Mention the ayah please: ‫َوَم ٓا َاْدٰر ىَك َم ا َيْو ُم الِّدْيِۙن‬
“And what do you know of the Day of Judgment”
What is the ayah of the Holy Qur’an associated with
(Q.S. Al A’la:13)
the following translation:
‫ُثَّم اَل َيُم ْو ُت ِفْيَها َو اَل َيْح ٰي ۗى‬
“Where they will not live nor die”.
Please mention the ayah of the Holy Qur’an for the
following translation: (Q.S. Al Fil:1)
“Have you not seen (O Prophet) how your Lord dealt ‫َاَلْم َتَر َكْيَف َفَعَل َرُّبَك ِبَاْص ٰح ِب اْلِفْيِۗل‬
with the army of the elephant”?
Listen the following translation and please identify the
ayah associated with it: (Q.S. An Nazi’at:12)
“They said: then such a return would be a total loss ‫َقاُلْو ا ِتْلَك ِاًذ ا َكَّر ٌة َخاِس َر ٌة‬
for us”

Bahasa Inggris

Carefully listen to this translation and properly

(Q.S. Al Fajr:10)
identify the ayah associated with it: ‫َوِفْر َعْو َن ِذ ى اَاْلْو َتاِۖد‬
“And the Pharaoh of the mighty structures”
Please identify the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose
translation reads as follows: (Q.S. Quraisy:4)
“Who has fed them against hunger and made them ‫اَّلِذ ْٓي َاْطَع َم ُهْم ِّم ْن ُجْو ٍع ۙە َّو ٰا َم َنُهْم ِّم ْن َخ ْو ٍف‬
secure against fear”
Kindly identify the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose
(Q.S. Al Ghasyiyah:12)
translation reads as follows: ‫ِفْيَها َع ْيٌن َج اِرَيٌة‬
“In it will be a running spring”
Listen to this translation and identity the ayah of the
(Q.S. Al Qadr:5)
Holy Qur’an associated with it: ‫ّٰت‬ ‫ٰل‬
“It is all peace until the break of the dawn” ‫َس ٌم ۛ ِهَي َح ى َم ْطَلِع اْلَفْج ِر‬

What is the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose translation

(Q.S. ‘Abasa:20)
reads as follows: ‫ُثَّم الَّس ِبْيَل َيَّس َر ۙٗه‬
“Then He makes the way easy for them”
Please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose
(Q.S. At Takwir:8)
translation reads as follows: ‫َذ ا اْل ْو ٗء َد ُة ُس َلْۖت‬
“And when the baby girls (buried alove) were asked” ‫ِٕى‬ ‫َوِا َم‬
Kindly read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which bears
the following translation: (Q.S. At Tin:5)
“Then We will send them to the lowest of the low (in ‫ُثَّم َرَد ْد ٰن ُه َاْس َفَل َس اِفِلْيَۙن‬
Please recite the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose
translation reads as follows: (Q.S. Al-Muthaffifin:32)
“And when they saw the faithful, they said, these ‫َوِاَذ ا َر َاْو ُهْم َقاُلْٓو ا ِاَّن ٰٓهُؤ ۤاَل ِء َلَض ۤا ُّلْو َۙن‬
people are truly astray”
Kindly identity the ayah of the Holy Qur’an associated
(Q.S. Al ‘Adiyat:11)
with the following translation:
‫ِاَّن َر َّبُهْم ِبِهْم َيْو َم ِٕىٍذ َّلَخ ِبْيٌر‬
“Surely their Lord is All-Aware of them on that Day”
Listen attentively the following translation and read
(Q.S. Al Lail:7)
the ayah to which it belongs:
‫َفَس ُنَيِّسُر ٗه ِلْلُيْس ٰر ۗى‬
“Then We will facilitate for them the way of ease”
To what ayah of the Holy Qur’an, the following
translation belongs: (Q.S. An Nasr:2)
“And you (O Prophet) saw the people embracing the ‫َو َر َاْيَت الَّناَس َيْدُخ ُلْو َن ِفْي ِد ْيِن ِهّٰللا َاْفَو اًج ۙا‬
religion of Allah in crowds”
Listen to the following translation, and mention to
(Q.S. Al Qadr:5)
what ayah it belongs: “It is all peace until the break of ‫ّٰت‬ ‫ٰل‬
the dawn” ‫َس ٌم ۛ ِهَي َح ى َم ْطَلِع اْلَفْج ِر‬

