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Embrace the Future: Unfolding a New Chapter with a Fresh Vision

Vol. XI, No. 1, 9 th Waxing of Tagu 1386 ME Wednesday, 17 April 2024

We all have to show off our solidarity by responding to

instigation wedged into national brethren by external elements
THE following are the full-text of My- Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma all national people of Myanmar, to be Myanmar people to wash bad deeds,
anmar New Year greetings extended by Min Aung Hlaing on the occasion of New free from varieties of dangers and to be behaviours and thoughts with the water
Chairman of the State Administration Year in 1386 ME, today. physical and mental well-being on the in the Thingyan festival done in the old
Council Prime Minister of the Republic I extend my heartfelt greetings to occasion of Myanmar New Year’s Day year for the resumption of performing
of the Union of Myanmar Thadoe Maha all people residing worldwide, including when it falls today. Now is the time for SEE PAGE-3

Nay Pyi Taw Walking Thingyan draws happy festival-goers on Myanmar’s Traditional Maha Thingyan Finale yesterday. PHOTO: KO KYAW GYI AND TEAM

AY Pyi Taw has been bustling
with enthusiastic revellers as the
annual Thingyan Water Festival
Nay Pyi Taw abuzz with revellers
comes to a close, sources say.
The Mayor’s Pavilion featured enter-
tainment programmes with local artistes
and Myanmar traditional dances, as well
as Thingyan festivities conclude
as K-poppers and Russian artistes. The second Nay Pyi Taw Walking Festival-goers also visited famous The Mayor’s Pavilion, Command-
Revellers toured round the city by Thingyan witnessed more visitors on the landmarks such as the Nay Pyi Taw Water er-in-Chief ’s (Army) Office’s Pavilion,
car, and pedestrians enjoyed various last day than on previous days. Fountain Park, Zoological Gardens, and and Transport and Communications Min-
Thingyan snacks at donation spots across Likewise, religious centres, includ- Safari Park. istry’s Pavilion, as well as smaller town-
Tatkon, Lewe, Zabuthiri, Ottarathiri, ing the Maravijaya Buddha Image and All these festivities were possible ship-level pavilions, closed down at the
Dekkhinathiri, Zeyathiri, and Pobbathiri Uppatasanti Pagoda, were crowded with thanks to security provided by the police designated time in the evening. — Than
townships. merit-makers. and traffic police. Min Aung, Hein Min Soe/NT


Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, Union Pilgrimage crowds

wife of Senior General Information flock to Mann
Min Aung Haing, Minister joins Shwesettaw
enjoys water-throwing Myanmar Pagoda for
activities at pavilions Thingyan Thingyan
in PyinOoLwin Station Water Festival holidays
17 APRIL 2024

Diplomats celebrate final day of Maha Thingyan Festival
at Yangon City Central Pavilion, People’s Square
international level, and cane-
ball dance performed by Ma
Myint Sandar, the coach at the
Myanmar Chinlone Federation.
The Thai ambassador to
Myanmar sang the song ‘Thing-
yan Moe’ and joined in dancing
with the choral dance troupe.
All guests then celebrated to-
gether by singing and dancing
to the song ‘Man Taung Yeik
Kho’. Following this, they visit-
ed the Walking Thingyan Lane
located beside Maha Bandoola
Park together with locals.
Finally, Yangon Region
DIPLOMATS and their fami- The diplomats and guests, bolizing victory, success, and Following this, the diplo- Chief Minister U Soe Thein
lies, along with personnel from led by Deputy Minister for For- auspiciousness. mats and guests enthusiasti- hosted lunch to the diplomats
the United Nations agencies in eign Affairs U Lwin Oo and his The guests then observed cally participated in the Walk- and guests at Yangon City Hall,
Yangon and its affiliated organ- wife, arrived at the People’s and enjoyed performances by ing Thingyan at the People’s with presentation of entertain-
izations, as well as representa- Square Walking Thingyan. They the choral dance troupe, eth- Square alongside other Thing- ment.
tives from consulates-general, were welcomed by Yangon Re- nic traditional dance troupes, yan participants. The final day of the Thing-
celebrated the final day of the gion Chief Minister U Soe Thein and special guests from Nay Later, they visited the Yan- yan Festival (Atet Nay) was
Maha Thingyan Festival at the and his wife, Yangon Mayor U Pyi Taw’s Ministry of Foreign gon City Central Pavilion, where lively and had enthusiastic
People’s Square Walking Thing- Bo Htay and his wife, and the Affairs. They also enjoyed the they enjoyed performances of participants, particularly at the
yan and Yangon City Central Pa- female members of the choral singing of vocalist Soe Nyi Nyi, Zawgyi dance by professional People’s Square and the Yangon
vilion (Yangon Mayor Pavilion) dance troupe, who presented performing the song ‘Mya Nan- dancer U Sein Myint Aye, who City Central Pavilion. — MNA/
at 9:30 am yesterday. them with Eugenia sprigs, sym- dar’. has won 15 gold medals at the TMT

Diplomats and their families take part in the final day of the Maha Thingyan Festival at the People’s Square Walking Thingyan and Yangon City Central Pavilion (Yangon Mayor Pavilion)
yesterday (Top and above photos). PHOTOS: ZAW MIN LATT/ YE HTUT

Diplomatic Thingyan Festival 2024

held in Yangon
THE Ministry of Foreign Af- a welcome remark. It was from the Ministry of Foreign
fairs hosted a Diplomatic attended by the diplomatic Affairs, their family members
Thingyan Festival on 16 April corps in Yangon and their fam- and other guests.
2024 on the lawn of the Myan- ily members, representatives The guests were served
mar Institute for Strategic and from the United Nations and with Myanmar traditional del-
International Studies (MISIS), its agencies, representatives icacies, and damsels from the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in from Honorary Consulates- Ministry of Foreign Affairs per-
Yangon, to welcome the Myan- General, Chairman and mem- formed Thingyan traditional
mar Lunar New Year. bers of the Myanmar Institute dances while getting soaked Diplomats and their families enjoy the Diplomatic Thingyan Water
Deputy Minister for For- for Strategic and International from sprinkling water. — MNA Festival celebrated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 16 April 2024
eign Affairs U Lwin Oo gave Studies, officials and personnel Yangon.
17 APRIL 2024

We all have to show off our solidarity by responding to instigation
wedged into national brethren by external elements
FROM PAGE-1 Likewise, as peace and stability can
good deeds in the New Year in line with contribute to development undertakings,
the perception of Myanmar people. our government is making utmost efforts
Myanmar, our country, has over- to forge durable peace in the nation, not
come the difficulties and challenges we only for the short-term period but for
faced in the old year period. Likewise, the terms of future generations. In the
our government has adopted a pledge old year period, some persons with ex-
to continue to overcome any challenges treme selfishness committed instability
successfully through diligence, courage, of the region due to eagerness without
and firm belief in the people in the New farsightedness and external instigations.
Year. Our State Administration Council As Myanmar people have experienced
sustains the implementation of the mul- pushing national races of the Union into
tiparty democratic system in accordance the miseries of one another, they all have
with the law as the entire people aspire to consider doing all things based on
to while striving to build a Union based long-term interests. We all have to show
on democracy and federalism. off our solidarity by responding to insti-
Our government will emphasize the gation wedged into national brethren by
improvement of the socioeconomic life of external elements.
all citizens by utilizing resources, proper In accord with the Myanmar prov-
management and ways and means in erbs which go: “Unity is strength” and
addition to focusing on the development “Hardworking to achieve good result”, I
of the education and health sectors of the would like to extend my New Year greet-
State. Mainly, I would like to request all ings to all that all national races have
citizens to cooperate with the govern- to make collaborative efforts to ensure
ment in the learning for all school-age nas to strive to boost the State economy. I believe that if Myanmar had not faced peace and stability of the nation to walk
children in the coming academic year. Myanmar could achieve development these difficulties, including sanctions, along the multiparty democratic system
Furthermore, I would like to urge all of the State economy to some extent the State economy would have achieved in coming New Year by reviewing all
people from various manufacturing are- amid a variety of difficulties and crises. more remarkable progress. events in the old year.

Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of Senior General Min Aung Haing, enjoys
water-throwing activities at pavilions in PyinOoLwin Station
DAW Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of Chair- awards to them. troupes, Tatmadaw members and Academy. The wife of the Senior ter-throwing pavilions in Py-
man of the State Administration On arrival at the Khatawmi families. The wife of the Senior General and party doused cadets, inOoLwin Station, sprayed Tat-
Council Commander-in-Chief of family water-throwing pavilion, General and party also enjoyed Tatmadaw members, families madaw members and families
Defence Services Senior General the wife of the Senior General and the water-throwing activities at and choral dance troupes and and presented cash awards to
Min Aung Hlaing, together with the party enjoyed the happy par- Cherry Arman Hnit Oo Thingyan presented cash awards. dance troupes and families of Tat-
senior military officers from the ticipation of Tatmadaw members pavilion of the Defence Services They also toured wa- madaw members. — MNA/TTA
Office of the Commander-in-Chief and families in the festival with
(Army) and their wives, viewed dancing and singing performanc-
round water-throwing festivals es of choral dance troupes and
participated by Tatmadaw mem- vocalists. The wife of the Senior
bers, families and cadets at family General and party doused sen-
pavilions in PyinOoLwin Station ior military officers who enjoyed
in the 1385 ME Myanmar tradi- the festival and presented cash
tional Maha Thingyan festival awards to choral dance troupes,
on the morning of Atet Day yes- Tatmadaw members and fam-
terday. ilies who performed songs and
At the Hnit Oo Tihtwin pavil- dances.
ion of the Defence Services Tech- At the Yaynan Cherry pavil-
nological Academy, they watched ion in PyinOoLwin Station, the
dances of family choral dance wife of the Senior General and
troupes and song presentations the party watched songs and
of cadets and vocalists with the dances of choral dance troupes
happy participation of Tatmadaw and participation of Tatmadaw
members and families. members and families at the
The wife of the Senior Gen- water-throwing festivities. The
eral and party sprayed cadets, wife of the Senior General and
Tatmadaw members, families party sprinkled water on Tatmad-
and choral dance troupes from aw members and families and
Senior General’s wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla celebrates Myanmar’s Traditional Maha Thingyan Festival in
the festivities and presented cash presented cash awards to dance
PyinOoLwin Station yesterday.
17 APRIL 2024

Saraniya Ovada Katha on New Year occasion of Agga Maha
Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta
Candima Bhivamsa, Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka
Committee Presiding Patron of Minkyaung Pahtamapyan
Buddhism Learning Centre in Thanlyin of Yangon Region
Do Meritorious Deeds Daily

TODAY is a great auspicious well-being of all Myanmar ganization, as well as every

day welcoming the New Year citizens and people around country, needs to uphold tol-
1386 ME while bidding farewell the globe to be free from all erance over each other, dis-
to the old year 1385 ME. dangers and bad things and carding grudges so that they
Starting from the aus- to enjoy all good things as they can enjoy all varieties of peace
picious occasion, I extend aspire to. and prosperity by doing meri-
my heartfelt wishes for the Everybody and every or- torious deeds.

Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Candima Bhivamsa. Chairman of the
State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee.

New Year Ovada Katha for 1386 ME

I extend my greetings to all with a special Dhamma Katha
on the occasion of the upcoming New Year after ending the
outgoing Old Year.

ALL distinguished vicious per- eldest son in handing over his which means lying, emerged at
sons, royal inheritance in the dying that time. The witnessed per-
Old Year 1385 ME has al- period. Such an instruction was sons expressed actual events
ready gone out, and New Year mentioned in the treatise, say- called "Pisunavaca".
1386 ME has already come in. ing that it shall take security Gradually, at a time when
Last year, the old year 1385 measures over all the people the lifespan of humans reached
ME was a new year but it has in accord with the Dhamma. the term of 1,000 years, the
gone out. Likewise, the present Moreover, it shall provide aid to "Micchaditthi" doctrine came
New Year 1386 ME will grad- poor people. However, as suc- out. In terms of 100 years for
ually be old and then will be cessors of King Cakkavatti did the lifespan of humans, let's
run out. Naturally, every new not make contributions to the note down the emergence of
one, including living beings, will poor people, the entire people Adhamma Raga, Visamalobha Sitagu Sayadaw.
be old and then disappear. All fell into misery. Consequent and Miccha Dhamma". So, I
new ones will be old and then events brought robberies and mean all 18 varieties of untruths in the Cakkavatti Sutta treatise. On the month of Tagu, I
disappear. Such an event is in thefts. Some persons who did which were based on greed, an- Everybody knows and sees to- wish the whole country to be
line with the impermanence not have mental qualifications ger and ignorance. If so, the day's variety of bad things that peaceful and prosperous, sim-
preached by the Lord Buddha. committed robberies and thefts. world had faced consequences are destroying the world. Only ilar to a thriving forest with a
The person who can watch the It means attacks, robbery and such as: when these bad things can be variety of fragrances.
consequence of impermanence theft called "Adinnadana" were 1. The time when greed- controlled will poor people be May all be pleasant and
called "Vayadhamma Sankhara" triggered by idlers in the early iness influences may provided food, clothing, and peaceful like the Sitagu moon.
will be a great hero. The Lord stages of the world. As such, cause starvation ca- shelter, and society will be Sitagu Sayadaw
Buddha preached "Vayadham- kings arrested them and killed tastrophe. peaceful and stable to some State Ovadacariya, Shwe-
ma Sankhara Appamadena those who committed crimes. 2. The time when anger extent. gyin Nikaya Sangharaja
Sammapadetha" to monitor the The emergence of the second dominates may happen In conclusion, I extended Abhidhaja Maha Rattha
impacts of changing the new one was based on "Panati Pata". to be the murder of ca- my heartfelt wish on the New Guru, Abhidhaja Agga Maha
ones to the old ones. As such, those who committed tastrophe. Year's occasion for all to control Saddhamma Jotika, Agga
Mentioned in the Cak- "Panati Pata" moves did not 3. The time when igno- greed, anger, and ignorance, Maha Pandita, Chancellor of
kavatti Sutta, which may be dare to accept penalties and rance overwhelms may break which trigger 108 varieties of Sitagu Hospitals and Sitagu
dubbed as an ancient treatise, confessed lies at the court. out disasters of catastrophe. bad things and three catastro- International Buddhist Acad-
King Cakkavatti instructed his Hence, the move of "Musavada", It is a summary mentioned phes. emies.
17 APRIL 2024

1386 ME New Year message New Year wishes from Dr
from Presiding Patron of Nanda Bhaddanta Saddhamma
Aungmyay Monastery Agga Maha Kittisara (Aung San
Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Agga Maha Sayadaw)
Kammathanacariya Dr Bhaddanta I extend my heartfelt wishes and cepts to appreciate good deeds.

Nimala (PhD, Buddhism) compassion to all global citizens

and Myanmar people so they
Individuals need to be
ashamed of committing ac-
can enjoy physical and mental tivities that lead to the nether
and be wealthy at all times. well-being. worlds. As such, they all have to
May they all have devel- May all living beings have taste good deeds by discarding
opment and prosperity at all sound sleep and auspiciously malpractices on the New Year
times. wake up in the morning. occasion of 1386 ME changed
May all celestial beings May they all be capable of from the old Year 1385 ME.
continuously safeguard Bud- eliminating all devils. I disperse my best wishes
dhism and look after all living May they all exercise thirty to all living beings in Myanmar
beings day and night. varieties of acquired virtues. to forge compassion among all
May all Myanmar people On the occasion of changing national brethren, contribute
and global inhabitants have New Year 1386 ME from the old to the interests of all, and pro-
physical and mental well-be- year 1385 ME, I wish all Myan- tect each other’s good activi-
ing together with their fol- mar citizens and global inhab- ties. I express heartfelt wishes
lowers. itants enjoy sound sleep and for ensuring the solidarity of
May all people in Myan- awaken to auspiciousness each Myanmar with peace and pros-
mar and across the world be morning, having good dreams. perity, flourishing Theravada
free from plights and suffer- The mind of individuals nat- Buddhism and enabling all My-
I disperse my best wishes May Buddhism, Myan- ings but be enjoying happi- urally leads to good deeds as anmar people and global inhab-
for all on the occasion of the mar, and all global living be- ness and pleasure. well as malpractices. So, they itants to savour the sweetness
New Year. ings flourish, be prosperous, have a chance to enjoy good of Enlightenment.
and bad opportunities. I wish
for all to find the strength to
combat all malevolent activities.
New Year message from Rector of If they commit malpractices on
the wrong mental, physical and
International Theravada Buddhist oral basis, they will face plights
and frats. The Lord Buddha
Missionary University Agga Maha Pandita preached seven varieties of
virtuous persons.
Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja I would like to urge all to
do good deeds and meritorious
Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Maha deeds to enjoy good reflections.

