Accounting and Management Accounting..

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1. Management : An Introduction
 Meaning and Definition
 Features of Management
 Management Objectives
 Management Process
 Main functions/elements of Management
 Nature of Management
 Level of Management
 Managerial Style
 Areas of Management
 Importance of Management
 Administration and Management
 Essential leadership qualities/skills of a manager
 Manager's roles
 Concepts related to Management
 Current trends in Management
 Management of change and its Planned Process
2. Principles and Techniques of Management
 Meaning and Definition
 Nature or Characteristics of Principles of Management
 Importance of Principles of Management
 Development of Principles of Management
 Principles of Administrative Management
 Management Principles of Fayol
 Principles of Scientific Management
 Management Principles of Taylor
 Management Principles of Mary Parker Follett
 Theory executed by Peter Drucker
 Forest Theory of Management
 Other Important Principles of Management
 Management Techniques
 Management by Objectives
 Management by Exception
 Strategic Management Techniques
 POSDCORB Techniques of Management
3. Business Environment
 Meaning and Definition
 Characteristics of Business Environment
 Importance of Business Environment
 Classification of Business Environment
 Economic Environment of India
 Liberalization
 Privatization
 Globalization
 Modernization
 Effect of changes in Government Policies on Business and Industry
 Economic Reforms in India
4. Planning
 Meaning and Definition
 Types of Planning
 Criticisms or Limitations of Planning
 Steps in the Planning Process or Techniques of Planning
 Ideal / Effective Planning
 Basic Principles of Ideal/Effective Planning
 Planning
 Human Resource Planning
 Succession Planning
 Career / Career / Career Planning
5. Organization
 Meaning and Definition
 Objectives of the Organization
 Organization Structure Theory
 Nature or Characteristics of the Organization
 Elements of Organization
 Process of organization or steps required for organization
 Need and Importance of Organization
 Forms of Organization
 Organization Structure
 Classification of Organizations
 Departmentalization of organization
 Organization Chart
 organization manual
 Organizational Change Management
 Authority or Power in the Organization
 Centralization
 Decentralization
 Responsibility in the Organization
 Accountability in the Organization
 Delegation of Authority/Assignment
 Organizational Behavior
 Whistleblower/Informant
 SWOT Analysis
 Work Ethics in the Organization
6. Staffing
 Meaning and Definition
 Types of Staffing
 Steps in the Staffing Process
 Assessment of Manpower Requirements
 Recruitment
 Selection from applicants
 Orientation
 Training
 Development
 Performance Appraisal
 Promotion and Future Planning
 Remuneration
 Human Resource Management in Staffing
 Human Resource Management and Forecasting in Business
7. Direction
 Meaning and Definition
 Principles of Direction
 Objectives of Direction
 Importance of Direction
 Direction Work
 Characteristics / Traits Nature
 Elements of Direction
 Supervision
 Motivation
 Leadership
 Qualities of an Effective Leader
 Type of Leader
 Leadership Styles
 Personality
 Communication
 Verbal and Non-verbal Communication
 Written Communication
 Formal and Informal Communication and their Network
 Barriers to Effective Communication
8. Control
 Meaning and Definition
 Essential elements of an Effective Control System
 Control Type
 Steps/Elements of Control Process
 Features of Control
 Benefits/Importance of Control
 Principles of Control
 Controlling Techniques/Systems/Methods
 Limitations of Control
 Area of Control / Span of Control
 Different Concepts of Span of Control
9. Marketing
 Meaning and Definition
 Marketing Development
 Objectives of Marketing
 Characteristics and Behavior or Nature of Marketing
 Concept of Marketing
 Pillars/Principles/Assumptions based on Marketing Concept
 Functions of Marketing
 Marketing Management
 Types of Marketing
 Internal Marketing
 External Marketing
 Franchisee
 Mass Marketing
 Marketing Mix
 Products
 Product Definitions
 Product Concept
 Product Classification
 Product Planning
 Product Interstitial or Product Mix
 Branding
 Packaging
 Labelling
 Life Cycle of Product
 Location or Physical Distribution
 Enforcement or Conversion
 Personal Selling
 Sales Promotion
 Publicity
 Marketing Public Relations Concept
 Market Segmentation
10.Business Finance and Financial Management
 Meaning and Definition
 Types of Business Finance
 Business Contract
 Factoring
 Lease Financing
 Public Deposit
 Commercial Paper
 Issue of Shares
 Commercial Bank
 Term Loan
 Institutional Finance
 Financial Management
 Areas of Financial Management
 Objectives of Financial Management
 Nature/Features of Financial Management
 Functions of Financial Management
 Importance of financial management
 Limitations of Financial Management
 Responsibilities of Finance Manager
 Organization of finance work
 Financial Decisions
 Investment decision
 Factors Influencing Investment Decision / Capital Budgeting
 Financial
 funding Decision
 Dividend Decision
 Factors Affecting Dividend Decision
 Liquidity/Asset/Liquidity Decisions
 Methods of Capital Budgeting
 Capital Budgeting Decisions
 Methods to Remove Risk and Uncertainty in Capital Budgeting
 Risk
 Types of Risk
 Reward
 Components of Refund
 Financial Planning
 Types of Financial Planning
 Importance of Financial Planning
 Characteristics of Good Financial Planning
 Factors Determining Financial Planning
 Process of Financial Planning
 Limitations of Financial Planning
 Capital Structure
 Definitions
 Factors Affecting Capital Structure
 Capital Structure and Management Policies
 Principles of Capital Structure
 Capitalization
 Cost of Capital
 Fixed and Working Capital
 Leverage
 Types of Leverage
11.Accounting and Managerial Accounting
 Accounting: Meaning and Definition
 Objectives of Accounting
 Features of Accounting
 Advantages of Accounting
 Limitations of Accounting
 Accounting: as a source of information
 Role of Accounting
 Branches of Accounting
 Financial Accounting Standards Board and Accounting Standards
 Accounting: Principles/Concepts
 Economic Entity/Separate Entity Concept
 Currency Measurement Concept
 Sustainable Business or Continuity/Evolving/Establishment Concept
 Accounting Period Concept
 Cost Concept
 Bilateral/Dual/Dual Concept
 Revenue Recognition Concept
 Revenue Matching Concept
 Earning Concept
 Full Presentation Concept
 Uniformity/Uniformity/Permanence Concept
 Stereotypes Concept
 Abstraction/Substance Concept
 Objectivity Concept
 Basis of Accounting: Cash and Earnings
 Accounting Process
 Accounting Methods/Systems
 Recording of Business Transactions
 Classification of Accounts
 Final Accounts
 Business Owner
 Profit & Loss / Income Statement
 Notes to Account and Explanatory Notes
 Receipt and Payment Account
 Suspense Account
 Construction / Building Account
 Rules for Debit and Credit
 Entry
 Ledger
 Posting (Khatauni)
 Balance Calculation
 Journal
 Cash Book
 Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure
 Discount or Discount
 Incomplete Accounts
 Final Entries
 Adjusting Entries
 Financial Statement
 Balance Sheet
 Order of Presentation of Balance Sheet of Assets and Liabilities
 Balance Check / Trial Balance / Raw Tally
 Trend Analysis
 Ratio Analysis
 Fund Flow Details
 Cash Flow Accounting
 Breakeven Analysis
 Budget
 Managerial Accounting: Intent, Meaning and Definition
 Features of Management Accounting
 Functions of Management Accounting
 Scope of Management Accounting
 Objectives of Managerial Accounting
 Nature of Management Accounting
 Tools and Techniques of Managerial Accounting
 Helpful Elements in Management Work by Accounting Method
 Importance of Managerial Accounting
 Establishment of Management Accounting System
 Advantages of Managerial Accounting
 Important Vocabulary
 Accounting Information System
 Accounting Information System
 Concept of DBMS
 Accounting Query
12.Financial Markets
 Market
 Major Elements/Characteristics of the Market
 Market Classification
 Financial Market
 Classification of financial market
 Money Market
 Capital Market
 Major Stock Exchange Indexes of India
 Stock Market
 Dividend
 Types of Dividend
 Issue of Shares
 BCG Matrix
 National Stock Exchange
 Mumbai (Bombay) Stock Exchange
 Over the Counter Exchange of India
 Residex
 Securities and Exchange Board of India - SEBI
 Raising capital from the international capital market
 Mutual Fund
 Futures Trading in India
 Securities Laws (Amendment) Act, 2014
13.Business, Entrepreneurship and Companies
 Business: Meaning, Meaning and Definition
 Business Features
 Business Objectives
 Responsibility of Business Towards Society
 Corporate Governance
 Professional Services
 Business Areas
 Business Type
 Sole Proprietorship
 Hindu Undivided Family and Family Business
 partnership
 Co-operative Societies
 Public Enterprises
 Modern Trends of Business
 E-commerce
 Mobile-Commerce
 Mobile Wallet
 Networking Marketing
 Online Marketing
 Strategic Business Unit
 Entrepreneurship: Meaning and Definition
 Principles of Entrepreneurship
 Characteristics of Entrepreneurship
 Need or importance of entrepreneurship
 Determinants of Entrepreneurship
 Efforts made by Entrepreneurs for Economic Development
 Role of Entrepreneurs in Enterprises
 Process of Entrepreneurship Development
 Areas of Entrepreneurship
 Types of Entrepreneurship
 Internet Entrepreneurship
 Environmental Entrepreneurship
 Women Entrepreneurship
 Venture
 Private Sector Enterprises/Undertakings
 Public Sector Enterprises/Undertakings
 Joint Ventures/Ventures
 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises / Enterprises
 Entrepreneur
 Nature of Entrepreneur
 Types of Entrepreneur
 Qualities/characteristics of an entrepreneur
 Entrepreneurial Suitability
 Entrepreneurial motivation
 Entrepreneurial Values and Attitudes
 Startup India Scheme
 Company: Meaning and Definition
 Characteristics/Nature of the company
 Classification of Companies
 multinational Companies
 Corporate Social Responsibility
 Mergers & Acquisitions
 Green Channel
14.Consumer Protection
 Consumer Protection: Meaning and Definition
 Definition of Consumer, Need and Importance of Consumer Protection
 Available
 Officers of Prizes
 Responsibilities of the Consumer
 Remedial Relief Available to the Consumer
 Legal Protection to the Consumers
 Consumer Protection Act 2019
 Grievance Redressal Mechanism
 District Forum
 State Commission
 National Commission
 Ways and Means of Consumer Protection
 Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020
 Consumer Organizations and NGOs; Role of Cheater
1. Management : An Introduction
 Meaning and Definition
 Characteristics of Management
 Objectives of Management
 Process of Management
 Main Functions/Elements of Management
 Nature of Management
 Level of Management
 Management Style
 Scope of Management
 Importance of Management
 Administration and Management
 Essential Leadership Qualities/Skills of a Manager
 Manager's Roles
 Concepts related to Management
 Current trends in Management
 Management of Change and its Planned Process
2. Principles and Techniques of Management
 Meaning and Definition
 Nature or Characteristics of Principles of Management
 Importance of Principles of Management
 Development of Principles of Management
 Principles of Administrative Management
 Management Principles of Fayol
 Principles of Scientific Management
 Management Principles of Taylor
 Management Principles of Mary Parker Follett
 Theory executed by Peter Drucker
 Jungle Theory of Management
 Other Important Principles of Management
 Techniques of Management
 Management by Objectives
 Management by Exception
 Strategic Management Techniques
 POSDCORB Techniques of Management
3. Business Environment
 Meaning and Definition
 Characteristics of Business Environment
 Characteristics of Business Environment
 Classification of Business Environment
 Economic Environment of India
 Liberalization
 Privatization
 Globalization
 Modernization
 Effect of changes in Government Policies on Business and Industry
 Steps of Economic Reforms
4. Planning
 Meaning and Definition
 Types of Planning
 Criticisms or Limitations of Planning
 Steps in the Planning Process or Techniques of Planning
 Ideal / Effective Planning
 Basic Principles of Ideal/Effective Planning
 Plan
 Human Resource Planning
 Succession Planning
 Career Planning
5. Organization
 Meaning and Definition
 Objectives of the Organization
 Principles of Organization Structure
 Nature or Characteristics of Organization
 Elements of Organization
 Process of Organization or Essential Steps required in Organization
 Need and Importance of Organization
 Forms of Organization
 Organizational Structure
 Classification of Organizations
 Departmentation of Organization
 Organization Chart
 Organization Manual
 Organizational Change Management
 Authority or Power in the Organization
 Centralization
 Decentralization
 Responsibility in the Organization
 Accountability in the Organization
 Delegation of Authority/Assignment
 Organizational Behavior
 Whistleblower
 SWOT Analysis
 Work Ethics in the Organization
6. Staffing
 Meaning and Definition
 Types of Staffing
 Steps in Staffing Process
 Assessment of Manpower Requirements
 Recruitment
 Selection from applicants
 Orientation
 Training
 Development
 Performance Appraisal
 Promotion and Future Planning
 Remuneration
 Human Resource Management in Staffing
 Forecasting in Human Resource Management and Business
7. Direction
 Meaning and Definition
 Principles of Direction
 Objectives of Direction
 Importance of Direction
 Functions of Direction
 Characteristics / Traits Nature
 Elements of Directing
 Supervision
 Motivation
 Leadership
 Qualities of an Effective Leader
 Type of Leader
 Leadership Styles
 Personality
 Communication
 Verbal and Non-verbal Communication
 Written Communication
 Formal and Informal Communication and their Network
 Barriers to Effective Communication
8. Control
 Meaning and Definition
 Essential elements of an Effective Control System
 Control Type
 Steps/Elements of Control Process
 Features of Control
 Benefits/Importance of Control
 Principles of Control
 Controlling Techniques/Systems/Methods
 Limitations of Control
 Span of Control
 Different Concepts of Span of Control
9. Marketing
 Meaning and Definition
 Marketing Development
 Objectives of Marketing
 Characteristics and Behavior or Nature of Marketing
 Concept of Marketing
 Pillars/Principles/Assumptions based on Marketing Concept
 Functions of Marketing
 Marketing Management
 Types of Marketing
 Internal Marketing
 External Marketing
 Franchisee
 Mass Marketing
 Marketing Mix
 Products
 Product Definitions
 Product Concept
 Product Classification
 Product Planning
 Product Interstitial or Product Mix
 Branding
 Packaging
 Labelling
 Life Cycle of Product
 Location or Physical Distribution
 Enforcement or Conversion
 Personal Selling
 Sales Promotion
 Publicity
 Marketing Public Relations Concept
 Market Segmentation
10.Business Finance and Financial Management
 Meaning and Definition
 Types of Business Finance
 Business Contract
 Factoring
 Lease Financing
 Public Deposit
 Commercial Paper
 Issue of Shares
 Debentures
 Commercial Bank
 Term Loan
 Institutional Finance
 Financial Management
 Areas of Financial Management
 Objectives of Financial Management
 Nature/Features of Financial Management
 Functions of Financial Management
 Importance of Financial Management
 Limitations of Financial Management
 Responsibilities of Finance Manager
 Organization of finance work
 Financial Decision
 Investment Decision
 Factors Influencing Investment Decision / Capital Budgeting
 Financing Decision
 Dividend Decision
 Factors Affecting Dividend Decision
 Asset/Liquidity Decisions
 Techniques of Capital Budgeting
 Capital Budgeting Decisions
 Methods to Remove Risk and Uncertainty in Capital Budgeting
 Risk
 Types of Risk
 Return
 Components of Return
 Financial Planning
 Types of Financial Planning
 Importance of Financial Planning
 Characteristics of Good Financial Planning
 Factors Determining Financial Planning
 Process of Financial Planning
 Limitations of Financial Planning
 Capital Structure
 Definitions
 Factors Affecting Capital Structure
 Capital Structure and Management Policies
 Principles of Capital Structure
 Capitalization
 Cost of Capital
 Fixed and Working Capital
 Leverage
 Types of Leverage
11.Accounting and Management Accounting
 Accounting: Meaning and Definition
 Objectives of Accounting
 Features of Accounting
 Advantages of Accounting
 Limitations of Accounting
 Accounting: As a Source of Information
 Role of Accounting
 Branches of Accounting
 Financial Accounting Standards Board and Accounting Standards
 Accounting: Principles/Concepts
 Separate Entity Concept
 Money Measurement Concept
 Going Concern Concept
 Accounting Period Concept
 Cost Concept
 Dual Aspect Concept
 Revenue Recognition Concept
 Matching Concept
 Accural Concept
 Full Disclosure Concept
 Consistency Concept
 Conservatism Concept
 Materiality Concept
 Objectivity Concept
 Basis of Accounting: Cash and Earnings
 Accounting Process
 Methods of Accounting
 Recording of Business Transactions
 Classification of Accounts
 Final Accounts
 Business Owner
 Profit & Loss / Income Statement
 Notes to Account and Explanatory Notes
 Receipt and Payment Account
 Suspense Account
 Manufacturing Account
 Rules for Debit and Credit
 Entry
 Ledger
 Posting (Khatauni)
 Balancing of Accounts
 Journal
 Cash Book
 Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure
 Discount
 Incomplete Accounts
 Closing Entries
 Adjusting Entries
 Financial Statement
 Balance Sheet
 Order of Presentation of Balance Sheet of Assets and Liabilities
 Trial Balance
 Objectives of preparing the Trial Balance
 Techniques of Financial Statement Analysis
 Companies Financial Statement
 Common Size Financial Statement
 Trend Analysis
 Ratio Analysis
 Fund Flow Details
 Flow Accounting
 Break-even Analysis
 Budget
 Types of Budget
 Making of Budget
 Characteristics of Budget
 Management Accounting: Meaning and Definition
 Features of Management Accounting
 Functions of Management Accounting
 Scope of Management Accounting
 Objectives of Management Accounting
 Nature of Management Accounting
 Tools and Techniques of Managerial Accounting
 Helpful Elements in Management Work by Accounting Method
 Importance of Managerial Accounting
 Establishment of Management Accounting System
 Advantages of Managerial Accounting
 Important Vocabulary
 Accounting Information System
 Accounting Information System
 Concept of DBMS
 Accounting Query
12.Financial Markets
 Market- Meaning & Definition
 Major Elements/Characteristics of the Market
 Market Classification
 Financial Market
 Classification of Financial Market
 Money Market
 Capital Market
 Major Stock Exchange Indexes of India
 Stock Market
 Dividend
 Types of Dividend
 Issue of Shares
 BCG Matrix
 National Stock Exchange
 Mumbai (Bombay) Stock Exchange
 Over the Counter Exchange of India
 Capital
 Securities and Exchange Board of India - SEBI
 Raising capital from the international capital market
 Mutual Fund
 Futures Trading in India
 Securities Laws (Amendment) Act, 2014
13.Business, Entrepreneurship and Companies
 Business: Meaning and Definition
 Features of Business
 Objectives of Business
 Responsibility of Business Towards Society
 Corporate Governance
 Professional Services
 Areas of Business
 Types of Business
 Sole Trade
 Hindu Undivided Family and Family Business
 Partnership
 Co-operative Societies
 Public Sector Enterprises
 Recent Trends of Business
 E-Commerce
 Mobile-Commerce
 Mobile Wallet
 Networking Marketing
 Online Marketing
 Strategic Business Unit
 Entrepreneurship: Meaning and Definition
 Principles of Entrepreneurship
 Characteristics of Entrepreneurship
 Need or importance of entrepreneurship
 Determinants of Entrepreneurship
 Efforts made by Entrepreneurs for Economic Development
 Role of Entrepreneurs in Enterprises
 Process of Entrepreneurship Development
 Scope of Entrepreneurship
 Types of Entrepreneurship
 Netprepreneurship
 Ecopreneurship
 Women Entrepreneurship
 Venture
 Private Sector Enterprises/Undertakings
 Public Sector Enterprises/Undertakings
 Joint Ventures/Ventures
 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises / Enterprises
 Entrepreneur
 Nature of Entrepreneur
 Types of Entrepreneur
 Qualities/characteristics of an Entrepreneur
 Entrepreneurial Suitability
 Entrepreneurial Motivation
 Entrepreneurial Values and Attitudes
 Startup India Scheme
 Company: Meaning and Definition
 Characteristics/Nature of the Company
 Classification of Companies
 Multinational Companies
 Corporate Social Responsibility
 Mergers & Acquisitions
 Green Channel
14.Consumer Protection
 Consumer Protection: Meaning and Definition
 Definition of Consumer, Need and Importance of Consumer Protection
 Responsibilities of the Consumer
 Remedial Relief Available to the Consumer
 Legal Protection to the Consumers
 Consumer Protection Act 2019
 Grievance Redressal Mechanism
 District Forum
 State Commission
 National Commission
 Ways and Means of Consumer Protection
 Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020
 Role of Consumer Organizations and NGOs in Profiteering
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting

