Session 03-3 - Product Data

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Week 5:
Product Data

Welcome to the fifth week of the Business Value of PLM course.

The subject of today's course is Product Data.

Contents of the “Business Value of PLM” Course

Week 1 Introduction to “Business Value of PLM”

Week 2 The Environment of Product Companies
Week 3 Product-related Business Processes
Week 4 Product-related PLM Applications
Week 5 Product Data
Week 6 PDM and ALM Systems
Week 7 Product-related Methods
Week 8 Mid-Course Review and Midterm Exam
Week 9 Internet of Things (IoT)
Week 10 Industry 4.0
Week 11 PLM and Executives – Top Down and Bottom Up
Week 12 The PLM Initiative
Week 13 Organisational Change Management and the PLM Initiative
Week 14 PLM in Practice
Week 15 End-of-Course Review
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This is a reminder of the outline of the content of the course. As you know it's a 15-
week course. We started with an introductory week. Then I looked at the environment
of product companies. And then at product-related business processes. Last week, the
subject was PLM applications. This week, the subject is product data. Next week, the
subject will be PDM and ALM systems. After that, Week 7, I'll address methods and
techniques. The following week we'll have a mid-course review and the midterm
exam. When that's out of the way, I'll address the Internet of Things. And then
Industry 4.0. Week 11 looks at executives in the context of PLM. That's followed by
the PLM Initiative and Organisational Change Management. The last-but-one week
looks at PLM in practice. And in the last week, we'll have an end-of-course review.
But now let's get started with this week's subject, product data.

Objectives of Week 5

Ø At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to

understand the importance of product data and its documentation;
read a simple product data model; describe problems and possibilities
with product data; outline product data improvement activities in a
PLM Initiative; give examples of typical pitfalls of such activities; and
play a role in a company’s product data-related activities.

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By the end of today's lesson, you should be able to understand the importance of
product data and its documentation, read a simple product data model, describe
problems and possibilities with product data, outline product data improvement
activities in a PLM Initiative, give examples of typical pitfalls of such activities, and
play a role in a company's product data-related activities.

Contents of Week 5

Lesson 1 Introduction to Product Data

Lesson 2 Management of Product Data

Lesson 3 Product Data Activities in PLM Projects

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There are three lessons this week.

Lesson 1 as an introduction to product data.
Then, Lesson 2 looks at the management of product data.
Then, Lesson 3 addresses product data activities in PLM projects.

Start of Lesson 1

Introduction to
Product Data

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So let's get started with Lesson 1 of Week 5 of the Business Value of PLM course - an
introduction to product data.

Introduction to Product Data

ØThis lesson looks at product data in the PLM environment

Øexplaining what product data is, and why it is important
Øgiving examples of product data created and used across the
Ødescribing specific characteristics of product data

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This lesson looks at product data in the PLM environment, explaining what product
data is, and why it is important, giving examples of product data created and used
across the lifecycle, and describing specific characteristics of product data.

Lesson 1
Introduction to Product Data

A. Introduction
B. Examples of Product Data across the Product
C. The Importance of Product Data in PLM
D. The Volume of Product Data
E. Specific Characteristics of Product Data

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Lesson 1 addresses several subjects. It looks at product data in the PLM environment,
explaining what product data is, and why it is important, giving examples of product
data created and used across the lifecycle, and describing specific characteristics of
product data.

A. Introduction to Product Data and Product Data
Management (1)

ØWhat is product data?

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I'll start with a definition of product data.

Product data is all the data related to a product and the processes used to ideate it, to
define it, to produce it, to use it, to support it, and to dispose of it.

Introduction to Product Data and Product
Data Management (2)

ØWhat is product data used for?

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Now a question, what is product data used for?

Well, product data has many purposes. Some of it will describe characteristics of the
product, or part of the product. Or the packaging of a product, or a label. Some will
describe the content of a product, such as a list of ingredients. Some, such as a Bill of
Materials, a BOM, will describe a product structure

Introduction to Product Data and Product Data
Management (3)

ØWhen is product data created and used?

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Another question, when is product data created and used?

It's created and used throughout the product lifecycle.

Introduction to Product Data and Product
Data Management (4)

ØWhat is product data management?

ØWhat is a PDM system?

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Some more question. What is product data management? What is a PDM system?
Answering the first question first, product data management is the activity of
managing product data.
Then, answering the second question, a Product Data Management system, a PDM
system, is a computer system that manages product data.

B. Examples of Product Data across
the Product Lifecycle

ØExamples of Product Data

ØExamples of Users of Product Data
ØExamples of the Importance of Product Data

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And now, some examples of product data across the product lifecycle.
I'll also give some examples of users of product data.
And some examples of the importance of product data.

Examples of Product Data across the
Product Lifecycle

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Here are some examples of product data. A lot of product data is created and used in a
company as a product is ideated, defined, realised, supported and retired.

Examples of Product Data across the
Product Lifecycle

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Here are some more examples of product data. You can see that there's a lot of it. And
that it's very important.

Examples of Product Data across
the Product Lifecycle

ØExamples of users of product data across the product lifecycle

Ideate Define Realise Support/Use Retire/Recycle

design maintenance
marketers machinists salvors
engineers engineers
developers regulators assemblers repair workers recyclers
product service
researchers welders disassemblers
managers engineers
customers customers suppliers customers regulators

partners suppliers testers mechanics customers

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Turning now to the users of product data, you'll see that there are many creators and
users of product data in a company as a product is ideated, defined, realised, supported
and retired.

Examples of Product Data across
the Product Lifecycle

ØExample 1 : Ideation Phase

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Here's an example of product data in the ideation phase of the product lifecycle. Types
of product data in the ideation phase include ideas, cost estimates, and sketches.