Dhammakathika Bahujana Hitadhara Dr They all have to avoid ten varie-

ties of evil moves but emphasize
Bhaddanta Hsekinda seven varieties of virtuous per-
sons. They all have to take pre-

NOW is an excellent occasion As such, individuals need

for Myanmar New Year 1386 to consider both good and bad
ME, leaving the old year 1385 moves of past events to possess
ME. a promising future. FOR those who would like to read the Myanma Alinn, the Kyemon
Meritorious deeds are free Individuals need to fos- and the Global New Light of Myanmar, published daily by the Ministry
from misdeeds and bring good ter the willingness to benefit of Information, please visit www.
deeds. Merit itself is free from from everything as much as,
km, and www.
sins, helps all living beings be they can.
free from sins and brings vari- Individuals have to sow
eties of good deeds to all. seeds of maritorious deeds in News and Periodicals
Nature of merits brings all issues, including economic, Enterprise
good things and deeds to all social and educational issues,
individuals whenever they do with a noble spirit in order to
everything. As such, those enjoy the reflection of good
wishing to enjoy good things things.
and good deeds are keen to per- If so, they can surely enjoy The people are urged to receive vaccination of Covid-19
form meritorious deeds. with rationality to benefit all. a variety of good things. without fail as full-time vaccination of Covid-19 and
I extend my heartfelt Meritorious performances As such, everybody needs
receiving booster shots can effectively mitigate infection
wishes for all to perform good based on knowledge and ra- to try hard to be vicious to serve
things by learning techniques tionality are more potent than the interests of the State and
of the virus, severe suffering from the disease and
and accumulating knowledge ordinary meritorious deeds. themselves. increase of death rate due to the disease.
17 APRIL 2024

Myanmar New Year Dhamma Thabin
ceremony to air live on MRTV
THE three-day Myanmar New sermon on 17 April (Wednes- The Myanmar New Year
Year Special Dhamma Thabin day), which is Myanmar New Special Dhamma Thabin will
ceremony will be held at the Year’s Day. On 18 April (Thurs- be broadcast live on MRTV
People’s Square in Yangon, day), Mizzima Gonyi Sayad- Parliament Channel, MRTV
starting at 7 pm from 17 to 19 aw Dr Bhaddanta Kovida will NRC Channel, Myanmar Ra-
April. The ceremony will be deliver a sermon, followed by dio, Padamyar FM, Shwe FM,
broadcast live on MRTV. Aung San Sayadaw Dr Bhadd- Pyinsawady FM, Cherry FM,
Sitagu Sayadaw Dr Bhadd- anta Saddhamma Kittisara on Mandalay FM, FM Bagan, and
The handout of three-day Myanmar New Year Special Dhamma Thabin
anta Nyanissara will deliver a 19 April (Friday). Star FM. — TWA/MKKS
ceremony’s programme.

New Year greetings extended by State Administration Council

Member U Wunna Maung Lwin
I would like to express my icant occasion for all humans and organizations, in order to tation of national objectives,
gratitude to all national peo- to pay respect to each other achieve more significant pro- political aims, the five-point
ple, including members of the for forgetting wrongdoings and gress in the coming year. Now roadmap and nine objectives
Sangha, for grasping a great misdeeds. is the time for them to analyze adopted by the State Admin-
chance to extend my greetings On occasion, with fine tra- and adapt their work processes istration Council in full swing.
on the occasion of transition ditions to welcome the New and pour out greater efforts to Everybody needs to revi-
from the 1385 Myanmar Era Year, the Thingyan festival meet the goals of their coun- talize collaborative efforts on
to 1386 ME. aims to forge optimistic mo- try as well as their goals. It is the occasion of the New Year
The New Year is an excel- rality and behaviours with essential that they carry out celebration in order to con-
lent occasion for Buddhist My- goodwill and attitudes in the all their undertakings with the scientiously serve their duties,
anmar people in accordance New Year. utmost capabilities to meet as Myanmar has firmly adopt-
with Myanmar’s history and As such, all national races, the goal in the coming year, ed necessary work procedures
traditions. members of the Sangha and starting with the Myanmar and visions for building a mod-
New Year’s Thingyan fes- people residing in the Republic New Year Day. They have to ern and developed nation. So,
tival is a tradition of Myanmar of the Union of Myanmar usher points, requirements, and mis- pledge that the endeavours of May all have to adopt assess-
to cleanse misdeeds and mal- in the New Year following the takes from the previous year all citizens must be purposed ments, reviews, and visions for
practices committed in the old traditions described above. and how they meet the goals not only for their individuals the development of the nation,
year with clean water to usher Thus, individuals of Myan- of repairing these necessities. and their families but for the serve the interests of the reli-
in the New Year. They all wash mar need to take lessons from Otherwise, they have to adopt whole country to have devel- gions at full capacity, and build
their souls for wrongly doing past behaviours and thoughts pledges to meet the objectives opment through successful the nation to become a prestig-
misdeeds over parents and in the old year, review them, in the upcoming New Year. implementation of the adopted ious country that stands tall in
teachers involved in the Five and strive to do better things in All Myanmar people have objectives. the international community
Great Benefactors in the Uni- the coming year. They all have to review themselves individ- All citizens and individuals as expected.
verse. Moreover, it is a signif- to review how to repair weak ually, as well as their families must strive for the implemen- Thank you.

Daw Dwe Bu (State U Ye Tun, Chairman of Young Men’s

Administration Council Member) Buddhist Association (YMBA)
I extend my greetings as
an auspicious New Year to MAY all Myanmar people and all politics. ment of religious affairs. Cur-
all Myanmar people as well global inhabitants be free from The national cause empha- rently, the association is striving
as all global inhabitants. I various dangers on the occasion sizes aid for the people residing to do so. Only when a country is
heartily welcome the auspi- of New Year 1386 ME, in tran- across the nation suffering loss peaceful and prosperous will it
cious New Year in transition siton from Old Year 1385 ME, and damage in natural disasters be developed. As such, we assist
from 1385 ME to 1386 ME. and enjoy physical and mental and assistance for the develop- in realizing the peace and pros-
May all national breth- well-being. perity of the country.
ren who have been amica- Our YMBA has been stead- On the occasion of New Year,
bly residing in the Union of fastly focusing on nationality, lan- I, on behalf of YMBA, would like
Myanmar together for many guage, religion, and education as to urge all the people to be united
years flourish in compassion our main visions. Likewise, the and not believe in talks of insti-
starting this New Year. May they all together forge security of Chairman of the State Adminis- gation and misinformation in
the nation, peace and stability, and the rule of law through unity tration Council, the patron of our the air. I would especially like to
and build a peaceful, tranquil and developed Union. association, has given guidance encourage peace and prosperity
I disperse Metta (compassion) to all so that the entire national that as a national association, to be of great importance to the
people of the Union may enjoy physical and mental well-being the association has to perform nation. Let’s shape the whole
with peace and happiness starting from the auspicious New Year. the national cause but not the nation peacefully and prosperly.
17 APRIL 2024

New Year Wishes from Myanmar Interfaith Dialogue Group (Central)
U Wunna (Buddhism) U Zaw Zaw Naing (Hindu)
Chairman Myanmar Interfaith Dialogue Group Vice-Chairman, Myanmar Interfaith Dialogue
(Central) Organization (Central)
MINGALABA, I extend a greeting speech to all Myanmar citizens
It is the end of 1385ME and the beginning of 1386ME. and people worldwide, saying Minbalaba during this
May all Myanmar citizens, the esteemed ethnic and Myanmar New Year.
national brethren, and all the people on earth have peace May the country be peaceful and prosperous
of mind, health, and a peaceful community. with the Metta of Gotama Buddha, and may it be a
The Myanmar Interfaith Dialogue Group is working developed country without any internal and external
hard by drafting a three-point roadmap. destructive elements due to Ganesha.
They are: - To have mutual respect for beliefs and stances of religions and During the transition from 1385 ME to 1386 ME, I wish all the national breth-
strengthen the unity by avoiding misunderstanding among those with different reli- ren to join hands with the government with new ideas, opinions, and minds for
gious faiths; To make an effort to ensure the unity among the young generations with development and work hard to disperse Metta starting from Myanmar New Year.
the teachings of respective religions; To work together in harmony in carrying out the May all get new minds, ideas, opinions and businesses in the new year, leav-
public services through the collective strength of the four major religions. ing behind all the difficulties and anxiety of the previous year. All should cooper-
Currently, we offer public services such as healthcare services, such as free eye ate for the development of the country.
treatment and free vocational training as a charity of education. I wish everyone success in every matter because of my loving kindness.
All the citizens, including me, grew up in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
and had different religions and races. Therefore, I would like to urge you to make ef-
U Thomas (Christianity)
forts for the sake of the country in a friendly manner based on the Union spirit. May the
country be filled with peace and prosperity. Vice-Chairman, Myanmar Interfaith Dialogue
Group (Central)
FIRST, I want to express gratitude to our Lord Jesus
U Aung Zaw Win (Islam) Christ for an opportunity to deliver a New Year
Vice-Chairman, Myanmar Interfaith Dialogue speech as Christian Vice-Chairman of the Myanmar
Group (Central) Interfaith Dialogue Group (Central). I am so proud of
We, Islamists, extend our wishes that all Myanmar People from different religions, such as Bud-
citizens and people around the world be peaceful during dhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam, have been
the transition from 1385 ME to 1386 ME. living together peacefully by respecting the traditional and religious festivals to
Myanmar is a country with enormous ethnic diversi- date.
ty and religions. I wish people to live together with loving The Myanmar Interfaith Dialogue Group is also exerting concerted efforts to
kindness among each other, showing loyalty. maintain the unique culture and heritage of Myanmar by joining hands with all
We, Islamists, believe that one respects other religions in carrying out the meas- ethnic people.
ures for the peace and stability of the country, and the strength of a nation lies within. May all keep unity, harmonium, compassion and loving-kindness among
During the New Year period, all citizens and people around the world should be each other while heading to 1386 ME and leaving behind all the negative impacts
peaceful and participate in the State peace and stability measures. May all your wishes of 1385 ME in a promising new year.
be fulfilled in the new year. May god bless you all.

