SQL Notes From Single Row Function

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os Singte_ Row G@) Lenaty c)_ @ _concAt co) @ vpPeR 0) @ (owe RC) This funpiien 1S Used to Count the Number of Chami(dess Present in a. gjven Stmn4. | Syntax 1+ LeNoiTH Clsasing) Dee Select lenary ClanuogaLs' ) Fon Dofl : é j ouput = 8 (BE DYA\ notnmg buck dumyns dabre cohich *1SC I : give @ one ocd qna ome cymy) ea oclecr tenatu ('eAHv BALz’) FRom _MuAL; ouput = 9 (Space Consjdew as Charu cters ), le Seiect lenatH Gnameys, Ename. from Emp _* AX Doi THe is A dum ible cOhich has ; ie eXCiH4 one 29 and Me colym7 a cohjich iS US) to et SEES ib mame of the Employee hose name have ae 4 chermictert in +hei® name ~ is EM PrnciMe ae form emp | where length Cencime ) = 4 es a me BS i a gq Is ed a operdD Emp. details iF the eEmpreyer IS exening [anowt Tram _3 oli gry Sala, Select # 1 fem sme cahest _len ttn Gerlero)>3 5 pen = This finaion jt is uses te foin — pide, 2 the Fives two String. S| att is Similay to concatenation openarto%. — f By Spnrteix = CoNCAT C'staing 2 'Staing et) alee Select Concat C'm', 'smeh'} FRom 9vaL? orerput S- M5+.Sneh _ pra This tmdien it js use) te Convert the given String imte _uppescase.. Syaix i= OfpeR C'Stxing’) ere eae: (ex Seiect upp C! kavrn') Sout A FRom oval; ARAN. a = @ LowERC) i= This bmetion jt is Used. toc tthe Jive String bre lowers A) ‘ , 23 Select Lower C'evaast) $F FRom mAbs J devas} Select LeweRC emame) |___fiom __eme; INaI1cAPC) This finction it is used 42 ony, & diven Sting jnfticg) letter {orto uppers ase.. Sater s- LNITCAP C' Sizing’) B seiecp aIwttaap C* manav!) 2e/p mena, FRom DvAL j (S) Sevect__ 21 FRom Dofus 6) << TThi jon itis Us, eeevense, “the. output 2-11 ae fl Selects montns Bebocen ee y2es0676 3 | Feom oeme : i salz_| ©6 my ; Ae. Ssiecr_ nth. eae Staal ; FRom emp; ss} To. ChARC) {= =| This fundion is Ysa to ie given Date | | | | | | } ite Stig fowmat by “the! given Pomat medets. =| Soya = To CHAR CoA Te ,' foRMAT~ModeLe ) ¥| PoRMAT modes 3- NEB} D> 'sCe NYYY. HH24 Si HHa2 oN TH Mz MoN S Mn DOAN 2 x=: Suns DD > x= SUN 4d Ny ¢_This. fingion is “sed + cline oy Ane side effect of Nun BA Atm. | opera Hor)» —Syteyx ss Nui Ceyument 2, areprment 2.) = | Teaser ts Heme onrte Any colfexp eohich | Can Tesultss in ny) « = As} ument 2 2 tc Heme We rite % numeric varurs 1 Which cilible SUbStite) Te Geputvon ts | In Note, tes goquiment is mot nyy then the eine ge i) beseensitera, [cofer> Nameamd dou. salam oF et “the emprtec. Selecr fname, SAL + NVI (Commi, 0) Egor emp ; __ Ge) months Beroeen C) 2 Sees THEE Lt fs use) to “dbiain dhe Nymbes OF months Prcen+ between the sive Date’ o Stren i- Moths Bttc£en (DATEA, DAIS 2) te (fst PAY C) (= J Is Use) fo ebti7) the last day in the farticniaw of- eC je Syntax ic LAST. DAN CoAT) aie Ba ie 0s} : frsaPo a Be Ceo) = =a ee —— Nopp. Roum D_(Nambers Gag) Roo 1294-193, 49 2 alps fy ee Mote = TRON Civtinbes Cacaie | > Seiecr TRO G Last fea Di% ofp= paso. Epon Deve J Select itRune( tA3q. 123 5 = Lefer J220 PAD OAL 14 : i Select TRuwcC way 13 x) Foes [By FRom ovat: as re SEP feleske Salqn of FY Ly employees, Se€lecr SUMCAL) fem Sp: leoperto name. ad Whur Seuiqay 4 AN) EmPleYoe , Sek(t mame, sa L-com, $y (1 ee Nyt vue (eat =xcaL! —>— i Pos. a es iy __ eer C | _ wher BC 4) %20 find | nsig( Emame,'L 2, %)>20 AND + snstR Cenamey Nh 4, 37 20 2 i Nae Xo) % | # | 7 I a et! Select mma 6-05) +2 = 5 , - —Fiom DoAl; ah : | + | Seer Rud 6 5.5) 7 p= | FRom Dovopv 5 a j Gl ae eon = This beatin face pod =a of the qivem Value, curcoays fe ne Lowen Nate.» oe nv L lee select TRONC ro S Epsm DvAL 4 SZ Select TRONC(5.4q) 3 P= 5 Feem DUAL 5 J ee Serer Rana (1234+ 1235-1) $ op|= 1230. | fom __poAt ; Reads sDAKESS cfosatyr See a _ 24 Pisaduentage oss a And i - Unmettches|: Record’ both quethest fresent jn Result feible, « ss FRom Tab leit 2 _ oN + |Forn Condition i Tablet - umnnagme = ex : EMP. DePTING =" Dept. Deprno Tabre 2. Cl yrrn name ft) Cheptp - eepioyee det!’ ond dePemtiony eles. peo | SELECT 9b : | fem __ Emp annie Jorn vepy am | ON em? DEPTNo = DEPT. Deprno “*_) ‘pie use ( Seect + de} from emp, ep hese Emp-Pprnio= veep. repno PAGE: eee Fay eee ans jo. Colm, F No.Golumy Te = 3 +3 : 2 Bilis [No of. oud Regul “ible = No Reco oe No Row Te = 8 | “ae 2 | syntax 6 obficte Select Column. name i Feor Table -mame 4, “Table-name > bere | The _Coluenns free Present in the Peau — iM Ane Result: eybie coil) Be eduats fe the summertion oF the Caym Present im. | the. beth fhe “ferbles. se 3 D The Rerssd§ arve pusem4 in The Result —teible. ei) be etyais 4° the Prmduct of “the Recesds | present i the beth “fre “tuble a : = 2. a = | Tezm Jeneme |Onof Ono] oreme| Loe \ 1 Hf a | a | i, A Qo Ro De. ze a A On ES 23 = a a lo jo 2 os i B | fe “20 02 tg | f 2 B lo 32 Dr fis liek atc Cal 1G, | alee acs) 5 o 30 | do O2 | i | 3 Bo | Bo O3 | bg be Left outes Jorn RINT oures JOIN he [Es Fay + atcters jou 7G) sete oan = = 21 @ chetessan [casss Jean & [A Rerorcis fem tbe 1 coil) m Ce cf the Records of T4ble 2. Se thee Sys So ANST CAmesicarn Nationat stmdand Institute). evect Column -Name “1 Rom Fible-nume 1 Ross JOLN 2 : Table'nqme 2 + : Emp Deet 21 |Ename_| _@.No | De ]annme 106] ID nea 20 SS b | 2 fy 2 B Jo 20 | De LS) So eC 30 | Eu PAGE, EXCEL! ——— DAPTD Detzils oF the employed cohe hjitenk -Ov) Sunday pee Selects x | a Emp —_Gohese, To. CHAR A one ey OPS Detzils of the amployee hs hinet 3n The Month of Dec sing fe Chas SRF. __ Seucy # FRopy ern P cdhese To. CHAR(HBReoATE, em mont) = ‘pecemien’ s | OAPTD Oqeiils of sthe employee. HIRED 27) | eoednedsda: Select. ~ | fem ame. ghest, To-CHAR A, SS ee hot D Detyils oF the fnpiriec he hj week At“ }oFm. Select * pores ' fem _ cop coher! To-CHARCHaREDATE Ww4 =| to > = Pi a i } | Recordg 6 Recents . 