Examples of Product Data across
the Product Lifecycle

ØExample 2 : Realisation Phase

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Here's an example of product data in the realisation phase of the product lifecycle.
Types of product data in the realisation phase include MBOMs, change requests, label
data and cleaning guidelines.

Examples of Product Data across
the Product Lifecycle

ØExample 3 : Use Phase

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Here's an example of product data in the use phase of the product lifecycle. Types of
product data in the use phase include service manuals, customer complaints and
installation documents.

C. The Importance of Product Data in PLM (1)

Product data is
1. Knowledge about products
2. A company asset
3. A strategic resource
4. Valuable Intellectual Property

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Now let's look at the importance of product data in PLM. Product data is knowledge
about products, a company asset, a strategic resource, and valuable intellectual

The Importance of Product Data in PLM (2)

Product data is

5. A Digital Twin, an available representation of the


6. An enabler for product sales and support

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Still looking at the importance of product data in PLM, product data is a Digital Twin,
an available representation of the
product. It's also an enabler for product sales and support

The Importance of Product Data in PLM (3)

Product data is

7. A component of product quality

8. A key resource in a PLM Initiative

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Still looking at the importance of product data in PLM, product data is a component of
product quality, and a key resource in a PLM Initiative.

D. The Volume of Product Data (1)

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Let's now look at the volume of product data. Whatever the product, a huge volume
and variety of product data is needed to ideate, define, realise and support it
throughout the product lifecycle.

The Volume of Product Data (2)


Ø100 parts in a product

Ø20 documents per part
Ø40 data items per part
Ø10 versions of each document
Ø300 products
Ø25% of data items on more than one document
Ø75% of data common across a product family
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One company had about 100 mechanical parts in each of its products. Each of these
was defined by some 20 documents. On average there were some 40 important items
of data on each of these documents. Each document, on average, went through 10
versions. The resulting amount of product data for each product can be characterised
as 800 important items of data or about 20,000 documents.
The company had about 300 products.
Calculating the total volume of product data in that company isn't easy as 25% of the
data items were on more than one document, and more than 75% of data was common
across a product family.

The Volume of Product Data (3)

Engineering Data
52 TB

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The sheer volume of product data makes it difficult to manage.

There's a mountain of data.
There can be millions of objects, descriptions, numbers and words of product data.
For medium-to-large companies, estimates foresee data volumes exceeding a thousand

E. Specific Characteristics of Product Data (1)

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Product data has some specific characteristics when compared to other types of data.
For example, a transaction involving product data, such as for the design of a new
part, may last several hours or days or weeks. Whereas transactions on other business
data typically last a few seconds or minutes. Other business data, such as that about
customer name and address, and invoices, has clearly defined sizes. Product data
doesn't. One product may be built of 10 parts, another of 1,000 parts, or 10,000 parts.

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Examples of Product Data across the Product
Ideate Define Realise Support/Use

Ideas Cost estimates Label data Field data
Customer Recyclable
Proposals Requirements Process plans
complaints codes
Models Regulatory rules MBOMs Service manuals EOL notification
Installation Recovery
Drawings EBOMs Fixture designs
documents procedure
Assembly Welding
Sketches SBOMS Disposal lists
drawings instructions
Results of Cleaning Repair
Ingredient lists Part-out plans
reviews guidelines procedure
Cost estimates Master data Change requests Spare part policy
Sensor reading
Idea scores Risk reports Quality findings Change requests
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End of Lesson 1

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That's the end of Lesson 1 of Week 5 of the Business Value of PLM course. I'll
continue later with Lesson 2, looking at the management of product data.

Start of Lesson 2

Management of Product Data

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This is the start of Lesson 2 of Week 5 of the course. The subject of this lesson is the
management of product data.

Management of Product Data

This lesson looks at the evolution of the management of

product data since the mid-20th Century

Ødescribing the need to model product data

Øexplaining different ways to portray product data

Marketing Engineering Production Service

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Lesson 2 of Week 5 looks at the evolution of the management of product data since
the mid-20th Century. It describes the need to model product data, and explains
different ways to portray it.

Lesson 2
Management of Product Data

A. Evolution of the Management of Product Data

B. Metadata: Data about Data

C. Description and Portrayal of Product Data

D. Modelling Product Data

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In Lesson 2 of Week 5, I'll look at the evolution of the management of product data.
I'll address metadata. which is data about data. I'll look at ways in which product data
is described, portrayed andd modelled.

A. Evolution of the Management of Product Data (1)

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For most of the last century, companies were organised in departments such as
Marketing, Engineering, Manufacturing and After-Sales. People were assigned to a
department, and worked the way their boss told them to. They created and used paper
documents to fit the needs of their department. They used their department's jargon on
their paper documents.

Evolution of the Management of Product Data (2)

Disadvantages of Paper (1)

ØSearch and access can be difficult and slow

ØEasy to lose or misplace
ØSlow distribution

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For most of the last century, paper was the main medium for storage and
communication of product data. Paper has a lot of advantages as a storage and
communication medium, but it also has some disadvantages. Search and access can be
difficult and slow. Paper can be easy to lose or misplace. Paper distribution can be

Evolution of the Management of Product Data (3)

Disadvantages of Paper (2)


ØNames not standardized

Log, report,

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And then, there's the issue of copies. When you make copies of a paper document, it
can be difficult to keep track of them.
Another issue was that the piece of paper on which product data was written was
given different names by different people, and different departments. Was a particular
document a record or a form, or a report or a log?

Evolution of the Management of Product Data (4)

Engineering Document Management Group

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Many companies had an Engineering Document Management Group that managed all
this paper. Surprisingly, in view of the value of the information on the paper, this
Group wasn't seen as important.

