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Did Dracula really exist?

es and no. Dracula is a book written by the Irish author, Bram (Abraham)
Stoker (1847 – 1912) who told the story of an evil count from Transylvania
(now part of Romania). The noble man could turn into a vampire bat, He
sucked people’s blood by biting them on their necks. His victms became
his slaves.

Dracula was figment of Stoker’s vivid imagination, but in the

1400’s there was a cruel ruler of Transylvania known as Vlad
the Impaler. He got this nickname because he had awful habits: he drove
stakes through the bodies of his enemies and left them to die. No doubt
Stoker had Vlad in mind when he wrote the book.
(Adapted from The Giant Book of Facts, Octopus Books Ltd., 1989. p. 242)


1. According to the text: b) Vlad the Impaler really lived six

hundred years ago.
a) Bram Stoker invented the name c) Bram Stoker met Vlad the Impaler.
Dracula. d) Bram Stoker was an Irish author.
b) Bram Stoker didn’t invent the e) Vlad the Impaler tortured his
name Dracula. victms.
c) Dracula didn’t have slaves.
d) Dracula became a ruler in the 4. Mark the correct alternative.
1500s. a) Bram Stoker died at the age of 65.
e) Vlad could turn into a vampire. b) Vlad became a ruler in 1400.
c) Romania bought Transylvania.
2. The book written by Bram Stoker d) Stoker gave a nickname to Vlad.
is: e) Vlad drove skates through the
a) a poem. bodies of his enemies.
b) a fiction.
c) a novel. 5. Mark the correct verb sequence.
d) an adventure.
e) a fable. a) to write – written – written.
b) to become – became – became.
c) to drive – drove – driven.
d) to get – got – gatten.
3. All the alternatives below are e) to left – left – left.
correct, except:
a) Dracula was propably inspired in
Vlad the Impaler.

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