Tekkatho Myat Thu was aired on TV recently, so it brought back all the memo-
ANCIENT literary geniuses
composed poems about
New Year Wishes from ries. I wish Myanmar to be as serene and prosperous as the
Thingyan water.
Myanmar’s New Year at the
end of the Thingyan Festival. artists and artistes Academy Yan Aung
Our country, rich in natural AS we leave behind the Myanmar Year 1385 and have
resources, will emerge as a transited to 1386, may the Myanmar people and the world
prosperous nation in Asia Filmmaker Pachi Soe be safe from calamities and be healthy and prosperous.
if it is united and peaceful. Moe
People call Myanmar an MAY everyone have a bless- Actor Moe Yan Zun
“Asian tiger”. We are not just an ordinary tiger but a mighty ed New Year. May people MINGALABA. We have left behind the Myanmar Year 1385
one. We need a united mindset and to value our country if work towards the nation, and have transited 1386. I wish everyone, regardless of race
we want to develop. Since 40 million years ago, humanoid religion, and common good. and religion, to be healthy and prosperous. May our fans
living beings have been roaming what is now the Pontaung May Union-born ethnic enjoy a pleasant New Year.
Ponnya region. So, it can be said that the human race began nationalities be united like
in Myanmar. There are also Padalin Caves in Ywangan brothers. May Myanmar
Actress Hsu Pan Htwa
Township, which hosts evidence of Stone Age culture. This stand tall. May both Myanmar and the world be peaceful
MAY everyone be healthy and prosperous in the pleasant
is historical evidence. Our country has a prestigious history. and prosperous.
New Year. May fortune be ever in your favour. I wish every-
We need a united effort to develop our nation. I would one a prosperous, and, more importantly, enjoyable time.
like to request Union-born ethnic nationalities to usher in Actress Daw Nwe Nwe San
the New Year with a wish for unity, peace, prosperity, and I wish Myanmar people a
U Lwin Myint (Chairperson, Myanmar Music As-
the perpetuity of our religion for Myanmar. safe and happy life. May
your businesses thrive and
May the people of Myanmar be safe, happy, and
THIS is an auspicious time for Union-born ethnic nationali-
peaceful! overcome obstacles. May
ties. I wish everyone a peaceful and pleasant moment. May
people from the entertain-
the love between our people bloom like yellow blossoms.
Filmmaker Kyi Soe Tun ment industry get more
May we hear the songs of peace as well as the songs of
(Chairperson, Myanmar jobs. I believe art is for the
Thingyan. May our country stand firm until the end of the
country. I have been working
Motion Pictures Organ- world.
for the country for 85 years.
May all the citizens overcome the three catastrophes.
I wish Myanmar citizens and U Aung Tin Win (Patron, Myanmar Theatrical As-
Union-born ethnic nation- sociation-Central)
alities a pleasant New Year.
Actress Daw Pale
MAY all the citizens enjoy a pleasant time. May all the MAY everyone be happy and healthy. Happiness leads to
The film industry relies on a happy country. I always wish for our people and Thabin
people in the film industry be happy. I starred in seven
people. So, it is my heartfelt (Myanmar traditional theatre arts) professionals to be
films with U Win Oo. I began my film career in 1975 with a
wish for our citizens to have a serene New Year and for our peaceful and prosperous. — Nyein Thu (MNA)/NT
Thingyan-themed film, “ Chitthu Kyinthu Myatnoethu”. It
country to be peaceful and prosperous. PHOTOS: KANU
17 APRIL 2024


May all be happy 1. Grandson : Oh, Grandpa, what are you doing? It means, I think, you now know how to learn.

To stay brainy,
Grandpa : My dear, I’m reading a book. I’m just sharing my knowledge and experience
Grandson : Really? Grandpa, you’re too old to learn. I with you, if I may say. You can’t be “taught” how

and pleasant on think, in fact, you’re in your twilight years.

Why and what are you learning for? Please
don’t bother yourself, that much. Grandson :
to speak and write better English, or your own
mother tongue better. You have to learn it.
Thanks a lot, Grandpa.

New Year’s Day Grandpa : Well, my kid, I believe, learning is a never-end- Grandpa : Now, you are a university graduate, an edu-

go brain-jogging
ing process. It is a life-long process. We live to cated gentleman and an officer. Well, Sonny,
learn and learn to live, so said, the scholars. your parents have made the best, cost-effec-
U K hin M a ung
ON NEW Year’s Day, esteemed figures, revered members
of the Sangha, and notable personalities extend their
heartfelt wishes to all beings, encompassing humans residing
Grandson : Interesting. Please explain what you mean,
(A re t ire d diplom at ) tive, mutually beneficial investment in you.
And mutually beneficial, I mean, to your own
parents, and to the society you belong, simply
throughout Myanmar and across the world, for the assurance 2. Grandpa : Thanks for your interest, Sonny. Through their “an investment in knowledge pays the best
of physical and mental well-being and the presence of auspi- research, great scientists now claim that the interest”. After all, education aims to make a
ciousness. “brain is just like a muscle; you use it or you man more useful, more useful to himself, and
As Myanmar collectively transitions into the New Year 1386
Myanmar Era while bidding farewell to the outgoing Old Year
lose it; if you wish to keep your brain sharp,
active and alert, go brain-jogging”. Further-
(A dialogue between a grandson and a grandpa) more useful to others. Therefore, my dear,
let’s learn and grow as the days go by. Herein,
1385 ME, it’s a moment for all to nurture their souls, free from more, those scientists also, claim that if you grow, I mean, intellectually, last, but not least, I
greed, anger, and ignorance, dedicating themselves to the culti- don’t want to suffer from dementia senility, would like to advise you, simply, sincerely and
vation of a peaceful and prosperous society, breaking free from or Perkinsosis disease, when getting old, you yet strongly to upgrade and update yourself
the cycle of negativity. must go brain-jogging, is a must. to constant learning. Your life, live it well, my
At this significant juncture, individuals are called upon to Grandson : Wonderful. Tell me please, Grandpa, what do maturity. The adults who lose this urge, who dear Sonny.
uphold and spread compassion to every corner of the universe. you mean by brain-jogging? no longer feel that “lack of learning becomes Grandson : Oh, Grandpa, do you mean to say “to stay brainy,
May the entire world be im- Grandpa : Brain-jogging means you read, read and read, a nuisance, stop learning, and once they stop 3. Grandson : Oh, amazing, Grandpa. Please go on. go brain-jogging?
bued with the seven virtues Sonny. To explain it to you furthermore, I think, learning, they stop growing intellectually and Grandpa : Sonny, after all, “no educative process is ever Grandpa : Of course, yes.
such as generosity, adherence I can’t do any better than to brief you on what I they stop changing. But, when and if such a the end, it is always the beginning of more
From then onward, to precepts, knowledge, vir- have learnt from the famous scholars’ writings time comes, the author said, “This is perhaps education, more learning, more living. “So, in References:
everybody needs tuous practices, wisdom, a and great scientists’ research. An American the most insidious of human tragedies”. But, this “knowledge age”, we must be happy and (1) Word Power Made Easy – Norman Lewis
to adopt a pledge to sense of shame, and fear of writer, Mr. Norman Lewis explained in his book he added that “fortunately the process is far feel honoured to belong to a constantly learning (2) A book of essential quotations – edited by Eric Partridge.
wrongdoing, essential for the entitled “Word Power Made Easy” as follows: from irreversible. If you have lost the powerful society. (3) Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
lend a helping hand sustenance of the universe. “All normal human beings are born with a urge to learn, “you can regain it. And it can re- Grandson : How can I thank you enough, my dear grandpa? (4) Reader’s Digest – October 2015.
to each other to be Without these virtues, the uni- powerful urge to learn. But, almost all of them capture the powerful urge to learn with which Please teach me more.
able to overcome verse faces decay and even- lose this urge, even before they have reached you were born. Grandpa : My pleasure? You are a university graduate.
daily challenges and tual disappearance.
Therefore, individuals
bitter sufferings. must pledge to engage in acts
They all have to of kindness and meritorious
consider that only deeds while abstaining from
when all persons
and organizations
misconduct and evil actions.
They must cultivate tolerance
towards one another, letting
Exploring value of data to boost sustainable development New Year Wish
can cease their go of grudges, thus enabling
greediness, anger the enjoyment of various
By Chit Ko Pe
The country’s digital economy exhibits five distinct
and ignorance will forms of peace and prosperi- HINA is exploring the val- Digital and intelligent applications, Industrial equipment up-
ty through virtuous conduct. ue of data as a factor of pro- involving smart cities and industri- grades
all citizens people characteristics as it strives to accelerate the development of a
Let animosity, hatred, duction to boost sustaina- al internet, have been empowered The government, in the lat- A new year is cordially ushered
have a chance to
enjoy the fruits of
and hostility towards oth-
ers be discarded in favour
digital economy centred around data. ble development, at a time when
the emerging digital economy is
by improving data production,
storage and development capac-
est move, unveiled an action plan
to promote industrial equipment
replacing the old year.