Evolution of the Management of Product Data (5)

Disadvantages of Electronic Files

ØNot human-readable 50

ØSmall volumes, so many of them 50


ØSearch and access can be difficult and slow


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In the 1960's, nearly all the documents were on paper, but towards the end of the
decade that began to change. By the 1970s, a lot of product data was being created on
the mainframe computers and minicomputers then available, and stored on computer
files. And now there were other disadvantages. Electronic files aren't human-readable.
Storage devices had small volumes, so many of them were needed. Search and access
can be difficult and slow. And copies are difficult to control

Evolution of the Management of Product Data (6)

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By the early 1980s, there was a new problem. Some product data was also being
stored on 3½-inch disks designed to fit in an engineer's shirt pocket.

Evolution of the Management of Product Data (7)

Difficulties to manage File-based Data

ØUsers lost track of data

ØCopies easy to make, difficult to track
ØStand-alone programs, Islands of Automation
ØIsland of Automations had Islands of Data
ØItems were held in duplicate in several programs
ØDifficult to share product data between programs
ØDifficult to control access and to maintain security
ØDifficult to apply uniform rules and standards

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It's not easy to manage file-based data. Users lose track of data. Copies are easy to
make, but difficult to track. Items are held in duplicate in several programs. It's
difficult to share product data between programs, difficult to control access and to
maintain security.

Evolution of the Management of Product Data (8)

1980s, special systems to manage Engineering


ØEngineering Data Management Systems

ØEngineering Drawing Management Systems
ØEngineering Document Management Systems
ØEngineering Information Management
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In the 1980s, special systems to manage engineering data appeared. Some of these
systems were known as Engineering Data Management Systems. Others as
Engineering Drawing Management Systems.

Evolution of the Management of Product Data (9)

Advantages of EDMS
ØQuicker to access and retrieve data
ØElectronic data was secure
ØData was available almost immediately
ØNo longer needed to wait for a document
ØNo longer issues with
Øsomeone else having the document
Øsomeone modifying the document but not telling anyone
Øsomeone modifying something described in a document
but not modifying the document

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The sdvantages of these systems were numerous. With an EDMS it was quicker to
access and retrieve data, electronic data was secure, data was available almost
immediately, and the waiting time for a document was greatly reduced.

Evolution of the Management of Product Data (10)
By the 1990s
Ø These systems had led to changes in the required skills profile for
Document Management staff
Øunderstanding of software, programming, interfaces and databases
ØCompanies were starting to organise around business processes
ØStill a lot of data on paper
ØMore and more product data was electronic
Ø Product data was needed for all users, not just those in the
Engineering department
Ø Product data began to be seen as a company resource
Ø A new approach was needed : Product Data Management

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By the 1990s, the EDMS had led to changes in the required skills profile for
Document Management staff. Companies were starting to organise around business
processes. There was still a lot of data on paper, but more and more product data was
electronic. Product data was needed for all users, not just those in the Engineering
department. As a result of these changes, a new approach was needed - Product Data

B. Metadata: Data about Data (1)

Ø“data about data”
Ø“data describing other data”
Ø“key information about a larger volume of data”

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A slight change of focus now as we look at metadata. Metadata can be variously

described as data about data, or data describing other data, or key information about a
larger volume of data.

Metadata: Data about Data (2)

The catalogue information of a book in a library

Øbook title, author name, publisher, edition, publication
date, ISBN number, the number and location of the
book in the library

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The catalogue information of a book in a library is metadata. The book title, author
name, publisher, edition, publication date, ISBN number, as well as the number and
location of the book in the library

Metadata: Data about Data (3)

The “title block” of a drawing

Ødrawing title, identifier, scale, units, creation date

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The title block of a drawing is also metadata.

C. Description and Portrayal of Product Data

Ø Importance of a Detailed Description of Product

Ø Importance of Models
Ø Making a Simple Model
Ø Tools

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Now let's move on to the next topic, describing and portraying product data. This is an
important subject.

Importance of a Detailed Description of
Product Data
Ø It’s important to have an exact, detailed description of
product data
Ø Without it, you’re likely to run into difficulties with the
Ø There are many situations and circumstances in which
you may need to use the product data, create it,
communicate it, explain it, and make it available
clearly and unambiguously to many people. And
without an exact, detailed description …
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It's important to have an exact, detailed description of product data. Without it, you're
likely to run into difficulties with the product.

Importance of Models (1)

ØThe volume of product data is huge: GB, TB, PB

ØIt’s everywhere: in the company; outside the company;

across the lifecycle.

ØHow can people understand about all that product data?

ØThrough simple models.
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Models of product data are important in the product environment. The volume of
product data is huge. It's everywhere, in the company, outside the company, across the
lifecycle. How can people understand about all that product data? Good question! The
answer is through simple models.

Importance of Models (2)

A Product Data Model

An agreed, common basis for discussion and communication

A good sharable description of product data
Helps people understand and reach a common view
Helps clarify the business needs for product data
Helps identify improvement opportunities
Helps inform software developers about requirements

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Models of product data are important for many reasons. A product data model acts as
an agreed, common basis for discussion and communication. It's a good sharable
description of product data. A model helps people from across the product lifecycle
understand and reach a common view of product data

Making a Simple Model (1)

Ømake a list of document types, in Word

Ølist them, one per row, in Excel
Øadd some more information about each type in the row
Øinclude some attributes

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It's easy to make a simple model of product data. For example, make a list of
document types, in Word, then list them, one per row, in Excel, then add some more
information about each type in the row, then include some attributes.

Making a Simple Model (2)
Øspecify you’re referring to document types, not to instances
Øspecify instances of a document type have the same
Øspecify there’s a template document for each document
Øshow the relationship between documents
Ømake a diagram, with lines linking related objects

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Keep going. For example, specify if there's a template document for each document
type, show the relationship between documents, and make a diagram, with lines
linking related objects.