Previous Year Question

1. Balance sheet is a statement, (1) Separate entity concept (1) Status statement
which reveals the following (2) Sunam-establishment (2) Operational details
information of an concept (3) Statement of profit or loss
organization. (3) Cost concept (4) All of the above
(1) All of the above (4) Monetary concept Answer-(3) (Labour Ins.-2017)
(2) Liabilities Answer-(1) (Labour Ins.-2017) 13. Which of the following is an
(3) Assets 7. Financial statement includes- intangible resource?
(4) Owner's share (1) Profit and Loss Account (1) Technology
Answer- (1) (Group-1-2017) only (2) Machinery
2. Accounting Standard-1 in India (2) Balance sheet only (3) Raw material
explains in this regard: (3) Statement of cash flows
(4) Capital
(1) Cash flow statement only
Answer-(1) (Labour Ins.-2017)
(2) Disclosure of accounting (4) All of the above
14. Depreciation is charged every
policies Answer-(4) (Labour Ins.-2017)
year on Rs.
(3) Depreciation Account 8. Bonds, debentures and term
(1) Equity
(4) Inventory evaluation loans are its parts-
(2) Liabilities
Answer-(2) (Labour Ins.-2017) (1) Current Liabilities
3. The primary function of (2) Current asset (3) Fixed assets
accounting is ______________. (3) Long term liabilities (4) Current assets
(1) Capture of economic data (4) Investment Answer-(3) (Labour Ins.-2017)
(2) Related to financial Answer-(3) (Labour Ins.-2017) 15. BRS (bank solution) is
transactions 9. X, Y, Z Ltd. prepares P&L prepared for……
(3) Providing information for Account for the year 2015-16. (1) To identify the difference
action It is following it. between the balance as per
(4) Meeting non-economic (1) Understanding concept bank statement and the
goals (2) Duality concept balance as per cash book
Answer-(2) (Labour Ins.-2017) (3) Time period concept (2) To correct the mistakes in
4. Capital expenditure will be (4) Evolving concept the cash book
reflected in ……………. Answer-(3) (Labour Ins.-2017) (3) Correcting mistakes in bank
(1) Trading accounts 10. Which of the following is an details
(2) Profit and Loss Account example of 'use of money'? (4) None of the above
(3) Profit and Loss (1) Increase in fixed assets Answer-(1) (Labour Ins.-2017)
Appropriation Account (2) Shortfall in cash 16. An example of a current asset
(4) Balance sheet (3) Tax refund is Rs.
Answer-(4) (Labour Ins.-2017) (4) Increase in any liability; (1) Land
5. Omitting amounts in a financial Answer-(1) (Labour Ins.-2017) (2) Building
statement and then rounding 11. In the balance sheet, prepaid (3) Sunam
off the figures is based on insurance is shown as
(4) Table; Inventory
……………. …………….
Answer-(4) (Labour Ins.-2017)
(1) Materiality concept (1) Asset
17. Recording transactions at full
(2) Duality concept (2) Liability
cost and not at market value is
(3) Understanding concept (3) Capital
(4) Cost Concept (4) Profit and Loss Account
(1) Time period concept
Answer-(1) (Labour Ins.-2017) only
6. In accounting, the capital Answer- (1) Labour Ins.-2017) (2) Understanding concept
invested by the owner on 12. The statement prepared by a (3) Cost concept
account of .......... is shown as a business to determine its profit (4) Materiality concept
liability in the balance sheet. or loss is called.................. Answer-(3) (Labour Ins.-2017)
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
Accounting Limitations of Accounting
The art of accounting has been used since ancient times. 1. Effect of personal decision.
Historians have found the use of accounting in Babylonia and 2. Based on Accounting Concepts.
3. Incomplete information.
Egypt 4000 years before Christ where the account of wages
4. Lack of qualitative information.
and payment of taxes was done on a strip of clay. Mention of
5. To be based on original cost.
accounting has also been found in Vedas, Ramayana and 6. Being influenced by appearance.
Mahabharata in India. The Arthashastra written by 7. Improper for future estimation.
Kautilya 2300 years ago also describes advanced accounting Accounting: As Source of Information
systems. The present day double accounting system In accounting, the financial statements (Profit and Loss
originated in Italy at the end of the 15th century. This system Account and Balance Sheet) are prepared at the end of the
was described by Lucas Pacioli in 1494 in his book accounting year by first identifying the economic transactions.
'De Computis et Scripturis'. He is referred to as the father The accounting information available throughout this process
of accounting and bookkeeping and he was the first person helps the users to take important decisions. Information about
to publish a work on the double-entry system of book- the financial condition of the business is obtained from the
keeping. profit-loss and position statement of the business through the
Lucas Pacioli is called the father of book keeping. In 1543, profit-loss account. On the basis of this information, it is
known whether the resources available in the business are
this book was translated into English by Hugh Old Castle in
being used properly or not. In summary, we can say that in the
London. In 1795, Edward Jones wrote a book on this subject
accounting process, economic transactions are the raw
titled English System of Book Keeping. material, and then information is the final product that comes
Accounting refers to monetarily recording, classifying out of it. This can be shown through the figure as follows:-
and collecting and summarizing business transactions so
that appropriate conclusions can be drawn from their analysis.
According to the American Accounting Association,
"Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, and
communicating information to enable users of accounts to Types of Information
measure and make decisions." 1. Information related to profit and loss
According to R.N. Anthony, “Accounting system is a 2. Information related to financial condition
means of collecting, summarizing, analyzing and reporting 3. Cash Flow Information
Internal and External Users of Accounting Information:-
business related information in monetary terms.”
Internal users:-
Chatracteristics 1. Owner
1. Identification of Financial Transactions and Events 2. Manager
2. Measuring the Identified Transactions External users:-
3. Analysis and Interpretation 1. Directors and Potential Investors.
4. Identification, Measurement, Recording and 2. Lenders and Financial Institutions.
Communication, Classifying, Summarising 3. Suppliers and Creditors.
4. Government and Regulators.
5. Organization (or business undertaking whose objective is
5. Employees and Workers.
to earn profit or not.)
6. Customer.
6. Users of Information (Internal Users and External Users) 7. Taxation Authority.
Objectives of Accounting 8. Society
1. Accounting of all economic transactions. Role of Accounting
2. To calculate profit or loss of business. 1. In the role of the language of business.
3. To depict the financial condition of the business. 2. In the role of financial transaction of business
4. Effective control over business. 3. In the role of business information system.
5. Providing information to the users. 4. In the historical role of business.
5. In the role of serving the society.
Advantages of Accounting
1. Assistant in business management Branches of Accounting
2. Complete and orderly Accounts. The complexity in management work and the increase in the
importance of accounting information led to the birth of
3. Information of profit and loss.
various branches of accounting, which are as follows:-
4. Knowledge of economic condition.
1. Financial Accounting: In this branch the account of
5. Comparative study. financial transactions is kept. The information about the
6. Assistant in tax assessment. profit and loss in the financial year is known from the
7. Articles and forms to have legal recognition. business and profit and loss account and the information
8. Ease of selling business. about the financial condition of the business at the end of
9. Helpful in getting loan the financial year is known from the balance sheet.
10. Chances of fraud and forgery are less. Financial accounting is the process related to the
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
preparation and accounting of financial statements. 25. Accounting Standard-25 Interim Reports
Financial accounting provides essential information to 26. Accounting Standard-26 Intangible Assets
managers and other users. Accounting: Principles/Concepts
2. Cost Accounting: Under cost accounting, the cost of the
products manufactured by the industries is determined so It has taken a long time to reach the current state of
that the value of the product can be determined. accounting. Over the course of time, many concepts and
3. Management Accounting: Under management concepts or principles of accounting have evolved. These
accounting, information is made available for making concepts have been used by the accountants as a means to
policy related decisions of the managers. In this, calculate, conduct, summarize and analyze. The regulations
accounting is done for the future and with the help of this; principles and conventions are commonly known as the
future plans for the business are made by the top Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). These
managers. Generally speaking, the management of concepts include the following concepts:-
accounts is called management accounting. 1. Business Entity Concept
Financial Accounting Standards Board and 2. Money Measurement Concept
3. Going Concern Concept
Accounting Standards 4. Accounting Period Concept
An accounting standard is a written statement of accounting 5. Cost Concept
rules, guidelines, and practices that bring consistency and 6. Dual Aspect or Duality Concept
uniformity in financial statements to users of accounting 7. Revenue Recognition Concept
information. For this, in April, 1977, the Institute of 8. Matching Concept
Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) constituted the 9. Accrual Concept
Accounting Standards Board. This board prepares 10. Full Discloser Concept
accounting standards and presents them in ICAI. The 11. Consistency Concept
guidelines of the international standard setting body are also 12. Conservatism (Prudence) Concept
kept in mind while preparing these as the Indian Board is a 13. Materiality Concept
member of the International Board. The Accounting Standards
14. Objectivity Concept
Board evaluates these from time to time. By amending the
Indian Companies Act, 1956, compliance of accounting 1. Business Entity Concept
standards has been made mandatory. Following are the  This concept assumes that the organization and business
accounting standards issued by ICAI:- owners are two independent entities. Hence, the business
1. Accounting Standard-1 Disclosure of Accounting translation and personal transaction of its owner are
Policies. different.
2. Accounting Standard-2 Valuation of Stock.  For example, when the business owner invests his money
3. Accounting Standard-3 Cash Flow Statement. in the business, it is recorded as a liability of the business
4. Accounting Standard-4 Contingencies and events after the to the owner. Similarly, when the owner takes away from
date of balance sheet the business cash/goods for his/her personal use, it is not
5. Accounting Standard-5 Net profit or loss for the period, treated as a business expense. Thus, the accounting
prior period items and changes in accounting policies. transactions are recorded in the books of accounts from the
6. Accounting Standard-6 Depreciation Accounting. organization's point of view and not the person owning the
7. Accounting Standard-7 Construction Contracts. business.
8. Accounting Standard-8 Accounting for Research and
2. Money Measurement Concept
9. Accounting Standard-9 Revenue Recognition.  The money measurement concept assumes that the
10. Accounting Standard-10 Accounting for Fixed Assets business transactions are made in terms of money i.e. in
11. Accounting Standard-11 Accounting for the Effects of the currency of a country. In India, such transactions are
Changes in Foreign Currency Exchange Rates. made in terms of the rupee.
12. Accounting Standard-12 Accounting for Government  Hence, as per the money measurement concept,
Grants. transactions that can be expressed in terms of money
13. Accounting Standard-13 Accounting for Investments. should be recorded in books of accounts. For example, the
14. Accounting Standard-14 Accounting of Amalgamation. sale of goods worth Rs. 10000, purchase of raw material
15. Accounting Standard-15 Employee Benefits. Rs. 5000, rent paid Rs.2000 are expressed in terms of
16. Accounting Standard-16 Borrowing Cost. money, hence these transactions can be recorded in the
17. Accounting Standard-17 Fragmented Report. books of accounts.
18. Accounting Standard-18 Related Party Disclosures
3. Going Concern Concept
19. Accounting Standard-19 Lease
20. Accounting Standard-20 Earning Per Share  The Going concept in accounting states that bussiness
21. Accounting Standard-21 Financial Statements activities will be carried by any firm for an unlimited
Incorporation duration this simply means that every business has
22. Accounting Standard-22 Accounting for Taxes on Income continuity of life.
23. Accounting Standard-23 Accounting for Investments in  Hence, it will not be dissolved shortly. This is an important
Associates in the Consolidated Financial Statements assumption of accounting as it provides a base for
24. Accounting Standard-24 Discrete Processes representing the asset value in the balance sheet.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
4. Accounting Period Concept to pay it. This concept provides a guideline to the
 Accounting period concepts state that all the transactions accountant as to how he should treat the cash receipts and
recorded in the books of account should be based on the the right related thereto.
assumption that profit on these transactions is to be  Accrual principle tries to evaluate every transaction in
ascertained for a specific period. Hence this concept says terms of its impact on the owner‟s equity. The essence of
that the balance sheet and profit and loss account of a the accrual concept is that net income arises from events
business should be prepared at regular intervals. that change the owner‟s equity in a specified period and
 This is important for different purposes like calculation of that these are not necessarily the same as change in the
profit and loss, tax calculation, ascertaining financial cash position of the business. Thus it helps in proper
position, etc. Also, this concept assumes that business measurement of income.
indefinite life is divided into two parts. These parts are 10. Full Discloser Concept
termed accounting periods. It can be one month, three  Under this concept, all important information should be
months, six months, etc. Usually, one year is considered fully displayed.
as one accounting period which may be a calendar year or  Material and essential facts may be mentioned in the
financial year. financial statements in the form of notes, footnotes.
 The year that begins on January 1 and ends on January 31 11. Consistency Concept
is termed as calendar year whereas the year that begins on
 A company is forced to apply the similar accounting
April 1 and ends on March 31 is termed as financial year.
principles across the different accounting cycles. Once this
5. Cost Concept chooses a method it is urged to stick with it in the future
 The cost concept requires that all assets are recorded in also, unless it finds a good reason to perform it in another
the book of accounts at their purchase price, which way.
includes cost of acquisition, transportation, installation  In the absence of these accounting conventions, the ability
and making the asset ready to use. of investors to compare and assess how the company
 The concept of cost is historical in nature as it is performs becomes more challenging.
something, which has been paid on the date of acquisition 12. Conservatism (Prudence) Concept
and does not change year after year.
 The concept of conservatism (also called „prudence‟)
6. Dual Aspect or Duality Concept provides guidance for recording transactions in the book of
 This concept assumes that every transaction has a double accounts and is based on the policy of playing safe. The
effect, i.e. it affects two accounts on their opposite sides. concept states that a conscious approach should be adopted
Therefore, the transaction should be recorded at two in ascertaining income so that profits of the enterprise are
places. not overstated. If the profits ascertained are more than the
 It means, both the aspects of the transaction should be actual, it may lead to distribution of dividend out of
recorded in the books of accounts. It is also called capital, which is not fair as it will lead to reduction in the
"Double Entry System". capital of the enterprise.
7. Revenue Recognition Concept  The concept of conservatism requires that profits should
 The concept of revenue recognition requires that the not to be recorded until realised but all losses, even those
revenue for a business transaction should be included in which may have a remote possibility, are to be provided
the accounting records only when it is realised. Here arise for in the books of account.
two questions in mind. First, is termed as revenue and the 13. Materiality Concept
other, when the revenue is realised. Revenue is the gross  According to the concept of substance, accounting
inflow of cash arising from: concentrates only on the important facts. Such facts which
 The sale of goods and services by an enterprise; and are not important in the determination of income are
 Use by others of the enterprise‟s resources yielding omitted. Which fact is important depends on the nature,
interest, royalties and dividends. ownership, management size and policies of the business.
8. Matching Concept  Generally speaking, the accountant leaves the money in a
 According to this concept, in order to find out the correct financial statement, and then rounds it off with figures to
profit and loss of any business, income and expenses of a complete the balance sheet. Retailer tools may be
certain period should be matched properly. For this, by important for a retailer while wholesaler tools are not
taking the income of a financial year or a particular period, important for a large product.
the expenses incurred in obtaining that income should be  A small number of nails are important, but in a steel
reduced. company, nails will be counted among immaterial items.
 If the expenditure pertains to the next years then they In this way, any such rational fact which is capable of
should not be deducted from the income similarly the influencing the decision of the User shall be considered as
outstanding expenses should be deducted from the income a material fact.
as they pertain to this financial year only. 14. Concept of Objectivity
9. Accrual Concept  According to the concept of objectivity, accounting of
 It is generally accepted in accounting that the basis of transactions is expected to be done in an objective manner.
reporting income is accrual. Accrual concept makes a  Accounting should not be influenced by any influential
distinction between the receipt of cash and the right to person or accountant; it is also possible when each
receive it, and the payment of cash and the legal obligation transaction can be verified by its source document or
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
voucher. One of the reasons for taking the historical cost of Accounting Process
the asset as the basis of accounting is that its purchase
invoices or cash receipts may be available but it is not easy The process of identification, entry, classification and
to ascertain the market value of the same asset as the preparation of final accounts (Profit and Loss Account and
market value will not only vary from place to place Rather Balance Sheet) of financial transactions in business is called
it can also differ from person to person. accounting process. The process of accounting is divided into
the following steps:-
Basis of Accounting 1. Identification: First of all, in business transactions, those
The basis on which various financial transactions are recorded transactions are recognized which are of financial nature and
in the books of accounts is called 'Accounting Basis'. have some evidence. This identification is done by the source
Generally, two bases are taken for accounting of income and document which is generated as soon as the transaction takes
expenses, which are as follows:- place. For example, cash memo for cash sales.
2. Recording: After recognizing the transactions, they are
Cash Basis written in the books of initial account i.e., Journal or
 Accounting of financial transactions under cash basis is subsidiary books (Purchase Book, Sales Same, Purchase
done on the basis of cash receipt or cash payment, that is, Return Book, Sales Return Book etc.) This is the second
in this basis, income is considered as income only when stage of the accounting process.
cash is received and expenditure is considered as 3. Classification: In this stage the transactions of the same
expenditure only when cash is paid. The life of the nature are brought to a single place, which is called an
business is long and sometimes income is received or account. The book in which this work is done is called
expenses are paid for a period longer than the period of the ledger.
current year. 4. Summarization: Under this step, trading account, profit-
loss account and balance sheet are prepared. Balance
 For example, goods purchased for cash or salary paid will
sheet is prepared with the help of various accounts opened
be booked in the books under this cash basis because the
in the ledger (such as personal, material and nominal
cash amount has been paid but outstanding salary or amounts) to prepare the final accounts. Trial balance is
interest earned will not be booked under this basis because prepared to check the mathematical correctness of the tax.
the cash amount is has not been made and the cash amount
has also not been realised. Chart of Accounting Process
 This basis of accounting sometimes leads to very Accounting Process
misleading results- like if there are huge liabilities
outstanding at the end of one financial year and they are to
be paid in the next year, they will not affect the profit and Identification
loss of this year, but on the contrary, they will affect the
profit and loss of the next year. The profit of the year will
be very less, so for business firms, the earning base
remains suitable. Cash basis is more useful for voluntary
organizations, charitable trusts, professional individuals
and government organizations.
Accrual Basis
 This is the basis of accounting in which transactions are
recognized in the fiscal year they occur, regardless of when
cash is received or disbursed. Revenue is recognized in the
fiscal year earned, and expenses are recognized when
incurred. This is also referred to as the full accrual basis of Methods of Accounting
accounting. As accounting progressed, many of its methods were also
 According to the accrual basis of accounting revenue and developed. There are mainly three methods of accounting.
costs are recorded in the period in which they become due, Their description is as follows:-
rather than when they are received or paid, Credit sales, for 1. Single Entry System/Method: The Single Entry System
example, are included in total sales for the period, in Accounting is an accounting approach under which
every accounting transaction is recorded with only a
regardless as to whether money is received or not.
single entry in the accounting records, centered on the
Similarly, if a company uses a service but does not pay for business enterprise‟s results, which are shown in the
it, the expenditure is recorded in the books in the year in statement of income of the company. In simple words, a
which the service is used, not in the year in which the single entry system records a transaction with a single
payment is made. entry and only maintains one side of every transaction. It
 For example, Rs.5000/- of salary is yet to be paid. is the oldest method of recording financial transactions
Although the rent has not yet been paid, yet this and is less popular than the double entry system and is
outstanding rent will be charged to the debit side of the mainly used for entries recorded in the income statement.
Profit and Loss Account as the rent has become payable. This term describes the problems associated with the
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
accounts from an incomplete transaction and is popularly efforts made are also adjusted from the gross national
called „Preparation of Accounts from Incomplete product. In general, the consumption of man-made capital
Records‟. The main features of the single entry method assets ("capital") is adjusted when estimating GDP. If the
are as follows:- exploitation and consumption of natural resources are also
 Under this system, only one Cash Book is included, then the new figures obtained will be called
maintained which mixes up both the private and Environmentally Adjusted Gross Domestic Product or
business transactions. Green GDP or Sustainable GDP. On comparing these
 Only individual accounts are used in this. Impersonal figures with the national income, it It can be ascertained that
and nominal sources are ignored. the development of a country is not taking place at the cost of
 One has to depend on the original certificates for environmental damage. It is known that green accounting is
information about various transactions. the maximum amount of per capita wealth in a given period
 This method may differ from one institution to of time, which can be obtained by keeping the natural wealth
another according to their own requirement because of the nation constant. It is worth noting that Annual
no fixed rules are followed in it. accounting is done by the World Bank after every 10 years.
2. Double Entry System/Method: This system was born in
Italy and with the advent of the British, this system came
Recording of Business Transactions
to India. In most countries of the world, counting is done  Business Transactions: Any event that occurs between
according to this system. It is a complete and scientific two or more entities, which has some value, is called a
system which has its own definite rules and principles. It business transaction.
has been made mandatory to use double accounting  Source documents: Any document which confirms the
method in banks, insurance companies, government authenticity of a transaction is called a source document. In
offices, corporations, companies etc. This method is other words, it is a written document that is prepared at the
reliable for all the parties. In this method every time of transaction and contains the details of the
transaction is accounted for in two accounts i.e. in the transaction. Various types of documents are used in
debit side of one account and in the credit side of the business to record various deals. Such as cash memo,
other account.In this method there are separate rules for invoice, receipt, deposit note, salary slip and check etc.
individual, real and unreal accounts on the basis of which
1. Cash Memo: When goods are sold to a customer, firm
they are recorded in the books of accounts. Transactions
or institution, by making a cash bill. In this;
are recorded. In this system, mathematical inaccuracies in
accounts can be rectified by preparing trial balance. description, quantity, rate, total amount, date of
Double accounting system is based on the following transaction, serial number and other conditions are
principles:- mentioned. For the buyer it is a proof of purchase of
 Two parties- In every transaction essentially two goods in cash and for the seller it is proof of sale of
parties, one name and the other, are deposited. goods in cash.
 Ledger in both the parties- Every transaction is 2. Invoice: When goods are sold to a person, firm or
ledger in both the parties. institution, an invoice is made. In this the description of
 Equal effect on both the parties – The amount goods sold, rate, total selling price, name of person,
debited to one party will be credited to the other party firm or organization is written. An invoice is a type of
in the same amount. business record that a firm can use to study the buying
3. Mahajani Accounting System/Method: This is the habits of its customers.
oldest method in the world. In this method, the 3. Cheque: Check is a bill of exchange which is drawn on
accountings are done according to the double accounting a particular bank and is payable on demand. The check
system and this system is very simple and less expensive. book is issued by the bank to the customer.
In this, accounting is done in long, folded ledgers and any Lock-Box System
Indian language can be used for accounting, such as This is an arrangement in which the institution rents a
Marwari, Gujarati, Sindhi, Marathi, Hindi etc. -The initial lock-box each in post offices in different areas in big
entry of taxes is done in the tax ledger and after that the cities. Customers are instructed as to which number of
final accounts are prepared. This method is used by small lock-box they should deposit their cheques. According to
and medium traders to keep their accounts. In the this instruction, every customer sends the check to the
computer age, the importance of the system has address of the box number directed to him.
4. Debit Note: When a party is debited from any amount
Green Accounting for any reason, it is sent by making a name letter. For
It has also been given the noun of environmental accounting. example, when the selling price of the goods is reduced
In the process of economic development, in order to increase
by the seller, the seller sends a name letter to the buyer
the national product, nature-provided resources – forest
of the goods for the difference amount.
wealth, mineral wealth, water resources etc. are continuously
5. Credit Note: When a party is credited with any amount
getting weathered. Green accounting is a method of national
income estimation in which the weathering costs of nature- for any reason, it is sent by making a letter of credit,
provided resources used in the increase of national product such as the seller debiting the debtors with a higher
are subtracted from the national product, for replenishment amount, depositing them with the difference amount.
of natural resources that can be replenished. The costs of the The letter is sent.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
Classification of Accounts C. Representative Personal Pronouns: These are not
in the name of any person or organization, but are
Nature of Accounts expressed in the form of personal pronouns. For
Knowledge of the rules of debit and credit is very important example, unpaid liability and prepaid debt, capital
for recording transactions in the journal. Which is to be debt, drawing debt.
debited and which is to be credited depends on the nature of 2. Real Accounts: Accounts which relate to the assets of the
the account. In every type of business there are generally firm but not to its debts. For example, accounts relating to
following types of transactions:- land, building, investments, fixed deposits etc. are real
a. Business deals with a number of individuals or entities: accounts. Cash in hand and bank accounts are also real
b. The business has assets in the form of cash, furniture, accounts. Accounts of various items are realized as
building, stock, machinery etc. for its operations; and permanent accounts on the balance sheet.
c. The business has to pay expenses like rent, salary, wages, 3. Nominal/Income/Expenditure Accounts: Such accounts
stationery, advertisement, commission, electricity expenses are related to expenditure, loss, profit, income etc. such as
etc. and earns income from various means from business salary account, rent account; interest paid account, and
operations. commission received account of all unreal accounts. The
Therefore, in order to give a complete account of all the net result is reflected in profit or loss which is transferred
transactions to the business, the Accounts are classified on two to the capital account. Hence, unrealized accounts are
bases:- temporary in nature.
1. On the basis of Accounting Equation  Based on the activities of a period of business
2. On Conventional Basis organizations, it is made to find out the results of the said
On the basis of Accounting Equation period. This account is prepared on the basis of receipt
and payment account and additional information.
1. Asset Accounts: Accounts related to tangible and
 In this only receipts and payments of income nature are
intangible assets are called asset accounts. For example-
furniture, land, machinery, building, goodwill, cash etc.
 It is a nominal amount account. Expenses and losses are
2. Liability Accounts: Such accounts, other than the owner
of the business, which provide finance or credit facilities to shown on the debit side and income and profit are shown
the external persons and organizations in the business, are on the right side, which are of income nature.
 Income and expenses of a certain accounting period are
called liability accounts. For example, loan account given
by bank or individual, creditor's account, bill payable recorded whether received or not or paid or not.
 This accrual is made on retention i.e. dues and advances
account, bank overdraft etc.
3. Capital Account: Those accounts which are related to the are adjusted.
owners of the business are called capital accounts such as-  There is no opening balance in this. It‟s closing balance
Capital Account, Drawing Account etc. When the owner of shows the excess or deficiency which is added or
the institution or organization withdraws money/goods subtracted to the capital fund in the balance sheet.
from the institution for his personal use, it will be reported Final Account
in the Withdrawal Account.
For information about the economic condition of the
4. Income Accounts: Accounts related to income from
selling goods, interest, dividend, providing services are
1) Business and profit-loss and
called income accounts. For example – Sales Account,
2) A balance sheet is prepared.
Interest Received Account, Dividend Received
The profit or loss earned by the business in a certain
Commission Account, Received Book Account etc.
accounting period is ascertained from the business and profit-
