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To prove that the Hamiltonian cycle problem is To prove that the Vertex Cover problem is The N-Queens problem

he N-Queens problem is a classic In an inorder threaded binary tree, each node has The Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm is a
NP-Complete, we need to show two things: NP-Complete, we need to demonstrate two combinatorial problem that involves placing N pointers to its inorder predecessor and inorder linear time string-matching algorithm used to find
The Hamiltonian cycle problem is in NP things: queens on an N x N chessboard in such a way successor. These threads can be used to traverse occurrences of a pattern within a text. It
(Non-deterministic Polynomial time). Vertex Cover is in NP (Non-deterministic that no two queens threaten each other. The the tree efficiently without using recursion. To efficiently avoids unnecessary character
The Hamiltonian cycle problem is NP-Hard by Polynomial time). queens must be placed in a manner that no two insert a node as a right child of its parent in an comparisons by utilising information from
reducing a known NP-Complete problem to it. Vertex Cover is NP-Hard by reducing a known queens share the same row, column, or inorder threaded binary tree, we need to follow previous matches.
Hamiltonian Cycle Problem (HC) is in NP: NP-Complete problem to it. diagonal. A backtracking algorithm is commonly a series of steps:
Given a solution (a Hamiltonian cycle), we can Vertex Cover Problem (VC) is in NP: used to solve this problem. Here is a Python KMP Algorithm:
easily verify whether it is correct in polynomial Given a set of vertices, we can easily verify in implementation of a backtracking algorithm for Algorithm:
time. We can check if the cycle visits each polynomial time whether it is a vertex cover for a the N-Queens problem: 1. Preprocessing (Building the Prefix Function):
—------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Create a new node to be inserted. - Construct an auxiliary array called the "prefix
vertex exactly once and if there is an edge given graph. We can check if every edge in the
def is_safe(board, row, col, n): 2. Find the parent node of the node to be function" or "failure function."
between consecutive vertices in the cycle. This graph is incident to at least one vertex in the
# Check if there is a queen in the same row inserted. This involves traversing the tree using - For each position \(i\) in the pattern, calculate
verification can be done in polynomial time, proposed cover. This verification can be done in
for i in range(col): the inorder threads. the length of the longest proper prefix which is
making the Hamiltonian cycle problem in NP. polynomial time, making the Vertex Cover if board[row][i] == 1: 3. Set the right child of the parent node to the new also a suffix for the substring pattern[0:i]. This
Hamiltonian Cycle Problem (HC) is NP-Hard problem in NP. return False node. information is stored in the prefix function array.
To show that HC is NP-Hard, we can perform a Vertex Cover Problem (VC) is NP-Hard: 4. Set the inorder successor of the new node to —--------------------------------------------------------------
polynomial-time reduction from a known To show that VC is NP-Hard, we can perform a # Check if there is a queen in the upper the inorder successor of the parent node. def compute_prefix_function(pattern):
NP-Complete problem to HC. One common polynomial-time reduction from a known diagonal 5. Set the inorder predecessor of the inorder m = len(pattern)
NP-Complete problem that can be used for this NP-Complete problem to VC. One common for i, j in zip(range(row, -1, -1), range(col, -1, successor of the parent node to the new node. prefix_function = [0] * m
purpose is the Boolean Satisfiability Problem NP-Complete problem that can be used for this -1)): 6. Set the inorder predecessor of the new node to k=0
(SAT). purpose is the Boolean Satisfiability Problem if board[i][j] == 1: the parent node.
Reduction from SAT to HC: (SAT). return False —--------------------------------------------------------------- for i in range(1, m):
Given a Boolean formula F with variables Reduction from SAT to VC: Here is a simple Python implementation of the while k > 0 and pattern[k] != pattern[i]:
x1,x2,…,xn and clauses C1,C2,…,Cm , we Given a Boolean formula F with variables # Check if there is a queen in the lower algorithm: k = prefix_function[k - 1]
construct a graph G as follows: x1,x2,…,xn and clauses C1,C2,…,Cm, we diagonal
~ Create a vertex for each variable xi and its construct a graph G as follows: for i, j in zip(range(row, n, 1), range(col, -1, class ThreadedBinaryTreeNode: if pattern[k] == pattern[i]:
negation ¬xi. ~ Create two vertices for each variable xi in F: xi -1)): def __init__(self, key): k += 1
~ Create a vertex for each clause Cj. and ¬xi. if board[i][j] == 1: self.key = key
~ For each clause Cj=(l1∨l2∨…∨lk), add ~ For each clause Cj=(l1∨l2∨…∨lk), create a return False self.left = None prefix_function[i] = k
edges between the corresponding vertices of "gadget" in the form of a path with k new self.right = None
literals l1,l2,…,lk and the vertex representing vertices, where each vertex represents a literal li return True self.inorder_predecessor = None # Thread return prefix_function
clause Cj. ~ Add edges between in the clause. Connect these vertices to the to the inorder predecessor —--------------------------------------------------------------
complementary literals (e.g., xi and ¬xi). corresponding variable vertices. def solve_n_queens_util(board, col, n, self.inorder_successor = None # Thread to 2. Searching:
solutions): the inorder successor - Iterate through the text and pattern
The construction of G can be done in ~ Add edges between complementary literals
if col == n: simultaneously.