Tools for portraying Product Data

ØA pencil and a sheet of paper

ØWord, Excel and PowerPoint
Ønot highly sophisticated, but widely available, usable and
Øhowever, each person can give graphic elements whatever
meaning, which others may not understand

ØMore sophisticated, specialised tools are available

Øoffer standard graphic objects, easier to handle the data, easier
to handle changes
Øbut may need additional training and licensing

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There are several levels of sophistication among the tools used for making models. A
pencil and a sheet of paper are at one of the lowest levels. More sophisticated,
specialised tools are available.

D. Modelling Product Data (1)

ØA data flow diagram

ØUML diagram categories
ØA Class
ØA Class Diagram
ØA Relationship
ØA State Machine Diagram

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There are many different ways of portraying information about product data. For
example, a data flow diagram, a class diagram, a relationship, and a State Machine

Modelling Product Data (2)
A data flow diagram

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Data flow models show how data flows through an environment, and in which
activities it's created, used and stored.

Modelling Product Data (3)

Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagram categories

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One of the languages used in modelling is the Unified Modelling Language, UML.
In UML, many types of diagram are used to show information about objects and

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Metadata: Data about Data (4)

ØA library catalogue could list books in order of

Ø author surname, author first name, and book title

ØLooking for a book by William Shakespeare

Ø Scott, Walter
Ø Shakespeare, William
Ø Steinbeck, John

ØShakespeare’s books are in Room 7, in Cabinet 4, on

Shelf 3

ØBut, if looking for a book titled “The Winter’s Tale”?

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Metadata: Data about Data (5)

A company’s Document Management Group had

their “Bible” which listed, for all documents,

• the document number, the name of the person to

who they had assigned the number, the date the
number was issued, perhaps the document
location, perhaps the document name, perhaps the
product line to which that document belonged

As long as you knew the number, everything was


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Metadata: Data about Data (6)

Spreadsheets and databases such as VisiCalc,

Lotus, Excel and Filemaker appeared in the late
1970s, early 1980s

All the metadata for all the objects was input

The user could sort on any individual piece of

metadata, and get an ordered list. For example,
sort on book title to find “The Winter’s Tale”
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Metadata: Data about Data (7)

In the paper world:

the metadata was put on the paper document
and then in a paper catalogue

In the electronic world:

the metadata (the attributes of the object, such as a
drawing or a document) is created electronically
and then put in a database

Product Data Management systems, PDM systems, put

metadata in the database

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Metadata: Data about Data (8)

Example of metadata for Market Survey documents

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Metadata: Data about Data (9)

Example of metadata for a CAD drawing file

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Metadata: Data about Data (10)

Example of metadata for a part

colour, cost, creating system, drawing number, lead

time, make/buy source, part description, part
number, part superseded, part superseding, price,
revision level, status, unit of measure

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Modelling Product Data (4)

A Class




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Modelling Product Data (5)

A Class Diagram

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Modelling Product Data (6)

A Relationship

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Modelling Product Data (7)

A State Diagram

In Work Under review Released Cancelled

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End of Lesson 2

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That's the end of Lesson 2 of Week 5 of the course.

Start of Lesson 3

Product Data Activities in PLM


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This is the start of Lesson 3 of Week 5 of the course. The subject of this lesson is
product data activities in PLM projects.

Product Data Activities in PLM Projects
This lesson looks at

Ø typical issues that are encountered with product data in

PLM environments
Ø gives examples of product data-related projects:
Ø developing a vision for product data
Ø modelling product data
Ø data cleansing
Ø data migration
Ø highlights potential pitfalls of product data modelling
Ø describes Critical Success Factors for product data
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This lesson looks at typical issues that are encountered with product data in PLM
environments, gives examples of product data-related projects, highlights potential
pitfalls of product data modelling, and describes CSFs for product data improvement.

Lesson 3
Product Data Activities in PLM Projects

A. Potential Issues with Product Data

B. Product Data Improvement Activities

C. Pitfalls of Product Data Modelling

D. Success Factors for Product Data Improvement

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Lesson 3 of Week 5 addresses product data activities in PLM projects. It looks at

issues that may be encountered with product data in PLM environments, gives
examples of product data-related projects, highlights potential pitfalls of product data
modelling, and describes success factors for product data improvement.

A. Potential Issues with Product Data (1)

Reasons for looking at the issues

Ø Be aware of them, and avoid them

Ø Be able to identify any examples, as they
could be a source of improvement
Ø Be able to address them in the product data
management strategy

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I'll start with some potential issues that may be encountered with product data. There
are three good reasons to look at these. First, to be aware of them, so as to avoid them.
Second, to be able to identify any occurences, as they could be a source of
improvement. Third, to be able to address them in the product data management

Potential Issues with Product Data (2)

The issues
access to, and availability of, product data; archiving of
product data; changes to product data; copies of product data;
definition of product data, dirty data, data exchange, islands of
product data, identification and classification systems, KPIs,
knowledge, languages, legacy data, meaning of data, overlap
of data, ownership of product data; redundant product data,
relationships between product data, rules for product data,
security and confidentiality of product data, allowed states of
product data, traceability of product data, types of product
data, users of product data, the value of product data, variants
and versions of product data, views and representations of
product data, vocabulary
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There are many potential issues with product data. Some of them are mentioned here,
for exxample, access to, and availability of, product data; archiving of product data;
changes to product data; copies of product data; definition of product data, dirty data,
data exchange, islands of product data, identification and classification systems, and
Key Performance Indicators.