5. Expenditure Accounts: Accounts related to expenses
loss account and the balance sheet is a useful account
incurred to earn income in business are called expense
statement for information about the financial position on a
accounts, such as purchase account, interest payable
certain date. Together these are called the last ones. This is the
account, salary, wages, rent etc.
last step in the accounting process. Bad Debts received at this
On Conventional Basis stage are posted to the profit and loss account.
1. Personal Accounts: Personal accounts are related to Final casts matter to all parties, business owners, managers,
individuals, debtors and creditors. For example, the government, and the public. All these parties get information
account of Ram & Co., a credit customer or the account of about many facts like business strength, solvency, policy
Jhaveri & Co., a supplier of goods is the account of the setting, and tax assessment.
capital owner, so it is also a personal account, but
adjustments are made on account of profit and loss, in this
Business Account
account are again divided into three categories:- In the category of unrealized income, there is such income that
A. Natural Personal Accounts: These are related to the gives information about the gross profit of the business. It acts
transactions of individuals like Ram, Anju etc. as a bill of lading for the merchant. Opening stock, purchases
B. Artificial (Legal) Individual Entities: For business and direct expenses are taken on the debit side and sales and
purposes, business entities are treated as separate closing stock on the credit side.
entities. In the eyes of the law, they are treated as The difference between the two sides is called gross
persons dealing with others. For example, profit or loss. If the sum of the credit side of this account is
government companies, (private and limited clubs), more than the debit side, it shows gross profit and the opposite
co-operative societies, etc. situation shows loss.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
Profit & Loss Account/ Income Statement Operating Profit
Operating profit is the profit earned by the normal operations
Income statement shows the details of profit and loss of a and activities of the business. Operating profit is obtained by
financial year. The purpose of the profit and loss account is to subtracting operating expenses from operating income. Non-
calculate the net profit that can be planned. This is also called operating income and expenses are not taken into account
dynamic analysis of profit and loss. Profit and loss account
while calculating it and it is profit before tax and interest.
is prepared when there is a share of profit in the account.
Operating Profit = Gross Profit – Operating Expenses
Losses are debited and income relating to the current year is
Operating expenses are related to the normal operations of the
credited.Types of expenses charged to the debit of profit and
business such as office expenses, selling and distribution
loss can be classified into the following categories:-
expenses etc.
1. Operating Expenses: These are related to the normal
operation of the business. Receipt and Payments Account
a) Selling and Distribution Expenses- Receipts and Payments Account is a summary of the cash
 Salesman's Salary, Commission etc. book. Receipt and payment account is prepared from time to
 Advertisement Expenses time with the help of cash book to account for cash
 Vikram Carriage Fare or Outward Carriage etc. transactions by the institutions. It is a memoranda account i.e.
 Export Duty it is not based on double accounting system. In this account,
 Sinking the receipts and payments during the year are written item
 Warehousing and Packing Expenses wise. Its debit side shows the opening balance of cash and
 Insurance of Goods various receipt items and the credit side shows the amounts of
 Expenses of Delivery Vehicles cash payments and closing cash balance. With the help of
b) Administrative and Office Expenses- receipt and payment account, income-expenditure account and
 Wages/Salary of Office Staff, Officers
balance sheet can also be prepared and cash book can be
 Rent of Office Building
controlled. The following are the objectives of preparing
 Stationery, Printing Expenses
Receipts and Payments Account-
 Audit Expenses
1. To control the cash book.
c) Financial Expenditure
2. To get item-wise information of year-end receipts and
 Interest on Loan (By Financial Institution)
 Discounts and Rebates to Customers
3. It is prepared for the purpose of preparing income-
d) Others
expenditure account and balance sheet.
 Drowning Event
 Battatta Event Suspense Account
2. Non-Operating Expenses: Those which are not related to When the errors are not detected even after a lot of efforts
the normal operation of the business, these are irregular in before closing the balance sheets and the totals of both the
nature of non-recurring nature. sides of the trial balance are not equal, then in order to save
 Payment of interest time and prepare the final balance, the difference in trial
 Loss by fire or theft balance is taken up. This account is also called mistake
3. The following items are not shown in the statement of account, outstanding account, and suspended account. If the
Profit and Loss:- sum of the debit side of the trial balance is more than the
 Drawing-Capital account is debited. credit side, then this account will be credited and By writing
 Sales Tax and Income Tax- Till the time the sales the credit balance in the credit side of the trial balance, the
tax is not deposited in the government treasury, it
sum of both the sides of trial balance will be equal.Similarly if
should be debited in the liability side of the balance
the total of the credit side of trial balance is more than the
sheet and income tax being a personal expense
debit side, then Suspense account will be debited by this
should be debited in the capital account.
amount and this account will be debited. By writing the
Finding Initial and Closing Capital balance in the debit side of the trial balance, the total of trial
1. Determining the Initial Capital: In the beginning of the balance will become equal.
year, the initial capital is determined by preparing the Manufacturing Account
initial position sheet from the balances of assets and
liabilities. Initial Capital = Initial Assets - Initial In business establishments where goods are produced or
Liabilities. manufactured without purchasing the goods, Manufacturing
2. Determining the Final Capital: At the end of the year, Account is prepared to ascertain the cost of goods produced. It
the final capital is determined by making the final position is a part of the asset account of the trading account. Opening
sheet from the balances of assets and liabilities. Final and closing stock, purchases, sales, wages, freight and direct
Capital = Assets at the end of the year - Liabilities at expenses are shown in the trading account, but many
the end of the year. manufacturing expenses (such as depreciation, repairs, factory
insurance etc.) are not shown. For this reason it becomes
Notes to Accounts and Explanatory Notes
necessary to build in manufacturing institutions.
Notes to Account, Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss
Account are given below. It contains a detailed description Rules for Debiting and Crediting
of the items shown therein, while explanatory notes are a The following methods can be used to make entries in the
statement of accounting policies and explanations with journal according to the nature of the amounts used in
respect to material items. business transactions:-
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
A. Accounting Equation Method books / ledgers is called opening entry. This entry is made at
the beginning of the current year with the help of the journal
To make entry in the journal, the accounts can be divided into
of the previous year. To make this entry, the accounts shown
five main parts:-
on the assets side of the balance sheet of the previous year are
1. Rules related to Assets: When there is an increase in an
debited and the liabilities and capital accounts are credited.
asset, then that asset will be debited and if there is a
With this entry, these accounts get dissolved in the journal.
decrease, it will be credited. Note that there will always
be a debit balance (in terms of income) of asset sources. Simple/Single Entry
Examples of asset sources- Cash balance, debtors, bank When only two accounts are affected in a transaction, the
balance, land, building, furniture, machinery etc. Debit journal entry for that transaction is called a simple entry. For
balance is also called favorable balance. example, sold goods to Anamika. In this transaction, only the
Goods Account (or Sales Account) and the account of
Anamika will be affected. The Goods Account is divided into
2. Rules related to Liability: When there is an increase in five parts, viz. Purchases Account, Sales Account, Purchases
any liability, then that liability account will be credited Return Account, Sales Account and Stock Account.
and if there is a decrease in the liability, it will be debited. Compound Entries
Keep in mind that the liability accounts will always have
Sometimes, transactions of the same nature or related to a
a credit balance (referred to).
particular person or thing happen more than once in a day,
then in such a situation, instead of making separate entries for
each transaction, they should be entered in one entry. are
3. Rules related to Capital: When the owner of the
taken, which is called mixed entry. For example, salary and
business makes available the funds of his resources and
stationery expenses were paid. Salary account, stationery
he increases his capital, then the capital account will be
account and cash account will be affected in this transaction.
credited and on withdrawal, there is a decrease in the
capital, in fact the capital account will be debited. Keep in Ledger Account
mind that the capital account will always have a credit Bookkeeping is the initial stage of accounting because
balance. accounting work is done on the basis of bookkeeping only.
Bookkeeping is derived from the English language, which
means to keep books. Under the bookkeeping, the details of
4. Rules related to Income: When there is income in the the daily transactions in the business are given in a systematic,
business, then the capital of the businessman increases. time-wise and date-wise manner. From which information
Therefore, the account of increase in income will be done about the economic condition of the business and profit-loss
by crediting the Income Account. Keep in mind that the etc. is obtained.
Income Account will always have a credit balance (refer Definition of bookkeeping according to different
to Income Account). Examples of Income Accounts are
Interest Received Account, Commission Received
Account, and Rent Received Account etc.  According to Mr. North Cart, "Bookkeeping is the art
of recording the monetary aspect of financial transactions
in the books of accounts."
5. Rules related to Expenses: When any expenditure is  According to Carter, "Bookkeeping is the art and
incurred, the capital of the merchant decreases, so the science of systematically recording in books all those
expenditure account will be debited to account for the business transactions which result in the transfer of
increase in the expenditure. Keep in mind that the money or money's value."
expenditure account is always debited; the coupon will be  According to C. Cropper, "Bookkeeping is the science
referenced. Examples of expense items are Salary of accounting for transactions relating to money or
Expenses, Rent Expenses, Stationery Expenses, etc. monetary value."
 According to Sarkar, “Bookkeeping is a science and an
art. By which the business transactions of a person or
B. Traditional method institution are accounted for in this way to reflect the
1. Rule of Personal Accounts: “Debit the account of the monetary effects of that transaction.
receiver and credit the account of the giver.”  According to Mr. Rowland, "The intention of book-
2. Rule of Real Accounts: “Debit the account of the item that keeping is to record the transactions on the basis of
comes in and credit the account of the item that goes out.” certain principles."
3. Rule of Nominal Accounts: “Debit the accounts of fixed  According to Arthur Pfieldhouse, “Bookkeeping is the
expenses and losses and credit the accounts of all incomes science and art of recording monetary transactions in the
and gains.” books of account so consistently and accurately that you
Entry can at any time see the results during a given period and
your financial affairs at the end of that period.” or be able
Opening Entry to determine with clarity and speed the correct condition
At the end of the previous year, the entry which is made to of any part thereof.
bring the remaining balances of the balance sheet or journal  Spicer and Pegler "Bookkeeping is the art of recording
towards the asset or liability side, in the current year's ledger business transactions in the form of money."
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
After the transactions are recorded in the journal, the M.J. Keeler has defined Journal as, 'Journal is a business
recorded bills are classified and grouped by making accounts, record in which business transactions are basically recorded
hence the book in which all types of accounts (i.e. personal, and which presents all the transactions in an organized form
real and unreal accounts) are kept is known as ledger and in order of date at one place.' Journal prepared. Before the
book. It is considered to be the main book of stars in which process of recording, it is very important to know the nature of
the rest of the stars are known in the sequence of stars. the characters to be recorded in it.
A journal is a book in which various accounts (of Characteristics
personal, objective and unreal nature) are kept. In this way, it
 Transactions are entered in the journal in a time-wise
can be said that the account book is the book in which the
(date-wise) manner.
accounts of all the individuals, firms, institutions, companies,
 This is the book of initial entry, in which transactions
properties, goods and items of income-expenditure are taken
before Khatauni are analysed.
and all the transactions related to them are recorded in the
 In this, using the double entry system, the transactions are
accounts. Measurement is done. Hence ledger is a set of
written on the credit side and on the debit side.
accounts in which business related transactions are recorded,
 An entry in the journal contains the complete information
classified and summarized.
of a transaction.
Utility of Ledger
Cash Book
Ledger is the main ledger of double entry system. In this book,
different things are written for all the transactions according to Cash book is the book in which all the transactions related to
their nature, so that the business owner gets information about cash receipts and payments are recorded. It is this book which
all the transactions from the same book. serves the purpose of both journal and ledger as the primary
entry of transactions is made in the cash book. Hence it is also
Specimen of Ledger Accounts
called the book of original entry. Generally, it is a practice that
The two sides of a ledger are debit and credit. There are four when the cash book is maintained, then the cash related
entries each in both the debit and credit sides- 1. Date, 2. transactions are neither recorded in the journal nor any other
Description, 3. Journal folio (i.e. the page from which the account is made for cash and cash at bank. Mainly the cash
entries are taken for accounting), and 4. Amount. book is of the following four types:-
Posting (Khatauni) 1. Simple Cash Book: All the cash related transactions of the
business are recorded in the simple cash book, that is, it is
The process of transferring debits and credits to the classified
a complete document of cash receipts and payments. When
accounts in the ledger from the journal is called 'posting'.
all the business transactions are done in cash only, then in
Rules Regarding Accounting of Entries in the Ledger
that case a simple cash book is prepared.
1. For each account a separate account is opened in the ledger
2. Two Columns Cash Book: A two column cash book has two
and the entries from the journal are adjusted in the
columns on each side for amounts. One cell is for discount
corresponding account.
and the other cell is for cash transactions. In its debit side it is
2. It is a practice that while reporting the transactions in the
shown in kbvndj and in credit side it is shown.
ledger, the words 'To‟ and 'By' are used. 'To' is used in the
3. Three Columns Cash Book: In this type of cash book, there
description column with the accounts written on the debit
are three columns each for the amount on each side - and
side and 'By' is used in the column with the details written
nowadays, in most of the business organizations, the number
on the credit side. These 'To' and 'By' do not carry any
of bank related transactions is very large, sometimes it is also
meaning but are used for the expression of debited and
an effort to keep track of all the receipts. Or the payments
credited amounts.
should be made through the bank only.
Balancing of Accounts 4. Retail Cash Book: Every business establishment has to
Balancing of accounts means adding the debit and credit sides make a large number of small payments, such as traveling
of the account and writing off the difference on the side which allowance, postal expenses, freight, telephone and other
is less. expenses (miscellaneous expenses) etc.
At the end of the accounting period, usually all the Capital Expenditure and Revenue
accounts are closed and the balance is withdrawn. The main
reason for calculating the balance is to know the clear position Expenditure
of the business at a given point of time or period of time. It is
necessary to know here that only the balances of fixed items
Capital Expenditure
are carried forward to the balance sheet. Assets, liabilities and Capital expenditure are those expenses, the benefits of which
capital are examples of fixed assets. All short term accounts are available to the business for more than one financial year
i.e. revenues and expenses are not balanced, but at the time of or those expenses which are incurred for acquiring a fixed
closing, they are transferred to trading and profit and loss asset for the business. To identify the capital expenditure in
account. any business concern, at least one of the following conditions
must be satisfied for any expenditure to be considered as
Journal capital expenditure:-
Journal is the primary book for recording business transactions 1. Expenditure incurred on purchase, acquisition and
sequentially and date wise. First of all, the merchant records installation of any visible or invisible permanent.
his transactions in this book. For small businessmen, the 2. Expenditure for the improvement of a property, in which a
journal is the only book of initial accounting. With the help property is increased or expanded or is improved in such
of the journal, various accounts are reported in the journal. an extraordinary way, which increases the production
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
capacity or increases the profit earning power, is called 4. Special Research Expenses
capital expenditure. . 5. Expenses of moving the business to a good location
3. Expenditure incurred for obtaining the right to carry on the 6. Commission on issue of shares and debentures.
business. Discount
4. Expenses for obtaining capital and loan
5. New Businesses. Deducting some amount from the selling price of the article by
the trader is called discount. This discount is of two types.
Examples of Capital Expenditure
1. Trade Discount: When the trader reduces some percentage
Expenditure is capital or not, mainly depends on the nature of of the selling price while selling the goods, it is called trade
the business, like- a businessman is in the business of buying discount. The invoice is made only by reducing the amount
and selling machines, then for this business there is no of this discount from the selling price. The purpose of
expenditure on purchase of machines, but if any is into the giving such a discount is to encourage sales. Thus no
business of clothes, then in this case the expenditure incurred separate entry is made for the discount, it is deducted from
on purchase of machines is considered as capital the selling price and the sale entry is made from the
expenditure.Mainly the following expenditure are considered remaining amount.
as capital expenditure:- 2. Cash Discount: Some discount is given by the businessman
1. Expenditure incurred on the purchase and construction of in an effort to induce his debtors to pay before the due date.
machinery and furniture, The amount of this discount is called cash discount. The
2. Cost of building businessman also gets this type of discount from his
3. Cost of trade marks, copyrights, patents and patterns creditors. When cash discount is allowed to its debtors, it is
4. Cost of setting up the machine a kind of loss for the businessman.
5. Expenses incurred on any invention.
6. Expenditure incurred on addition of building, machinery, Incomplete Account
furniture etc. Such a method in which double accounting of transactions is
7. Cost of Motor Car and Truck not done but accounting is done through cash book and
8. Cost of leased asset personal accounts are called incomplete account. In the
9. Cost of Goodwill incomplete accounting method, one-sided accounting of some
10. Cost of electricity and fitting of fans, cost of fitting tools transactions, some double accounting is kept and some
11. Expenses of acquisition of capital assets other than the transactions are not accounted, hence it is appropriate to call it
cost of these assets incomplete accounting method.
12. Expenses of bringing capital assets to use
Closing Entries
13. Autonomous property and
14. Expenditure on development of mines etc. In every business, after recording the various transactions
during the accounting year in the journal, they are debited in
Revenue Expenditure the ledger. After this, the final accounts are prepared with the
Revenue expenses mean such expenses, which are incurred in help of the balances of accounts by closing the various
the management and operation of the business which are accounts at the end of the year. Final entries are not necessary
incurred for maintaining the functionality of the fixed assets for personal accounts (debtors and creditors accounts) and
and are incurred in the purchase and sale of business goods assets and liabilities accounts. The balances of these accounts
and these expenses are of recurring nature i.e. these expenses are shown on the asset or liability side of the balance sheet.
are incurred repeatedly or continuously, in short the expenses The accounts having debit balance are shown on the asset side
incurred for the following purposes are called revenue of the balance sheet and the accounts having credit balance are
expenditure. shown on the liability side.
1. Expenses incurred for obtaining raw material or At the end of the financial year, the entries by which the
merchandise. balances of nominal or unreal accounts are transferred to the
2. Expenses of managing and operating the business. trading account and profit and loss account are called Closing
3. Maintenance expenses and depreciation of fixed assets. entries.
4. Selling and distribution expenses such as advertising
expenses, discounts given to customers, delivery expenses Adjustment Entries
etc. In order to find out the correct and net result of the business
and the correct economic condition through the final accounts,
Deferred Revenue Expenditure
it is necessary to see whether all the necessary accounts have
If the amount of revenue expenditure is huge in a year and the been done or not. Before making the final accounts, if we look
benefit of that expenditure continues to be available in the at the accounting books, it will be known that some
coming years apart from the current year, then such transactions have not been accounted, some transactions have
expenditure is called deferred revenue expenditure. Since been incompletely written, some accounts have gone wrong,
the benefit of deferred revenue expenditure is available for and there have been errors in writing some accounts. There are
many years. Hence it is written off from the profit and loss some accounts which are related to the next year, there are
account in the specified years in which the profit is made. some accounts which are related to the previous year,
Examples- similarly there are some accounts which are settled only on the
1. Preliminary Expenses last day of the year.
2. More expenditure on advertisement Therefore, the creation and modification of such practices in
3. High expenditure on repairs the last are called adjustments and the journal entries made to
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
account for them are called adjustment entries. The major 4. Accrued Income
adjustments to be made before preparing the final accounts are
Accrued Income is the income that has been earned but not yet
as follows:-
received. Accrued Income is to be recognized in the
1. Closing Stock accounting period in which it arises but not in the subsequent
The meaning of closing stock is that goods which remain period when it is received. For the journal entry, the income is
unsold at the end of the year. Closing stock should be valued to be credited to record the accrued income and a related
at actual cost price or market price, whichever is lower. After receivable is to be debited to balance the transaction. The
valuing the closing stock, the following journal entry is made accounting entry will be as follows:-
in the accounting books. The amount of accrued income is added to the related income
While preparing the final accounts of the respective year, the in the profit and loss account and is written towards assets in
closing balance is shown to the credit side of the trading the balance sheet.
account and shown to the assets side in the balance sheet. 5. Unearned Income
 Opening Stock: The value of unsold goods with the
This is the income which has been received in advance and its
business at the beginning of the accounting year is called
full utility has not yet been given, that is, the unearned income
the opening stock.
 Live Stock: The animals, horses, bulls etc. which are
is not related to the current year but to the next year. Suppose
used as property in business are called livestock or live some part of the business building is taken on rent on 1st
stock. November and three months' rent is taken in advance in the
 Dead Stock: The assets which are continuously used for
beginning itself and final accounts are being prepared on 31st
the operation of the business are called dead stock. For December, then in such a situation the profit and loss account
example, machinery, furniture etc. of the current year will only write the amount of rent for two
After ascertaining the gross profit and loss, the opening months and the amount of one month's rent will be related to
stock and closing stock are determined from the following the next year, which will be called accrued rent.
formulas:- 6. Depreciation
Basic Formula To support the business, every businessman has fixed assets
 Opening Stock + Purchases + Direct Expenses + Gross like building, machinery, furniture, motor vehicles, etc., whose
Profit = Selling Price + Closing Stock value depreciates due to continuous use. This decrease is
 Opening Stock + Purchases + Direct Expenses – Closing called depreciation or depreciation or deduction. It is also
Stock = Selling Cost. an expense like other business expenses. Therefore, to find out
Various calculations can be done with their help the net profit of a year, it is necessary to write the amount of
as follows- depreciation of assets in the debit of profit and loss.
 Opening Stock = (Sales Price + Closing Stock) – It is written on the debit side of the profit and loss account and
(Purchase + Direct Expenses + Gross Profit) shown by deducting it from the related assets on the assets side
 Opening Stock = (Cost of Sales = Closing Stock) – of the balance sheet. If the adjustment entry in respect of
(Purchase + Direct Expenses) depreciation is made before preparing the trial balance, the
 Opening Stock = Selling Price + Closing Stock + gross amount of depreciation and the reduced value of the asset are
loss in case of gross loss – (Purchases + direct expenses) shown as debits in the trial balance. The amount of depreciation
 Closing Stock = (Opening Stock + Purchases + Direct
or amortization will be shown on the debit side of profit and
Expenses + Gross Profit) – Sales
loss and the asset will be written in the balance sheet at the cost
 Closing Stock = (Opening Stock = Purchases = Direct
shown in the trial balance (written down value).
Expenses = Cost of Sales)
 Gross loss is given- Closing Stock = (Opening Stock + 7. Interest on Capital
Purchases + Direct Expenses) - (Sales + Gross Loss) The money that the owner of the business invests in his
2. Outstanding Expenses business is called his capital. Interest is charged on this capital
at a fixed percentage which is provided by the business to its
At the end of the year, there are some expenses, the benefit of
owner. For this the following adjustment entry is made:-
which is received in the related year, but it is not paid till the
Interest on capital is revenue expenditure; therefore, to find
date of preparation of final accounts. Such expenses are called
out the net profit of the business, it is written in the debit of
outstanding expenses. It is a distraction, because it is for
the profit and loss account and this interest increases the
distractions that we have to give. The entry for its adjustment
balance of the business's capital, hence it is a liability of the
will be as follows:-
The amount of the outstanding expenditure is added to the economic balance. It is shown by adding it to the capital side.
related expenditure in the business or profit and loss account 8. Interest on Drawings
and shown on the liability side of the balance sheet. When the owner of the business withdraws some amount from
3. Prepaid Expenses the business for personal expenditure, it is called Drawing.
A company prepaying for an expense is to be recorded as a On this he has to pay interest, which is called interest on
prepaid asset on the balance sheet and is termed as „prepaid drawings. Interest on drawings is a gain for the business and a
expense‟. The entry is being simultaneously added with personal loss for the trader. For this the following adjustment
another entry (the payment account) that reduces the cash entry is made-
balance of a business unit. Prepaid expense, being an Interest on drawings is written on the credit side of the profit
„expense‟ is still recorded in the asset side of the balance sheet and loss account and shown on the liability side of the balance
as this is an advanced payment for the goods and services to sheet by adding to the drawings and deducting them from the
be received in the future. capital.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
9. Bad Debts  Personal Judgement: Although accounting concepts and
conventions act as a guide for the accountant, yet the use
"This is the soul of business." In today's era of competition,
of these concepts and conventions depends on his personal
the importance of selling has increased a lot. For this reason,
judgment. It depends on the personal judgment of the
the seller's amount remains deposited with the buyer, which he accountant which of the various methods of inventory
is entitled to, but sometimes the buyer refuses to pay this valuation to be used.
amount, then this amount becomes bad debt or bad debt for Financial statement is a major source of financial
the seller. information. On the basis of which conclusions are drawn
The amount of bad debts is written in the debit side of the about the profitability and economic condition of the business.
profit and loss account and if it is recovered, it is credited to
the P-S-account and shown by deducting it from the amount of Objectives of Financial Statements
liability in the balance sheet.  To provide reliable financial information about economic
10. Reserve for Doubtful Debts resources and obligations of a business firm.
 To provide other needed information about changes in
Those debts (or such debtors) whose chances of recovery are
such economic resources and obligations.
questionable or doubtful are called doubtful debts. A certain
 To provide reliable information about changes in net
percentage of provision is made for bad and doubtful debts of resources (resources less obligations) arising out of
trade debtors. Provision for doubtful debts is part of indirect business activities.
expenses.  To provide financial information that assists in estimating
Financial Statements the earning potentials of business.
 To disclose, to the extent possible, other information
 According to John N. Mayer, “Financial statement
summarizes the accounts of business concerns. Balance related to the financial statements that is relevant to the
needs of the users of these statements.
sheet shows assets, liabilities and capital at a given date
and income statement shows the results of activities Essential Qualities of Financial Statements
during a given period of time”.  Promptness: Financial statements should be available
 Henri Fayol, “Financial statements are the eyes of any immediately at the end of the financial period. If these are
enterprise.” not made available at the appropriate time, the prepared
 According to R.N.Anthony, “Financial statement refers financial statements become meaningless and useless.
to the statement which reveals the financial condition of  Comparability: Financial statements should be prepared
the business and the result of business operations at the in such a way that the progress of the current year can be
end of the accounting period.” According to Section 2 compared with that of the previous year. Along with this,
(40) of the Companies Act 2013, the following shall be inter-firm comparison can also be possible with their help.
included in the financial statements of the company:-  Understandibility: The main objective of financial