peace and stability of fostering enduring peace. creating new growth momentum ity. Taking artificial intelligence upgrades to boost industrial equip-
A wish is made for the wellbeing
through forging new production as an example, China has devel- ment investment by more than 25
and have guarantees Each individual holds the re- to be contented in full swing.
sponsibility to extinguish the supply and consumer demand. oped more than 100 large-scale per cent for the period 2023-2027.
for their lives and sparks of hatred and conflict. China’s digital economy has AI models with over one billion By 2027, the penetration rate of
property. May all be All clashes must cease, and shown five characteristics as the parameters each. digital R&D and design tools in The beloved one pops up in a memory log,
happy and pleasant. all animosity should be erad- country works to accelerate the Third, integrating the tradi- major enterprises will exceed 90 making last year’s wish in the phone talk.
icated. It is incumbent upon construction of a digital economy tional economic system with infor- per cent, and over 75 per cent of
all Myanmar citizens to foster with data as the key element. mation and communications tech- their key production processes will
genuine peace and stability across the nation, considering the First, digital infrastructure nology is instrumental in boosting be numerically controlled.
plight of those enduring physical and mental suffering, displaced
by conflicts, disasters, and pandemics.
has improved. China had built 3.38
million 5G base stations by the end
productivity and competitiveness.
Along with the growth of intelligent
Fourth, new forms of business
in the service sector have grown
် စ်ဆမ
ု န
ွ ်
Henceforth, all must pledge to extend a helping hand to one of 2023, up 46.1 per cent year on manufacturing and industrial in- more active. In 2023, China’s on-
another, collectively overcoming daily challenges and profound year. Its scale of computing power ternet, China had more than 340 line retail sales hit 15.42 trillion နှစဟ
် ောင်းဟြွေ နှစသ
် စ်ဆန်းဟော့
tribulations. It’s crucial not to turn a blind eye to the hardships had exceeded 230 EFLOPS, while leading industrial internet plat- yuan (2.17 trillion US dollars), up 11 လွေ်ွေမ်းကွေိုပျူငှာ
faced by internally displaced persons and citizens residing in all the country reported 1.09 billion forms connecting 96 million items per cent year on year. The mobile မင်္ဂလာပါ ။
parts of the nation. netizens at the end of 2023, elevat- of industrial equipment at the end payment penetration rate stood ွေိယ
ု စ
် ေ
ိ ခ
် ျမ်းဟြမ့သာ
From then onward, everybody needs to adopt a pledge to ing the internet penetration rate of 2023. at 86 per cent — ranking first in ြပည့ပ
် ါဟစ ဆန္ဒ ။
lend a helping hand to each other to be able to overcome daily to 77.5 per cent. Regarding intelligent man- the world. Fifth, public service
် န်းချ ိန် မနှစေ
် န
ု း် ွေ
challenges and bitter sufferings. They all have to consider that ufacturing, China had incubated applications are more inclusive.
ဖုနး် ထဲမာှ ဆုမန
ွ ပ
် သ
့ုိ ူ
only when all persons and organizations can cease their greedi- Digital and intelligent appli- 421 national-level demonstration The rural internet penetration rate
ness, anger and ignorance will all citizens people have a chance cations factories and over 10,000 provin- had climbed to 66.5 per cent by the ေိ့ု သေိရ ။ ။
to enjoy the fruits of peace and stability and have guarantees for A staff member checks equipment at a high performance computing company in Horinger, Hohhot City, north Second, data as a factor of cial-level digital workshops and end of 2023. ချစ်ွေဟ
ုိ ဖ
their lives and property. May all be happy and pleasant. China’s Inner Mongolia, 28 November 2023. PHOTO: LI ZHIPENG/XINHUA production is becoming robust. smart factories. SOURCE: Xinhua
17 APRIL 2024

Union Information
Minister joins Myanmar
Thingyan Water Festival
UNION Minister for Information ter festival pavilions. They also
U Maung Maung Ohn, who is viewed round food donations
also Chairman of the Nay Pyi during the festival.
Taw Walking Thingyan, partic- The Union minister present-
ipated in the Thingyan Festival ed gifts to the K-pop stars and
together with deputy ministers, officials from Bomstar Company,
officials and people along the who programmed entertainment
Nay Pyi Taw City Mayor Pavilion at the central pavilion of Nay Pyi
and Sipin Guesthouse Street in Taw Walking Thingyan activity.
Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. The Union minister also
The Union minister and par- hosted an honorary dinner to
ty first enjoyed entertainment Korean artistes and K-pop stars
programmes of famous Myan- at Nay Pyi Taw Myat Tawwun
mar artistes and singers and Hotel. The Union minister, his
Korean actors, actresses, K-pop wife, Korean artistes, and K-pop
Union Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn hosts an honorary dinner for Korean artistes and K-pop singers to the accompaniment stars exchanged gifts after the
stars at Nay Pyi Taw Myat Tawwun Hotel yesterday. of DJ, and bands at various wa- dinner. — MNA/KZL

Kachin State chief minister Closing ceremony held for Yangon Maha
participates in Thingyan Thingyan, People’s Park Walking Thingyan
festival in Myitkyina THE 1385 ME Myanmar Maha Association. Following this, the Chief
Thingyan Festival was cele- The closing ceremony of Minister delivered the New
brated in Yangon from 13 to the Yangon Maha Thingyan Year message of greetings
16 April with Thingyan enthu- Pavilion, the People Park’s and announced the closing of
siasts. Walking Thingyan Festival, the Yangon Maha Thingyan
The final day of the Maha and the Royal Apex Pavilion Pavilion. Singer Ye Htike per-
Thingyan festival was bustling took place at 5 pm. formed the song “Man Taung
with celebrations as Thing- Yangon Chief Minister U Yeik Kho”.
yan lovers gathered. Cultural Soe Thein and his wife, Yan- Later, the attendees, in-
dances and melodious mu- gon Region Command Com- cluding the Yangon Region
sic were performed by vari- mander Maj-Gen Zaw Hein chief minister, presented the
ous groups, including dance and his wife, Yangon Region first, second, and third prizes
groups, ethnic cultural dance cabinet ministers and their to the ethnic dance troupes
troupes, the Myanmar Motion wives, Yangon Mayor U Bo and choral dance troupes Nay
Pictures Organization, the Htay and officials, as well as Pyi Taw Thinhyan activities
Myanmar Music Association, artistes, and invitees attended also concluded in the evening.
and the Myanmar Theatrical the ceremony. — Ko Ko Zaw/MKKS
People celebrate the Thingyan festival at the central pavilion in
Myitkyina, Kachin State, yesterday. PHOTO: STATE IPRD