Potential Issues with Product Data (3)

ØAvailability of product data

ØAccess to product data
ØArchiving of product data

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I'll look briefly at some of the potential issues with product data. I'll start with
availability of product data. Product data needs to be available to users whereever they
need it, whenever they need it. Wherever they are. And they may be anywhere. Next,
access to product data. Access to product data has to be provided for people when they
need it. But, access to product data has to be controlled so that only authorised people,
with specific rights, can access the data. Next, archiving of product data. Archiving of
product data can also be an important issue. Product data will be needed to support a
product across its lifecycle. In some cases, for products such as ships and aircraft, the
overall product life may exceed fifty years. During this time, a huge volume of
product data will be generated. A lot of this, if not all, must be kept for a long time.

Potential Issues with Product Data (4)

Changes to product data

People wanting changes

Customers want changes made ....
Potential customers want changes made ....
Design Engineers want to make changes ....
Software Engineers may need to make changes ....
The Purchasing Department wants to change ....
The Standardisation Group wants to make changes ....
Marketing and Sales want changes ....
Production wants to make changes ....
Suppliers want to propose changes ....
Installation Engineers want changes ....
Customer Service expects quick changes ....
Manufacturing Engineers want to make changes ....
Regulatory specialists need to make changes ....

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And next, the issue of changes to product data. Most product data is changed at
various times in its lifetime. And, these changes to product data need to be under
control. But changes aren't always simple. A change to one part can have many knock-
on effects. Managing changes to product data is a big issue for many companies.

Potential Issues with Product Data (5)

Copies of product data

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Copies of product data are another issue to watch out for. As soon as there's more than
one copy of a file or document, there's a danger that someone will change one copy,
but the other copies won't all be updated.

Potential Issues with Product Data (6)

A unique formal definition of product data is

ØDefinition of product data needed

ØDirty data Dirty Data

In conflict with other data
In contradiction with other data
Incorrectly formatted
Of the wrong data type
Out of range
Using the wrong units
With an illegal value
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Another potential issue with product data is the definition of product data. A single
formal description of product data is needed. When there isn't a standard definition of
the data associated with a particular part or product, there can be many different
definitions of the data. And multiple definitions lead to errors, and wasted time and
Another potential issue with product data is dirty data. This is product data that is in
some way erroneous. Maybe it's inaccurate, incomplete, inconsistent, or duplicate.
Inconsistent product data can be a major problem.

Potential Issues with Product Data (7)

Islands of Product Data Product Data Exchange

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Another potential issue with product data is Islands of Product Data. Many
applications are point solutions, Islands of Automation. The product data that an
Island of Automation requires and generates leads to the creation of a corresponding
Island of Data. Frequently though, the user of the product data from this Island will
also want to work with other product data. Perhaps from another Island of data. And
there the problem begins.

Potential Issues with Product Data (8)

ØIslands of product data

ØData exchange

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Another potential issue with product data is Data exchange. Product data may be
represented in different ways in different applications and media. So there may be
problems when it's transferred from one representation to another

Potential Issues with Product Data (9)

ØIdentification and classification systems

ØPerformance indicators

Possible Performance Indicators

The percentage of product data that is clean, the % that is dirty

The percentage of product data that is on paper, the % that is digital
The percentage of product data that is not under change control
The percentage of product data that has no owner
The number of different copies of the same document

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Another potential issue with product data is Identification and classification systems.
Issues can arise with numbering systems. For example, when a numbering system runs
out of digits. Or when two companies with different numbering systems merge.
Another potential issue with product data is Performance indicators. One big issue
with performance indicators, is that many companies don't even have a performance
indicator for product data. A performance indicator helps a company to set targets for
its improvement plans and to measure the progress that it's making. But with no
performance indicator for product data, how will it be improved?

Potential Issues with Product Data (10)


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Another potential issue with product data is Languages. Different languages can
create complications for product data. There can be issues with translations from one
language to another. Some words don't even have exact equivalents in other

Potential Issues with Product Data (11)

ØLegacy data

ØLevel of detail of product data

ØLibraries of product data

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Another potential issue with product data is Legacy data. New generation applications
often have difficulties to use the legacy data produced by old applications. And old
applications, legacy applications, are often unable to work with new data structures
created in new applications.

Potential Issues with Product Data (12)

ØMedia CAD file

ØMeaning of product data
ØOwnership of product data

Marketing Engineering Production Service

Marketing Engineering Production Service

data data data data
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Another potential issue with product data is media. In many companies, product data
are on a variety of media. Data on one medium, such as paper, usually has different
management requirements to that of data on other media.

Potential Issues with Product Data (13)

Redundant product data

No time to find
the old part.
Quicker to do a
new one

Re-invention of product data

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Another potential issue with product data is redundant product data. Many
applications store all the product data that they require. This results in duplication and
overlap between the product data stored by different applications. As an example,
many applications will store lists of product names and part numbers. Should any of
the product data change, the corresponding applications may have to be changed, and
the files they use and create may have to be changed. This takes time and effort, and
may introduce errors.

Potential Issues with Product Data (14)

ØRelations between product data


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Another potential issue with product data is relations between product data. There are
relationships, for example, between products and parts. There are relationships
between parts and data, between one part and another, and between parts and
processes. There are hierarchical relationships linking parts to a product. Bills of
Materials, parts lists, assembly drawings and where-used lists contain information on
such relationships.

Potential Issues with Product Data (15)

ØStates of product data


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Another potential issue with product data is states of product data. Product data can be
in various states. These include in-work, in-process, in-review, released, as-designed,
as-built, as-installed, as-maintained, and as-operated.

Potential Issues with Product Data (16)


ØTypes of product data

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Another potential issue with product data is traceability. This is a requirement in many
industries. For example, consumers in the food industry increasingly want food to be
traceable back to its farm of origin. The history of a product, in the form of product
data needs to exist and to be accessible. At any time, it may be necessary to look back
at the design of a particular part or batch.

Potential Issues with Product Data (17)

ØUsers of product data


ØVersions and variants

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Another potential issue with product data is users of product data. Depending on what
they're doing, and their level of computer literacy, they'll have different product data
usage and product data management needs. Different users may have different
requirements. They may also have common requirements.