 Balance sheet at the end of the financial year statements is to provide information regarding the
 Statement of profit and loss for the financial year resources and performance of the tasks of the enterprise.
 Cash flow statement for the financial year Therefore, the information given in these should be clear,
 Statement of changes in equity, if applicable simple and understandable, which even a common man,
 Explanatory Notes who does not have knowledge of accounting principles,
In general terms, the meaning of financial statement is can easily understand.
'that balance sheet of the organization in a financial year,  Completeness: The information given in the financial
which contains the summary of its accounts ie profit-loss statements should be complete in itself. Financial
details and tells the flow of cash in that year.' statements with incomplete information fail to serve their
purpose. Therefore, to clarify the meaning of the
Nature of Financial Statements information given in these details, comments, discussions,
Financial statements give information about the economic tables etc. should be given.
condition of the business and the results achieved during the  Reliability: The information given in the financial
period under consideration, but the values shown in these statements should be such that it is reliable. The reliability
statements never reflect the current value or the real value of financial statements also depends on the correctness of
because the figures shown in the financial statements are the accounts.
based on written facts, accounting conventions and personal  Relevance: Only that information should be disclosed in
judgments. There are collective results. Following are the the financial statements, if they explain the objectives of
important points regarding the nature of financial statements:- the company. No matter of relevance should be left out. If
 Recorded Facts: Business transactions are recorded in the the financial statements do not contain information in
business books on the date and at the same value when accordance with the objectives. So the conclusions drawn
they are transacted. With the passage of time, these on their basis will be wrong and will be of no importance.
accounts are historically captured and with the help of Characteristics of Financial Statements
these accounts, financial statements are prepared. Hence,
 Financial statements are related to the past, hence they are
financial statements are based on recorded facts.
historical documents.
 Accounting Conventions and Concepts: Financial
 Financial statements are presented in monetary terms.
statements are based on a number of accounting principles,  It shows the financial position of an organization from the
concepts and conventions. Classification of business statement of position and the profitability from the profit
expenses into capital and revenue expenses, selection of and loss statement.
depreciation method, stock valuation etc. are affected.  Accruals are made on basis and not on cash basis.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
Importance/Uses of Financial Statements According to Friedman, “A balance sheet is
a financial statement that reports a company's
Financial statements are mirrors in which the financial assets, liabilities and shareholder equity at a specific point in
position and operational strength or weakness of the time.”
organization are reflected. These statements are prepared for According to Palmer, Balance Sheet is a statement
the interests of the stakeholders (managers, investors, of a given date which shows the assets and liabilities of the
creditors, bankers, employees, government administrative businessman on the one hand and the responsibilities on the
bodies and the general public). George O. May points out the other.
following major uses of financial statements:- In summary it can be said that:-
1. As a report of stewardship; 1. Balance sheet is prepared to find out the financial
2. As a basis for fiscal policy; condition of the business on a certain date. Usually it is
3. To determine the legality of dividends; made at the end of the year.
4. As guide to advise dividend action; 2. This is a Statement, not an Account.
5. As a basis for the granting of credit; 3. It contains details of the source of capital.
6. As informative for prospective investors in an enterprise; 4. There is a description of the investment of its capital.
7. As a guide to the value of investment already made; 5. It is prepared from the balances of all real (except goods
8. As an aid to government supervision; related accounts) and personal accounts of the ledger.
9. As a basis for price or rate regulation; 6. The sum of the assets and liabilities side of the balance
10. As a basis for taxation. sheet is equal.
Limitations of Financial Statements 7. The balance sheet contains the details of the organization's
Following are the major limitations of financial statements:- assets, liabilities/liabilities and the share of the trader i.e.
 Influenced by Personal Bias and Knowledge: The
the owner.
figures displayed in the financial statements are silent, 8. Accounts of various items are kept in the form of
anything can be inferred from them. Therefore, the permanent accounts on the balance sheet.
conclusions drawn on the basis of these are affected by Why is a journal made or the purpose of making a
the personal feelings and knowledge of the user. Ledger?
 Non-inclusion of Non-monetary Facts: Financial
1. Financial statement to ascertain the financial position of
statements do not present the true picture of the business the business at the end of the accounting year.
because only monetary facts are included in them. While 2. Information about cash and bank balance, net profit of
non-monetary elements also affect the business. For business, reduction or increase in drawn capital is obtained
example, the skill, ability and power of the managers to from the balance sheet.
work, possible difficulties in getting raw materials or 3. To find out the amount to be received from the debtors and
facilities etc. receivable bills of the business.
 Lack of Precision: There is no precision in the facts of 4. To find out the amount to be paid to the creditors and
the financial statements because the figures of these payable bills of the business.
statements are determined on the basis of accounting 5. To know the amount of unpaid expenses, prepaid
assumptions and concepts and personal judgment of the expenses, earned income and unearned income at the end
accountant. That's why there is a lack of subtlety in the of the year and to reflect capital expenditure.
information received from them. 6. Opening entries at the beginning of the New Year to
 Non-reflection of Price Changes: Financial statements ascertain the closing stock remaining at the end of the
do not reflect changes in the price level. Therefore, the previous year.
facts shown in the financial statements of different years 7. To find out the amount of short term and long term
are not comparable. liabilities of the business and through them to check the
 Historical Documents: Financial statements are short term and long term solvency (paying ability) of the
historical documents. Hence, they do not give a true business.
picture of the present status of the undertaking. autopsy Assets
 Interim Reports: Financial statements are interim reports
Tangible or intangible possessions existing in the business that
because the actual profit of the business can be known
have economic value to the owners of the business are called
only after the complete closure of the business.
assets. It is helpful in running the business.
Balance Sheet The resources such as cash, equipment etc. used by the owner
Balance Sheet is made to assess the financial position of the of an organization or institution for its operation is called
business on a certain date with the help of the balances of the assets.
actual (excluding goods related accounts) and personal According to R.N. Anthony, “Assets are the valuable
accounts of the ledger. In the balance sheet, debit balances of resources of the business which are owned by the business and
all personal and material accounts are shown on the asset side acquired at a cost measured in money.
and credit balances are shown on the liability side. There are Classification of Assets
two sides of the balance sheet:-left side and right side. Assets are divided into different classes according to their
Liabilities are shown in the left side and assets in the nature. Their description is as follows:-
right side and the words “To” and “By” are not used in this 1. Fixed Assets
because it is a statement sheet, not an account. a. Tangible or Visible Assets
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
b. Intangible or Invisible Assets 2. Long Term Investment: When additional funds are not
c. Artificial Assets required in the business for a long time. So the
d. Degradable or Decaying Assets businessman appropriates it for the long term, it is called
2. Current or movable assets long term investment. Income is received in the form of
3. Liquid assets interest and dividend on investments.
4. Appropriation Short term investment is included in current assets and long
a. Short Term Investment term investment is included in fixed assets.
b. Long Term Investment Liabilities
Fixed Assets They are liabilities or debts that the business has to pay to
They are assets which are purchased for a long period of time external parties at some point in the future. It represents the
with the objective of earning income in the business. They are claim on the assets of the firm to the creditors. Whether a
not bought for the purpose of resale and their benefits are business is small or big, at some point of time it needs to
available in the business for many years. The classification of borrow money and buy things there.
fixed assets is as follows:- Classification of Liabilities
a) Tangible or Visible Assets: Those assets which are
physically present in the business. We can see, feel and The classification of liabilities to be shown in the balance
sheet is as follows:-
touch them. Fixed assets are depreciated but land is not
1. Internal Liability or Capital
depreciated. Such as land, building, plant, machine,
2. External Liability
furniture and furnishings, vehicle, office equipment etc.
A. Current or Short-Term Liabilities
b) Intangible or Invisible Assets: are those assets which are
B. Permanent or Long-Term Liability
not visible in the business, we can only feel them. These
3. Doubtful Liability
assets are also of permanent nature and their benefits are
(i) Internal Liability or Capital: The amount invested in
also available for many years. Such as technology,
the business by the owner of the business is the capital of
privilege rights, goodwill, patent, trademark, copyright, the business. It is the internal liability of the business.
brand, computer software, masthead, intellectual property Capital is paid after all external liabilities are paid. The
rights, design and prototype, formula, license etc. amount of capital is determined by deducting external
c) Artificial Assets: Artificial assets are not real assets. liabilities from the total assets.
These are the expenses and losses which have not been Capital= Net Assets - External Liabilities
written off. Since these expenses and losses have debit (ii) External Liabilities: Are those liabilities which are paid
balances, they are shown on the assets side. For example, to outsiders other than the owner of the business. It
initial expenditure, underwriting commission, discount on includes both current liabilities and permanent liabilities.
issue of shares and debentures, heavy advertisement a) Current or Short Term Liabilities: Current
expenditure etc. liabilities are those liabilities which are to be paid
d) Degradable or Decaying Assets: These assets are also of within a period of one year. In other words, the
permanent nature, but by extracting material from these liabilities which have to be paid immediately in the
assets or using them, they become empty. For example, business are called current liabilities. Such as bank
mines, ditches, oil wells etc. overdraft, bills payable, sundry creditors, unpaid
Current or Movable Assets expenses, proposed dividend etc.
These are the assets that the businessman does business that is, b) Permanent or Long-Term Liabilities: Permanent
liabilities are those liabilities which have to be paid
they are bought for resale. Liquid assets can be easily
after one year. In other words, the liabilities whose
converted into cash.
payment period is longer are called long term
For example: Raw materials, Finished goods, Debtors, Cash
liabilities. For example, long term loan, mortgage
balance, Bank deposits, Bills receivable, Prepaid expenses,
loan, secured loan, letter of credit etc.
Short term investments, Trade balances, Stores and spares,
c) Suspicious / Contingent Liabilities: Suspicious
small tools, goods in transit etc. Current assets are usually
liabilities are those liabilities which depend on the
converted into cash within a year.
occurrence of some event in the future. These
Liquid Assets liabilities do not arise till the date of preparation of
Liquid assets are those assets which can be converted into final accounts. Hence these are not shown on the
cash immediately or within a short period of time. These are liability side of the balance sheet, but are shown as
part of current assets. For example, cash at bank, cash in hand, notes/notes on account at the bottom of the balance
bills receivable, debtors, etc. sheet. Like- liability of bills discounted, liability of
Appropriation surety, liability in relation to the pending claim in the
When the money is not required in the business, the trader
Accounting Equation
appropriates it outside the business. There are two types of
appropriations:- 1. (Assests = Capital + Liabilities) A = C+L
1. Short Term Investment: When additional funds are 2. (Liabilities = Assets – Capital) L = A-C
appropriated for a short time (usually less than 1 year), it is 3. (Capital = Assets -Liabilities) C = A-L
called short-term investment, such as investment in bank At the end of the year, the net profit arising from income and
fixed deposits, purchase of shares and debentures, etc. expenditure is added to the capital account and the net loss is
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
subtracted. That is why income and expenditure accounts are Generally trial balance is prepared at monthly intervals to
written along with capital in the accounting equation. check the mathematical correctness of accounts. But due to the
In this case the accounting equation will be:- adoption of double accounting system, trial balance can be
A = L + C + Revenue – Expenses prepared at any time. It is better that it is made at the end of
A=L+C+R-E the accounting year so that the mathematical correctness of all
Order of Presentation of Balance Sheet of the figures can be ascertained before the preparation of the
financial statements.
Assets and Liabilities It is worth mentioning here that trial balance is a description,
(1) Liquidity Order not a account and profit-loss cannot be assessed in it.
According to this the asset which can be converted into cash Objectives of Preparing the Trial Balance
first is shown first. Thus the assets are presented in the order 1. Trial balance assures that accounting and other accounting
of realization. That's why it is called recovery sequence. So procedures have been performed without any mathematical
the possible sequence would be as follows: inaccuracy. In other words, trial balance helps in
Assets establishing mathematical correctness of the books.
1. Cash in hand 2. Financial statements are generally prepared on the basis of
2. Cash in bank reconciled trial balance otherwise the work may become
3. Bills receivable monotonous and lengthy. Thus, the preparation of financial
4. Debtor statements serves the second purpose of trial balance.
5. Appropriation 3. In fact, Trial balance is a summary of the details occurring
6. Inventory in the ledger. Ledger has to be given only when detailed
7. Stores and spares description of a particular account is to be given.
8. Prepaid expenses Errors that not Affect the Trial
9. Furniture
10. plant and machinery balance
11. land and building It is worth mentioning that the receipt of trial balance is not
12. Good will an irrefutable proof of purity. In other words, the inaccuracy
Liability may remain when trial balance is mixed. These can be of the
1. Bill payable following types:-
2. Creditor 1. Errors of Omission: Errors arising out of forgetting to
3. Outstanding expenses record a transaction in the books of initial account are
4. Bank loan included in this category. This will not affect the total
5. Capital of trial balance because the transaction does not get
(2) Permanence Order included in the books of account.
2. Errors of commission/ Accounting / Transposition:
In contrast to the liquidity order, those assets which can be
Errors in calculation or costing due to overstatement,
converted into cash last are listed first.
addition or subtraction in the ledger are called errors of
Note- Net profit and interest are added to the capital and the
cost determination. Such errors have a mixed effect.
interest on the drawings is credited. Thereafter it is disclosed
 Example- Ram paid Rs.3,500. Purchased goods for
in the balance sheet.
Rs. 5,300 and posted in Purchases Book or Journal
Trial Balance Rs. Accounted from 5,300 in both Ram and
Meaning of Trial Balance Purchases accounts while posting in the ledger. The
amount will be written off and trial balance will
Along with the cash book, details the debit and credit remain unaffected. If Khatauni deposits Rs.5,300 in
balances of all accounts. an account. And Rs.3,500 in the second account. This
After recording the accounts in the Posting (Khatauni), a error will have an effect on the trial balance. So, as if
statement is prepared to show the debit and credit balances. the total of purchase book is more, the total trial
This statement is called Trial balance, it can be prepared by balance will be affected, but the sum of trial balance
listing each account and the totals on the debit and credit sides will not be affected if the amount received from Ram
must be reconciled with the totals of the individual accounts. is written in Ramesh's account.
In the event of non-matching of both the sides, it is assumed 3. Errors of Principle: Inaccuracies arising out of non-
that some arithmetical error has been left somewhere. observance of accounting principles are called statistical
It is clear from the fact that is in double accounting errors. Such errors do not affect the trial balance. For
system, the totals of debits of different accounts are always example, repairs and maintenance are wrongly treated as
equal to the totals of credits of other accounts. Hence must revenue expenditure instead of capital expenditure. The
match the totals of the debit side also the sum of the debit account was debited to an additional machinery account
balances should be equal/corresponding to the sum of the such as the order of furniture in the Purchases Account, not
credits. Once the balances are reconciled, there is complete accounting for adjustments such as unpaid expenses.
confidence that the accounting work is free from clerical error, 4. Compensatory Error: If the effect of one error in
although this is not considered evidence of 100% accuracy as accounting is nullified by another error, then it is called
it contains theoretical and compensatory inaccuracies. (There compensatory error. When the net effect of two or more
may be a possibility of this happening) errors is zero, it is called compensating errors. For
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
example, instead of Rs. 500 in the debit side of Mohan, Rs. emphasized in the Companies Act 1956. Every company
50 is written and in the debit side of Sohan, Rs. Rs 500 should display the information of the current year as well as
should be given in place of 50. This error will give the sum the previous year in its published financial statements.
of trial balance. Comparative financial statements are prepared to reflect the
5. Errors of Duplication/Reversal: These errors usually following objectives:
arise when a transaction is re-entered in the original books (i) Absolute figure (in currency value or in rupees)
and also entered twice in the ledger. For example, suppose (ii) Expressing the increase or decrease as a percentage.
that Rs. 300 received and it should be written twice in the (iii) Expressing increase or decrease in absolute entities.
books and twice in Ram's account. Such mistakes happen Common Size Financial statements
due to carelessness. These errors have no bearing on the
reconciliation of trial balance. Audit can detect such errors Under comparative financial statements, changes in total
only through routine checks. assets, some liabilities, total owners' equity and total sales are
not shown, due to which it cannot be compared with other
Errors that Affect the Trial Balance companies or with the entire industry. To overcome this
Due to these inaccuracies, the sum of trial balance is affected deficiency, Common size financial statements are prepared.
and the purpose of making trial trial seems to be meaningful. According to Kennedy and McMullan, “If the data in the
i. The sum of the subsidiary books may be more or less. balance sheet and the income statement are shown in the form
ii. In the ledger, the balance of an account is wrongly taken of analytical percentages, i.e., in the ratio of total assets, total
out, wrongly reported, credit is written instead of debit, liabilities, ownership equity and net sales, then a common
the total of the subsidiary book is not written in the basis for comparison is prepared. The statements thus prepared
ledger, etc. are known as common size financial statements.”
iii. To make mistakes in making a Trial balance:-
(a) Forgetting to enter the balance of an account in the
Trend Analysis
trial balance Trend refers to the trend of business activity, which is
(b) Incorrect calculation of trial balance calculated by considering any period data from the available
(c) Writing amounts on the wrong side of the trial financial data. Generally, the first year is considered as the
balance, etc. base year. In order to make the items comparable, the same
Methods of Preparation of Trial Balance items of other years are converted into percentages or ratios,
taking the amount of the base year as 100. In this way, the
There are three methods of making trial balance-1. Balance following are the main methods of finding the trend:-
Method 2. Total Method 3.Total cum Balance Method (i) Trend Percentage
(i) Balance Method - In this method, this list is prepared by (ii) Trend Ratio
taking the balance of all the accounts from the cash book (iii) Graphic and Graphical Representation
including the account book.
(ii) Total Method: By this method the totals of all the Ratio Analysis
accounts including the trial balance and cash book are Meaning of a Ratio- Ratio establishes a mathematical
taken. It is noteworthy that practically this method is not relationship between any two numbers; here the relationship is
used, as it does not help in preparing the final accounts of established between two individual items or group items.
the business. According to J.Betty “Accounting ratios are used to show the
(iii) Total cum balances method - This method is a position statement, profit and loss account, accounting control
combination of both the Total Method and Balance system or any part of the accounting organization. It is used to
Method. reveal important relationships between numbers.
Techniques of Financial Statement Importance of Ratio Analysis
Analysis 1. It helps the management in future financial planning and
policy making.
The methods used to study the horizontal or vertical analysis 2. It throws light on the efficiency of the business
of the items of financial statements of a business enterprise in
order to gain knowledge of its financial position and earning
3. This analysis helps in comparing the data of the firm with
power are called techniques of financial analysis. But the most
the data of other firms in the same industry.
commonly used are the following-
4. This analysis helps in cost control.
1. Comparative Financial Statements
5. It brings more clarity in the data for decision making. So
2. Common Size Financial Statements
that a problem can be considered in the right perspective.
3. Trend analysis
6. With this, the solvency and profitability of the firm can be
4. Ratio Analysis
accurately measured.
5. Fund Flow Analysis
7. In this analysis, it is possible to condense very large data
6. Cash Flow Analysis
into two or three digits.
7. Break-even analysis
8. It is helpful in investment decision, capital structure
Comparative Financial Statement decision and dividend decision.
It is a major technique of analyzing financial statements. In 9. On the basis of this analysis the trend can also be known.
these statements, showing the data of two or more years, the 10. On the basis of this analysis the unknown factors of
changes between them are shown. This point has also been balance sheet or profit and loss account can be found.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
Limitations of Ratio Analysis of an organization to meet its current obligations.
Liquidity ratios provide an idea of the short-term
Ratio analysis has the following limitations which make its
solvency of the firm. These ratios indicate whether the
use limited or risky-
firm is in a position to meet its short-term liabilities
1. There is no universal standard of ratio analysis hence
from its short-term assets. In the form of these ratios the
scientific analysis is not possible.
following ratios are calculated-
2. Ratio analysis cannot throw full light on the efficiency of
(a) Current Ratio
any activity of the firm due to the absence of universally
(b) Liquid or Quick Ratio
accepted standards.
(c) Absolute Liquidity Ratio
3. Ratio analysis is based on financial statements and when
(a) Current Ratio- Current ratio can also be calculated by
financial statements are affected by misrepresentation,
dividing current liabilities by current assets and if the
ratio analysis can also give distorted and false
quotient is two or more then the short term solvency of
the organization is considered satisfactory. Its formula is
4. Ratio alone does not reveal the true position.
as follows:-
5. Many problems are less numerical and more qualitative it Current Assets
is not possible to analyze them correctly by this method. Current Ratio =
Current Liabilities
6. On the basis of these, it cannot be known immediately
(b) Quick Ratio- This ratio is also known as acid test ratio.
where and how the fault is.
Many times the current ratio does not give a correct idea
7. This analysis does not consider the market and the
of the short term solvency of the firm. If the firm has to
changes outside the firm.
pay its current liabilities immediately or very soon,
Classification of Ratios whether the firm is capable of doing so. To find out the
Ratios are classified in many ways, out of which the following quick ratio is calculated. For this, current liabilities are
two are important- divided into quick current assets.
A. Structural classification Quick Assets
Quick Ratio =
B. Functional classification Current Liabilities
A. Structural Classification- The basis of structural (c) Absolute Liquidity Ratio- This ratio is also known as
classification is the financial statement, balance sheet and Cash Position Ratio or Super Liquidity Ratio .To
profit -loss of the organization. Therefore, the ratios are calculate this ratio, total liquid assets are taken, which is
calculated on the basis of the information given in these the sum of cash balances, bank balances and marketable
financial statements. On this basis the ratios can be securities, and current liabilities are divided into it.
classified into the following parts- Absolute Liquid Assets
Absolute Liquidity Ratio =
1. Balance Sheet Ratios- These are also called Current Liabilities
financial ratios. These ratios are found between two 2. Capital Structure / Leverage ratio/Solvency Ratio-
items or groups of items given in the balance sheet. Solvency ratios provide information about the long-term
Main ratios in this are current ratio, liquid ratio, debt- solvency of the organization. These ratios are also called
equity ratio, ownership ratio and capitalization ratio capital structure or leverage ratios. From these ratios it
etc. is known that how much money is invested by the owners
2. Profit-Loss Statement Ratio- These are also called in the institution and how much money is taken from the
Income Statement Ratio or Operating Ratio. lenders. It establishes a relationship between the capital
These ratios are found among the items or groups of invested by the owners in the business and the amount
items given in the profit and loss statement. Main received from the lenders. The following ratios are
ratios in this are gross profit ratio, net profit ratio, calculated in the form of these ratios:-
operating ratio, ratio of sales to various items of (a) Debt-Equity Ratio
expenditure, inventory turnover ratio etc. (b) Proprietary Ratio
3. Combined Ratio- Those ratios, while calculating (c) Solvency or Debt to total Assets ratio
which one item is taken from the balance sheet and (d) Interest Coverage Ratio
the other item from the profit and loss statement, are (e) Capitalization Ratio
called combined ratios. Main ratios in this are return (f) Cash Service Ratio
on capital employed, return on total assets, total asset (a) Debt-Equity Ratio- It refers to the contribution of equity
turnover ratio, average holding period, earning per shareholders, and creditors (both long-term and short-term)
share etc. in the management of all the assets of the organization or
B. Functional Classification- When the ratios are classified firm. Therefore, debt-equity ratio is calculated to know
according to the needs of various parties having interest in how much the creditors have in the firm as compared to
the business organization. For example, banks and the shareholders and what is the long-term solvency of the
financial institutions are more interested in short-term firm.
solvency, lenders are more interested in solvency, and Debt Equity Ratio=
investors are more interested in profitability. Therefore, External Equities or External Liabilities
keeping in mind the objectives of various parties, the Internal Equities or Owner's Funds
following types of ratios are calculated- (b) Proprietory Ratio- Through this ratio the relationship
1. Liquidity Ratio- Current ratio is an indicator of the between the funds of the owners and the total assets is
liquidity of the business. Liquidity refers to the ability established and it is shown. How much is the contribution
of the owners in the finance of the total assets.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
Proprietary Funds (b) Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio: This ratio is used
Proprietary Ratio = × 100
Total Assets to know whether the recovery policy of the organization
(c) Solvency Ratio or Debt to Total Assets Ratio- With the is successful or unsuccessful.
help of this ratio, the long-term solvency of any business or Net Credit Sales
Receivable Turnover Ratio =
firm can be measured; by this ratio it is known that in the Receivables
finance of the total assets of the firm. What is the
contribution of creditors (long term and short term). If the (c) Average Collection Period- This period is calculated to
firm becomes insolvent, whether the total external liabilities determine the credit policy of the firm and the amount of
can be paid by selling the total assets of the firm or not. debtors. More clarity can be known about the quality.
Solvency Ratio = The longer the average collection period, the more late
Total Debt (Long Term + Short Term) the payment is received by the firm, the amount
Total Assets appropriated to debtors increases and the possibility of
If we subtract the ownership ratio from 100, we get the increasing the amount of bad debtors increases.
Solvency ratio. Average Collection Period=
(d) Debt Service Ratio or Interest Coverage Ratio- This Days in a year
ratio reflects the interest solvency of the institution. In Debtor's Turnover Ratio
this, it is calculated that the net income before interest of
the institution is what times the interest. (d) Trade Payable Turnover Ratio- This ratio shows the
Debt Service Ratio = short term liabilities.
Net Profit (before Interest & Tax) (e) Average Payable Period- A firm can find out the
Interest Payable average payment period with the help of creditors
(e) Capital Gearing Ratio- This ratio is very important in turnover ratio.
the analysis of the capital structure of the organization. Days in a years
This ratio establishes the relationship between variable A.P.P =
Creditors Turnover
cost of capital and fixed cost of capital.
Capital Gearing Ratio= (f) Total Assets Turnover Ratio- Not only fixed assets but
Variable Cost Gearing Capital
all assets contribute in the generation of sales in a
Fixed Cost Gearing Capital
business, therefore, by ascertaining the total asset
(f) Cash to Debt Service Ratio - Instead of debt service
turnover ratio, it is known that all assets are being used
ratio, the calculation of cash debt service ratio is effectively. Is it or not. In this ratio, a relation is
considered more superior. In this ratio, a relation is established between the total assets employed in the
established between cash inflow and interest payable. business and the total net sales generated on their basis or
Cash to Debt Service Ratio
the cost of goods sold.
Annual Cash Inflow before Interest and Tax Total Assets Turnover Ratio=
Interest + Sinking Fund Appropriation Net Sales or Cost of Goods Sold
3. Activity Ratio- Activity ratios give knowledge of Total Assets
whether the capital or assets have been used effectively or (g) Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio- This ratio establishes a
not. Higher activity/turnover ratios are indicative of relationship between the depreciated value of fixed assets
efficient utilization of resources, resulting in higher and the net sales and cost of goods sold.
profits. The following ratios are calculated in the form of
Fixed Assets (Net) Turnover Ratio=
these ratios-
Net Sales or Cost of Goods Sold
(a) Stock Turnover Ratio