polynomial time. (e.g., xi and ¬xi).
# All queens are placed, add the solution def insert_right_child(parent, new_key): - If a mismatch occurs at position \(i\) of the
Now, we claim that F is satisfiable if and only if The construction of G can be done in polynomial
to the list new_node = pattern, use the prefix function to determine the
G has a Hamiltonian cycle. time. solutions.append(["".join(["Q" if cell == 1 ThreadedBinaryTreeNode(new_key) next position to compare.
If F is satisfiable: Now, we claim that F is satisfiable if and only if else "." for cell in row]) for row in board]) —--------------------------------------------------------------
If F is satisfiable, there exists an assignment of G has a vertex cover of size at most k+n, where k return if parent is None: def kmp_search(text, pattern):
truth values to variables such that each clause is the number of clauses and n is the number of # If the parent is None, the tree is empty, and n = len(text)
has at least one true literal. In the corresponding variables. for i in range(n): new node becomes the root m = len(pattern)
graph G, we can construct a Hamiltonian cycle If F is satisfiable: if is_safe(board, i, col, n): return new_node prefix_function =
by selecting the vertices representing the true If F is satisfiable, there exists an assignment of board[i][col] = 1 compute_prefix_function(pattern)
literals in each clause. truth values to variables such that each clause solve_n_queens_util(board, col + 1, n, # Find the parent node's inorder successor j=0
If G has a Hamiltonian cycle: has at least one true literal. In G, the solutions) successor = parent.inorder_successor
If G has a Hamiltonian cycle, we can use it to corresponding vertex cover can be constructed board[i][col] = 0 for i in range(n):
construct a satisfying assignment for F. For by including the vertices representing the true # Update the pointers to insert the new node as while j > 0 and text[i] != pattern[j]:
each clause vertex, select one of the incident literals for each clause and the vertices def solve_n_queens(n): a right child j = prefix_function[j - 1]
literal vertices that are part of the Hamiltonian representing the assigned truth values for the board = [[0] * n for _ in range(n)] parent.right = new_node
cycle. The selected literals correspond to a variables. solutions = [] new_node.inorder_successor = successor if text[i] == pattern[j]:
satisfying assignment for F. If G has a vertex cover of size at most k+n: new_node.inorder_predecessor = parent j += 1
This reduction is polynomial time, and the If G has a vertex cover of size at most k+n, each solve_n_queens_util(board, 0, n, solutions)
Hamiltonian cycle problem is NP-Hard. Since it edge in G must be covered by at least one if successor: if j == m:
is also in NP, the Hamiltonian cycle problem is vertex. This means that for each clause gadget, return solutions successor.inorder_predecessor = new_node # Match found at position i - m + 1
NP-Complete. at least one vertex representing a true literal print("Pattern found at index:", i - m + 1)
must be included in the cover. Therefore, there # Example usage: return new_node j = prefix_function[j - 1]
n=8 —--------------------------------------------------------------
exists a satisfying assignment for F.
solutions = solve_n_queens(n) # Example usage: Analysis:
This reduction is polynomial time, and the Vertex
# Construct a threaded binary tree: 1 - 2 - 3
Cover problem is NP-Hard. Since it is also in NP,
print(f"Number of solutions for {n}-queens: root = ThreadedBinaryTreeNode(2) Time Complexity:
the Vertex Cover problem is NP-Complete. {len(solutions)}") root.left = ThreadedBinaryTreeNode(1) - The preprocessing step (building the prefix
for i, solution in enumerate(solutions): root.right = ThreadedBinaryTreeNode(3) function) takes \(O(m)\) time, where \(m\) is the
print(f"Solution {i + 1}:") length of the pattern.
for row in solution: # Insert a node with key 4 as a right child of the - The searching step iterates through the text
print(row) root once, making at most \(O(n)\) character
print("\n") insert_right_child(root, 4) comparisons.
In this code, `solve_n_queens` is the main # The updated tree: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 Therefore, the overall time complexity of the
function that initialises the chessboard and calls —--------------------------------------------------------------- KMP algorithm is \(O(n + m)\), making it linear in
the utility function `solve_n_queens_util` to find In this example, the `insert_right_child` function the size of the text and pattern.
all solutions recursively. The `is_safe` function inserts a new node as a right child of its parent in
checks whether it's safe to place a queen in a an inorder threaded binary tree. The Space Complexity:
particular cell. The solutions are stored in a list `ThreadedBinaryTreeNode` class represents a - The space complexity is \(O(m)\) due to the
of lists, where each solution is represented as a node with pointers to its left child, right child, prefix function array.
list of strings, with "Q" indicating the queen's inorder predecessor, and inorder successor. The
position and "." indicating an empty cell. The function finds the parent's inorder successor and Example:
example usage demonstrates solving the updates the pointers accordingly.
8-queens problem and printing the solutions. Let's find the pattern "ababcab" in the text

1. Compute the prefix function for the pattern: [0,

0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2].
2. Use the KMP algorithm to search for the
pattern in the text.

text = "ababcabababcababcabababc"
pattern = "ababcab"

kmp_search(text, pattern)

The output will be:

Pattern found at index: 0
Pattern found at index: 6
Pattern found at index: 12

These indices indicate the starting positions of

occurrences of the pattern in the text.