Potential Issues with Product Data (18)


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Another potential issue with product data is views of product data. Different users
may want to see different views of the same product data. For example, a manager
may want to see progress on all parts of a product development project. But not see all
the details of the product design. The views of a product change during its lifetime.

Potential Issues with Product Data (19)


1. Conceive, design, develop, discover, ideate, imagine, innovate, invent, research

2. Product definition, description, specification
3. Model, option, release, revision, variant, version
4. Product life, product lifetime, product lifecycle
5. Pilot, product, prototype
6. Dispose, recycle, refurbish, retire, reuse, upgrade
7. Project cost
8. Dates

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Another potential issue with product data is vocabulary. Different vocabularies are
often at the root of difficulties with product data. People in different parts of a
company often use different words to describe the same thing. Although sometimes
they use the same word to describe different things.

B. Product Data Improvement Activities (1)

Projects addressing Improvement of Product Data

Ø Usually, in a PLM Initiative, there are many projects and sub-
projects addressing improvement of product data
Ø The projects may be independent, or linked
Ø The projects may run in series, in parallel, or overlap
Ø Some of these projects may be linked to other Initiative projects related to
business processes and PLM applications

Ø There needs to be a project to plan

and manage these projects

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Having looked at some of the issues that may be encountered with product data in
PLM environments, I'll now give some examples of product data-related projects.
Usually, in a PLM Initiative, there are many projects and sub-projects addressing
improvement of product data. There needs to be a project to plan and manage these

Product Data Improvement Activities (2)

Projects addressing Improvement of Product Data

ØThere could be projects to
Ødevelop a glossary of terms used in the product data area
Øprovide training and coaching
Ødevelop a vision of product data in the future
Ødevelop product data strategy and architecture
Ømap current product data; model future product data
Øcleanse product data
Ørestructure product data
Ømigrate product data

ØAnd …. there should be a project to plan

and manage these projects

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Usually, in a PLM Initiative, there are many projects and sub-projects addressing
improvement of product data. There could be projects to develop a glossary of terms
used in the product data area, provide training and coaching, develop a vision of
product data in the future, and develop product data strategy and architecture.

A Vision for Product Data in PLM (1)

Six Points in the Vision - Example

A Vision for Product

Data in PLM
1. A documented approach
2. A strategic resource
3. Digital
4. Data exchange and legacy data
5. The PDM system
6. Knowledge

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There could be six points in the vision for product data in PLM. The Vision is likely to
address about half a dozen key points.

A Vision for Product Data in PLM (2)

Six Points in the Vision

Ø A documented approach

Ø A strategic resource

Ø Digital

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The first key point could be that, in the future, product data will be managed and
under control. This implies there'll be documents describing the product data strategy,
the product data architecture and the product data model. There'll be a document
describing the documents that are used to develop and support the product across the
product lifecycle. There'll be a document describing the definitions of product data.
There'll be a document describing the performance indicators for product data. The
next key point could be that product data will be seen and valued by the company as a
strategic resource. It needs to be available, whenever it's needed, wherever it's needed,
by whoever needs it, throughout the product lifecycle. The third key point of the
Vision could be that product data will be digital.

A Vision for Product Data in PLM (3)

Six Points in the Vision

Ø Data exchange and legacy data

Ø The PDM system

Ø Knowledge

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There next point in the Vision could address data exchange and legacy data. Any
occurrences of product data exchange will be documented and formally managed. Any
legacy data will be documented and formally managed to avoid errors and waste. The
fifth point of the Vision could address the role of the Product Data Management
system, the PDM system, in the company. The PDM system will manage all product
data, all the data defining and related to the product, across the product lifecycle from
initial idea to retirement. And for a final point, targets could be set for addressing the
company's valuable implicit knowledge and tacit knowledge related to product data.

As-is Product Data Modelling (1)

Potential Project Steps

ØPrepare the product data mapping project
ØClarify if issues will be reviewed in this project
ØSet up a cross-functional team
ØTrain the team
ØIdentify entities
ØList the document types
ØKeep a paper copy of each
ØDocument the potential states
ØDocument applications and databases
ØCreate data flow diagrams
ØCreate a simple data model
ØPresent to lifecycle participants
ØReport to project sponsors
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There's likely to be a project to document the current situation of product data. In

other words, to map the as-is. In other words, as-is product data mapping. This project
should be split up into several steps.
Initially there could be steps to
Prepare the product data mapping project
Clarify if issues will be reviewed in this project
Set up a cross-functional team
Train the team
Identify entities

As-is Product Data Modelling (2)

Potential Project Steps

ØSet up a cross-functional team

ØTrain the team

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The team is likely to be a cross-functional team, including people from across the
product lifecycle. That will make it easier to document the use, flow and structure of
product data.

As-is Product Data Modelling (3)

Potential Project Steps

ØIdentify entities

ØList the document types

ØKeep a paper copy of each

ØDocument the potential states

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The project proceeds step-by-step. The next step could be to identify entities in the
PLM environment that are related to product data. For example, products, parts,
documents, projects, people, machines, and so on. This information may come from
interviewing people who work in the product lifecyle, and create or make use of these
entities. It can also come from reviewing documents such as business process

As-is Product Data Modelling (4)

Potential Project Steps

ØDocument applications and databases

ØCreate data flow diagrams

ØCreate a simple data model

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The team should also document the applications that create, use, or manage the
product data.
By this time, the team should have a good idea of the documents, roles and
applications across the product lifecycle.
It can start to make data flow diagrams to show how product data flows between
people in different roles in activities throughout the product lifecycle.

As-is Product Data Modelling (5)

Potential Project Steps

ØPresent to lifecycle participants

ØReport to project sponsors

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The project team should present their findings to the people working in the product
lifecycle. To make sure they haven't forgotten anything. Or got something wrong.
Then the project team should present its report to the project's sponsors.