Fixed Assets
(b) Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio
(h) Current Asset Turnover Ratio- This ratio establishes
(c) Average Collection Period the relationship between current assets and net sales or
(d) Trade Payables Turnover Ratio goods sold.
(e) Average Payment Period Current Assets Turnover Ratio=
(f) Total Assets turnover Ratio Net Sales or Cost of Goods Sold
Current Assets
(g) Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio
(i) Debtors Turnover Ratio or Debtor‟s velocity- Debtors
(h) Current Assets Turnover Ratio
and bills receivable form an important part of the current
(i) Debtor Turnover Ratio or Debtor‟s Velocity
assets of an organization. Hence their good quality
(j) Creditor‟s Turnover Ratio determines the liquidity of the firm.
(k) Working Capital Turnover Ratio This ratio establishes the relationship between the
(l) Capital Turnover Ratio net sales and average debtors of the firm.
(a) Stock or Inventory Turnover Ratio: This ratio gives an (j) Creditor‟s Turnover Ratio – Just as the firm sells
idea of whether the firm is managing its inventory goods on credit, it also purchases goods on credit. The
efficiently or not. Through this ratio, the appropriateness sum total of creditors and bills payable is called total
of the investment made in the stock and the adequacy of creditors. On the other hand, this ratio is known by
the stock is checked. It establishes a relationship between dividing the amount of total creditors in the amount of
the average inventory of goods and the cost of goods purchases. The provision for discount to creditors is not
sold. deducted from the amount of creditors.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
Creditor‟s turnover Ratio= Those related to sales and distribution are deducted.
Net Credit Purchases Operating profit can be calculated by subtracting
Total or Average Payables operating expenses from gross profit or by adding all
(k) Working Capital Turnover Ratio- This ratio is operating expenses to the cost of goods sold.
calculated by dividing Net Working capital to the Net Operating Profit
Operating Profit Ratio = ×100
Net Sales
Sales or Cost of Goods Sold.
d) Net Profit Ratio: This ratio establishes the
Working capital Turnover Ratio=
relationship between net profit and net sales after tax
Net Sales or Cost of Goods Sold of the business. Net profit is calculated by adding non-
Net Working Capital
operating income to operating profit and non-
(l) Capital Turnover Ratio – This ratio establishes the operating expenses. Net profit after tax is taken after
relationship between the capital employed in the business deducting the amount of tax.
and the net sales of Cost of goods Sold. Net Profit
Net profit Ratio= ×100
Total Capital Turnover Ratio= Net Sales
Net sales of Cost of Goods Sold II. Profitability Ratio based on Assets of
Total Capital Employed Investment- Profitability ratios can be calculated
on the basis of assets or investment of the
4. Profitability Ratios- Profitability ratios measure the business. If the firm is not able to earn
satisfactory return on its assets or investment, it
profitability or efficiency of the firm. The final results of
would mean that the firm is misusing the assets.
the business operations can be easily seen from these In these the following ratios are important-
ratios. Profitability ratios can be viewed from three points 1. Return on Proprietary Funds or Shareholders'
of view- Investment
(i) Profitability Ratio based on Sales 2. Return on Equity shareholders Funds
(ii) Profitability Ratio based on Assets or Investments 3. Return on Total Assets.
(iii) Profitability Ratios for analysis from the point of 4. Return on Capital Employed.
view of the owners/Investment Analysis Ratios. 1. Return on Proprietary Funds or Shareholders'
I. Profitability Ratios Based on Sales: The Investment- This is a very simple ratio in which relation
is established between Proprietary Funds or Shareholders'
calculation of the following profitability ratios is
Funds and net profit after interest and tax.
important on the basis of sales of a firm:-
Return on Shareholders‟ Investment =
(a) Gross profit ratio Net Profit after Tax
(b) Operating Ratio × 100
Proprietor's funds
(c) Operating profit Ratio 2. Return on equity shareholders' funds-Equity
(d) Net profit Ratio shareholders are the real owners of a company, so it is
a) Gross Profit Ratio- This ratio establishes the known by calculating the return on the funds appropriated
relationship between gross profit and net sales of the by them.
firm. Gross profit is obtained after deducting the direct Return on Equity Shareholders Funds=
Net Profit after Tax - Preference Dividend
cost of goods sold from net sales. If profit is divided
Equity Shareholders funds
by net sales and multiplied by 100, gross profit is
3. Return on Total Assets- This ratio is established relation
calculated as a percentage of sales. In general terms, between net profit after tax but before interest and total
gross profit is calculated by deducting the cost of appropriated funds or total assets. Net in total assets
goods sold from the sales price. (fixed assets, current assets and non-trading investments
Gross Profit are included.
Gross Profit ratio= × 100
Net Sales 4. Return on Capital Employed- It is most important in the
For example, if the total revenue of a business for a profitability ratios. It examines the efficiency of the
year is Rs.240000 and the gross profit is Rs.60000, management in the use of all the resources in the
then the gross profit ratio will be: business.
60000 III. Investment Analysis Ratios- These ratios are
Gross Profit ratio= × 100 =25 % helpful in analyzing the future investments made
by a shareholder in the company. These ratios are
b) Operating Ratio- This ratio expresses the relationship as follows:-
(a) Return of Equity- The profitability of the funds
between operating cost and sales.
invested by the shareholders is measured by
c) Operating Profit Ratio- Through this ratio, we this.
establish a relationship between the operating profit of Profit after Tax
the firm and its net sales. For this, we have to divide R.O.E=
Net Worth or Proprietors Funds
the operating profit of the firm by net sales and (b) Earnings Per Share- Earning per share is
multiply by 100. Operating profit is calculated net of known by dividing the net profit after tax
all direct costs of sales as well as all other indirect available for equity or ordinary shareholders by
expenses related to the core business of the firm, the number of ordinary shares.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
E.P.S= Definition of Funds Flow Statement
Net Profit after Tax available for Equity Shareholders
 According to R. N. Anthony, "Funds flow statement
Number of Ordinary Shares
discusses the sources from which additional funds were
(c) Dividend Per Share - The amount of profit or
received and on which items it was spent?"
income available to the shareholders of the
 According to Smith and Brown, “Funds flow statement is a
company is not distributed among all of them. statement prepared in the form of summary, which gives
Rather a part of it is retained and only a part is knowledge of changes in financial conditions over time of
distributed among the shareholders. So dividend balance sheets (sheets) made on two different dates.”
per share refers to how much profit per share
Objectives of Fund Flow Statement
has been distributed by the company.
Dividend per Share = The main purpose of the fund flow statement is to clarify how
Total Profits Distributed to Equity shareholders funds were created (sources) and where they were used during
Number of Equity Shares a given period.
(d) Price-earnings ratio - If the market price of a According to Howard and Upton- "The basic objective of
company's common share is divided by the the study of fund flow statement is to provide the financial
earnings per share, then this ratio is obtained. management past picture in relation to the financing of the
Market Price for Ordinary Share assets necessary for the business."
P.E. Ratio = According to Perry Mason, from this statement the answers
Earning per Share
(e) Dividend Payout Ratio – Dividend payout to the following questions are easily known to the financial
ratio is calculated by dividing the earnings per manager:-
share by the dividend per share and multiplying 1. Where is the amount of profit used?
2. Why are net assets low even when net profit is high? Why
by 100. From this ratio it is known that what
are net assets low even though net profit is high?
percentage of earnings per share is distributed
3. Why should the dividend not be higher?
among the shareholders.
4. How was the higher dividend distributed even when there
Dividend payout Ratio = ×100
was a net loss or less profit during the period?
Fund Flow Statement 5. How was the plant and machine expanded?
Funds flow statement explains the changes in various assets 6. How was the amount received from the sale of plant etc.
and liabilities between the balance sheet of two dates. In other used?
words, the fund flow statement is a technique with the help of 7. What was the use of the amount obtained from the issue of
shares and debentures?
which changes in the financial position of an organization
8. How were the debentures redeemed?
between two dates Changes are studied and with the help of
9. Why was money taken there to buy new plant and
this it can also be ascertained that why and how the financial
condition of the organization has changed between two dates.
10. By what means the increase in working capital was
In fact, changes in the economic condition are due to the flow arranged?
of funds only.
In general terms, the movement of funds in the business is
Importance of Fund Flow Statement
called fund flow. Since funds refer to working capital, Fund Flow is very useful for managers, shareholders, banks
changes in working capital on this basis are called fund and financial institutions and creditors. The importance of
flows. The change in working capital will take place only fund flow statement is as follows:-
when the account related to current asset or current liability is 1. Knowledge of Changes.
affected on the one hand and the account related to non- 2. More Information.
current asset or non-current liability is affected on the other. If 3. Pathfinder.
4. Estimation of Working Capital.
both the accounts pertain to current assets or current liabilities,
5. Capital Control.
there will be no change in working capital. On the contrary, if
6. Knowledge of Financial Soundness.
both the accounts pertain to non-current assets or non-current
7. Financial Impact Study.
liabilities, there will be no fund flow.
8. Helpful in getting loan.
From which sources the funds were received in a particular 9. Support from Dividend Policy.
financial year and on which items this fund has been used, it 10. Best Use of Funds.
cannot be known from these financial statements (statement of
position and profit and loss account). For example, if a loan of
Net Working Capital Concept
Rs.500000 is taken in a year and the loan is repaid in the same According to this concept, funds refer to the funds available
year, then this behavior will not have any effect on the balance for working capital or Net Working Capital, which is actually
sheet, but it is important information for the analyst that from different from cash funds. Net working capital refers to the
where the loan was taken in this particular financial year taken difference between Total Current Assets and Total Current
and where it was used and how it was paid. Therefore, in Liabilities.
addition to the profit and loss account of the position Net Working Capital = Current Assets - Current
statement, Statement of Changes in Financial Position is
In this sense, the fund includes not only cash, but also cash
prepared to reflect the changes between the position
and assets and other claims that can be converted into cash in
statements prepared on two different dates.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
a financial period, such as debtors will soon be converted into  Fixed Assets are Acquired from Current Assets
cash, cash will be obtained by selling finished goods. This is  Operations Losses
currently the most prevalent concept of considering funds as When there is no Flow of Funds
net working capital in the form of current assets The statement
Funds flow does not happen only in the following situations-
of changes in financial position is generally called the Funds
 Inflow of Current Assets Simultaneously Creating
Flow Statement.
Current Liabilities
Funds flow statement is also referred to by the following
 One Current Asset Converted into-another Current Asset
 Current Assets are used to Discharge Current Liabilities
1. Fund Statement
 Fixed Assets are acquired through Fixed Liabilities
2. Application of Fund Statement
 One Fixed Liability is converted into another Fixed
3. Statement of Funds Provided and Applied
4. Application and Sources of Funds Statement
 One Fixed Asset is acquired out of other Fixed Asset
5. Where Got Where Gone Statement
 When a Transaction does not affect the working capital
Meaning of Fund Flow
Sources and Uses of Funds
For preparing fund flow statement, the term fund is used as net
Business items which increase funds i.e. net working capital
working capital i.e. excess of total current assets over the total
current liabilities. are considered sources of funds and those items which
Following are the detailed description of current and non- decrease net working capital are considered uses of funds.
current items appearing in the position statement: Sources of Funds
Current Items 1. Profit from operations
Current Assets Current Liabilities 2. Issue of Share Capital or Equity
Stock Creditors 3. Long term loans
Marketable Securities Bill Payable 4. Sale of Fixed Assets and Investments
Debtors Bank Overdraft 5. Non-Operating Receipts
Bank Outstanding Expenditure
Cash Unclaimed Dividend
Prepaid Expenses Unearned Income When an organization / institution or company borrows money
Advance Tax for purchase and investment, which is usually unaffordable
Accrued Income and has to be repaid with interest within a certain time. Such
Non-Current Items borrowed amount is called loan.
Debt is a cheaper source of funds as interest paid on loans is
Non Current Assets Non Current Liabilities
treated as an expense and hence reduces the taxable income.
Fixed Assets, Freehold Share Capital, Equity,
Premises, Land & Building , Preference
Sources of Credit-
Plant & Machinery, Furniture 1. Formal Sources- The loans given by banks and
and Fittings etc. government societies are called formal sources of credit.
2. Informal Sources- The loans taken by moneylenders,
Intangible Assets, Trade Reserve & Surplus- Capital
Mark, Patent , Copyright Reserve, General Reserve, businessmen, owners, relatives and friends are called
Securities Premium, Other informal sources of credit.
Reserves or Funds P & L  Formal lenders demand collateral from the borrower,
a/c) while informal lending does not require any collateral.
Investment Long Term Long Term Loans,  Formal lenders lend at a fixed and low rate of interest
Govt. Securities and Debentures, Institutional while informal lenders lend at arbitrary and high interest
Commercial Securities Loans, Non-Institutional rates.
loans.  The formal lending institutions are controlled and
Fictitious Assets, Preliminary Provision for Depreciation, supervised by the Reserve Bank of India while there is no
Expenses, Miscellaneous Provision for taxation, body to oversee the activities of the lenders in the
Expenditure, Discount on Proposed Dividend informal sector.
Issue of Debentures, Deferred  Formal credit is larger in size while informal credit is
Revenue Exp, Underwriting smaller.
Commission Debt Capital
Profit & Loss a/c-Loss Along with the expansion of business enterprises, their
When there is a Flow of Funds financial requirements increase, which are met by debt capital
in addition to ownership capital. Since this capital is
1. On the basis of this classification, there will be an inflow of
provided by the lenders, it is called debt capital. Funds
funds only in the following situations:-
from debt capital can be obtained to meet the short term,
 Current Assets Creating Fixed Liabilities
medium term and long term financial needs of the company.
 Fixed Assets are sold for Current Assets
Short term loans meet that part of working capital which is
 Profits from Business Operations
seasonal in nature.
2. On the basis of this classification, there is an outflow of
Taking a loan for an organization is not considered to be a
funds in the following cases-
sign of its weak financial condition, but successfully running
 Fixed Liabilities are discharged through Current
the business by taking a loan is considered a symbol of the
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
efficiency of financial management.  Helpful in Internal Financial Management
The main purpose of taking loan in the financial system of a  Knowledge of Variation in Cash Balance
company is to obtain more capital without giving rights to  Helpful in Short Term Decision
outsiders in its management so that the income of the  Helpful in Forecasting
members of the company can be increased. The ability of the  Measurement of Managerial Efficiency
company to take loans depends on its own financial condition, Cash Flow Requirement
the confidence of the lenders towards it, the condition of the
The primary purpose of the cash flow statement is to report the
capital market, etc. Today all the commercial companies
cash receipts and cash payments of an organization over a
obtain a part of their capital from proprietary securities and the
period of time.
remaining part from debt capital. Government bonds,
1. Where did the cash come from during that period?
mortgages etc. are instruments of obtaining credit.
2. What is the amount of cash used in that period?
Application or Uses of funds 3. What was the change in the cash balance during that
1. Loans from Operations period?
2. Redemption of Preference Shares, Debentures Sources of Cash
3. Purchases of Fixed Assets
 Cash From Operation
4. Payment of Dividend and Tax
 Issue of Shares
5. Repayment of Long Term Loans
 Issue of Debentures
6. Non Trading Payment
 Long & term Loans Raised
7. Drawings
 Sale of Fixed Assets
Limitations of Fund Flow Statement
Playing The Float
1. Funds flow statement is more concerned with past
analysis. This description tells whether something has It is a technical process by using which a firm can make
happened. It is not possible to know from this distribution optimum use of its cash funds. Float refers to the amount lying
what will be the status of the fund or how much will be in the checks written by the firm. These checks have been
required in future. written by the institution. But these have not been produced by
2. This statement does not provide the basic information the creditors. It is a common fact that there is a time lag
about the financial condition or change of the business. between the issuance of a check by an institution and the time
This statement only provides some information by it is presented for payment. That is why the actual balance
changing the form of the figures displayed by the balance in the bank account of the firm is more than the balance
sheet and profit and loss account or by regrouping them. shown in the books of the firm. This is called float. The
3. If the statement presents the statement of flow of funds longer the period of float, the more profit the firm can make,
only, it does not present the change in cash position. Due that is, the firm can operate with less money by issuing checks
to this, all the cash receipts and payments are not known, of higher amounts. If the institution can estimate the free float
due to which the information obtained from this statement correctly, then it can also earn profit by depositing the extra
can present misleading conclusions. amount elsewhere.
These floats can be of many types. Billing Float, Mail Float,
Cash Flow Accounting Check Processing Float and Banking Processing Float are
 The cash flow statement analyzes the changes in the cash specifically mentioned in the context of retail cash book
balance of the business between two time periods. The management.
cash flow statement is a tool for measuring cash flow that Application/Use of Cash
is used by management to measure the short-term cash
 Redemption of Preference Shares
flow of a firm.
 Redemption of Debentures
 Cash infusion refers to such a process under which the
 Repayment of Loans
ownership capital and debt capital are arranged first. After
 Purchase of Fixed Assets
that raw material is purchased with cash, then goods are
 Payment of Dividend
produced by paying wages and other production expenses.
Cash is obtained again by selling the goods produced and Types of Cash Flow
this process continues continuously. Cash flow is of the following two types-
 Only listed companies are required to prepare and submit 1. Inflow- Inflow of cash means cash coming in from outside
cash flow statement. i.e. increase in cash and use of money. Cash sale of goods,
 The accounting period of the cash flow statement is the amount received from debtors, amount received by share
same for the period for which the profit and loss account issue etc.
and balance sheet are prepared. 2. Outflow- Cash outflow means cash going out of the
 As per Section 2(40) of the Companies Act 2013, One business. For example, cash purchase of goods, payment of
Person Companies , Small Companies and wages, cash purchase of fixed assets etc. are examples of
Dormant/Secret Companies are exempted from preparing cash outflow.
cash flow statement along with their financial statements. Cash does not mean only cash in hand, but it also
Objectives of Cash Flow Statement includes demand deposits in the bank and cash equivalents
 Helpful in Financial Policies and Cash Evolution mean short-term and highly liquid investments that can be
 Helpful in Control immediately converted into cash and close to maturity without
the risk of change in value (due to change in interest rates).
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
Hence it is clear that such investments are included in the cash profit and loss account and are used while computing
equivalent. Whose original maturity period is three months or cash from operations is deducted from net profit. In
less. Commercial Paper, Treasury Bills, Certificate of Deposit, addition to the above mentioned items, there are some
Money Market Deposits etc. are generally considered as cash items which are not shown in the profit and loss
equivalents. account but which affect the cash, such items come
1. As per Revised Accounting Standard - 3 (A.S.3) such from the changes in current assets and current
cash inflows and outflows are due to operating, investing liabilities. All these items are adjusted against the
and financing activities which are explained below- profit or loss shown by the profit and loss account in
A. Cash Fund- Cash fund includes- determining the cash flow from operations.
 Cash in hand  Extraordinary items: Cash flows related to
 Demand deposits with banks extraordinary items are classified as those
B. Cash Equivalent Items arising from operating, investing and financing
 Cash equivalents refer to short-term and highly activities. For example, amount received from
liquid investments that are readily convertible into insurance company in lieu of loss of stock or
known amounts of cash and have an insignificant loss in earthquake should be treated as flow
risk of change in their value. from operating activities.
2. The statement shows three main categories of cash B. Inverting Activities- These investing activities
inflows and cash outflows: operating appropriations and include the acquisition and sale of long-term assets
financing activities. and other investments that are not included in cash
A. Operating Activities- Major revenue generating equivalents. According to the inflow and outflow of
activities of the enterprise. According to the inflow appropriation activities, they are divided into two
and outflow of cash, they are divided into two parts- parts-
Operational activities include activities other than (i) Cash Inflow
appropriation and financial activities.  Cash sale of fixed assets
(i) Cash Inflow (ii) Cash Outflow  Sale of investments
 Cash Sales  Cash Purchase  Interest received
 Cash from Debtors  Payment to Creditors  Dividend receipt
 Cash Received from  Cash operating (ii) Cash Outflow
Commission and Fees Expenses  Cash purchase of fixed assets
 Royalty and Other  Payment of Wages  Purchase of investments
Income  Income Tax C. Financial Activities- Those activities which change
the size and structure of the owner's capital
There are two methods of calculating cash flow from (participation rights of the company) and the debt of
operating activities Direct method and Indirect method: The the undertaking. According to the inflow and outflow
guidelines of the Securities and Exchange Board of India of financial activities, they are divided into two
satisfy only the direct method:- parts:-
a) Direct Method- Under the direct method, the (i) Cash Inflow
difference between cash received from customers and  Cash from issue of shares
payments to suppliers and other expenses is called  Cash from issue of debentures
cash generated by operations. Under this, all non-cash  Long term borrowings and short term
transactions such as price, goodwill, primary borrowings
expenses, discount on shares and debentures, etc. and (ii) Cash Outflow
profit or loss on sale of investments and assets are not  Cash payment of loans
taken into consideration. Similarly, non-operating  Payment of interest on loans and debentures.
income such as interest and dividend income is also  Payment of dividends on equity and
ignored. Cash flow from some unusual items like bad preference shares – e.g., a company decides
debts recovered, insurance received, stock destroyed to pay Rs 2 lakh in cash as dividend.
by fire, earthquake etc., cash flow from dividend or Effect of Current Assets and Liabilities on
interest received and its payment should be shown
Cash Flow
b) Indirect Method- Under this method profit or loss is  Current Assets
adjusted from non-cash, items and non-operating  Due to increase in the items of current assets, there is
income. The profit or loss shown in the profit and a decrease in the cash inflow because the cash is
loss account cannot be treated as cash from blocked in the current assets.
operations. As you know, some items like capital,  Decrease in the item of current assets leads to
goodwill, preliminary expenses etc. are shown on the increase in cash inflow from current assets.
debit side of the profit and loss account but they do  Current Liabilities
not affect the cash. Such items are added to net profit.  An increase in the item of current liability leads to a
Similarly, non-trading income such as profit from decrease in cash outflow as it saves cash.
sale of fixed assets, interest and dividend from  A decrease in the item of current liability leads to an
investments, refund of taxes, provision for discount increase in cash outflow as the liability is paid off.
on creditors, etc. are shown on the credit side of the Therefore,
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
Cash from Operations = Operating profit before changes Break Even Point
in Current Capital + Net Decrease in Current Assets + Net
“The break-even point is defined as a method of studying the
Increase in Current Liabilities - Net Increase in Current
relationship between sales revenue, fixed costs, and variable
Assets and Net Decrease in Current Liabilities.
expenses in order to determine the minimum volume at which
Break-Even Analysis production can be profitable.”
There is a close relationship between production quantity, In the words of Charles T-Horngren, "The break-even point
cost, profit and selling price of an item. As the cost depends is the point of activity (sales volume) where total revenue and
on the quantity produced and the quantity produced depends total expenditure are equal; at this point there is neither profit
on the selling price of the commodity and its demand, inter nor loss."
alia. While profit depends on the selling price and cost of the 1. B.E.P. in Units- In the case of entities producing the same
item. Therefore, when these factors are analyzed at any stage commodity, it is better to find the break-even point in
of production and a relationship is established between them, units. As already mentioned, the break-even point is based
then it is called cost-only profit analysis. This is also called on the cost-only benefit relationship.
'break-even analysis' because there is a level of production 2. B.E.P. in Values- In the case of organizations producing
where total cost and selling price are equal. Hence cost-only- many items, it is better to find out the break-even point
profit analysis or break-even analysis is a technique to study values i.e. in total forms. It is calculated by multiplying the
the profit position of a business firm at different levels of sales units at the break-even point by the selling price per unit.
by analyzing its revenues in terms of sales volume. Margin of Safety
 According to Martz, Kuri and Frank, "The break-even
The difference between the total sales and the sales at the
analysis indicates at what level costs and revenues are in
break-even point is called the margin of safety.
 According to I.C.W, London, "Cost-volume-profit
Limitations of Break-even Analysis
analysis is the study of the effect on future profits of 1. The nature of break-even analysis is static. It is
changes in fixed costs, variable costs, selling price, applicable only in relatively stable conditions.
quantity and mix." Therefore, it is less applicable in the changed
Objectives conditions of cost and revenue.
2. This analysis is suitable only for the short run; it is not
In general, break-even analysis provides solutions to the
an effective technique for long term use, because all
following questions to the managers, which helps them in costs become variable in the long run.
decision-making: 3. In practical life, neither a cost is completely fixed nor
 What will be the amount of production cost and profit at completely variable.
different production levels? 4. One of the basic assumptions of break-even analysis is
 What will be the quantity of sales at which the fixed and that the cost-revenue relationship is only linear, but in
variable costs of production will be equal to the selling practice this is not found.
price and the profit and loss will be zero? 5. The assumption of this analysis that higher production
 What should be the level of sales volume to earn the leads to higher profit is not correct.
specified profit? 6. This analysis does not take into account capital
 In the event of less demand for the commodity, how employed which is an important factor in managerial
much should the costs be reduced so that the pre- decision.
determined amount of profit remains the same? 7. In this analysis, the relationship between production
 How will a change in sales mix or plant expansion affect and selling costs does not remain constant over a long
the cost-volume relationship? period of time.
 Whether the sale of any article or operation of any plant 8. The assumption of a constant sales mix is unrealistic in
should be stopped or the firm should be closed down this analysis. Because when there is a change in the
permanently. demand for any one item in the market, the sales mix
Contribution becomes different from the predetermined mix.
Contribution margin is the difference between selling price 9. In addition to the unrealistic belief of perfect
and marginal cost of sales, also known as gross margin. It is a competition, in practical life it is unrealistic to consider
type of fund which is first used to meet the fixed expenses and the price of the commodity as constant for the
the rest is part of the profit of the business. Thus the sum of unlimited sales area.
fixed costs and benefits is also called contribution. 10. In break-even analysis, all factors other than sales
Contribution= Sales – Variable or Marginal Cost or C= S- V volume are assumed to be constant and uncorrelated. In
(i) Contribution= Fixed cost + Profit or C = F + P reality, these factors do not remain constant for a long
time. It is difficult to completely remove the effects of
Profit Volume Ratio or P/V Ratio these factors even with the use of statistical methods.
Profit-only ratio (P/V Ratio) is studied to find out what is the
effect on the amount of profit due to changes in sales. The
profit-only ratio explains the relationship between contribution Budget is a French word meaning lists of income and
and selling price, which can also be expressed as a percentage. expenditure. A budget is a financial plan prepared in advance
It is also called Contribution/Sales Ratio or Marginal of a future period. A financial or quantitative statement
Income Ratio. prepared before a specified period to achieve the set goals is
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
called a budget. It refers to the expected results of a future 4. Time to time comparison of budgeted targets and actual
period given in numerical terms. results is essential so that effective control can be
It is a tool of the management class, with the help of which exercised.
solid operation of business is done for policy making, 5. Education related to budget should be imparted to the
achievement of goals and profit making. Brown and Howard employees and responsible officers so that the targets
have written that the budget gives a predetermined statement can be achieved.
of management policy for a given period, which provides a 6. Expenditure on budget preparation should not be
standard for comparison with actual results. excessive and efforts should be made to achieve the
According to I.C.M.A. England, 'Budget is a financial and target with limited means.
quantitative statement of the policy prepared before a certain Limitations of Budgetary Control
period and with the objective of achieving the goals to be (i) It increases the cost.
implemented in that period.' (ii) Collective co-operation is based on the spirit of joint
Describing the process of preparing the budget, J.Betty has responsibility.
called budgeting to predict and record future events in (iii) It is based on estimates. Due to market conditions,
advance. government policies, monetary pressures it is not