THE Kachin State government Samar Road, together with the

celebrated the Thingyan festi- visitors.
val, welcoming the new year of Similarly, they watched the
1386 ME, and the central pavil- dance performance at Maha
ion and pandals in Myitkyina Thingyan central pavilion and
were crowded with Thingyan awarded the dancers.
lovers yesterday. Moreover, the departments
Kachin State Chief Min- concerned gave away charity
ister U Khet Htein Nan, his foods twice a day daily along the
wife, relevant officials and their walking Thingyan areas, and
wives inspected the walking the roads were crowded with
Thingyan at the central pavilion visitors, vehicles and tricycles.
and watched the lively dance The chief minister and par-
and singing performances. ty also watched the competi-
The chief minister and tions of dance groups of minis-
party then enjoyed the perfor- tries concerned at the central
mance at five pandals of de- pavilion on 16 April evening and
partments concerned, along gave cash prizes to the dance The closing ceremony of the Yangon Maha Thingyan Festival in progress at the Yangon Maha Thingyan
with local business people on troupes. — IPRD/KTZH Pavilion in Yangon yesterday. PHOTO- ZAW MIN LATT/YE HTUT
17 APRIL 2024

Mandalay Thingyan
Festival attracts massive
crowds on closing day
THE Thingyan pavilions and pan- from four different eras, featur-
dals, walking Thingyan sites and ing entertainment zones, perfor-
famous recreational sites near mances, dances, a DJ section,
Mandalay moat were packed free food donations and pandals.
with visitors on the last day of The northern and western
the Thingyan festival, Atet Day. parts of the moat were also
The people who played thronged by Thingyan vehicles,
water at Mandalay City Maha motorcycles, and visitors.
Thingyan pavilion and pandals Mandalay Myoma Band and
around the moat watched the Zaygyothu water pandal near
entertainment of artistes and Mandalay Zaygyo Clock Tow-
singers and the dance perfor- er entertained the people with
mance of the dance troupes from classical and modern Thingyan
the ministries. songs.
Visitors seen recreating at the Mann Creek near Mann Shwesettaw Pagoda during Thingyan The Mingala Mandalay Similarly, townships, wards
holidays. PHOTO: MAUNG MAUNG (MINBU) Walking Thingyan and anoth- and areas along Strand Road
er walking Thingyan site in the were filled with locals who played
Pilgrimage crowds flock to southern part of the moat show-
cased traditional dressing styles
water and enjoyed free food. —
Maung Aye Chan/KTZH

Mann Shwesettaw Pagoda for

Thingyan holidays
THE board of trustees of the Mann Shwesettaw Pagoda As usual, the closing cer-
Mann Shwesettaw Pagoda is one of the most renowned emony of the Mann Shweset-
reported that there was an pagodas in the country. The taw Pagoda festival will be
overcrowding of pilgrims at Mann Shwesettaw festival, held on the first day of the
the pagoda, situated in Min- spanning 64 days, attract- Myanmar New Year. Accord-
bu (Sagu) Township, Magway ed numerous pilgrims from ing to the travel records of
Region, during the Thingyan across the country. Visitors Mann Shwesettaw Pagoda,
holidays, and all the guest- offered golden foils and alms, there were a total of 398,689
houses were fully occupied. and they relaxed at Mann visitors and 77,430 overnight
U Win Htay, the chair of creek. All the monasteries guests from the first day of the
the pagoda’s board of trus- and guesthouses were filled festival to 15 April. — Maung Revellers of Mandalay participate in the Mingala Mandalay Walking
tees, highlighted that the with visitors. Maung (Minbu)/TRKM Thingyan on the last day of Thingyan Festival yesterday.

Minbu holds Maha Thingyan Festival

PEOPLE in Minbu, Magway Region, People also joined the Minbu
held the Maha Thingyan (Myanmar Thingyan festival. The closing cere-
New Year and Water Festival 1385 ME), mony and awarding ceremony for the
and they participated in the water par- Thingyan dance troupes were held in
ty held at the central pavilion on the the evening. — Maung Maung (Min-
final day of the festival yesterday. bu)/KZL
Seven troupes performed dances,
and five troupes took part in the dance People in Minbu, Magway Region,
contest, plus bands which entertained enjoy with the entertainment of local
artistes during the Thingyan Festival in
Thingyan songs and dances in front of
Minbu Township.
the U Awbasa Hall.


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12 WORLD/ AD 17 APRIL 2024

Japan prepared to take necessary steps on forex

moves: finance chief
JAPAN is prepared to yen-buying, dollar-selling and we are prepared to
take all necessary steps intervention. take all necessary steps
to counter excessive vol- The yen has already if needed," Suzuki said at
atility in the currency weakened past the level a press conference.
market, Finance Minis- at which Japan previous- "With respect to
ter Shunichi Suzuki said ly intervened in October whether the recent moves
Tuesday, the latest in a 2022, when it inched near are excessive or rapid, I
series of verbal warnings the 152 level. don't think it's appropriate
as the yen continued to Still, Suzuki did not to state our view because
tumble, dropping past 154 ratchet up his warnings this is linked to our posi-
against the US dollar to a on Tuesday and stuck to tion to take all necessary
34-year low. the same language in de- steps."
Suzuki said the gov- scribing Japanese author- The dollar has
ernment is keeping close ities' concern. He did not strengthened as the US
Financial monitors at a currency trading company in Tokyo show the dollar rising to a new
tabs on developments in use expressions like "de- Federal Reserve is no
34-year high above 154 yen. PHOTO: KYODO
the currency market but cisive" action that would longer expected to start
declined to say whether signal that a market in- cutting interest rates as
the yen's recent fall was trigger another market Japanese authorities needed, keeping finan- tervention is imminent. soon as June, following
rapid and volatile, an intervention to slow its have repeatedly warned cial markets on edge over "We are closely watch- stronger-than-expected
assessment that could decline. that they would act if the possibility of another ing market developments economic data. — Kyodo

Milan design fair opens with sustainability

Microsoft to invest
and David Lynch $1.5 bln in AI firm in
ONE of the world's lead-
ing design events, the Sa-
by the organic world",
colours are dominated
UAE, take board seat
lone del Mobile, opened by natural shades from
in Milan on Tuesday, dark brown to sage green MICROSOFT is to after the US giant
marked by sustainability, and cobalt blue, she said. invest $1.5 billion in said it would plough
craftsmanship and two Leading materials United Arab Emir- $2.9 billion into Jap-
"thinking rooms" from include "natural fibres ates artificial intel- anese AI.
David Lynch. and recycled ones, ma- ligence firm G42, Microsoft has
Immersive experi- terials that meet high taking a minority become a major play-
ences, new editions of standards of sustaina- stake and a seat er in the advance-
iconic furniture and pop bility as well as design on the board, the ment of AI through
colours from the 1970s and functionality". companies said on its partnership with
are also set to define But Porro said the Tuesday. C h a t G P T- m a k e r
this year's fair, featuring People stand next to a sign promoting the Salone del bright colours of the The deal, in OpenAI — propel-
around 1,950 exhibitors Mobile (furniture fair) on the eve of the Milan Design 1970s would also return, which G42 will run ling it past Apple as
— including a third from Week, on 15 April 2024 in Milan. PHOTO: Gabriel Bouys as part of a wider retro its applications and the world's biggest
outside Italy. spirit as Italian brands services on Micro- company by market
Sustainability, the bring furniture from soft's Azure plat- capitalization. —
environment and social big theme, Maria Porro, AFP. that period up to date. form, comes days AFP
responsibility are again a head of the Salone, told Shapes are "inspired — AFP



Consignees of cargo carried on M.V S.T MARY Consignees of cargo carried on M.V ISEACO Consignees of cargo carried on M.V SINAR
VOY.NO. (0UVUDE1NC) are hereby notified that the GENESIS VOY.NO. (222N) are hereby notified that the BANDUNG VOY.NO. (815N/S) are hereby notified that
vessel will be arriving on 14-4-2024 and cargo will be vessel will be arriving on 15-4-2024 and cargo will be the vessel will be arriving on 17-4-2024 and cargo will
discharged into the premises of MITT/AWPT where it discharged into the premises of AWPT where it will lie be discharged into the premises of MIP where it will lie
will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the
to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel. from the Vessel. from the Vessel.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
the Claims Day. the Claims Day. the Claims Day.
Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185
Shipping Agency Department Shipping Agency Department Shipping Agency Department
Myanma Port Authority Myanma Port Authority Myanma Port Authority
Agent For: Agent For: Agent For:

17 APRIL 2024

China, Germany aim for steady MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY

Open Tender Invitation for FV.BEST HARVEST-11

progress in economic cooperation (EX: FV.CHOTPATTHANA-51)/ FV.BEST
In January, German com-
pany Beumer Group set- 1. FV.BEST HARVEST-11 (EX: FV.CHOTPATTHANA-51)
tled in Taicang, Jiangsu Registered in Cameroon, FV.BEST HARVEST-22
(EX:FV.CHOTPATTHANA-55) Registered in Cameroon
Province, marking the ar-
and FV.HAO HAI (EX: FV.MAR DORA DO-8) Registered
rival of the 500th German
in Mongolia and at the present controlled by the
enterprise in this eastern
Myanma Port Authority due to the Port Act 1908, will
Chinese city. be auctioned through and open tender system.
At the inauguration
ceremony held in the 2. FV.BEST HARVEST-11 (EX: FV.CHOTPATTHANA-51)
German state of North are as follows
Rhine-Westphalia, Beum- (a) IMO NO. - 8609746
er CEO Rudolf Hauslad- (b) LOA - 42 M
en said the company has (c) BREADTH - 8.5 M
conducted very positive (d) Max Draft - 2.1 M
dialogues with Taicang (e) Type of Vessel - Iron
and the local govern- (f) Gross Tonnage - 378 GT
ment is always respon- (g) Net Tonnage - 257 GT
sive to their needs and
supportive. "We are full A China-Europe freight train which departed from Duisburg of Germany arrives at Xi'an are as follows:
of expectations for our de- International Port in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province, 10 July 2023. PHOTO: (a) IMO NO. - 8690980
velopment in the Chinese XINHUA
(b) LOA - 40 M
market, which possesses (c) BREADTH - 8.0 M
many growth opportuni- businesses settled in Ta- 400-square-metre factory yuan (about 207.3 million (d) Max Draft - 2.0 M
ties," said Hausladen. icang, recalled its entry in house. Now it possesses US dollars), accounting (e) Type of Vessel - Iron
The strip and wire 1993 with an investment 70,000 square metres of for the largest proportion (f) Gross Tonnage - 302 GT
provider Kern-Liebers, of 500,000 German marks, factories with an annual of its global footprint. — (g) Net Tonnage - 205 GT
one of the first German only six employees, and a output value of 1.5 billion Xinhua
4. FV.HAO HAI (EX: FV.MAR DORA DO-8) are as
(a) IMO NO. - Nil
(b) LOA - 40 M
(d) Max Draft
- 10.0 M
- 2.0 M
(e) Type of Vessel - Wood
Consignees of cargo carried on M.V TI2 APPLE Consignees of cargo carried on M.V SEOUL (f) Gross Tonnage - 384 GT
VOY.NO. (2414E) are hereby notified that the vessel GLOW VOY.NO. (413W) are hereby notified that the (g) Net Tonnage - 261.16 GT
will be arriving on 16-4-2024 and cargo will be vessel will be arriving on 16-4-2024 and cargo will be
discharged into the premises of MIP where it will lie at discharged into the premises of MITT/MIP where it will 5. The tender process will be taken place in accord
the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to with 23/24 of Directive No. (1/2017)/(1/2022).
byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am 6. The companies (both local and international) those
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
are interested in are invited to inter this tender. The
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel. from the Vessel. vessel can be checked at Myeik Port.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
the Claims Day. the Claims Day. 7. The tender application forms can be purchased
Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 and submitted in accordance with the following date,
Shipping Agency Department Shipping Agency Department time, place; (Remark: International companies need
Myanma Port Authority Myanma Port Authority to summit an endorsement by the Myanmar embassy
Agent For: Agent For: in the respective country.)
a) Address (to purchase): Store Department,
Botataung Township
b) Date & Time (to purchase): 22-4-2024 to 14-5-
2024 (formal day & time)
CLAIMS DAY NOTICE CLAIMS DAY NOTICE c) Address (to submit): Myanmar Port Authority
(Tender Room)
d) Date & Time (to submit): 16-5-2024 (13:00) Hrs
Consignees of cargo carried on M.V ISEACO Consignees of cargo carried on M.V UNI-ACTIVE e) Date & Time (Tender opening): 16-5-2024 (13:00)
FORTUNE VOY.NO. (0UV72E1NC) are hereby notified VOY.NO. (0319-768N) are hereby notified that the Hrs
that the vessel will be arriving on 17-4-2024 and cargo vessel will be arriving on 17-4-2024 and cargo will be
will be discharged into the premises of MITT/AWPT discharged into the premises of AWPT where it will lie 8. Since the vessel will be auctioned in account with
where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the the Port Act 1908, the Myanma Port Authority has right
and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. to cancel either partially or as a whole of this tender at
of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am any time, if it is needed to do so for some applicable
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel.
from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after 9. For detailed information, please contact the following
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. contact points:
the Claims Day. Phone No: 2301185 a) Marine Department - 01 2301918 / 01 2301929
Phone No: 2301185 Shipping Agency Department b) Store Department - 01 8610230
Shipping Agency Department Myanma Port Authority
Myanma Port Authority Agent For: Myanma Port Authority
Agent For: Tender Acceptance and Evaluation Committee
17 APRIL 2024

TEPCO begins loading nuclear fuel into idle Japan reactor
TOKYO Electric Power Compa- zumi has yet to announce wheth-
ny Holdings Inc started loading er he will agree to restart the re-
nuclear fuel into a reactor on actor, and it is rare for a nuclear
Monday at an idle plant north- plant operator to start refuelling
west of Tokyo as part of prepa- one without local consent. The
rations to potentially restart the governor has been calling for
facility. extensive discussions on meas-
The Nuclear Regulation Au- ures to ensure people’s safety in
thority granted approval earlier the event of a nuclear accident.
in the day for the loading of the Around 60 people gathered
No 7 reactor at the Kashiwaza- to hand a letter of protest to a
ki-Kariwa plant in Niigata Pre- TEPCO official and staged a
fecture. However, the timing of demonstration in front of JR
the restart remains uncertain. Niigata Station against loading
TEPCO has yet to restart nuclear fuel.
any of its nuclear reactors that “I am not convinced at all
were halted after a massive because there are people who
earthquake and tsunami in are still suffering from (the con-
March 2011 triggered the Fuk- sequences of) the Fukushima
ushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Daiichi nuclear accident,” said
It is expected to take about Ayako Oga, a 51-year-old farmer
two weeks of round-the-clock from Agano, Niigata Prefecture.
work to complete the loading File photo taken from a Kyodo News airplane in April 2021 shows the Unit 6 (R) and 7 reactors at the She had to evacuate from the
of 872 fuel assemblies into the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station in Niigata Prefecture. PHOTO: KYODO town of Okuma in Fukushima
reactor pressure vessel. Prefecture after the 2011 dis-
TEPCO will confirm the cooling systems, among other It will increase the number tion monitoring posts in addition aster. Okuma is one of the two
safety by testing the function of things, for about a month after of night shift workers from eight to fixed ones. municipalities hosting the Fuk-
control rods and emergency core the loading. to 51 and prepare portable radia- Niigata Gov Hideyo Hana- ushima Daiichi plant. — Kyodo

‘Scranton Joe’ visits hometown as Lightning, downpours kill 41

Trump languishes in court people across Pakistan
US President Joe Biden will his Republican real estate ty- folksy stories about his family AT least 41 people have died in day. “I have asked the NDMA to
draw a stark contrast with Don- coon rival is kept off the cam- designed to appeal to voters storm-related incidents across coordinate with the provinces...
ald Trump on Tuesday when he paign trail, making unwanted struggling with the cost of living. Pakistan since Friday, including and for the NDMA to provide re-
visits his birthplace in Scranton, history as the first ex-president But this time he will also 28 killed by lightning, officials lief goods to areas where dam-
Pennsylvania — while his elec- ever to face a criminal trial. be giving a speech about how said on Monday. ages occurred,” Prime Minister
tion rival is stuck in a New York The Democrat has refused billionaires need to pay more Pakistan’s National Dis- Shehbaz Sharif said on Monday.
courtroom. to comment on Trump’s legal in taxes. aster Management Authority People living in open, rural
The 81-year-old has long woes — shaking his head at the “The address will drive (NDMA) has warned of land- areas are more at risk of being
traded on his blue-collar image White House on Monday when home a simple question: Do you slides and flash floods because struck by lightning during thun-
as “Scranton Joe” to reach out asked if he was following the think the tax code should work more rain is expected in coming derstorms.
to middle- and working-class trial — but the messaging of the for rich people or for the middle days. At least eight people were
voters, but his rally in a key bat- trip will speak for itself. class?” Biden’s campaign said Punjab, Pakistan’s largest killed in Balochistan province,
tleground state in November’s Biden often references the in a statement. and most populous province, including seven struck by light-
election is even more symbolic. former coal-mining boomtown “The president has made it witnessed the highest death toll, ning, where 25 districts were
Biden will be relishing the where he was born in 1942 to clear what he thinks the answer with 21 people killed by light- battered by rain and some areas
split screen as he tours Ameri- hardscrabble circumstances, is, and so has Donald Trump.” ning between Friday and Sun- were flooded. — AFP
ca’s industrial heartland while which he frequently recalls in — AFP