As-is Product Data Review (1)

Potential Project Steps

ØPrepare the product data mapping project
ØClarify if issues will be reviewed in this project

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Another potential project related to product data could be a project to review the as-is
product data.

As-is Product Data Review (2)

Examples of Issues

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Among axamples of issues the team may find are, in the overproduction category,
creation of product data and documents that's never used, and recreation of product
data and documents that already exists

As-is Product Data Review (3)

on the
As-is Product Data
January 2020

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The team should report its findings to the project sponsors. It can highlight key
findings such as the current level of defective product data, or the time spent repairing
inaccurate or incomplete data.

As-is Product Data Review (4)

Subject Statement

Accessibility Data can be difficult to access as there isn't a single database for
all information. In extreme cases, data must be accessed in five
applications, as well as on paper.
Accuracy Accuracy of data isn't known. There's no indication as to whether
the information is a rough guess, or 100% accurate.
Creation The Site creates data using the same applications as the
development engineering sites. However, it has its own
Change The Site may receive data, review and redline it, and send it
back. As there isn't a common change system across all sites,
the next version that The Site receives may take no account of
the redline.
Common Across the sites, there are not common definitions of documents
Definition and data elements.
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The results of the review of the as-is product data can be reported in many ways.
Often, the report will include the list of issues. It's an important list because it can
become a basis for understanding where improvements can be made. As an example,
in one company an assessment was made of important characteristics of product data
such as accessibility, accuracy, creation, change, communication, compatibility,
completeness, consistency, cost, definition, security, timing, usability, value, and
version management.

As-is Product Data Review (5)

Category Weight P F G V E

Data across the 9 x

Data archival 3 x
Data cleanliness 8 x
Data costs and value 3 x
Data creation and 7 x

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In another case, towards the end of the review, the team assigned a weight and a
performance rating for subjects such as data use across the lifecycle, data cleanliness,
data creation and change, digital data, data exchange, data feedback, legacy data, data
management, data re-use, and data security.

Towards To-be Product Data (1)

Starting Point
ØThe as-is state is known
ØAny issues in the current environment are known
ØThe Initiative's objectives are known

Two subjects to address

ØDescribe the “to-be” state
ØDefine and execute a project that leads to this “to-be” state

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Another potential project is to define the desired future state of product data, the to-be
state. There are two main subjects here. The first subject is to describe the to-be state.
The second subject is to define and execute a project that leads to this to-be state.

Towards To-be Product Data (2)

Potential Project Steps

Øclarify objectives and deliverables

Øcreate a project team
Ømake a project plan
Øpropose 3 or 4 options for the “to-be” state
Øanalyse the options
Øidentify the preferred “to-be” state
Øpropose 3 or 4 strategy options for achieving the “to-be” state
Øanalyse the options
Øidentify the preferred implementation strategy
Øpresent proposals to the project sponsors
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Potential project steps to define the desired future state of product data, the to-be state,
start with
clarify objectives and deliverables
create a project team
make a project plan
propose 3 or 4 options for the to-be state

Towards To-be Product Data (3)

Describe the “to-be” state:

Ø a simple data model

Ø main entities, attributes, and relationships
Ø a fully-detailed data model can come later
Ø a list of documents
Ø data flow models showing the flow, use and users of
product data

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Usually the description of the to-be state will be similar in form to the description of
the as-is situation.
There will be a data model for product data.
There'll be data flow models showing the flow and use of product data. And the users
of product data.
There will be list of documents, and their attributes. There'll be lists of PLM
applications, showing the data they use.

Towards To-be Product Data (4)

Present proposals for the way forward

Proposals for the Way


Clean the data

Remove redundant data
Correct incorrect data
Restructure data
Add missing metadata
Improve numbering systems
Add lifecycle states
Apply best practices
Introduce a PDM system

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The team can make proposals to the project sponsors concerning the way to the to-be
state. For example, proposals to clean the data, remove redundant data, correct
incorrect data, restructure data, and improve numbering systems.

Towards To-be Product Data (5)

Present expected benefits

Expected Benefits

Improvements in data quality

Reduction in data entry time
Reduction in data management costs
Reductions in data rework
Increase in reuse of product data

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The team can evaluate and document the expected benefits of these changes. So it can
present them to the project sponsors. The improvements could include improvements
in data quality, reduction in data entry time, reduction in data management costs, and
reductions in data rework.

Product Data Cleansing (1)

There are many ways in which product data can be

dirty. For example:
Dirty Data

In conflict with other data

In contradiction with other data
Incorrectly formatted
Of the wrong data type
Out of range
Using the wrong units
With an illegal value

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Another project could look at product data cleansing. There are many ways in which
product data can be dirty. For example, it could be out-of-date, redundant, incomplete,
or incorrectly formatted. It could be incorrect, out of range, of the wrong data type, or
have an illegal value.

Product Data Cleansing (2)

Potential Project Steps (1 of 2) the product data strategy
2.set up the team
3.provide training for project team members
4.clarify the data elements
5.clarify ownership
6.investigate the current state
7.standardise data
8.inspect product data
9.create a list of problems with product data the list of problems
11.make a list of the sources of problems the feedback

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Potential project steps for product data cleansing could start with
review the product data strategy
set up the team
provide training for project team members
clarify the data elements

Product Data Cleansing (3)

Potential Project Steps (2 of 2)

13.update the lists, taking account of feedback
14.identify the impact on the business
15.identify potential solutions
16.identify instances of dirty data for each problem
17.test the proposed solutions the results
19.get agreement from owners and users
20.clean the data and review
21.deploy procedures to ensure data created correctly
22.put in place procedures for regular review
23.document the results of the cleansing project results to the project's sponsors

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Potential project steps for product data cleansing could continue with
update the lists, taking account of feedback
identify the impact on the business
identify potential solutions
identify instances of dirty data for each problem

Product Data Migration (1)

Examples of reasons for the migration project

Ø an old system is to be replaced by a new system
Ø two applications are to be merged into one
Ø importing data from an acquired company

Examples of different approaches to migration

Ø Big Bang, all at once
Ø or the migration can be system by system
Ø or database by database
Ø or phased, with different types of data in each phase

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Another possible project is for product data migration.