Features of Budget possible to achieve the desired goal.
(i) Pertains to a definite period. (iv) It is a means of achieving the goal. Its success
(ii) Made ahead of time. depends on the efficiency and efficiency of the
(iii) Financials are monetary and quantitative statements. managerial class.
(iv) Policy is determined to achieve the goal. Budgetary Control Process
(v) It is based on forecasts of both income and It is a technique adopted for cost control of management
expenditure. and its form depends on the nature and size of the industry.
Budgetary Control For this the following procedure can be adopted:-
It is an important tool of management by which efforts are  Budget centers should be established.
made to minimize the cost, control and earn maximum profit  To make effective arrangements for obtaining necessary
from limited resources. statistical information related to the budget.
According to I.C.M. England, 'Budget control means  An organization chart of the officers responsible for
determining the responsibility of the managers, comparing the budget preparation should be made so that the
budget with the actual results and making amendments on the responsibility of each concerned party can be
basis of that.' determined. The flow of organization chart can be like
According to J.Betty, 'Budget control is a system by which this:-
all aspects related to production etc. are planned and Managing Director → Budget Committee → Budget
controlled by the budget.' Officer → Managers of Various Departments.
Terry has described budget as a means and budgetary Departmental managers (purchase, sales, production,
control as the end result. research and development) prepare budgets according to
the means and needs of departments related to their
Budgetary control includes planning, coordination, recording,
departments and send them to higher officials for
controlling, reviewing actual results by comparing them with
budgeted standards, and taking corrective action.
(i) Budget Committee- It does the work of coordinating
Objectives of Budgetary Control all the budgets and preparing the master budget. It
(i) Control over costs- Due to pre-planning, control over includes the Chief Executive Officer, accountant,
material-labour-expenditure is maintained. Budget Officer and Departmental Manager.
(ii) The production work is conducted efficiently. (ii) Budget Manual- In this document, detailed
Disruption does not arise due to advance determination description of rights, responsibilities, budget control
of policies. program, and necessary accounting records of the
(iii) Forecasting of production and future development concerned officers is recorded.
by considering all the possibilities in advance, the (iii) Determination of Fault Factor- Production and its
availability and requirement of money and materials for cost can be affected by any one factor (material,
production is determined and development plans are labour, plant capacity, capital, sales management
made. etc.). Therefore, at the time of budget making, future
(iv) Effective administration can do effective work by estimates and policy should be determined by
pre-planning about the means of production and their determining that factor.
availability. (iv) Determining the Level of Functionality- This level
is determined on the basis of the performance
Essential Elements of Effective Budgeting capacity of the previous years, the highest efficiency,
1. Budget is a collective work; hence efficient organization and the existing efficiency.
is a must. Budget v/s Forecast
2. The staff can also oppose the changes made by the
budget, so the top management should agree to the 1. Budgeting is a planning process while forecasting is
budget and it should take the form of cooperation. based on ad hoc information.
3. The work of preparing the budget should be done by the 2. Budget is a target to be achieved whereas forecast is an
implementing officers only. estimate of future events.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
3. Cost control is done by budgeting and budget control overhead budget (revealing indirect materials, indirect
whereas it is not possible in forecasting. labor and indirect expenses) Production cost budget is
4. Comparison of targets and actual results is possible prepared on the basis of administrative overheads,
under budget control whereas it is not possible in selling and distribution overheads etc.
forecasting. (vi) Capital Expenditure Budget- This long-term budget
Types of Budget presents the details of plans for fixed assets and their
rehabilitation, improvement in production methods and
Budget control is done on the following grounds- high-level management. Its purpose is to expect the
On the Basis of Time expected rate of return on the schemes. It is a tool to
(i) Long Term Budget- The budget which is made for the control capital expenditure.
operation of schemes from 3 to 20 years is called long Rationing in Capital Budgeting
term budget. Like capital budget. Usually this budget is Rationing in capital budgeting refers to a situation where a firm
made in physical units. is not in a position to invest in all profitable projects due to lack
(ii) Short-Term Budget- The budget (from 1 week to 1 of available allocable funds. Generally, each firm has limited
month) prepared for solving short-term problems is resources which do not satisfy all the needs. Therefore, despite
called short-term budget. It is made in monetary unit. having many profitable projects in front of a firm, the firm does
(iii) Financial Budget- The budget prepared for one year not start all the projects but chooses some projects so that the
only in relation to the present conditions is called profitability of the firm can be maximized.
financial budget. Like the financial budget of the (vii) Cash Budget- The cash budget for the budget period
government. under consideration is forecasted through this budget.
On the Basis of Actions Discusses the position of cash receipts payments,
balances, availability, solvency etc. Lack of cash where
(i) Work-wise Budget- This budget is made for a
there is a hindrance in the progress of the business. On
particular work of the business. Budget is prepared for
the other hand, excess reduces the profit rate and
all the activities like sale purchase production material,
causes loss of interest.
labour, overhead capital expenditure, cash etc.
(viii) Master Budget- According to I.C.M.A. London, the
(ii) Sales Budget- This budget is essential for the master budget is a summary budget which includes the
organization because sales are the basic factor. Sales of main points and factors of different budgets. This
previous years, estimates based on the advice of sales budget is prepared by coordinating the budgets of
agents and their experiences, policies of the various activities (sales, purchases, production, cash
organization, purchasing power of customers, quality etc.). This budget prepared by the budget officer is
of goods, design of goods, government policies, etc. approved by the budget committee, after which the
are kept in mind for preparation of sales budget. Plant board of directors approves it. This budget is used by
capacities, economic condition of the business, the management to determine the level of efficiency for
availability of finance, urbanization, industrialization various stages.
also affect the sales budget. On the Basis of Elasticity
(iii) Serial Budget- This budget presents a detailed account
of the cup in the period under consideration. The (i) Fixed Budget- This budget is prepared at the
budget is made keeping in mind the stock, stock level, operational level only and does not change with the
economic order quantity, financial resources, self- change in the production level. In a business
generated production etc. organization, production quantities and levels keep on
Quantity to be Purchased = Consumption during changing due to market conditions, internal financial
Period + Requireed Closing Stock-Expected position etc. So this budget is not very useful.
(ii) Elastic Budget- The budget prepared keeping in mind
Opening Stock
the operating level from minimum level of production
(iv) Production Budget- The objective of this budget is to
to maximum level of production and the conditions of
produce the goods desired by the sales budget at
production is called elastic budget. Changes keep
minimum cost. It is made on the basis of sales budget
happening in this budget at different operational levels.
and desired stock.
The budget is prepared by dividing the indirect
The budget should be made keeping in mind the non-
expenses into fixed and semi-variable overheads.
availability of general labour, plant etc. of the
production, the demand of the customers and its supply Budget Creation
capacity. In preparing the business budget, special attention should be
Estimated Production = Estimated Sales + Desired paid to the following points:-
Ending Stock - Expected Opening Stock  True Forecast- Forecasting is the cornerstone of business
(v) Production Cost Budget- Its main purpose is to income-expenditure. In fact, various types of budgets are
provide cost information for achieving the set prepared on the basis of business forecasts.
production targets and implementing the plan. This  Method of Complete and Planned Accounting - For
budget is an abbreviation for materials, labour, successful budget preparation, it is also necessary that the
overheads, etc. Material budget (revealing the quantity method of accounting should be complete and properly
and cost of direct materials required for production), planned, because in the case of contaminated method of
Labor budget (including required labor, their accounting, neither an excellent budget can be prepared nor
availability, wages, cost of facilities) Production its successful operation can be possible.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
 Complete and Planned Method of Cost Accounting- Difference between Forecast and Budget
Efficient method of cost accounting is absolutely necessary Variance Forecast Budget
for the construction of income-expenditure, because if the Basis
ratio of costs is contaminated then the budget based on them Planning The forecast is based The budget is
cannot be correct. on contingent facts. completely based
 Efficient Organization with Fixed Responsibility- it is Pre-announcement of on planning; it
absolutely necessary for the preparation of the budget and its rain, storm by the cannot depend
operation that the arrangement of the organization in the Meteorological much on
factory is adequate and the best. Department on the contingent facts.
 Formation of Budget Committee- Budget making is a co- basis of some facts is
operative work. In small organizations only accountant or forecast.
accountant prepares the budget in consultation with the Sequence Forecasts are made In the budgeting
manager, director and heads of departments, but in large first. system, budgets
business organizations this work cannot be left to accountant. are prepared on the
In big business organizations, there is often a budget basis of forecasts
committee in which all departments are headed and a skilled only.
and experienced person is its director. That operator is called Target There is no set goal in There is a goal in it
the budget officer. The most important work of the budget forecasting. It is only a and full efforts are
committee is to receive forecasts, departmental budgets and statement. made to achieve it.
periodic reports. Resilience There is a lot of There is relatively
 Clearly Defined Business Policies - For the making of a flexibility in less flexibility in
great budget, it is also very important that the business forecasting. the targets of the
policies are completely clear, because they are the budget.
cornerstone of the budget. Control No kind of control is Budgetary control
 Statistical Information- It is also necessary for budgeting possible from method can be
that necessary information related to each department should forecasting. benefited by the
be available in the form of statistics, such as department's budget.
forecast, amount of raw material, amount of working capital, Compare Forecasts are not By comparing the
labor force, etc. Sales forecasting is absolutely necessary for compared to actual budget figures with
the preparation of production budget. results. Modification the actual results,
and treatment is not the reasons for the
 Full sympathy of the Upper Class Manager - By
possible by differential difference are
'sympathy' we mean that the head of each department should
analysis. ascertained and
always maintain a close relationship with the management
later by their
and administration.
 Budget Period- Generally, the period of budget depends on
amendment and
the nature of the business; however, it should be broad remedial work is
enough to cover all seasonal changes, financial activities, possible.
total production, etc. Although the budget is made for the Reliability It is not based on Budgets cannot be
whole year, but for the convenience of execution, half-yearly scientific analysis but prepared on the
or monthly budget should be made. on the ambition of the basis of intuition.
Precautions in Preparing the Budget organization and the For this reason the
 While preparing the budget, it should be kept in mind that intuition of the budget figures are
whatever goals are set, they can be achieved without officers. It is doubtful, more accurate and
difficulty. which is not sure to be reliable.
 Some lazy tendency managers repeat the previous goals while pure and correct.
preparing the budget. This situation is very flawed, because Management Accounting
with the change in time and situation, it becomes necessary to Managerial Accounting is made up of two words, Managerial
change the goals. + Accounting. Management refers to that art, which leads,
Features of Budget guides and conducts human power to achieve a certain
objective. On the other hand, accounting is the art of
 Due to the flexibility of the budget, the work of cost control
recording, classifying and summarizing those transactions and
becomes easy and convenient.
events which are wholly or partly of financial nature in a
 While preparing the budget, along with past details and
significant manner in terms of money and interpreting the
experience, full attention should be paid to the current results arising out of them.
circumstances. For institutional purposes in managerial accounts, the accounts
 The budget is a co-operative process in which all the are presented, classified, summarized and selected in such a
department heads have full cooperation. way that the information becomes important from the point of
 The budget should be a specific statistical statement. view of the managers. In short, such a method of presentation
 The highest administration should take special interest in the of accounts, which helps the managers in taking decisions, is
making of the budget. called managerial accounting.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
The idea of management accounting originated with the presented before the management after analyzing and
original ideas and efforts of James H. Bliess. He says that 'by interpreting it according to the managerial requirement, so that
the intelligent and effective use of accounting data, the it can perform its tasks efficiently. In this way the functions of
management can obtain complete information regarding managerial accounting are as follows:-
business operations and exercise maximum control over them. 1. Forecasting and Planning
The term managerial accounting was first used by a 2. Organising
British group of accountants visiting the United States in 3. Co-ordinating
1950 under the auspices of the Anglo-American Productivity 4. Controlling Performance
Council. 5. Motivating Employees
A technique such as standard costing method, budgeting 6. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
techniques, marginal cost analysis, profit-only analysis, break- 7. Communication
even point, etc. have been included in managerial accounting 8. Special Cost and Economic Studies
and at present managerial accounting has become a systematic 9. Providing necessary information to various officials of the
study. Management accounting is accounting for the future. organization
Managerial accounting maintains control over the internal Scope of Management Accounting
systems of the business and achieves business goals.
1. According to Robert Anthony, "Management accounts Under managerial accounting, all those subjects, methods and
are concerned with accounting information, which is techniques are included, on the basis of which all the
useful to managers." information is collected and various statements are prepared.
2. In the words of J.Bateley, "Managerial accounting refers The following areas are included under this-
to those accounting methods and systems, in which, 1. Financial Accounting
through special knowledge and ability, managers are 2. Cost Accounting
helped in maximization of profits or minimization of 3. Budgeting and Forecasting
losses." 4. Historical Cost Accounting
3. According to Cost and Management Accountant, 5. Reporting
London, "Accounting is such a presentation of 6. Tax Accounting
professional abilities and knowledge for the preparation 7. Interpretation of Data
of information, which helps managers in the formulation 8. Internal Audit
of policies, planning and control for enterprises." 9. Office Service
4. According to the Anglo-American Council of Objectives of Management Accounting
Productivity, “Management accounting is the
1. To Ensure Responsibilities
presentation of information in such a way that it helps
2. To help in Decision Making
managers in the implementation of their day-to-day
policies within an enterprise.” 3. To Help in Co-ordination
5. According to the Institute of C.A.London, "The 4. To help in Organising
presentation of accounts which enables the business to 5. Helpful in Reporting
achieve maximum efficiency is called Management 6. To assist in Motivating
Accounts." 7. To help in communicatoin
8. To help in Planning
Characteritics of Management Accounting
Nature of Management Accounting
1. Management accounting is an integrated method.
Managerial accounts provide necessary data and information
2. It is highly conscious of managerial needs.
to the managers for decision making and provide financial and
3. In managerial accounting, fixed rules and formats are not
non-financial information from internal and external sources
followed like financial accounting.
as per the requirement of the managers. These collected
4. Managerial accounting is selective in nature.
information and data are analyzed and interpreted to make
5. Special emphasis is laid on the study of 'nature of cost
them useful for the managers. All these systems are part of the
elements' in managerial accounting and the total cost is
'information system'. Therefore, the nature of managerial
divided into fixed, variable and semi-fixed costs.
accounting can be understood on the basis of the following
6. Management accounting provides data, not judgement.
7. Managerial Accounting lays special emphasis on the
1. An Integrated System- Managerial Accounting provides
cause and its effect.
coordination and assistance in each of the activities
8. Managerial Accounting deals with the future. For
example, in budgetary control system of managerial towards achieving the set goals. In this way the action
accounting, standard outlay system etc., future forecasts achieves its goals by co-ordinating the different divisions
are prepared. of the organisation. Its various divisions include cost
accounts, financial accounts, statistical, budgetary control
Functions of Management Accounting and other divisions related to it.
Managerial accounting is a branch of accounting which has 2. An Information System- The entire managerial
been developed to help the management in the efficient accounting is related to the 'Communication Method'.
performance of its functions. The primary function of Various reports, details, facts are essential parts of the
accounting is related to financial transactions. In this, the information system. On the basis of these information, it
information obtained from the financial accounting method is helps in keeping the organization smooth and running.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
3. Descision Making System- Managerial accounts do not 1. Financial Planning- Under financial planning, the work of
take any decision in themselves, but on the basis of planning future activities for the management of long term
various information, they are helpful in making decisions and short term capital for the business comes so that there
for selecting the best option from various possible is no financial difficulty in the future and the work of the
alternatives. In this way, with the help of complete organization continues without any hindrance. . Financial
managerial accounting, managers can take appropriate planning is the essential foundation stone for achieving the
decisions as per the requirement. The manager also faces basic goals of the organization. Under this, estimating the
a trade-off between return and risk in deciding the right total requirement of capital, determining their sources,
making a comparative study of the profitability of the
level of a current asset.
capital received from different sources and determining the
4. Future Based- Managerial accounting is related to the
best amount of investment of the received capital in various
future. It is useful for the managers in taking decisions as
permanent, temporary assets, etc.
well as planning various future activities. For this reason, 2. Financial Accounting and Analysis- Every transaction
predictions can be made on the basis of various of business is marked under financial accounts and on this
information, facts and figures. basis profit-loss account and balance sheet are prepared.
5. A Corrective Action Plan- First of all the correct factors On the basis of the information obtained by financial
and deviations are detected from managerial accounting, accounting, techniques such as analysis of financial
and then proper corrective action is taken after analyzing statements, comparative study, ratio analysis, trend
it. Various corrective measures are included in the next analysis etc. can be adopted and the trend of business can
plan so that such deviations do not recur. In this way, a be known. The information sent by financial analysis is
work process in which obstacles and problems are helpful to the managers, administrators and lenders in
removed by corrective measures. reaching a certain decision, it also provides information
6. Service Criterion- Managerial accounting is a service about future income earning, the ability of the enterprise
function under which facts and information are made to pay interest on the loan and the possibility of proper
available as per the requirement. Based on these, dividend policy etc.
managers get help in taking decisions. 3. Fund Flow Analysis- Funds flow analysis is an important
7. A Systematic Approach- Management accounting ensures managerial tool in order to study the change in financial
a systematic process, in which various techniques and position between two different dates. From this analysis,
methods are used. Each of the activities efficiently co- it can be known from which sources the additional funds
have been received and where they have been used. This
ordinates and cooperates with each other. Thus, managerial
method provides necessary guidance for financial
accounting is a systematic endeavor of the business.
analysis, comparative study and price control.
8. Professional Development- Management accounting has
4. Historical Cost Accounting- Historical cost accounting
become essential for the organization at present. Along with means recording the costs on the date they are incurred or
this, techniques, processes and methods become majorly immediately after this date. Basically there are Job
helpful in the smooth and proper functioning of the Costing and Process Costing; however the use of these
organization. As a result of this arrangement, various methods is very essential for the success of Standard
professional persons and institutions are getting prominence. Costing.
Institutions like Institute of Chartered Accountants, Institute 5. Standard Costing- This technique is adopted to control
of Cost Accountants and the contribution of qualified the cost. Under this method, some standards are already
professionals are increasing day by day. fixed on the basis of average efficiency for a sub-task
9. Result Oriented- Managerial Accounting provides facts (Job or Process), and later on execution of the work, by
and information to the managers and the entire efforts are comparing the actual cost with the pre-determined norms,
towards achieving the goals. Thus, managerial accounting efforts are made to find out the amount of variation and
is goal oriented. the reasons for it so that the cost is as close as possible to
10. Analytical Based- Managerial accounts are completely the pre-determined norms.
an 'analyzed method', in which special attention is paid to 6. Marginal Costing- Under this technique, the cost of
all those reasons, such as finding out the reasons for production is divided into fixed or fixed cost and variable
increasing or decreasing profit and loss, reviewing the or variable cost. In historical cost accounting, the fixed
cost is apportioned to different cost centers, while in this
reasons for profitability, etc. A subtle and deep study of
method, the fixed cost is deducted from the total sales for
information, data and facts is very useful to reach the
that period. Marginal cost accounting helps a lot in policy
right conclusion.
making and decision making related to determining the
Tools and Techniques of Management volume of production. As a part of marginal cost
Accounting accounting method, the most profitable production level is
determined by analyzing profit-cost and production
Managers require a variety of accounting information in order volumes.
to perform their functions efficiently. This accounting 7. Budgetary Control- The technique of budgetary control
information is received by the manager through a number of helps a lot in the control work of the manager. Under this
tools. No one device can provide complete management method, various budgets are prepared and the
information. Various tools and techniques used by the responsibility of all the working persons is fixed. Through
management for obtaining information are being described budgetary control, the efficiency of the departments can
below:- also be evaluated and their inefficiency can be stopped.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
8. Decision Accounting- In fact, there is no separate method statement and profit account is done by extracting
of accounting for decision accounting. Managers have to different ratios. On the basis of these ratios,
take many decisions. Managers have many options to knowledge can be obtained about the breakeven
perform a task. One has to choose such best option from position, liquid position, long term and short term
those available options. So that the maximum profit can financial position, earning capacity etc. of the
be made on the minimum expenditure and the uncertainty business. Various ratios to be computed in the
of "experiment and error" can be avoided. Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account are
9. Return on Capital Investment- This technique is used to described under the chapter titled “Ratio Method of
determine the profitability of the capital employed in the Analysis”.
business venture. It is also used to determine the  Comparing the Profit Account and Balance Sheet
economic soundness of the capital expenditure to be made of the Previous Year with the Profit Account and
on various projects. Balance Sheet of the Current Year- Under this
10. Control Accounting- Under this, the management method, various items of the Profit Account and
accountant can give some useful information to the Balance Sheet of the last few years are compared
managers with his intelligence skills, imagination and with the Profit Account and Balance Sheet of the
talent. To do this they have to interpret, analyze and current year. By this method it is known where the
present this information. For control work, mainly the business is going. That is, its tendency is to come
methods of standard cost accounting and budgetary towards progress or to go towards degradation. This
control are taken. Apart from this, internal audit, internal method is discussed in detail under "trend
prevention, statutory audit etc. are also considered as a analysis". This method is all the more important
useful part of control. Under this, cost information is because of the dynamic nature of business.
presented in such a way that the concerned officer can be  Comparing the Current Position Statement with
held accountable for his work. the Budgeted Position Statement- The future
11. Statistical Charts and Graph Techniques- Many position of the business is estimated in the capital
statistical charts and graphs are also used under position budget. The budgeted position statement can
managerial accounting. With their experiments, problems be compared with the current position statement to
can be studied broadly in one view. Sales Profit Chart, check to what extent this assumption has turned out
Investment Chart, Regression Lines, Linear to be correct. Similarly purchase budget can be
Programming, Statistical Variety Control, Statistical compared with current profit and loss accounts and
Quality Control are similar techniques. forecasts can be appraised.
12. Revaluation Accounting- This method is also called 3. Use of Statistics- Accounting data is in the form of a pile
replacement value. The meaning of replacement value is of numbers when it needs to be used for policy making,
to assure that the capital of the organization is completely planning and decision making. If we want to give some
safe. The profit of the business is also calculated keeping information to the managers from these data, then they
have to be properly stored, classified and analyzed in the
this fact in mind.
form of various tables or graphs. All these tasks can be
13. Reporting or Communication- Under this, various
completed only when statistics are used in the work of
necessary information is presented to the management
from time to time so that the management can get help in
4. Preparing Interim Accounts- Profit and loss accounts
policy making and decision making work. Under this
and position statements are generally prepared after the
method, various information is displayed through reports,
end of one year period, but managers may need them even
statements, tables, graphs, pictures etc.
in the middle of the year, because the work of policy-
Requirements for making Accounting making, planning or decision-making can be done at any
Methods useful to Management time may be deemed necessary. The main reason for this
is that as a result of demand and supply situation, change
Financial accounting method can help in managerial functions in supply of material and labor etc., entry of new
only when the following things are necessarily contained in it- competitor in the market, need of advertisement,
1. Up-to-Date Accounting- Financial accounting can be amendment in government policies, etc. result in change
useful to managers only if it is up-to-date. In other words, in market situation.
the profit account and balance sheet relating to a given Difficulties in preparation of interim accounts
period should reach the hands of the managers a) Outstandings and Accruals
immediately after the period. If these are available long b) Valuation of Stock
after the expiry of that period, they are of no use and c) Provision- The meaning of planning is to arrange the
become useless. amount of expenditure of that income, whose exact
2. Use of Principle of Comparison- After receiving the amount is difficult to ascertain. It is very important to
profit and loss account and position statement, the benefit include them at the time of making interim letters.
of the information that becomes clear from them can be Events can be of two types-
availed only then, while the principle of comparison can (i) Recurring items- Events related to debt are
be used as follows- regularly held in business, for example, events
 Mutual comparison of Figures of Position- for bad and doubtful debts, events for income
Statement and Profit- Under this method, tax, etc. To know the amount of doubtful and
comparative analysis of various items of position- bad debts, arrangements can be made by
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
ascertaining the percentage of Debtors and 3. Establishment of management accounting system
Doubtful-Bad Debt of the last few years and gradually.
making it the basis. 4. Incorporating all the necessary things in the management
(ii) Non-recurring items- The related events are accounting system.
those that are not done regularly in the business, In order to establish the management
but they arise suddenly – for example, the burden accounting system in a business concern, the
of repaying a guaranteed loan, a sudden decrease management and management accountant
in the value of the stock or the decision of the usually take the following steps:
ongoing case in the court. It is the responsibility 1. An Accounts Manager must have technical skills to
of the managers to adjust the amount of events to understand raw reconciliation, profit and loss account,
be organized by chance, being in favor or
balance sheet.
opposition etc.
2. Preparation of organization manual for the entire
d) Reserves Reserves are that part of surplus profit
that is set aside for possible losses and the purpose of organization in writing.
which is to prevent profit sharing. The problem of 3. To clearly determine the rights and responsibilities at each
adjusting different types of accumulations in the level of management.
interim account can be studied as follows- 4. Pre-determination of different routes of conduction.
(i) Capital Reserve- This accumulation is made 5. Appointing skilled, experienced and trained Management
from the profit from the sale of property, profit Accountant for smooth and orderly implementation of
received on shares, etc. These items are very Management Accounting System.
obvious so it is relatively easy to incorporate 6. Timeliness of managerial reporting system and pre-