Death toll in Indonesia’s South Sulawesi

landslides rises to 20
SEARCH and rescue team has gered landslides on unstable landslides blocked roads.
found two more bodies in land- ground in Lembang Randan All the missing people have
slides in Tana Toraja in South Batu and Manggau villages on been found with the recent find-
Sulawesi, bringing the death Saturday night at 10:30 pm local ing of the two deceased. The
toll to 20, the National Disaster time, injuring some people and search operation was then
Management Agency said on burying four houses. Search and called off, but the team re-
Tuesday. rescue operations were carried mained on the lookout for any Residents gather beside a collapsed bridge due to flood waters following
High-intensity rain trig- out amidst fog and rain, and reports from locals. — Xinhua heavy rains in Pishin district on 15 April 2024. PHOTO: AFP
17 APRIL 2024

Myanmar to face Viet Nam today in
Futsal Asian Cup group match

Manchester United's Argentinian midfielder

(17) Alejandro Garnacho (L) greets a fan as
he arrives for the English Premier League
football match between Bournemouth and
Manchester United at the Vitality Stadium
in Bournemouth, southern England on 13

Man Utd speak

to Garnacho
over social
media activity
Myanmar national futsal players seen posing for a group photo. PHOTO: MFF MANCHESTER United have spoken to
Alejandro Garnacho after the winger liked
MYANMAR will play an opener against two teams from each group will advance ly matches against the Kuwait and Kyr- social media posts criticizing manager
Viet Nam in the final group stage match- to the next stage. The Myanmar team gyzstan teams. Erik ten Hag over his handling of the
es of the Futsal Asian Cup 2024 today. has been preparing for this competition The Myanmar team lost six goals to player.
Myanmar consists of the same since the beginning of this year and has one in the first friendly match against The Argentina international, taken off
group as host Thailand, China, and Viet been taking training from January to Afghanistan but won the second match at half-time in their 2-2 draw at Bourne-
Nam in Group A. The Team Myanmar March. In the first round of training, the by four goals to two goals. In addition, mouth on Saturday, liked two messages
vs Viet Nam match will begin at 1:30 pm Myanmar team went to Indonesia and in the friendly game played in Thailand, on X, by United fan and YouTuber Mark
Myanmar Standard Time. played three friendly matches against they won the Kuwait team by four goals Goldbridge.
The final stage will be divided into Indonesian clubs. In the second round of to two goals but lost to the Kyrgyzstan One post accused Ten Hag of "throw-
four groups, and the group matches will training, they played two games against team by three goals to one goal. — Ko ing (Garnacho) under the bus" because of
be held from 17 to 22 April and the top the Afghanistan team and played friend- Nyi Lay/KZL comments the United boss made about
the 19-year-old's performance.
The other said Garnacho "had a poor
first half but taking him off at half time and

Olympic flame for Paris 2024 Summer holding him up as the problem is a joke".
Garnacho swiftly "unliked" both mes-

Games lit in Ancient Olympia sages, an action the club believes shows
contrition, and a United source told the
PA news agency the matter had been
dealt with internally.
THE Olympic flame that will be burn- The teenager has become a key play-
ing for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games er for United this season, scoring nine
started its journey after being ignit- goals and providing four assists in 42
ed at the birthplace of the Games in games.
Ancient Olympia, Greece on Tuesday The incident follows one in Septem-
during a traditional ceremony. ber when Jadon Sancho said on X that he
Actress Mary Mina, in the role had been made a "scapegoat" after being
of an ancient Greek High Priestess, left out of the squad for the Arsenal match,
lit the torch using a backup flame in- with Ten Hag saying he had trained poorly.
stead of a concave mirror due to cloudy Sancho said he would "not allow peo-
skies before the 2,500-year-old Temple ple saying things that (are) completely
of Hera, a goddess in ancient Greek untrue", interpreted as accusing Ten Hag
mythology. of misrepresenting reasons why he was
Escorted by dozens of female not in the side.
and male dancers playing the roles of The 24-year-old was banished from
priestesses and male youth in pleated the first team before being loaned to
costumes, the flame was transported Borussia Dortmund in January.
in a replica of an ancient urn to the Ten Hag's position has come under
stadium where the Olympic Games Greek actress Mary Mina (front R), in the role of the High Priestess, passes the flame renewed pressure after the draw against
were born, under the rhythm of an to the first torch bearer, Greek rowing Olympic champion Stefanos Ntouskos (front L) Bournemouth, which left United seventh
ancient Greek type Lyra and percus- during the Olympic flame lighting ceremony for the Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games in the Premier League table, 13 points off
in Ancient Olympia, Greece, on 16 April 2024. PHOTO: XINHUA
sions. — Xinhua the top four. — AFP
TEPCO begins loading
nuclear fuel into idle
Japan reactor
Hamas rejects
all clauses
of Gaza
PALESTINIAN movement Ha-
mas has rejected all clauses of
the latest hostage deal proposal,
increasing the number of Pales-
tinian prisoners, who have to be
released by Israel as part of the
agreement, Israeli newspaper re-
ported on Tuesday, citing a senior
Israeli official.
In addition, Hamas is ready
to release only about 20 hostag-
es — women and men over 50
— as part of the first stage of the
agreement, the report said. The
movement also demands that Is-
Motorists drive their vehicles past a billboard depicting named Iranian ballistic missiles in service, with text in Arabic reading “the honest rael agree to a six-week ceasefire
(person’s) promise” and in Persian “Israel is weaker than a spider’s web”, in Valiasr Square in central Tehran on 15 April 2024. PHOTO: Atta before Hamas releases these hos-
Kenare / AFP tages, the newspaper reported.
On 7 October 2023, Hamas
launched a large-scale rocket at-

Middle East on edge after Israel tack against Israel and breached
the border, attacking both civil-
ian neighbourhoods and mili-

vows ‘response’ to Iran strikes tary bases. Nearly 1,200 people

in Israel were killed and some
240 others abducted during the
attack. Israel launched retalia-

SRAEL and Iran traded threats af- an act of self-defence following a deadly that he wants to prevent the conflict tory strikes, ordered a complete
ter Tehran’s first ever direct attack Israeli air strike on its consulate in Syr- from spreading. blockade of Gaza, and started a
on its arch foe sharply heightened ia, and that it would consider the matter Washington, Israel’s top ally and ground incursion into the Pales-
Middle East tensions and as the Gaza “concluded” unless Israel retaliated. arms supplier, has made clear it will tinian enclave with the declared
war ground on with no truce in sight. However, Iran’s President Ebrahim not join Israel in any attack on their goal of eliminating Hamas fight-
Israel’s military chief Lieutenant- Raisi also warned that “the slightest common adversary Iran, a senior US ers and rescuing the hostages.
General Herzi Halevi on Monday vowed action against Iran’s interests will defi- official said. Over 33,700 people have been
“a response” after Iran and its allies nitely be met with a severe, extensive World leaders have urged restraint killed so far by Israeli strikes in
launched a barrage of over 300 mis- and painful response”. since Iran’s attack on Israel, which has the Gaza Strip, according to local
siles, drones and rockets at Israel at US President Joe Biden stressed sparked a flurry of crisis diplomacy and authorities. — Sputnik
the weekend. on Monday that “the United States is sent up oil prices while depressing stock
Iran said its large-scale attack was committed to Israel’s security” but also markets. — AFP

Potential dangers of major nuclear accident

at Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant remain
real — IAEA
EVEN though the six reactors “Even though the plant’s six The situation is “dangerous-
at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Pow- reactors are now in cold shut- ly close to a nuclear accident”,
er Plant (ZNPP) are in a cold down, with the final unit shifting Grossi warned.
shutdown, the threat of a major into that status two days ago fol- Attacks around the Zapor-
disaster at the facility remains lowing the IAEA’s recommenda- ozhye Nuclear Power Plant
real, Director-General of the tion, the potential dangers of a (ZNPP) have to stop immedi-
International Atomic Energy major nuclear accident are very ately as nuclear safety is already
Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi real,” Grossi told the UN Secu- compromised, the IAEA director A photo shows a view of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant on 14 June
said on Monday. rity Council. stressed. — Sputnik 2023. PHOTO: AFP

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