Please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose

(Q.S. Al Falaq:5)
translation reads as follows:“And from the evil of the
‫َوِم ْن َش ِّر َح اِس ٍد ِاَذ ا َح َسَد‬
envier when they envy”
Kindly listen to the following translation and read
(Q.S. Al Ma’un:3)
there-after the ayah it is associated with:“And does ‫َو اَل َيُحُّض َع ٰل ى َطَع اِم اْلِم ْس ِكْيِۗن‬
not encourage the feeding of the poor”

Bahasa Inggris

What is the ayah of the Holy Qur’an associated with

(Q.S. Al Qari’ah:4)
the following translation:
‫َيْو َم َيُك ْو ُن الَّناُس َكاْلَفَر اِش اْلَم ْبُثْو ِث‬
“It is the day people will be like scattered moths”
Please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an to which the
(Q.S. Al Humazah:1)
following translation belongs: ‫َو ْيٌل ِّلُك ِّل ُهَم َز ٍة ُّلَم َز ٍۙة‬
“Woe to every backbiter, slanderer”
Kindly recite the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose
(Q.S. Asy Syams:15)
translation is as follows:
‫َو اَل َيَخ اُف ُع ْقٰب َها‬
“He has no fear of consequences”
Can you please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an
which has the following translation: (Q.S. At Takasur:5)
“Indeed, if you were to know (your fate) for certain, ‫َك اَّل َلْو َتْع َلُم ْو َن ِع ْلَم اْلَيِقْيِۗن‬
(you would have acted differently)”
Please identify the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose
(Q.S. Ad Dhuha:11)
translation reads as follows: ‫َو َاَّم ا ِبِنْع َم ِة َر ِّبَك َفَح ِّد ْث‬
“And proclaim the blessing of your Lord”
Please be kind to read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an
whose translation is as follows: (Q.S. Al Insyiqaq:21)
“And when the Qur’an is recited to them, they do not ‫َوِاَذ ا ُقِرَئ َع َلْيِهُم اْلُقْر ٰا ُن اَل َيْسُجُد ْو َن‬
bow down in submission”
The following is the translation of an ayah in the Holy
(Q.S. Al Falaq:5)
Qur’an. Please identiy it:
‫َوِم ْن َش ِّر َح اِس ٍد ِاَذ ا َح َسَد‬
“And from the evil of an envier when they envy”
Please listen to the following translation, and kindly
(Q.S. At Takwir:25)
read the ayah to which it belongs:
‫َوَم ا ُهَو ِبَقْو ِل َشْيٰط ٍن َّر ِج ْيٍۚم‬
“And this Qur’an is not the word of an outcast devil”
Please state and read, the following is the translation
(Q.S. An Nazi’at:30)
of what ayah: ‫َو اَاْلْر َض َبْع َد ٰذ ِلَك َد ٰح ىَهۗا‬
“As for the earth, He spread it out as well”
Please read carefully the ayah of the Holy Qur’an
(Q.S. An Naba’:14)
whose translation reads as follows: ‫َّو َاْنَز ْلَنا ِم َن اْلُم ْع ِص ٰر ِت َم ۤا ًء َثَّجاًج ۙا‬
“And We sent down from rainclouds pouring water”
Listen to the following translation, then read the ayah
(Q.S. Al A’la:18)
of the Holy Qur’an it belongs:
‫ِاَّن ٰهَذ ا َلِفى الُّص ُح ِف اُاْلْو ٰل ۙى‬
“This is certainly mentioned in the earlier scriptures”
Please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which bears
(Q.S. At-Tin: 8)
the following translation:
‫َاَلْيَس ُهّٰللا ِبَاْح َك ِم اْلٰح ِكِم ْيَن‬
“Is Allah not the most just of all judges”?
Please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which bears
(Q.S. Al Lahab: 4)
the following translation:
‫َّواْمَر َاُتٗه ۗ َح َّم اَلَة اْلَح َطِۚب‬
And his wife [as well] - the carrier of firewood.
Please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which bears
(Q.S. Al Lahab: 4)
the following translation: ‫َو َقْد َخاَب َم ْن َد ّٰس ىَهۗا‬
And he has failed who instills it [with corruption].
Before the hijrah of the Prophet Muhammad, and
Banu Nadir, Banu Qainuqa, and Banu Qurayzah
even before the advent of Islam, there were three