them in interim letters and it is done by the determination of details and formats of reports.
managers. In relation to specific reserves, the 7. Recruitment of appropriate number of employees to assist
work of adjustment in the interim accounts can the Management Accountant, their training and paying
be done automatically by the management special attention to their efficiency level.
accountant according to the prescribed policies
8. Establishment of cost centers, appropriation centers and
of the institution, while the amount of general
budget centers in the business organization from the very
reserves is not included in the interim accounts.
(ii) Revenue Reserve- Revenue Reserve can be in beginning.
the form of general as well as can be in the form 9. Pre-determination of main objectives and subsidiary
of specific accumulation. How much part of objectives of management accounting method. The main
profit should be taken to general reserve and how objective of management accounting method is to provide
much to special reserve is decided by the assistance in decision making, planning and control of the
managers. In relation to specific reserves, the management and other objectives are considered as
management accountant can automatically do the subsidiary objectives.
work of adjustment in the interim accounts, 10. Incorporation of marginal costing method, budgetary
according to the prescribed policies of the control method, standard costing method, variance, fund
organization, while the amount of general flow statement, integrated audit, ratio analysis and cash
reserve should not be included in the interim flow statement in the accounting method. In this context it
accounts, because how much of the profit in the is necessary to keep economy in mind.
general reserve should be taken in the general
reserve. It should be decided by the management Advantages of Managerial Accounting
keeping in mind the amount of profit at the end 1. Better Production in Low Cost
of the year. 2. Maximum Profit
Importance of Managerial Accounting 3. Easy in Scientific Management
4. Helpful in Planning
1. Increase in Efficiency 5. Safety from Trade Circle
2. Proper Planning
6. Easy in Decision making
3. Evaluation of Performance
7. Determination of Object
4. Effective Management Control
5. Maximum Profit 8. Availability of information on different levels
6. Improvement in Customer Service 9. Increase in Productivity
7. Quick and right decision 10. Proper Control and Management
8. Reduction in risks Important Vocabulary
Installation of Management  Dissolution of the Firm- According to Section 39 of the
Accounting System Indian Partnership Act, 1932, “The termination of
The following important points should be kept in partnership among all the partners of a firm is called
mind by the management accountant at the dissolution of the firm or winding up of the firm.”
beginning of the management accounting system
in the office: Bank Account
1. To thoroughly study the various methods and techniques A bank account is the safest place to keep your money.
of Management Accounting. There are many government and private banks in India,
2. To choose the appropriate method according to the needs where you can open your account and deposit your money
of the business organization. in it and keep your money safe.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
 Cost- Cost is the amount spent or to be spent on a
Types of Bank Accounts particular item, product or activity.
There are mainly four types of bank accounts. But mostly  Purchases- Buying of the goods with which the merchant
savings accounts and current accounts are opened in does business is called purchase. If the purchase is made
banks. in cash, it is called cash purchase and if the purchase is
Saving Account made on credit, it is called credit purchase.
This is the most frequented bank account in the bank. This  Purchases Returns- After purchasing the goods, if it is
bank account is opened by ordinary citizens. This is a known that the goods are not received as per the sample
common savings account in which you can deposit your or there is any defect in it or any other reason, then the
money, withdraw it when needed; along with this you are amount of goods returned is called purchase return.
also given many facilities like ATM, net banking, check Purchase returns are also called outward returns.
book etc.  Sales- The sale of the goods in which the merchant deals
You are also given some percentage of interest on the is called sales. If this sale is for cash then it is called cash
amount deposited in this account. Interest may vary from sale and if it is on credit then it is called credit sale.
bank to bank. According to section 4 of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930, a
There is also a limit to transact money in the savings contract of sale is a contract whereby the seller transfers
account. Consumers cannot exceed this limit, failing which the ownership of goods to the buyer for a fixed price. The
a penalty can be imposed by the bank. sale may be unconditional or with conditions.
Current Account  Sales Returns- After the goods have been sold, if the
buyer of the goods understands that he has not been sold
This bank account is mainly used by big businessmen,
the goods of the kind promised to be sold to him, he shall
industries and companies. No interest is earned on the
return the goods to the extent of defective goods. There
amount deposited in this bank account. Apart from this, you
may be other reasons for returning goods sold. Therefore,
get all those services which are available in the savings
the goods that are returned after making a sale are called
account. In addition to this, you also get the facility of
Sales Returns S/R. Sales return is also called Returns
overdraft in the current account, through which you can
Inward R/I.
withdraw more money from your bank account than the
 Gain- The word 'Gain' is used for the profit of irregular
money you have in your bank account. That is, you can
nature, such as - Capital Gain.
borrow from the bank.
Example- The cost of the machine is 1,00,000. If it is sold
There is no limit for doing transactions from the current
for Rs.1,25,000 then Rs.25,000 will be considered as
account. Consumers can do as many transactions as they
profit. A
want from this bank account. That's why this account is
 Vouchers- When the transaction of money is done for
used by big companies, because they have transactions of
purchase and sale of goods, and then the documents
crores of rupees.
which are prepared to certify it are called Vouchers.
 Revenue- Revenue refers to the income of the business. It  Discount- Sometimes traders leave some value by not
also means income received regularly or income of taking the full value of the goods from their customers i.e.
recurring nature. Income increases capital. Examples of give some concession in the value of the goods. Hence,
revenue are receipts from the sale of goods, interest the lesser value taken is called discount. For example, if
earned, commission earned, rent earned, dividend earned, goods worth Rs.1000 are sold and only Rs.900 is taken
discount earned, etc. from the customer as full payment, then Rs.100 will be
 Debtor- The person, institution, firm, company or called a discount.
corporation, etc., from whom money is to be recovered or i) Trade Discount- This discount is written in the list
to whom the amount of the institution is due, are called of prices and is given to all the customers who deal in
debtors. Debtors account is also there in the balance sheet. the same item. The purpose of this reduction is only
Debtors account appears in the ledger only when credit that the customer increases. Transactions that have a
sales are made. Self-financing is also included in this trade discount are accounted for after deducting the
account. In other words, debtors account is not a cash trade discount.
account, but a credit account. ii) Special Discount- This discount is given by some
 Creditor- The person, institution, firm, company or businessmen only to those customers who become
corporation, etc., to whom money is payable by the trader permanent customers. Its purpose is to make the
for credit purchase or loan, are called the creditor of the customer a permanent customer. This type of
trader. deduction has brought great benefits to the business,
 Goods- The things that a trader trades are called his but often this deduction is not given to new persons.
'goods'. For example, if a trader deals in wheat, then iii) Cash Discount- This deduction is given to those
wheat will be called his goods, if he deals in furniture, traders who pay the price before a certain date.
then furniture will be called his goods. When a It may also happen that a permanent customer will
commodity is manufactured or purchased with the get all these three types of deductions, because
intention of selling it, then that commodity is called a business deduction is given to everyone, so the
commodity. Goods have also been defined in section 2(7) permanent customer will also get it and if he makes
of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930. According to this, “every the cash payment by a certain date; he will also get
kind of movable property except actionable claim and the cash discount. And he will have the right to get
money is goods. special discount because he is a permanent customer.
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
 Equity: The word equity means equity and liabilities. It is b) Data is the source of information.
of two types- c) The bounded data base scheme drives the structure of the
Owner's Equity- eg- Capital. entire process.
Equity of outsiders – bills payable, etc. These are also In this way, it is a centralized information system, in
called 'outside liabilities'. which many types of data are used by the users through
 Solvent- A businessman is said to be solvent when he is computer in different types of decisions according to their
fully capable of paying all his liabilities. convenience.
 Debit- The word debit is derived from the Latin word Functions of Database Management System
Kmiipjanu, which means - payable to him; it is called 1) The main function of database management system is to
'debit’. provide a way to store and retrieve various types of data
 Credit- The word credit is derived from the Latin word, it information from suitable medium. For example, the
means, due to him, it is called deposit or accumulation. information of students studying in a school can be stored
 Receivables- The term receivables include both 'trade in the following way, student's name, roll number,
debtors' and 'bills receivable'. The combined amounts of address, father's name, class, class, date of birth etc.
these two are shown in the accounts receivable. 2) This system manages all these information in a planned
Receivables are assets for the organization. manner by developing a group of large information of an
Thus, Receivables = Debtors $Receivables = Debtors + organization.
Bills Receivales 3) Provides the facility of data creation, modification and
 Insolvent- Insolvent refers to a person whose assets are correction to its users.
insufficient to meet all his liabilities (or debts). 4) It is a concurrent system, which allows different users to
 Manufacturing Cost- It includes direct material cost, work on the same database at the same time. In this way
direct labor cost, direct other expenses and total factory DBMS stimulates multiplayer environment.
expenses (both variable and fixed factory expenses). In 5) From the point of view of data security, it allows only its
this method the opening stock and closing stock of actual user to use the data. According to this facility, the
manufactured goods can be valued at factory cost. Gross user is able to work on the data of his own department.
profit is determined by deducting the factory cost of Due to which the security of information of other
goods sold (Opening Stock+ Manufacturing Cost- departments is maintained.
Closing Stock) from the sales of the period. 6) It harmonizes the data and reduces redundant data,
thereby making the data comprehensive. This detailed
Accounting Information System data makes it easy to make decisions.
The use of information and technology in accounting is called 7) DBMS provides various views to its users. For example,
Accounting Information System. Through this computer is the user of the sales department will see a different screen
used in various areas related to financial accounting, such as and the user of the accounting department will see a
tax audit, budgeting etc. different one. According to this, the data can be used
 Determining the information needed for management. according to the use through the same database.
 Collecting and analyzing information for information 8) DBMS Electronic security is provided to all data used in
management. A certain password is given to access it. User cannot use
 Information storage. information of other department without permission. Data
 Using information. security is provided by different departments at different
 Information flow. levels. Unauthorized person cannot access the
 Accounting reports. information.
 Management Information System and Data Interface. Elements of Database Management System
Database - It is a set of stored data which are related to each
Concept of DBMS other, through which certain information is created. In the
This information system provides information for above data the attendance of the students in the class etc. can
management decisions through various types of data. A also be calculated. Data base through D.B.M.S. The
database is a collection of data that is used by different people. processing system of
The work of organizing all these data and converting them  Data Collection
into information as required is done through the database  Data Editing
management system. A system is a set of programs designed  Data Manipulation
to manipulate correlation data. Its purpose is to collect data  Data Storage
through software and do the work of managing it by accessing  Data Review
it as needed. It also converts the collected data into definite  Projection
information. The security of these information is assured, as Types of Database Management System
well as keeps the data safe in case of system failure. It is used 1. Hierarchical
in various fields. Like- railway reservation, bus reservation, 2. Network
examination control, wing, parole storage, salary related to 3. Relational
employees, attendance etc. 1. Hierarchical - The databases designed in the past were
Database Management System mainly controls three hierarchical, whose structure was like tree like in the
activities- order of top to bottom, in which one main root and the
a) The data base engine provides the data and modifies it as rest were considered branches. It has nodes and flows
required. The act of fully controlling the data depends on from one to many. This does not make it a mutable
the database engine. structure. No one can reconnect to the network and the
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
flow of data is in one direction only. Due to these
shortcomings, further the design of the database was
changed so that the data can be used fully and
appropriately at the right time.
2. Network - In the network system, all the databases of the
database are connected to each other, so that It should be
made available from where it is required i.e. it is many-to-
many relationship in which sometimes due to high data Entity Relationship Model – Entity Relationship Model
availability, the situation of data clutter comes, like in the Entity model is based on entity and its properties. Entity is an
case of simultaneous data integration of two devices. Due object based on a particular person. For example, in a hospital
to which the data either gets entangled with each other or database, there is a patient entity and its attribute are name,
does not reach the proper place. date of birth, father's name, date of admission to the hospital,
name of the disease, etc., based on the model.
Accounting Query
In a computerized accounting system, an accounting query is
used to obtain any type of information. A query is a question
that can be put to a database through software to retrieve a
certain amount of information. From which specific financial
3. Relational – Keeping in mind all the disadvantages of information is obtained from complex databases. For example,
hierarchal and network in relational database, all three an accountant or a user has to identify all the debtors or
types of data flow were created, which are in one-to-one- consumers who have not paid within the credit limit period,
many and many-to-many form. Due to which the then such information can be retrieved through Structured
problems related to the database are solved by using them Query Language. This type of facility is not included in the
as per the requirement. manual accounting method.
Practice Set
1. BRS is prepared for …….. 7. Goodwill is an example of ………
(1) Update balance in cash book (1) Fixed Asset (2) Current Asset
(2) Reconciliation of difference between cash book and (3) Intangible Asset (4) Virtual Asset
bank book Answer- (3) (Labour Ins. -2017)
(3) Both (1) and (2) 8. That asset, which can be converted into cash within a
(4) none of the above short period of time, is called ……….
Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017) (1) Fixed Asset
2. Management Accounting is - (2) Liquid Asset
(1) Post mortem duty (3) Fixed And Liquid Assets
(2) Accounting for the future (4) None Of The Above
(3) Accounting for current Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017)
(4) Represents the position of a business in its entirety. 9. Which of the following is not an example of an indirect
Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017) asset?
3. The following balance sheet is based on the accounting (1) Franchisee Officer (2) Credit
equation ………….. (3) Patent (4) Land
(1) Assets = Liabilities + Capital Answer- (4) (S.S.S.V.-2017)
(2) Assets + Liabilities = Capital 10. Which of the following equations correctly represents
(3) Assets - Liabilities = Capital any deviation from the basic accounting equation?
(4) Assets + Capital = Liabilities (1) Assets + Liabilities = Owner's Share
Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017) (2) Assets - Liabilities = Owner's Share
4. Which of the following is not a current asset? (3) Owner's share = assets
(1) Cash (2) Inventory (4) all of the above
(3) Prepaid Expenses (4) Building Answer- (2) (S.S.S.V.-2017)
Answer- (4) (Labour Ins. -2017) 11. According to which of the following accounting
5. Financial accounts are prepared for the transactions concepts, an entity is assumed to continue in operation
that take place within the time period of ……….the for an indefinite period of time in the future?
financial year. (1) Economic entity concept
(1) 6 months (2) 3 months (2) Good will-Foundation-Concept (Going-Concern
(3) 12 months (4) 8 months Concept)
Answer- (3) (Labour Ins. -2017) (3) Cost concept
6. That accounting concept, which suggests that the (4) Cash concept
business will continue for a long period of time. Answer- (2) (Group-2- AG1 & A3-2018).
(1) Good will-establishment concept 12. Which of the following does not constitute current
(2) Separate entity concept liabilities?
(3) Cost concept (1) Trade Creditors (2) Outstanding Expenses
(4) Monetary concept (3) Proposed dividend (4) Debtors
Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017) Answer- (4) (Labour Ins. -2017)
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
13. Contingent liabilities appear in …………. 24. ……… a set of accounts.
(1) Balance Sheet (1) Ledger (2) General
(2) Chairman's report (3) Entry (Posting) (4) None Of These
(3) Notice to shareholders Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017)
(4) Notes on Accounts to the Balance Sheet 25. The balance sheet is the details of:
Answer- (4) (Labour Ins. -2017) (1) Only assets and liabilities
14. Under this rule, the trial balance should always (2) Only sources of capital and investment of capital
match………… (3) Both (1) and (2)
(1) Finally, all the transactions are transferred to the trial (4) none of these
balance (trial balance). Answer – (Labour Ins. -2017)
(2) Every debit has a corresponding credit 26. The process of transferring debit and credit items
(3) Assets and liabilities are equal from general to account in the ledger is called -
(4) There are credit and debit balances of income and
(1) Entry (2) Transfer
(3) Authorization (4) Recording
Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017)
Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017)
15. A bank reconciliation statement is prepared with the
27. Debit, which comes and credit, which goes. This is the
help of ……….
(1) Bank column of cash book and bank statement rule of ………..
(2) Cash column of cash book and bank statement (1) Personal Account
(3) Cash column of cash book and bank column of cash (2) Asset Account
book (3) Income-Expenditure Account
(4) Both the debit and credit columns of the bank (4) Account of assets
statement Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017)
Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017) 28. For an Accounts Manager, understanding the basics of
16. Purchase of a machinery is an example of- crude reconciliation, profit and loss account and
(1) Revenue expenditure (2) Capital expenditure balance sheet will be considered as……… a skill.
(3) Current Expenses (4) None (1) Conceptual (2) Technical
Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017) (3) Design (4) Non-technical
17. What is the process of recording, classifying and Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017)
summarizing transactions called? 29. In the Trial Balance, if wages are clubbed with wages
(1) Bookkeeping and shown as 'Salaries and Wages', it is recorded
(2) Financial accounting in……..
(3) Financing details (1) Trading Accounts
(4) Preparation of Income Statement (2) Profit and Loss Account
Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017) (3) Balance Sheet
18. Debit balance in cash book means- (4) proprietary account
(1) Bank loan (2) Overdraft Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017)
(3) Favorable balance (4) Unfavorable balance 30. Which one of the following is not the purpose of Trial
Answer- (3) (Labour Ins. -2017) Balance?
19. The process of transferring a journal entry to the (1) To check the arithmetical accuracy of the accounting
ledger is called ……….. entries.
(1) Journalizing (2) Balancing (2) Forming the basis for the financial statement.
(3) Analyzing (4) Entry
(3) Summarizing ledger.
Answer- (4) (Labour Ins. -2017)
(4) To assess the profit of the business.
20. The trial balance (raw balance) is ….
Answer- (4) (Labour Ins. -2017)
(1) Statement (2) Account
31. When the owner of the business withdraws
(3) Summary (4) Ledger
Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017) money/goods from the business for his personal use, it
21. Interest on loan given by a business to a financial is called:
institution is an example of- (1) Withdrawal (2) Capital
(1) Expenses (2) Income (3) Cash outflows (4) Depreciation
(3) Asset (4) Liability Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017)
Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017) 32. When you prepare the final accounts, where will you
22. A cheque is a type of ……………. transfer the recovered Bad Debts account?
(1) Promissory Note (2) Bank Draft (1) Profit and loss account
(3) Bill of Exchange (4) Demand draft (2) In the provision for bad debt (n) account
Answer- (3) (Labour Ins. -2017) (3) In Debtors Account
23. Profit and Loss Appropriation Account is prepared: (4) In accounts receivable
(1) When the entire profit is distributed among the Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017)
owners. 33. Accounting entries are recorded in accordance with
(2) When there is no profit in the business. generally accepted accounting principles. If any of
(3) When a share of profits is held. these principles are violated or ignored, then errors
(4) When merger and acquisition takes place. arising due to this violation are called ……….
Answer- (3) (Labour Ins. -2017) (1) Errors of omission
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
(2) Offenses of negligence (2) Determination of capital projects
(3) Errors of principle (3) Ignoring the expected rate of return on each project
(4) Errors of compensation (4) Putting a stop to cost overruns on projects
Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017) Answer- (3) (Labour Ins. -2017)
34. Which of the following is not a fixed asset? 45. Which of the following can be considered as 'use of
(1) Credit (2) Small tools money'?
(3) Vehicle (4) Leasehold (1) Decrease in creditor account
Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017) (2) Shortfall in cash
35. The financial statement which shows the financial (3) Increase in liability account
position of an undertaking at a particular point of (4) Increase in cash
time is called - Answer- (3) (Labour Ins. -2017)
(1) Balance Sheet 46. Imprest System/Float is followed in case of ……….
(2) cash flow statement (1) Petty cash book
(3) Income statement (2) Sales book
(4) Explanatory Notes to the Financial Statements (3) Pass book
Answer- (1) (S.S.S.V.-2017) (4) cash book
36. Which of the following is a type of business record that Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017)
a firm can use to study the buying habits of its 47. Bad Debt is displayed-
customers? (1) To the debit side of the Profit and Loss Account
(1) Forecast (2) Marketing budget (2) To the credit side of the Profit and Loss Account
(3) Invoice (4) Annual Report (3) on the asset side of the balance sheet
Answer- (3) (S.S.S.V.-2017) (4) on the liabilities side of the balance sheet
37. Cash, equipment and other resources that an entity Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017)
owns and uses for its operations are called: 48. Net working capital refers to ………..
(1) Accounts (2) tangibles (1) Net assets - Fixed assets.
(3) Liabilities (4) Assets (2) Current assets - Current liabilities
Answer- (4) (Group-2- AG1 & A3-2018). (3) Current Assets - Inventory
38. Formal sources of credit do not include- (4) current assets
(1) None of these (2) Friend Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017)
(3) Co-operative (societies) (4) Banks 49. In the balance sheet, good will appears as………
Answer- (2) (Group-1- 2017) (1) Deferred Liability
39. The uses and sources of wealth statements shall be (2) Intangible Asset
examined as part of the …………. (3) Fixed Asset
(1) A predictive technology (4) Current Liability
(2) A Ratio Analysis Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017)
(3) Preparation of Balance Sheet 50. Maintenance of personal accounts and cash accounts
(4) Fund Flow Analysis is called ………
Answer- (4) (Labour Ins. -2017) (1) Net Single Entry System
40. ……………., refers to the expected results of a future (2) Simple Single Entry System
period given in numerical terms- (3) Semi Single Entry System
(1) Projects (2) Budget (4) None of the above
(3) Program (4) Methodology Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017)
Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017) 51. The cost of goods sold is………...
41. The cash flow statement classifies cash flows on the (1) Opening stock + Purchases - Closing stock + Direct
basis of: cost
(1) Operating activities only (2) Buying - selling
(2) Operating and financial activities only (3) Opening Stock + Sales
(3) Operating and investing activities only (4) Opening Stock + Purchases
(4) Operating, financing and investing activities Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017)
Answer- (4) (Labour Ins. -2017) 52. The total revenue of a business in a year is Rs.240000
42. Profitability Index is also known as ……………. and the gross profit is Rs.60000. What is Gross Profit
(1) ARR (2) NPV Ratio?
(3) IRR (4) Benefit cost ratio (1) 24 percent (2) 25 percent
Answer- (4) (Labour Ins. -2017) (3) 40 percent (4) 50 percent
43. The total current assets of a business are Rs.400000 Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017)
and current liabilities are Rs.200000. The current 53. A collection of data, which is designed to be used by
ratio is- different people, is called ……….
(1) 2 : 1 (2) 1 : 1 (1) Organization (2) Relationship
(3) 0.5 : 1 (4) 3 : 1 (3) Database (4) Profile
Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017) Answer- (3) (Labour Ins. -2017)
44. The objectives of capital expenditure budget are- 54. Funds for a business can be raised through……….
(1) To estimate expenditure (1) Equity only
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
(2) Debt only 64. To retrieve specific financial information from a
(3) Both debt and equity complex database, the user has to set the following:
(4) none of the above (1) Queries
Answer- (3) (Labour Ins. -2017) (2) tabs
55. When a company provides a fixed amount of (3) Symbols
percentage from its income, then it is called ………… (4) Panels
(1) Dividend Tax Policy Answer- (1) (S.S.S.V.-2017)
(2) Dividend Correct Ratio Policy 65. The database management system should have the
(3) Dividend Payout Ratio Policy following features-
(4) Dividend Purchase Ratio Policy (1) Extended Access
Answer- (3) (Labour Ins. -2017) (2) Security/reliability of stored information
56. The value of a fixed asset after deducting depreciation (3) Data protected from system failure
from the cost is called ……….
(4) All of the above
(1) Fair Value
Answer- (4) (S.S.S.V.-2017)
(2) Written Down Value
66. The ratio, which focuses on the relationship of
(3) Market Value
monetary current assets with current liabilities, is
(4) Net Realizable Value
Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017) called ……….
57. When a mistake is made during the calculation of the (1) Return on Investment
subsidiary book, it is called ……….. (2) credit rating ratio (acid test ratio)
(1) Error in costing (3) Debt Equity Ratio (Debt Equity Ratio)
(2) Error of forward carriage (4) Current ratio
(3) Error of entry Answer- (2) (Group-2- AG1 & A3-2018).
(4) Error of principle 67. Miscellaneous on the Balance Sheet Accounts
Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017) arranged for trade items are known as-
58. Gross profit is calculated by the formula………. (1) Reserve Fund Account (Reserve Accounts)
(1) Cost of goods – Sales (2) Sales - all expenses (2) Permanent Accounts
(3) assets liabilities (4) Sales liabilities (3) Temporary Accounts (Temporary Accounts)
Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017) (4) Cash Accounts (Cash Accounts)
59. A company decided to declare Rs.200000 in cash as Answer- (2) (Group-2- AG1 & A3-2018).
dividend to the shareholders. This will be reflected in 68. What is the distinguishing feature of current account
the cash flow statement as a cash outflow under as compared to savings account in banks?
Lending………….. (1) High Interest
(1) Operating Activities (2) Financial activities (2) There is no need for KYC norms
(3) Investing Activities (4) Accounting activity (3) Joint account can be opened
Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017) (4) No restrictions on transactions
60. Bad debt was recovered from a customer. It will be Answer- (4) (MP Sahkari Bank Maryadit-2018)
…………. 69. What happens if the loans are repaid on time?
(1) Deduction from debtors in the balance sheet (1) Get good reputation
(2) adding debtors to the balance sheet (2) There is no tension
(3) Credited to P & L Account (3) Loan is easily available in future
(4) shall be recorded in the balance sheet as (4) all of the above
Answer- (3) (Labour Ins. -2017)
Answer- (4) (S.S.S.V.-2017)
61. Financial accounting is concerned with:
70. In deciding the appropriate level of current assets for
(1) Recording of transactions.
the firm, the management is faced with a trade-off
(2) Recording, classification and summary of transactions.
(3) Preparation of financial statements only.
(4) Preparation of financial statements and bookkeeping. (1) Beneficiaries and Risks
Answer- (4) (Labour Ins. -2017) (2) Liquidity and Sellers
62. According to the Financial Accounting Standards (3) Equity and Debt
Board (FASB), which of the following is a cash flow (4) All of the above
from financing activities? Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017)
(1) Cash outflow to the government for taxes 71. Which of the following is an asset account?
(2) Cash outflow to shareholders in the form of dividend (1) Salary Account
(3) Outflow of the river to the lenders in the form of (2) Shri Ram's account
interest (3) Building Account (Construction Account)
(4) Cash outflow to purchase bonds issued by another (4) Interest Expenditure Account
company Answer- (3) (Labour Ins. -2017)
Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017) 72. Self financing covers …………..
63. The word ………. means pre-determined profit due to (1) Creditor Accounts
the company's inability to produce. (2) Liability Accounts
(1) Opportunity cost (2) Marginal cost (3) short term loans
(3) Overhead cost (4) All of the above (4) Series of loans
Answer- (1) (S.S.S.V.-2017) Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017)
NIRMAN IAS GWALLIOR Accounting and Management Accounting
73. Gross profit minus sales is……………. 76. Identify the Income-Expenditure Account from the list
(1) All expenses given below.
(2) Office and Administration Expenses (1) Machinery Account (2) Cash Account
(3) Selling and distribution expenses (3) Rent Account (4) Debtors Account
(4) Cost of goods sold Answer- (3) (Labour Ins. -2017)
Answer- (4) (Labour Ins. -2017) 77. The total of common shareholders' equity reported on
74. Which of the following is an indicator of liquidity of the balance sheet is referred to as ……………..
business? (1) Book value
(1) current ratio (2) par value (par value)
(2) Share profit
(3) Retained Earnings
(3) Debt Service Coverage Ratio
(4) Corporate stock (treasury stock)
(4) Ratio of share to total external liabilities
Answer- (1) (Group-2- AG1 & A3-2018).
Answer- (1) (Labour Ins. -2017)
78. Which account is not a liability account?
75. Debtors will appear in the ledger when………………
(1) Cash
(1) Cash sale should be done.
(2) The sale should be done there. (2) Accounts Payable
(3) Cash purchase should be made. (3) Accrued Expenses
(4) Should be purchased there. (4) Notes Payable
Answer- (2) (Labour Ins. -2017) Answer- (1) (S.S.S.V.-2017)