The flaw in the provided proof lies in the step potentially time-consuming. Therefore, the proof
where it concludes that 3-SAT is in P and, doesn't provide a valid polynomial-time algorithm
consequently, P = NP. The error is in assuming for solving 3-SAT.
that transforming a 3-SAT instance into an
equivalent formula in disjunctive normal form The fact that DNF-SAT is in P does not imply
(DNF) using the distributive law necessarily that the transformation of any formula into DNF
results in a polynomial-time algorithm for solving can be done efficiently, especially for a specific
3-SAT. This assumption is incorrect. class of problems like 3-SAT.

While it's true that DNF-SAT (satisfiability of As of my last knowledge update in January
formulas in disjunctive normal form) is in P, the 2022, the question of whether P equals NP
transformation from 3-SAT to DNF does not remains an open problem, and no
necessarily preserve polynomial-time solvability. polynomial-time algorithm is known for solving
The size of the resulting DNF formula can be 3-SAT in the general case.
exponential in the size of the original 3-SAT
instance, making the transformation itself
To find the ith smallest item from a set of n The algorithm to find the kth smallest
values in linear time, you can use the element from a list of n elements is
QuickSelect algorithm. QuickSelect is a essentially a modification of the QuickSelect
randomized algorithm based on the partitioning algorithm. QuickSelect allows us to find the kth
technique used in the QuickSort algorithm. It smallest element in linear average time
has an average-case time complexity of O(n), complexity. Here's a simple Python-like
making it a linear-time algorithm. pseudocode for the algorithm:
Here is a high-level description of the import random
QuickSelect algorithm:
def partition(arr, low, high):
1. Select a pivot element: Choose a pivot pivot_index = random.randint(low, high)
element from the set of n values randomly. pivot = arr[pivot_index]

2. Partition the set: Partition the set into two # Move pivot to the end
groups – elements smaller than the pivot and arr[pivot_index], arr[high] = arr[high],
elements greater than the pivot. arr[pivot_index]

3. Recurrence: Determine the position of the i = low - 1

pivot in the sorted order. If the pivot is at the ith for j in range(low, high):
position, you're done. If the pivot is at a position if arr[j] <= pivot:
greater than i, then recurse on the left subarray. i += 1
If the pivot is at a position less than i, then arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i]
recurse on the right subarray.
# Move pivot to its final place
4. Repeat: Repeat the process until the pivot is arr[i + 1], arr[high] = arr[high], arr[i + 1]
at the ith position.
return i + 1
The proof of linear time complexity for
QuickSelect involves analyzing the expected def quick_select(arr, low, high, k):
time complexity. On average, the algorithm if low <= high:
performs well because the random choice of pivot_index = partition(arr, low, high)
pivots helps balance the partitioning, making it
similar to an average-case QuickSort. if pivot_index == k:
# Found the kth smallest element
To prove the linear time complexity: return arr[pivot_index]
elif pivot_index < k:
1. Base Case: If the size of the array is 1, the # Recur on the right subarray
algorithm is trivially linear. return quick_select(arr, pivot_index + 1,
high, k)
2. Recursive Case Analysis: In each step, the else:
algorithm reduces the problem size by at least a # Recur on the left subarray
constant factor (1/4 on average, assuming a return quick_select(arr, low, pivot_index -
good random pivot selection). This leads to a 1, k)
recurrence relation T(n) = T(n/4) + O(n), where
O(n) represents the partitioning time. # Function to find the kth smallest element
def find_kth_smallest(arr, k):
3. Solution to the Recurrence: Solving this if 0 < k <= len(arr):
recurrence shows that the average time return quick_select(arr, 0, len(arr) - 1, k - 1)
complexity is O(n). It's important to note that the else:
constant factors involved in the O(n) term are return None
hidden in the big-O notation. —-------------------------------------------------------------
Time Complexity Analysis:
The average-case time complexity analysis
assumes that the pivot is chosen randomly and The time complexity of the average case for
independently at each step. This randomness QuickSelect is O(n), where n is the number of
ensures that the algorithm has a good average elements in the input list. This average-case
performance, making QuickSelect an efficient time complexity holds when the pivot is
linear-time algorithm for finding the ith smallest randomly chosen, and the partitioning is
item in a set of n values. balanced. The worst-case time complexity,
however, is O(n^2), but the worst case is highly
unlikely due to the random pivot selection.

In practice, QuickSelect is a very efficient

algorithm for finding the kth smallest element,
and it often outperforms other algorithms like
sorting the entire list. The efficiency of the
algorithm is due to its ability to eliminate a large
portion of the elements in each step, leading to a
fast convergence towards the kth smallest

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