2 301A slum L From Pelelenamet LEFT route 2) “PIN Tyiea 4 an __ pron (Ceptne =(0 eR tert M0 =3095 alters one me ane meno fo Ait theempieiee.” Cho [Empno ase C4839, TH02) AND ave. boat jn 4 Paube meses ms — 2595 YPAPtD Onatre, and saicrey foe Aili theempepes este ng’ Select Mame . Serlary be t memes depp oh€s@ _omP. depine= cleph depine AND 1) F Pe le 08 =! Accom tin g : 2 Sah re. EM ploye Che Salary 26-mowe than B40 : Sect _elmame, sai xi fs Avan sei fixe 0. €m Pp, dept , @Mbhese . oe > Sy 2340, SAdTD name and Oname fo employee ha | Cre 'A! SN cthejy name. Select name, dname. Vi tng Chars Fron EMP, dept ; | @hese EmP-depino = - clep}-depjno Any name Hike | po 4!» v ; OfITD Eemame Amd cmame fos AH) “tne. employee exoKjng AS Sajexma £lECT EMame , pnam \ e si Footy ENP, dept (where FnePdepine = dept-depino AND jo8 =\ salesman! s 0) ee fs — —aaeay = | tnaing tecentben ite they tre EL — — —— 220004 : fins ©. SAL, Le FRom emp. dept hers Emp depine = Pept cepin oA v 1, 00 P| | cofteta Employee name. ctadl his dering alsng_wi th _deahrame armel lwawim iC tre empleiee js covmcing 45 Manger fxs | Setect + enamer”™ SEPTIC, onfme loc | fem emp, dept = | where emp. deme: Dt -depimo AD. ‘ 308 = ‘moncice’ 5 : Prey wg cath Depinam i€ the. npisjee 1 earening Mere. “nem Joco Avy SPCR g Lim depine go fms | Select EP. H DVAME | l from een. dept f coher cine tal depinn A D SPA) S Jooo 3 Ap = * | emp: depnn =20 > g |@Agto E&npiviee Name Ana dependme” othe em potee | cola ® is ring, AS. ES an ec DPAMAS. i Seisct emames, cleprname * from emp, dep whee EMP. depmo = depp deping AfV2 H je = ‘nang es! Avo 3 eff vt loc=) ALLA y Z remags Bein crm more trem vsov. Select elemame , @.sAL From em? £4 mew | Chere ELMARSE2 Emmne wo el.cft1>2800 ANP seisai yo lace emt enane: t} Is asel_fo sin Same tue “eubie» ___— i Aan w joi geusen | {Duhencien the seq to be Selected = pessent in The e but indi 5 [eRAecte {= Seiect Colymn-name | | -. foom) faolenames © _dublemame 3 | Where, Xjoin Amato sf Gpo1D name of the employee, tid hy. manager natne | & 2 | emplosee, WWTKINg - WS Qerk fos | Seige s1ename, €2, enome. | from emp a, emp ea. ! ANE, ElemgR= EX-EmrMo . FIND | VOR = legis * 1 C AIS PARE, = Syatyx —SHleCt_Colyinmmname,, a —__._ fre ble “Namunat Tan tablet} eae malta neal ta aie 7 Fics Se Mapes Jair %. j a | oe : STAs Sumel Colname | mes ne |, Boety | Naam ‘fesyelas us i 1 men | Mremectysads [68021 GS : % ©) corite a Mer te tenenete, HT) [Arsormt | tyexyqrrce ' leony | rue ma = : Ve] ele [= oS Mj) TD tor gy f— oud pt “eM 85. i Nic. 4s] Pier = Sect Beeson dey Suet (RolNo 2) SL" Uy < Locoe (suustor Ceelmame. way erica ll Subs sx (eine * fer) Co ies 5) 2 | whtt9 emfliee detiil ond deprtment dete] oF the | © Awe Cojany *Sume Sut | emfirtee whe g ing eA has | SEC CT ge | from chert, eme pr Wher — Empey norclepr deen» Spl | GOMES rez GSA NIC 80h SAL ; | CER aeons GOSS | from Bible name's, “piblenames : [chee tesbaleg, Calgemnarme CH) 2 TAbie, ee $b, Righur osteo join S Setecr # + fiom emp dept : ! Dheve m0 = dept. no i Fun _ousbene Join) “o- at Is use) +2 obtein Uummetcha) |Zecesds _frem both left amel_Rigint dttblercieng odttin matching eters. Sentey ANs= SelscT Column name Fem jublen > Fut) Cours 2) Jos “Ta bres aN °> pau wos 390i) ss Select ERem emp Ful) Join Deer t ON mp. deptne = dept-depino § | NATURAL JOIN ° ] 2) t+ has 2 Genavious ® D4 behave PS a Imex JON Ghen nen is sRelgtion betwee the dey bled’. |G) a+ behave fs cartes) join when there is “Jo Relation bepween tno. te les cohese _ gmames 'Aulen' J coferto Enamesmenagen name aNd “thee He ik_em? cootking jn dept ‘jo 9R go Ind amgget earning more than’ fer Av? emp meee fn__loc Reo Yous Bee @3c). 2. Ss Beate anges coaainccirr sa a + (bere Eling =a! empna AND ao — El.defino = d\-deptno AND Exiclepyno = r s 32.4epiny AtvdD ante IN C 1,40) AND t frm emp : e, A).toc py ("New yo! Ichicige! J, | @fotD mame. ance 9 ers mame and managers — I menage rs Man e a Pa: StleCt __€) emame £2 MayMNAMN®, €3. May NaI Me =" fom EMP b), em? ca, Emp ¢3 cahere ELOgR = fot EMP a FinuD €i.mag = E93. EMPNo 5 : T ; S | comet & 0 mame, ‘ ager name alony with: them name ifemp enn anore thay] {000 AND manager excens "Merve _ shan Ailem And Managers's menage r ee a ane ae S| cope¢D Emnerme y-mn¢ | emp dname ane) anna gens _ nde, = SglecT _ElLemame @&ename, ol) mame, eladname fiom __eme Al, emPer, dep) ch, clept le GQheve _€). mye = E22. empno AND El -clepino = cl clepano (AND Ea.depino = cldclepino S| copay Emame, manages nome are) ‘their linaime | Lit emp eusn move cthan 2000 ame “manager Sve ing im __clep} 20. Bos z 5 [3a i] SECT &\mame fa.name, cl rame,cly.ndme | from empei, eme ee, dept di, dept de these. Ehmary = 2.EmP no FIND E)-depino = J) .lepino AND £4-depyno = drctepyny AND 1 0 ID Fax. Os Sil cwohptD &nayns manages name, AND thei mame jk sme eiwning emote than Smith gal omang ex ayening emove than Fie. ns _|l_ Stiecr Elname, EX mame, ay-nmaMe _, dx.name fiom emp ©, emper, dept di, dept due Cokes’, 6) (ngs) =| Fee PIN 6 AND Elcepin's = dhdepiny (v2 Ze.depinn = dadepino AND mn J St _& Serer @ i Phen eel eau ao b [eet | [Derr ER. MIR = E3-emPno a a Lele |— - ) fete Pe] Note‘ s.r [as lag a rag oot [ering N>Ta ble. pea Join = Cnet ConneChoy) i Note 3 The we wernt to join ‘nq mo fuble, cox. wiibe waiting C=) join (omelition. | we Can join Upto ase eile using trmer jo\s) all z SE samelmeneqornamn @ + SHES. Oy Us Bes, Coe a | ——— —— BLECT El. imqme , Z| -hfreclete | ens emt, Fa laesect. fom Emp €), ae Dhert ¢).m4n = ex-enfve fa Fihiehe) 6 sivelane > act 0NS | Setect e1. ongme, £5 pum. fiem__eme Ely emP_Ee Bherw S4. MGA = Ex -empNo > | STNCH “Si |2Aery Gupnime, mattesen¢namnecrd the Schepers move setuiiS pes €lmgRk = €-empnd. Adler a SEE SRREETs yee deproe Dsucdepanannaons D1-dearevo zs Tox ye } fs - Ize ~lENIMe F ex Ename 5 Ose) Peik 1 frre GaP ch, tempt, dept Ly dept ce. | Awd | = here senmgR = ete pne fra ¢:1.depine = ly.degino | gidepino= Ae-depin