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Data Communication

⚫ Communication means the exchange of information
or messages
⚫ The transfer of data (information) from one
computer system to another system is called Data
⚫ Data is transmitted electronically from one system
to other systems using standard methods
⚫ Data is transmitted from one place to another in the
form of signals, which may be in analog or digital
Elements of Data Communication System
⚫ Transmitter (A device that is used for sending the
message )
⚫ Medium (The path through which the message is
sent / transmitted )
⚫ Receiver (A device that is used for receiving the
message )
Characteristics of Communication System
⚫ Delivery
The message must be delivered from sending
device to the correct destination device (receiver)
⚫ Accuracy
The message must be delivered accurately. If there
is any error occurred during the transmission, the
message must be re-transmitted.
⚫ Timeliness
Message must be delivered within time. It is very
important in real time systems because data or
message becomes useless if it is not delivered timely.
(e.g. TV Transmission)
⚫ Message/data is broken into small groups or data
segments before being transmitted from one
communication device to another
⚫ Includes the following information
◦ Payload
● The part pf the packet which contains actual data or message
being sent.
◦ Header
It contains Information about:
● The type of data in the payload section
● The sender and receiver of the data
● A sequence number so that the data from multiple packets can be
reassembled at the receiver side in correct order.
⚫ The data is transmitted from one place to another in
the form of electromagnetic or light waves through
communication medium
⚫ The electromagnetic or light waves representing
data called signals
Types of Data Transmission
⚫ Analog Data Transmission
◦ Transfer data in the form of analog signals or in the form of
continuous waves
⚫ Digital Data Transmission
◦ Transfer data in the form of digital signals
Data Communication Protocol

⚫ The software that guides or instructs computer

system and devices about how data is to be
transferred from one place to another
⚫ All machine based communications must follow
certain set of rules for exchange of data between
sender and receiver
⚫ The set of rules is called protocol
⚫ This software enables us to communicate with other
Elements of Protocol

1. Syntax
Syntax refers to the format or structure of data. The
protocol accepts the data according to the predefined
format. For Example, a protocol may expet the format
of data as;
◦ First 8 bits of stream to be header of packet
◦ Second 8 bits representing the payload.
◦ In first 8 bits, the initial 4 bits would represent the sender
address, and next 4 bits would represent the receiver
2. Semantics
Semantics refers to the meaning of each section
of the bit stream. It includes: how a particular
pattern of bits to be interpreted and what action to
be taken based on that interpretation.

3. Timing
It refers to;
◦ When data should be sent
◦ How fast it can be sent?
Functions of Data Communication
⚫ Data Sequencing
◦ Divide the long message into small packets of fixed size
⚫ Data Routing
◦ Find the most efficient path or route between the sender
and receiver
⚫ Flow Control
◦ Control the rate of data transmission from the sender to the
receiver. Helps to control the congestion. It regulates the
process of sending data between fast sender and slow
⚫ Error Control
◦ Detect and recover errors for successful data
communication between the sender and receiver
Data Transmission Modes

⚫ The manner or way in which data is transmitted

from one place to another is called data transmission
◦ Simple Mode (e.g. data sent from computer to printer)
◦ Half Duplex Mode (e.g. Data browsing over the internet)
◦ Full Duplex Mode (e.g. Telephone communication system)
Types of Data Transmission Modes

⚫ Parallel Transmission
◦ A groups of bits of data flow at the same time (in parallel)
through separate communication lines. It is fast
transmission mode. (e.g. data transmission between CPU
and main memory through buses)
⚫ Serial Transmission
◦ A group of bits flow in sequential order through single
communication line. It is slower communication mode
because data is sent sequentially, bit by bit on a single
communication line. (e.g. Mouse uses serial transmission
to send command signals inside the computer)
Methods of Data Transmission

⚫ Asynchronous Transmission
◦ Data is transmitted character by character. Each character
is transmitted as a stream of bits. Start bit and stop bits are
used to differentiate between next starting character. Data
is not saved before transmission. Slow transmission.
⚫ Synchronous Transmission

◦ Data is transmitted block by block or word by word. Each

block may contain several bytes of data. Data is saved
before transmission for the formulation of a block. No start
or stop bits are used, instead clock signals are used to
schedule or control the transmission of information.
Distinguish between Asynchronous and
Synchronous Transmission
⚫ Data is transmitted character by character while data
is transmitted block by block or word by word
Communication Channel

⚫ Bandwidth measures the amount of information that

can be transmitted through the media within the
given period of time
◦ For analog signals bandwidth is measured in hertz
◦ For digital signals, it is represented in bits per second
⚫ Different transmission media have different
Categories of Transmission Media
⚫ Guided Media/Physical Transmission Media
⚫ Unguided Media/Wireless Transmission Media
Physical Transmission Media
⚫ Communication devices are directly linked with
each other via cables or other physical material for
data communication
⚫ Also referred to as wired channel
⚫ Usually used in LAN
⚫ Physical transmission media used in transmission
◦ Twisted Pair Cable
◦ Coaxial Cable
◦ Fiber-Optic Cable
Twisted Pair Cable
Coaxial Cable
Fiber Optic Cable
Wireless Transmission Media
⚫ Communication devices communicate with each
other and data is communicated through the air or
space using broadcast radio signals, microwave
signals and infrared signals
⚫ This transmission medium is used when it is
impossible to install the cables
⚫ Commonly used wireless transmission media are:
◦ Broadcast Radio
◦ Cellular Radio
◦ Microwaves
◦ Communication Satellite
◦ Infrared
⚫ Introduction to Information Technology by Riaz
Shahid, CM Aslam and Safia Iftikhar
⚫ The Concepts of Information Technology by Imran
Saeed, Ahsan Raza, Tariq Mehmood and Zafar

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