Bahasa Inggris

Jewish tribes in Madina or Yathrib. Please mention

these three tribes!
During his early dakwah, Prophet Muhammad visits a
place to call its people to Islam. He was accompanied
by Zayd b. Harithah. People of this little town rejected Tha’if
his message and throw rocks and stones to him and
Zayd. State the name of this place.
A Muslim king and military general, he founded the
Ayyubid Dynasty and freed Palestine from the
Salahuddin al-Ayyubi
Crusades in 1187 during the Battle of Hattin. Who is
the name of this famous king?
There was an important event took place during the
lifetime of Prophet Muhammad in the 6th year of
Hijrah on the month of Zul Qo’dah. It was a treaty
between the Prophet representing the Muslim and Treaty of Hudaibiyah
the Qurayshi tribe of Mekkah. It aimed at decreasing
the tension between the two parties. What was the
name of the treaty
Before the Treaty of Hudaibiyah, companions of the
Prophet pledged to him under a tree. This pledge was
a response to the rumors that Usman b. Affan has
Bai’ah al-Ridwan
been killed by the Mekkans. The Prophet and his
armies pledged to fight to death. What was the name
of the pledge?
The dwindling Byzantine Empire came to an end when
the Ottomans breached Constantinople’s ancient land
Sultan Mehmed II
wall after besieging the city for 55 days? Who was the
Sultan of the Ottomans that led this conquest?
She was a Notable Muslim African Woman. During the
Battle of Uhud she gave out water to the thirsty
soldiers and took care of the wounded. She
accompanied the Prophet on some expeditions. She
Umm Ayman
was his father’s servant. The prophet Muhammad
SAW described her as "mother after my own mother”
She brought Muhammad SAW back to Makkah after
his mother Aminah died. Who was she?
Imam Shafi’i was one of the most leading legal and
theological ulama of Islam. He was the founder of
Shafi’i legal school. This school is wide-spread in all 204 or 205 H / 820 M
over the world including Indonesia. Please state, when
did Imam Shafi’i die?
Born Raden Ahmad Rahmatullah, he was one of the
nine saints of Java. He is the son of Maulana Malik
Ibrahim. His mother was the princess of Champa Sunan Ampel
court. What is his popular name? Or which Sunan is
Born Bendara Raden Mas Mustahar. He was a Pangeran Diponegoro
Javanese prince who opposed to Dutch colonial rule.
He was the eldest son of Yogyakarta Sultan
Hamengkubuwono III, and played a leading role in the
Javanese war against the Dutch between 1825 and

Bahasa Inggris

1830. Who is he?

He was one of the most leading ulama in Indonesia, to
be more precise in Kalimantan. He was from
Martapura in Tanah Banjar, and died in 1812. He was Shaikh Muhammad Arshad al-Banjari
known as Tuan Haji Besar. He wrote many books
including Sablilul Muhtadin in Shafi’i fiqh. Who is he?


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