ay 9) ramp 64 Cli used) CRow-By = pow] Having Cis usel) Ccnaoup- By- Graup) Ctaroup- 84- mupy Chow ye Row) | (Groupe 64— Creepy mame In fisc. oQDER. Select _ename t fiom emp _ whserte. ORDER BY Ename. Gl OfPTD SA In Desc oRDER Select SAL from eme ul ORDER 84 Plz Desc + | 8 | ©Ae19 emame In Desc ORDER e(eaha5" Seiect Ename from me. ORDER By mame DESC _+ 8 OfotD Ename AND deAmo In ASc ORDER Ans || SEtect Emame, Depno Geom emp 7 @ ORDER By Ename, deppno + S| cope to” Anwar Saiget I) the lege atders: Seyect SA * be AYN PR Sot from eme ORDER: 8 PHY NU ft Sar * Slaky oRDFR- By *- — 2 3+ js use +o Sem the wecorels J) As coneling 8 dexeneling oder: >| ORDER a clAUsE Must Be _watten as | last clause _in- the Stttement. ORD: ly AY Se. CA4Ses. default oRDER BY clause SRT the Becorels e Sé) \7 AS Cenading Oder > Oe Em pass Cluven mame “oR ExPression Ais an Qryument in order oy cause. 2] we Gn pass fu2as ame jn_order by dause. *F | SH mex f= iia Select guup—b4- eee banc FRom, elie name (ahere ) Comup By Glummname/expression J ORDER BY ColuTM -name Cfs ( Een p On eve. mame= ‘smart’ D5 CI a a Ht er details here, amanager got. erminy Same ws. U Elmeimestrmagme cl), “fy hr #% from Ex? €1, emp & dept oll, dept dy | ohese _El» 4 = edi empno AND | rev Els depimoi= ida deppno | Anya ASAT LN e SECT _¢24SA feo emp Et; Emped ahese ElimgQ =er-Empno — : _ Cap" b4 £2:54 | : havin Cay CRIS] » LAhPTD Manages cleeils jk manage Pie. Kise) on Same, okey. S€ lect C2. ) Eme El, EMP ¢. edhexe El-MgR = EQ. emp No Aw ty frseckste. SN é Cetect sy. hivedeste. Meme & Emp: (Whewe. S).MjR =sa-Enpne Emp= €, | managen 2 E ——" SS jy ew ons Chieigo.” Select €). Mame, Ena Mme, —_ | 62 namy 4anqmé fon __ mp El,_ Emr 6a, nt deed ds hese, EWN = EXENo — Edmgg = EsEempno FIND AiGsll Fldepmos di depyny AND Gadepne = dacdepiny find &.deppno = d3. deptno AND ELSA S Jou AND 2ash) > ( Sslecr sft Feom 1s em? | her enamies ‘aven!) An | iy an (ONesiox!, “Wchiege!): —_ Vo es, D a mel ™ PTD _Enayne,| Tnanasen Name a aaa en's menaqes Mame cieng elt thel’s for jk 4 emp hire before mq rin a4nel moma ger cas irq i Acounting oR Sajes leet and. manager's smnangg ee exriing a) more than Smith Note t= Thee Stretement cree ute: Commit | En €2~ €) : am dy SELECT + Elienamey &&ename 5 E45! ngme dept ab) “dept AY deprdy fom gmp El, emp 68, EMP <3 dept di,depidy dept dy é 5 Ohek& Els mgyRe éxepno! AND &umngpe &émena AND El.degino = clidepind And + fledepino = cladeAinag Anp Moa Ey Colympn-name Neo Det To Mods Not Null Cnsdrmts 2 Isqnix = ALTER TABIE eible-mome Msd=6\_Celumn-name existing kart pe cous) | Net Nuy + aa . | al@0 ADD FoR éray iss See 2 = ADD COMMoN Caymn As ADD Cons4reiiits AlttR TABLE TAGLE-nAame ADD CnstRAInIT Colname-REE foREToON eee R ce Ty zB Col. TRUNCATE i T+ fs use) +o Remove Ai the - Records fem the Tale foemantateh > eo aaa TABLE teibe-name.s os Drop © Dhsis Use) fo memove the, ucle fom pall tt the orte}boases —— 2 Sart ea ‘S. Jena % | Recoers “the ales + sa Morte. $= Bovee Gian tuvdeane To GEPoRe DRop: ——~ S 1 Ke ead-nqme Symten i- CReflte VIEW Vi en As. Sélect Sa) setememt = & * | Rename cthe ‘eile. {= a DI Thi: R the. -Ex{S iting object SSystex t : Nee ‘ = Torte : Dy 5 ; ; — 2k ALTGR {This Stotement is user) to mse ity the. Existing objert( Tonle ) 2/010 Ans A Colm = | ae ADD Clywm-name Deutpe Gnsreint ial 2I@ npop 4 Column _{- Stax t- ‘ ATER TABLE Table-name, oes DRoP. Column —_Column_ncame + | a2 IG) t2 Rename a Colum f= meer et ees - ALTER Thre. -uvie-ngme RemAme ColUMIN Clumn-mame To Newo-Glumn name, + toa i Kao to qos dele. Commer: CRefite Thple -kible- name a Column ames _‘Decertype, _ Congourrts a ump Names — Dertertype, Onset, |_ _Golumy) -ncimen _¢ Go Spent » | Rasen fetble, Paman key CONSTRAINT Col-NAMe . Fix PREZON ey Golname) References fasem+-tuble mame Column name) Fs) . to @fy fA epic i q | Tea ble-m As Select S94] Sietemeve— + S| & CReAte TABle PANcigex ) To Codtecmothes As ricible manage Select + for emp tebe. | form emp chew® — SoB=" ancmagon' Gis Eh EcsIQ MN RefThel OV fecOmai aay nin ai 2h fs a virgquan fable hich js Creates on the Recut oF Tuer » 2 || At. ldegnt o@upy fing memory. ) finy Chamges sf) Hoe paiqinut feroie will have. ie an _imeact Or the View Crvcdek 01 the teylble. 6ROER _ mn const * yw ae | Thi > smell fy and “sem ove. a dettsbdSe 1 ————____ - >| these ave S— eraremmente @_crepue _ ©) “TRONcATE — @ Rewame (5) DRep @ Aer ; 2) mote g- Thi Sectemen¢ doe quio Commit Hieetemenrts « es >| @cCeepte Thi jestement IS Use) “to Qns}puct an object in the dat basee DI_@ To cCReeAte A eyo) Syatix _CReAte TABLE feblencim e. C__Giumnnames Seteeype Constecints, Glynn named = Dorey pe Cnsbuints { Glyynnn name nN onstmyj\n pe 3 to_S}stem iy ; Creote view to sgotts Ju = = - IS) Reve. {I+ js ute! to tke pack the giver Sajak {0 REVOKE: Sy). skutement oN Tanles name FRoM uses Names y alee: Reve: Soler aN Emp FRom HR* iA 4 21 To commect otnew uses ) 4 iqfo am other g:! a fo jump ome User meh f 5 he =| CONNECT B [conn OSeRnAme: 9! Scot: Fasswort _f§ TIMER iA fy tet < LSTA f Taynsach on fonda] lige Sele) : pe ‘0. 109) ce pL} | @ Commst te fs suse) to Say spensaction inte oe Santry o COMM2T @sAvepoant oo tt fs ysed fo Ta —tamea cH. io ° Lt iss se) cvith Rec | ee ae a fax °° 9Ave Pont aS, int = : : paint names > | wo tt is u back the Sage) +nsqction. | Syntay ‘ RoLLBAck : 4 tex S= RaltRacis To avepoint Names Del CAeta Cntr} lernguansfe Jie It Is eet to Comtont the Hear ot dager ) (CoRGNT { 4+ is used to Give pees ss ion te a Users @oetere = tf Secor. 2 , Spore Sc DeleTe FRom Table. name” WHERE > 2 3 MeleTE FRom _ PRoDUcTEE 1 1+ Puiohewe PrO= 77 7+ an emce _befadeer| DROP" Toninrete, Dele 76. EpRoMRE ES eeinGre iar Delecre) rot 1 2 eI Sj e pow) t Mm en ene te ble . froma Yebote: Tremove. speci tic (f and Shuichi. but Structy se. 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