Time:- 11:00 AM

1. 08-01-2023  (Inrtroduction)
 (Cell)
 (Biological Classification)
SCIENCE  (Tissue)
 (Nutrition)
 (Digestive System)
 (Vitamins)
 (Excretary System)
 (Respiratory System)
 (Blood Circulatoty System)
 (Endocrine System)
 (Slceletal System)
 (Reproductive System)
 (Genetics)
 (Human Disease)
 (Photosyntesis)
(Biology)  (Transpiration)
 (Plant Hormone)
 Miscellaneous
2. 12-01-2023  (Matter)
 (Atomic Structure)
 (Radioactive Element)
SCIENCE  (Acid, Base, Salt)
 (Metal, Non-Metal Metelloids)
 (Chemical Reastion)
 (Polymer)
 (Hydrocarbon)
(Chemistry) 


 (Soap, Cement, Glass)
 Miscellaneous)
3. 16-01-2023  (Mechanics)
SCIENCE  (Sound & Wave)
 (Heat & Temperature)
 (Light)
 (Electricty)
 (Mangnetism)
 Miscellaneous
 (Number System)
4. 20-01-2023 GENERAL  Classification of Numbers
MATHS  Divisiblity Rule
 Highest Power
 Number of Zero
 Remainder Theorem
 Unit Digit
 Simplification
 Surds and Indices
 HCF and
 Algebra
 Quadratic Equation
 (Percentage)
 (Profit and Loss)
 (Discount)
5. 24-01-2023 GENERAL  (Simple Interest)
MATHS  (Compound Interest)
 (Ratio and Proportion)
 (Ages)
 (Average)
 (Mixture)
 (Partnership)
 (Time and Work)
 (Pipe and Cistern)
 (Time, Speed and Distance)
 (Train)
 (Boat and Stream)
 (Permutation and Combination)
 (Probability)
 (Data Interpretation)

6. 27-01-2023 (Introduction of Computer)


Types of Software)

 Disk
 Disk


 (Hardware)
 CPU)
 CU
 Motherboard

(Peripheral Devices)

 (Memory)

Types of Memory



 Buses

7. 30-01-2023 Operating System)
 O/S
 Boot MBR

 O/S



 Dos/Linux/Unix

Programing Language)

 Oops
 C, C++ , Cobol, Fortran, Basic, Html

 DFD’s Flow Chart’s
 (Multimedia )

 (Windows)

 (GUI)

 (Ms-Office)

 (DBMS)



 (WWW)


 (URL)


 Article
8. 02-02-2023  Noun
GENERAL  Number
ENGLISH  Gender

 Case
 Pronoun
 Adjective
 Verb
 Modal Auxiliaries
 Adverb
 Preposition
 Conjunction
9. 05-02-2023  Degree
 Narration
 Subject-Verb Agreement
 Transformation
 Sentence Arrangement
 Spelling Mistake
 Narration
 Question Tag
 Reading Comprehension
 Prefix and Suffix
 Idioms
 Phrasal verb
 One word Substitution
 Root words
 Pair of words
 Synonyms
 Antonyms

10. 08-02-2023 


11. 10-02-2023 

12. 12-02-2023 GENERAL 


13. 14-02-2023 



14. 16-02-2023  (Coding-Decoding)

GENERAL  (Classification)
REASONING  (Analogy)
ABILITY  (Number Series)
 (Missing Numbers)
 (Repeated Series)
 (Inequality)
 (Arrangment of Words)
 (Mathematical Operation)
 (Sequence Test)
 (Equation)
 (Ranking)
 (Direction Test)
15. 18-02-2023  (Blood Relation)
GENERAL  (Counting of Figures)
REASONING  (Sitting Arrangment)
ABILITY  (Ages)
 (Venn Diagram)
 (Syllogism)
 (Calander)
 (Dice)
 (Cube)
 (Clock)
 (Mirror Image)
 (Water Image)
16. 20-02-2023  (M.P. General Knowledge)
GENERAL  (Indian History)
KNOWLEDGE &  (Indian Polity)
17. 22-02-2023  (Geography of India and
KNOWLEDGE &  (Environment)
APTITUDE  (Science and Technology)
 (Indian Economy)
 (Current Affairs)
 (Sports)
 (Global Organizations)
 (Miscellaneous)
18. 24-02-2023 /Section-A  (General Science)

 (General English)
 (General Maths)
19. 26-02-2023 /Section-A  (General Science)

 (General English)
 (General Maths)
20. 28-02-2023 /Section-B  (General Knowledge and
 (General Computer Knowledge)
 (General Reasoning Ability)

 (General Management)
21. 02-03-2023 /Section-B  (General Knowledge and
 (General Computer Knowledge)
 (General Reasoning Ability)
 (General Management)
04-03-2023 (Full Syllabus)

23. 05-03-2023 (Full Syllabus)

24. 06-03-2023 (Full Syllabus)

25. 07-03-2023 (Full Syllabus)

2/3, Aziz Complex, New Khedapati Colony,

Phool Bagh Road, Infront of G.D.A. Office, Gwalior Mob- 9111532427


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