Among the reasons for the migration project could be that an old system is to be
replaced by a new system, two applications are to be merged into one, or there's a
need to import data from an acquired company. There are several different approaches
to migration. They include a Big Bang migration, with all data migrated at once, or
the migration can be system by system, or the migration can be database by database,
or the migration can be phased, with different types of data in each phase.

Product Data Migration (2)

Potential Project Steps (1 of 2)

1. define & document the project's objectives & targets
2. set up the project team
3. train the team
4. clarify the post-migration product data environment
5. review the current situation of product data
6. define the targets, strategy and acceptance criteria
7. identify the product data to be migrated
8. define post-migration approach to maintain clean data
9. identify product data owners, users, and migrators
10.define roles and responsibilities
11.train owners, users and migrators
12.identify, define, implement any tools that are needed
13.define rules for data cleansing/conversion/migration
14.detail and document the migration tasks
15.plan the migration
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Potential project steps for product data migration could start with
define & document the project's objectives & targets
set up the project team
train the team
clarify the post-migration product data environment

Product Data Migration (3)
Potential Project Steps (2 of 2) a pilot
14.extract the product data from the source system
15.apply the migration algorithms
16.load the product data to the new system
17.verify the product data in the new system verification results to see if acceptable
19. if the criteria are met, the pilot is successful
20.if the pilot is successful, carry out the full migration
21.extract product data from the source system
22.apply migration algorithms
23.load the data in the new system
24.verify migrated product data verification results
26.if acceptance criteria met, remove data from source system
27.document the results of the migration project the results of the project to the sponsors
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Potential project steps for product data migration could continue with

C. Pitfalls of Product Data Modelling (1)

Five Categories of Pitfalls

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In this lesson, having looked at some of the issues that may be encountered with
product data in PLM environments, and looked at some examples of product data-
related projects, I'll now look at pitfalls of product data modelling. There are five
categories of pitfalls of product data modelling. These are involvement, business,
preparation for data modelling, data modelling and future.

Pitfalls of Product Data Modelling (2)

Involvement Category

not involving all stakeholders in the data modelling project

not communicating models outside the modelling team
not involving SMEs in the data modelling project
not involving people from all functions across the lifecycle

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In the involvement category, there are pitfalls such as not involving all stakeholders in
the data modelling project, and not communicating models outside the modelling

Pitfalls of Product Data Modelling (3)

Business Category
not understanding business rationale for product data
not reviewing data models with business managers
not checking that the models make business sense
not giving ownership of the data models to the business

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In the business category, there are pitfalls such as not understanding business rationale
for product data, and not reviewing data models with business managers.

Pitfalls of Product Data Modelling (4)

Preparation for Data Modelling Category

not defining the objectives of the data modelling project

not defining rules for data modelling, e.g., for symbols and names
not defining clear objectives for the data modelling activities
not developing a clear plan for product data modelling activities
not defining the scope of product data modelling activities

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In the preparation for data modelling category, there are pitfalls such as not defining
the objectives of the data modelling project, and not defining rules for data modelling,
for example, for symbols and names.

Pitfalls of Product Data Modelling (5)

Data Modelling Category

not questioning information given by business participants

not being totally clear when product data modelling
not documenting the model in an easy-to-read format
not involving experienced modellers in the project
not modelling to the same detail level in all model parts

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In the data modelling category, there are pitfalls such as not questioning information
given by business participants, and not being totally clear when product data

Pitfalls of Product Data Modelling (6)

Future Category
not seeing models as living descriptions, likely to evolve
not applying change management to product data

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In the future category, there are pitfalls such as not seeing models as living
descriptions, likely to evolve, and not applying change management to product data

Success Factors for Product Data
Improvement (1)
Three Categories of Success Factors

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In this lesson today, I've looked at some of the issues that may be encountered with
product data in PLM environments, and I've looked at some examples of product data-
related projects. I've looked at pitfalls of product data modelling. Now I'll now look at
success factors for product data improvement. There are three categories of success
factors, project preparation, project execution and project follow-up.
Slide 123

Success Factors for Product Data
Improvement (2)

Project Preparation Category

make sure you have management support and commitment

create and document the strategy for product data improvement
plan for data improvement before starting the improvement activity
define ownership, roles and responsibilities for product improvement
take a cross-functional approach to product data improvement
set improvement targets for the product data improvement project
implement performance indicators for product data

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In the project preparation category, there are success factors such as making sure you
have top management support and commitment, and creating and documenting the
strategy for product data improvement.

Success Factors for Product Data
Improvement (3)

Project Execution Category

involve SMEs from functions across the product lifecycle
define performance level of product data at the project start
map existing product data with experienced modellers
develop product data models for the future

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In the project execution category, there are success factors such as involving SMEs
from functions across the product lifecycle, and defining performance level of product
data at the project start.

Success Factors for
Product Data
Improvement (4)

Project Follow-up Category

make sure data models are under change management

keep the models up-to-date
regularly measure the product data performance level
aim to continuously improve product data

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In the project follow-up category, there are success factors such as making sure that
data models are under change management, and keeping the models up-to-date.

End of Lesson 3

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That's the end of Lesson 3 of Week 5 of the course.

End of Week 5

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And it's also the end of Week 5 of the Business Value of PLM Course.


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